Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report

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Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report

Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report

EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate B - Environmental quality of Natural resources ENV.B1 – Water, the Marine and Soil


BRUSSELS 28-30 MAY 2002


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BLOCK I – INTRODUCTION/SETTING THE SCENE...... 4 1.1 Introduction...... 4 1.2 Current status/targets of directives...... 5 1.2.1 Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC)-...... 5 1.2.2 “Nitrates Directive” (91/676/EEC)-...... 5 1.2.3 Water Framework Directive (2000/ 60 /EC)-...... 6 1.2.4 Discussions...... 7 BLOCK II – DEFINITIONS...... 8 2.1 Introduction...... 8 2.2 Presentations...... 8 2.2.1 Definitions in the Nitrates Directive-...... 8 2.2.2 Direct and indirect financial implications of water quality degradation-...... 8 2.3 Main discussion points...... 9 2.4 Conclusions...... 9 BLOCK III – EUTROPHICATION MECHANISMS AND REFERENCE CONDITIONS...... 9 3.1 Introduction...... 9 3.2 Presentations...... 9 3.2.1 Marine eutrophication resistance linked with the physical environment...... 9 3.2.2 Thresholds of environmental sustainability – Case of nutrients...... 10 3.2.3 First results of the WFD-Working Group on typology, classification of transitional, coastal waters- 11 3.2.4 WFD Working Group on reference conditions for inland surface waters-...... 11 3.2.5 Reference values for nutrients and ecosystems under ‘natural conditions’ in marine waters- 12 3.2.6 Specific problems of brackish and transitional waters-...... 14 3.3 Conclusions...... 15 BLOCK IV – CASE STUDIES ON ADVERSE EUTROPHICATION...... 16 4.1 Objective...... 16 4.2 Presentations...... 16 4.2.1 Lakes and reservoirs...... 16 4.2.2 Conclusions...... 19 4.3 Rivers, estuaries and brackish waters...... 20 4.3.1 Presentations...... 20 4.4 Coastal and marine waters...... 21 4.4.1 Presentations...... 21 4.4.2 Conclusions...... 22 BLOCK V – RECENT KNOWLEDGE ON NUTRIENTS INFLUENCE...... 23 5.1 Toxic blooms- frequency and duration...... 23 5.1.1 Presentations...... 23 5.2 Macrophyte nuisance...... 24 5.2.1 Presentations...... 24 5.2.2 Discussions...... 28 BLOCK VI – MODELS AND MONITORING NETWORKS...... 28 6.1 Presentation and discussion of models linked with previous case studies...... 28 6.1.1 Objectives...... 28 6.1.2 Presentations...... 29 6.1.3 Discussions...... 30 6.2 Monitoring networks and existing methods. Complementarity and limits...... 31 6.2.1 Objective...... 31 6.2.2 Presentations of monitoring networks and existing methods...... 31 6.2.3 Discussions...... 34 BLOCK VII – INDICATORS / CLASSIFICATION OF WATERS AND EUTROPHICATION CRITERIA....35 7.1 Review of classification of fresh waters: Criteria and classifications used by Member States...... 35 7.1.1 Presentations...... 35 The JRc review of criteria for freshwaters...... 35 7.1.2 Discussions...... 36 7.1.3 Conclusions...... 36 7.2 Review of classification of brackish and marine waters:...... 37

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7.2.1 ERM review on Criteria and classification of threshold values...... 37 7.2.2 The holistic approach of OSPAR...... 38 7.2.3 The CHARM project,...... 38 7.3 Recommendations...... 39 BLOCK VIII - MONITORING GUIDELINES FOR EU-DIRECTIVES...... 40 8.1 Objective...... 40 8.2 Presentations...... 40 8.2.1 Draft Guidelines for the Monitoring required under the Nitrates Directive...... 40 BLOCK IX – RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOW UP...... 42 ANNEX 1: PARTICIPANTS LIST...... 44 ANNEX 2: AGENDA...... 47 ANNEX 3: CIRCA...... 51

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BLOCK I – INTRODUCTION/SETTING THE SCENE Chairman: Patrick Murphy-European Commission

1.1 Introduction The Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria was organised by the DIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT of the EC in Brussels 27-29 May 2002. It was chaired by Mr Patrick Murphy (DG Environment) and attended by participants from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK (see Annex 1- List of participants). Participants included a number of invited scientists selected by the EC and one representative per Member State. The agenda of the Workshop is at Annex 2.

