Michigan Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Educators
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MABSWE President Michigan Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Educators Susan Bowden 1220 S. Genesee, Lansing MI 48915 Vice-president/secretary Phone: (989) 774-2690 Fax: (989) 774-2140 Cassandra Bowers May, 17/2013 Treasurer Susan Grettenberger Members Present: Sue Bowden President, Michigan State Univ. Cassandra J. Bowers, Vice President, Wayne State Univ. ; Stephanie Brandimarte , Oakland University Desiree Davis, Andrews Univ Wendy Samuels, Maxine Thome ,NASW, Rebecca Weisrma Madonna
Scott Berlin .Kristian Admiral, Calvin College Debbie Christian, Calvin College . Dalila John, Siena Heights Judi Meerman Kuyper College Gregg Scott, Kuyper University Ferris Shellie Shuurman, Grand Valley State, University Rachel Venema, Calvin College Abigail Wyche, Northern Michigan University,
Shellie Budd, DHS, Deb Weiner, DHS Sara Goad CWTI, Leslie Montgomery CWTI Duane Breijak, NASW
Sue Bowden, opened the meeting at 10:10 AM with a welcome and introductions of guests and members present.
Shellie Budd of DHS provided the following information regarding the new field placement initiative Leslie Montgomery Child Welfare Institute DHS
Q and A’s were entertained by DHS
Leslie Montgomery: CWI regarding the Child Welfare Certificate Program.
Confirmed procedures for graduates – complete form upload with application
Leslie will send the names of student sign-up and will send an update to Ferris State
Indicated the Child Welfare course currently no minimum grade in written criteria. Stated perhaps we should delineate a standard.
Approximately eleven schools have applied to the Certificate Program
Sue Bowden will update Field Directors List. Shellie Budd: has received over 155 applications and has placed 135 and will continue placing students. Shellie expressed the process is going well.
The right time to place students is whenever comfortable doing so. Information will be sent to the proper person
Duane Breijak, discussed NASW Information:
upcoming event of Lead Day which will occur on October 23, 2014 to be held at the Lansing Center.
Scholarship winners will be announced at Lead Day (BSW Madonna, MSW Michigan State)
A question was asked about student involvement. The question was tabled until February meeting.
Duane indicated U-Link is up and running he expects to have 2-5 students from every program within the state. Contact list opened until October 31, 2013. Orientation will occur November 17, 2013
There is a new campaign underway – face of social workers in our state.
Motion for approval of minutes from the May, 2014 meeting was approved.
It should be noted Calvin College has classes on Friday, therefore difficult to attend meetings on that day.
Treasurers Report:
$3,114.00 in the bank. Dues reminders will be sent out shortly. Individuals can write a check and obtain reimbursement
We currently have 2 accounts: checking and savings
There is a small audit committee (Denise Dedman and Wendy Samuels) Wendy and Sue Grettenberg will meet
Web page update – IN PROGRESS – monies have been approved to work on this
In State Conference discussed, Scott, Wendy S, and Sue G will work on the event. Lucy Mercier offered Saginaw Valley as a site for the conference. SAVE THE DATE May 16 suggested.
Various Schools presented information regarding their MSW Program Ferris: provided an update on MSW Programs: documents presented; self study occurred no feed-back given at this point. University approval process on track, currently at the Senate level. Will present October 1, 2013 . it will then go to Provost. Open foundation will begin Fall 2013.
Andrews: Olina Baltizar is the New MSW Director; Margaret Howell- Dual degree Theology/MSW
Western: Infusing social and economic justice, has block field placement
Spring Arbor: at the same point as Ferris
Eastern: 75-80 students. Has a cohort model geared toward working professionals offered in the evening only.
University of Michigan: currently enjoying the largest advanced standing program. Highlighted new initiative Integrative Health Scholarship (Health and Mental health) four semester program. Admitted 800 students Advanced Standing students must complete 45 credits
Scholarships offered
$20, 000, .00 scholarship Field internship occurs UofM hospital. First cohort to begin September 2013 Clinical Scholars $20,000,00 for those interested in clinical work in urban settings primarily in Detroit Wahlberg Scholarship (full scholarship) via MABSWE
Michigan State: Tina Thompson, Coordinator distant Program, Kelly ___ Advisor. There are two tracks: Clinical and Organizational and Community leadership. Students must complete 57 credits (2 or 3 years). Advanced Standing students must complete 38 credits. There are 6 program sites (E. Lansing, Flint, Saginaw)
CE presentation “Boundary Ethics in Social Work Practice: Management of Dual Relationships, sexual misconduct and Boundary Bending” presented by Greg Scott LMSW
Meeting adjourned 12:00PM
Respectfully submitted
Cassandra J Bowers
Vice President/Secretary