AGRA Watch Fact Sheet
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AGRA Watch Fact Sheet Updated December 7, 2010
Press Release Citations
AGRA Watch http :// www . seattleglobaljustice . org / agra - watch /
La Via Campesina North America http :// viacampesinanorteamerica . org / en /
Organizational Sign-on Letter http :// www . seattleglobaljustice . org / agra - watch / organizational - sign - on - letter /
“Tell the Gates Foundation to Support Real Solutions to Hunger” Petition http :// www . change . org / petitions / view / tell _ the _ gates _ foundation _ to _ support _ real _ solutio ns _ to _ hunger
African Biodiversity Network http :// africanbiodiversity . org / abn _ old / index .html
La Via Campesina, “The people create thousands of solutions to confront climate change!” http :// viacampesina . org / en / index . php ? option = com _ content & view = article & id =941: the - people - create - thousands - of - solutions - to - confront - climate - change & catid =48:- climate - change - and - agrofuels & Itemid =75
International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, IAASTD http :// www . agassessment .org
Climate Change and Agriculture Resources
Ching, Lim Li. The Oakland Institute. “Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting Food Security Needs, Addressing Climate Change.” http :// www . oaklandinstitute . org /? q = node / view /494
African Biodiversity Network Policy Position: False Solutions at Copenhagen and Beyond http :// africanbiodiversity . org / abn _ old / documents _ SSL _ items / ABN _ climate _ statement
Food Security Learning Center, Climate Change and the Food System [VIDEO] http :// www . whyhunger . org / programs / fslc / topics / climate .html
Statement by Hindoou O. Ibrahim: CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA; Ninth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 04/26/2010 http :// www . ipacc . org . za / eng / news _ details . asp ? NID =247
Esipisu, Isaiah. New Internationalist magazine. “Surviving Climate Change.” http :// www . newint . org / features /2010/09/01/ surviving - climate - change /
Climate Negotiations Resources
Official website of the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun COP 16/CMP 6 http :// unfccc . int /2860. php
COP 16/CMP 6 Mexico 2010 News Center http :// cc 2010. mx / en / press - center /
La Via Campesina coverage of events http :// viacampesina . org / en / index . php ? option = com _ content & view = category & layout = blog & id =48& Itemid =75
CIP Americas program coverage of events http :// www . cipamericas . org / archives / category / climate - change
Sign-on Letter Resources
Pesticide Action Network North America, Key Findings of IAASTD http :// www . panna . org / jt / agAssessment, http :// www . panna . org / jt / origins
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa report, 2008. http :// www . unep - unctad . org / cbtf / publications / UNCTAD _ DITC _ TED _2007_15. pdf
Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trial (FST) http :// www . rodaleinstitute . org / fst
For a comprehensive overview of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), please see our website: ● AGRA Watch Campaign Overview and Publications: http :// www . seattleglobaljustice . org / agra - watch / ● AGRA Watch Resources: http :// www . seattleglobaljustice . org / agra - watch / agra - watch - resources /
Altieri, Miguel. Agroecology in Action. “The Myths of Agricultural Biotechnology.” http :// agroeco . org / doc / the _ myths .html
Rosset, Peter and Miguel Altieri. “ Ten Reasons Why Biotechnology will not Ensure Food Security , Protect the Environment and Reduce Poverty in the Developing World.” http :// www . foodfirst . org / en / node /305