The Chairman Mr Patrick Murphy, Head of Unit at DG Environment of the EC, welcomed the Workshop participants to Brussels. He explained that the issue of eutrophication was linked to several key directives such as the Nitrates Directive, Urban Waste Water Directive and the Water Framework Directive. Five of the ten Working Groups established to develop Guidelines for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (Common Implementation Strategy) were concerned with eutrophication.

The Workshop would consider the issue of eutrophication in the context of:

 The Water Framework Directive (WFD)  The Nitrates Directive  The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive  The future marine strategy of the Commission is finalised and will be adopted by the Commission shortly.

The objective of the workshop is to launch a process, which will lead to  Harmonising existing definitions, criteria and monitoring methods for eutrophication  Completing, in this frame, the draft ‘Monitoring Guidelines’ of the Nitrates Directive  Developing harmonised criteria in co-ordination and collaboration with the relevant WFD Working Groups.

To that end, the Workshop would:  Review the current situation with regard to eutrophication  Review the most recent technologies and scientific knowledge with regard to eutrophication  Suggest a practical and efficient approach for addressing the issue of eutrophication in the context of EU water policy.

The Chairman underlined that the discussions during the workshop would have no bearing on on-going cases in front of the European Court with regard to the implementation of the Nitrates or Urban Waste Water Directives.

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1.2 Current status/targets of directives

1.2.1 Urban Waste Water Directive (91/271/EEC)- Ms Elisabeth Hosner- European Commission

Ms Hosner outlined the relevant sections of the Urban Waste Water Directive linked to eutrophication and monitoring, viz.:

 Art. 5: Identification of sensitive areas Revision of identification every 4 years More stringent treatment (emission limit values in Annex I)  Annex II Criteria for identification of sensitive areas  Annex II A water body must be identified as a sensitive area: (a) eutrophication

Natural freshwater lakes, other freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters which are found to be eutrophic or which in the near future may become eutrophic if protective action is not taken

Annex II (b) nitrates in surface freshwaters for the abstraction of drinking water (c) further treatment necessary to fulfil directives linked with human uses of water (bathing waters, shellfish waters, surface waters, …)

Ms Hosner also recalled the definition of eutrophication in the Directive: Eutrophication means: "the enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant life to produce an undesirable disturbance to the water balance of organisms present in the water and to the quality of the water concerned."

1.2.2 “Nitrates Directive” (91/676/EEC)- Mr Jean Duchemin- European Commission

Mr Duchemin recalled that Articles 5 and 6 of the Nitrates Directive deal with water monitoring and Article 10 with reporting:

Article 10 states that Member States should report on :  Maps showing previous and newly identified polluted or threatened waters, the basis for identification, and the boundaries of designated vulnerable zones (c.f. Annexes I and V.1)  Monitoring Programs results and how this determined the identifications/designations. This includes data on “eutrophic state” and eutrophication symptoms/effects (and trends) of fresh and marine waters (art. 6.1c), with rational for designation of each zone. (c.f. Annex V.3)

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 The timescale of response in each polluted water to preventive actions on nutrients and response forecast, c.f. Annex V of the Directive.

Mr Duchemin recalled that reports should also include (c.f. Reporting Guidelines):  Information about the total territory of a Member State  Land use and overall nitrogen consumption and discharge  Content of the national code of Good Agricultural Practice  Maps showing (1) monitored nitrate levels in surface and groundwater, (2) measured surface water eutrophication status and (3) observed surface water eutrophication.  Information about each vulnerable zone/coherent group of zones/sub zones  Surface water bodies in the zone  Trends in nitrate concentrations and eutrophication in surface and ground waters in the zone for the period 1996-1998, compared with the period 1991-1994- for the year 2000 report.

