Rev. Jack Van Dyken

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Rev. Jack Van Dyken

SIBLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH The Lord’s Day – August 13, 2017 GOD SPEAKS TO US THROUGH HIS WORD Ben Wiersma Rev. Jack Van Dyken *Song of Preparation: “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart” Red #249:1,2,4 Welcome to the Sibley Christian Reformed Church … *Prayer for Illumination A place to gather, worship, and praise the Lord! Scripture: Philippians 2:12-18 (page 1827) Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. Pastor: To us, this is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God! WE DESIRE TO GROW IN CHRIST Prelude Sermon: “It Takes Work” Welcome/Announcements Prayer of Application *Call to Worship: Matthew 11:28-30 *Song of Application: “Take Time to Be Holy” Red #442:1-3 *Opening Prayer WE STRIVE TO LIVE HOLY LIVES *God’s Greeting: Philippians 1:2 *Benediction: Philippians 4:23 *We Greet One Another *Doxology: “Be Thou My Vision” Red #382:1&4 *Song of Praise: “In Christ Alone” (video) *Moment of Reflection Postlude WE SEEK HOLINESS AND PURITY IN CHRIST *please stand if able

God’s Will for Our Lives: Matthew 6:1-4 TODAY is PREPARATORY SUNDAY. The Lord willing, we hope Quartet: “Abide with Me” to celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday morning. Therefore, God’s word instructs us to examine our lives prior to partaking of Preparatory Exhortation for the Lord’s Supper the sacrament. Page 155 back of Blue Hymnal There will be a Vespers Communion service held in the Council Assurance of Forgiveness: Romans 5:8-9 room next Sunday at 4:30 p.m. for anyone who is not able to attend the service in the morning. Song of Praise: “Living for Jesus” Red #372:1-3 We welcome our student pastor Ben Wiersma as he leads us in our morning worship service. Rev. Jack Van Dyken from Spirit WE BRING OUR PRAYERS AND OFFERINGS Lake will lead our evening worship service. May the Lord bless Pastoral Prayer the proclamation of His Holy Word. Offering 1st blue bag – General Budget 2nd red bag – Library Fund Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Prelude Next Sunday Rev. Jack Van Dyken from Spirit Lake will lead our Welcome/Announcements morning worship service. Our student pastor Ben Wiersma will lead our evening worship service. Call to Worship: Everyone is invited to stay for coffee fellowship following the God’s Greeting morning service. Coffee servers will be Lois Haverkamp & Judy Steen Song of Praise: “It is Good to Sing Thy Praises” Red #584:all Next Sunday coffee servers will be Charlie & Pearl Vander Pol, Marilyn Zevenbergen Profession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed PRAYER LIST of our servicemen: Song of Faith: “Because He Lives” Red #213:all Dylan Johnson (nephew of Lori and Loren Bosma) Patrick Kyle Whitley (grandson of Irene Timmerman) Prayer for Illumination Preston Smidt (grandson of Ed and Mary Ellen Smidt) Dan Fisher (nephew of Cliff & Karen Wynia) Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18 Luke Bootsma (grandson of Garrold Bootsma) Nathan Grave (grandson of Donna Grave) Sermon: “The Belt of Truth” OUR SHUT INS Prayer of Application Remember our shut ins in your prayers and with your visits: Sibley Specialty Care: Judy Eekhoff Hymn of Application: “Trust and Obey” Red #349:all Sheldon Sanford Senior Care: Bob Zonnefeld Prairie View Home: Garrold Bootsma Pastoral Prayer (requests welcome) In her own home: Alice Offringa Offering: Library Fund CHURCH CALENDAR Offertory Hymn: “The Old Rugged Cross” Red #186:all TODAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service 6:00 p.m. Council meets. Devotions- *Benediction: Henry Eekhoff NEXT SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship service *Closing Hymn: “God Be with You” Red #602:all 4:30 p.m. Vespers Communion Service 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship service *Moment of Reverence *please stand if able Offerings next Sunday will be for General Budget & Benevolent * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fund SIBLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION will be held Thursday, August 17 at 5:30pm. Our celebratory program All articles for The Messenger should be given to the editor or put and Centennial Garden dedication will be held at the 9th Street th in The Messenger box by Sunday, August 20 . Centre (east of the library) and on the library grounds. Grilled hot dogs, chips, cookies and beverages will be served following the Council News: program. Please join us to celebrate changing lives and The council submits that in the first Lot for Elder the following transforming the community for 100 years. nominations: Arnie Braaksma, Darrell Teerink, and Jeff Vande Griend one of which will be chosen for Elder. In the second Lot the Justice for All will be hosting our first Foundation Event on two who do not get chosen will be put in for Deacon along with August 18th at Calico Skies Winery. The doors will open at 5:30pm Scott Arneson of which one name will be drawn for Deacon. A with a catered meal starting at 6pm. Entertainment will be drawing to extend either Henry Eekhoff or Clarence Jilderda for provided by Nick Engbers. This event is for those who are a part one more year will also be held. Selection will be made as part of of our Foundation or would like to become