Mr Duchemin explained that the establishment of eutrophication criteria was left to each Member State (c.f. Annex I of the Directive), but that the Directive opened up for a possible development of harmonised guidelines (c.f. Article 7). In 2000, the Commission developed and published within the Nitrates Committee framework, reporting guidelines that also included elements on eutrophication classification mapping.

1.2.3 Water Framework Directive (2000/ 60 /EC)- Mr Joachim D’Eugenio-European Commission

Mr D’Eugenio highlighted important aspects of the Water Framework Directive and the common grounds with other existing water related directives such as the Nitrates Directive and the Urban Waste Water Directive. With regard to efficient, coherent and comparable implementation this would be achieved by:

 Achieving coherence and comparability  Achieving common understanding and approach  Joint efforts and activities  Limiting risks of bad application  Sharing experience and information  Developing guidance  Improving information management

Mr D’Eugenio explained that the implementation of the Directive would, inter alia, entail  Information exchange and raised awareness  Development of guidance documents  Development of geographical information systems  Testing in pilot river basins

Furthermore, a Manual for integrated river basin management would be developed.

With regard to links to eutrophication and the classification and definition of “good status”, the Directive states e.g. for lakes/quality element “phytoplankton” that :

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"… Such changes do not indicate any accelerated growth of algae resulting in undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms present in the water body or to the physico- chemical quality of the water or sediment. A slight increase in the frequency and intensity of the type specific planktonic blooms may occur."

For lakes/quality element “general conditions” the Directive states that: “… Nutrient concentrations do not exceed the levels established so as to ensure the functioning of the ecosystem and the achievement of the values specified above for the biological quality elements.”

Mr D’Eugenio explained that there are strong links to work on eutrophication with five of the WFD “ Common Strategy” Working Groups or fora, namely:

 WG 2.1 (IMPRESS) on pressure and impact analysis  WG 2.3 and 2.4 on reference conditions: typology and classification for inland, transitional and coastal waters  WG 2.5 on intercalibration  WG 2.7 on monitoring  EAF-R on reporting

Furthermore, Mr D’Eugenio explained that a review of Working Groups under WFD Common Implementation Strategy for a new mandate would take place in 2003/2004, possibly including clustering of several Working Groups into larger units, such as the “Ecostat”- cluster dealing with criteria and assesment of ecological quality of waters and wetlands.

1.2.4 Discussions

In discussions, the following points were, inter alia, mentioned:  The Habitats Directive needs to be considered in the context of work on eutrophication  The increasing impact of the aquaculture industry needs to be taken into account (in rivers and lakes, fjords and coastal waters)  The problems of eutrophication in reservoirs should be addressed specifically, in particular in relation to southern Europe MS, as emphasised by the Spanish delegate  Organic matter, organic N and P should also be taken into account, not only the inorganic fractions (Din/DIP), in the monitoring of all waters  The problems associated with filamentous and/or toxic algae species, such as freshwater Cyanobacteria or dinoflagellates in maroine waters, can be important in terms of ecosystem functioning, water quality, water use (and thus on human and animal health)  It is important to use an operational approach when defining ‘eutrophication’, rather than a strict etymological approach. This means that the attribute ‘eutrophicated’ should be given to ecosystems that exhibit deleterious effects of excessive primary production (intense phytoplankton and/or macrophyte proliferation, increased toxic phytoplankton events, hypoxia and anoxia in the bottom waters), but not to ecosystems where there is only nutrient enrichment, but no present or potential noxious effects on the ecosystems and/or on water use.

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BLOCK II – DEFINITIONS Chairman: Mr Joachim D’Eugenio-European Commission

2.1 Introduction The Chairman explained that the definition of eutrophication in the UWWT and Nitrates Directives was a legally binding definition, i.e. not to be changed. However, the operational ‘understanding’ of the definition of eutrophication is type specific; in this context is ‘typology’ an important issue for clarification and discussions.