a part of it. If you’re th the August 20 morning service by casting of lots. interested in learning more about this fabulous evening, feel free to contact Joel DeWit at (712)476-2804 or [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Our church is responsible for helping with BINGO at Sibley Specialty Care on Fridays during the month The monthly Fishes & Loaves Kitchen meal is being held in the of August at 2:00 p.m. We will need 3 volunteers for each Friday. Sibley First Presbyterian Church fellowship hall on Saturday, Please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the mailbox ledge to August 19, at 6 p.m. BBQ sandwiches, a relish tray and indicate which Friday you can help. Thank you! watermelon will be served. All are cordially invited to attend the meal. No charge or freewill offering. Volunteers needed: The Clay County Fair is fast approaching. We again need volunteers to work in the Bible League Volunteer ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS booth. Ocheyedan and Sibley CRC’s are scheduled to work on September 9, 11, 13, 15 & 17 shifts 12-4 and 4-8 pm. If you are The Sheldon Christian Retirement Home will be hosting the able to help please sign the signup sheet on the mailbox ledge Teach Boys, who are from the George, IA area, on Thursday, which day & shift that works for you before August 20. Please August 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for the Third Ice Cream Social of the make this a matter of prayer. season. The public is invited to attend, please bring your own lawn chairs. The concert will be held by the main entrance. In the case Volunteers needed: Our church is again responsible for Meals of rain, it will be moved to the Lower Level Social Room. A free on Wheels for the weeks of August 28 and September 4. If you will donation will be taken. Following the concert, please join us for can help there is a signup sheet on the mailbox ledge. Thank you! a time of fellowship with ice cream, homemade bars, coffee, and punch. Bible for Missions Thrift Store are having their fall change-over On Friday, August 25, All Nations City Church (a local ministry of summer items to winter items on Monday and Tuesday, August which organizes worships, picnics, and seminars to celebrate 14 & 15. They invited all who are willing to help to come one day. diversity and unity in Jesus), in partnership with LifeLight, is They plan to start at 9:00 AM and work until 3:00 PM. Donuts and hosting a Multicultural Night. Place: Sertoma Park's Shelter, Sioux coffee will be furnished. Falls. Time: 6--8pm; Features: Great multicultural music; Potluck supper of various ethnic foods. All are welcomed! Ask a friend or two to join you at the retreat hosted by Bible League International Volunteers on September 12 at the First In Hours of Discouragement Reformed Church in Sioux Center, IA. There are only a few days God Is Our Encouragement left to register (deadline is August 25), so fill out your form and send it in today! Late bookings will incur an extra fee. Encourage Sometimes we feel uncertain your family and friends to come along with you for a great day! And unsure of everything, (See the brochure on the mailbox ledge for costs) Our featured Afraid to make decisions, speaker, Kendra Smiley, will hold your attention with her insight Dreading what the day will bring— and wit. The Valley Male Chorus will end the day with a concert We keep wishing it were possible filled with their combined voices from different communities and To dispel all fear and doubt churches. This is a retreat you won’t want to miss! Don’t wait! And to understand more readily Just what life is all about – Cornerstone Prison Church Faith Fellowship Weekend, God has given us the answers Friday, Sept. 22 – 6:00-8:00pm and Sept. 23 & 24 – 7:15am- Which too often go unheeded, 4:00pm each day. The theme for the weekend is “Formula for But if we search His promises Successful Living.” We will be digging into God’s Word to look at We’ll find everything that’s needed Jeremiah 29:11-14, 1 John 2:9-11 and others. Join us for To lift our faltering spirits worship, large group talks and small group discussions. Let us And renew our courage, too, know if you can attend the whole weekend or just a portion of it. If For there’s absolutely nothing you would like more information or to sign up, please contact us Too much for God to do – at [email protected] or call 605-496-8152. Thank you For the Lord is our salvation for considering this wonderful ministry opportunity! And our strength in every fight, Our redeemer and protector, Ride for Tim for the month of August is Darrell Teerink Our eternal guiding light – He has promised to sustain us, POWER POINT TODAY: Jenny Cuadros He’s our refuge from all harms, Next Sunday: Nate Runia And underneath this refuge Are the everlasting arms – USHERS TODAY Duane Runia, Scott Arneson So cast your burden on Him, Next Sunday Jeff Vande Griend, Scott Arneson Seek His counsel when distressed, And go to Him for comfort LIBRARIANS TODAY Pearl Vander Pol When you’re lonely and oppressed – Next Sunday Dee Jilderda For God is our encouragement In trouble and in trials, NURSERY TODAY A.M. Larry & Lavonne Andringa And in suffering and in sorrow Next Sunday A.M. Loren & Lori Bosma He will turn our tears to smiles. Helen Steiner Rice

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