2.2 Presentations

2.2.1 Definitions in the Nitrates Directive- Mr Jean Duchemin- European Commission

Mr Duchemin explained that Article 2 of the Nitrates Directive defined pollution as “The discharge, directly or indirectly, of nitrogen compounds into the aquatic environment, the result of which are such as to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and to aquatic ecosystems, damage to amenities or interference with other legitimate use of water.”

Mr Duchemin also referred to Nixon’s definition of eutrophication (c.f. Nixon, S. W. (1995) Coastal marine eutrophication: A definition, social causes, and future concerns. Ophelia 41, 199–219), which defines eutrophication as “increase in the rate of supply of organic matter”. This increase creates then a progressive change of primary production of an aquatic ecosystem. However, this relates to the direct effects of biomass increase, not to the adverse indirect effects that are essential in the legal definition. An ‘operational’ definition of eutrophication could be “A new state of enrichment of the ecosystem, compared with pristine conditions, creating clear degradation or nuisances both for human uses of water and for general water quality (shift of species with loss of biodiversity, flora and fauna morbidity)”. All participants could support this proposed operational definition.

2.2.2 Direct and indirect financial implications of water quality degradation- Mr Thierry Davy- European Commission

Mr Davy presented elements of an economic approach related to eutrophication. He explained that it is necessary to select good indicators from the onset, monitoring the impact on marketable and non-marketable goods, and assessing the consequences of nutrient inputs downstream the discharge/loss. Furthermore, it is necessary to have good links between technicians, economists and decision-makers in order to establish direct and indirect costs (e.g. value of a threatened wetland) and the ratio of cost shares between the polluters.

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2.3 Main discussion points

During discussions the following points were, inter alia, mentioned:  It is not only the specific nutrient concentrations as such that are important, but also the balance or ratio between Si:N:P and the deviation from the natural ratio  Natural eutrophication occurs (non-anthropogenic) all over the world; the difference between this and the man-made eutrophication is the speed at which they develop and, in many cases, the differences in magnitude of variation (amplitude).

2.4 Conclusions

After further discussion, the Chairman concluded that:  The definitions of eutrophication in the “Nitrates” and “Urban Waste Water” Directives seemed adequate as a starting point for further development on the issue of eutrophication  The remaining task would be to move from definitions to a common understanding of the acceptable level of shift of structure and function of the ecosystem, compared with reference conditions and the degree of acceptable adverse indirect effects on the water quality and water use.  An ‘operational’ definition of eutrophication could be “A new state of enrichment of the ecosystem, compared with pristine conditions, creating clear present or potential degradation or nuisances both for human uses of water and for general water quality (shift of species with loss of biodiversity, flora and fauna morbidity)”.


3.1 Introduction Mr Ménesguen explained that the challenge of establishing reference conditions for eutrophication had been the object of ongoing discussions for years. Work within several organisations had brought the issue forward in recent years. More recently, the WFD has emerged as a framework for bringing this to an operational level.

3.2 Presentations

3.2.1 Marine eutrophication resistance linked with the physical environment Mr Jean-Noël Druon- JRC-ISPRA

Mr Druon presented a model approach capable of defining the level of physical sensitivity to eutrophication (PSA). Based on monthly averages of selected physical parameters in combination with actual nutrient pressures, an index representing the risk of occurrence of negative effects of eutrophication could be estimated (EUTRISK). The methodology

9/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report was applied on the North Sea and Adriatic Sea, comparing two quite different types of marine waters. By using remote sensing, direct effects of eutrophication was measured by means of the chlorophyll concentration. Compared with in situ observations from specific years, reasonable co-variance was observed. The concept was developed specifically for shallow water and it follows that comparison of risks in deeper waters and extremely shallow waters should be avoided. Planned work does, however, include increased spatial resolution (from 20 km grid to 4-8 km grid), pan-European coverage and improved algorithms, especially with regard to nitrogen cycling.

In the discussion after Mr Druon’s presentation, Mr. Peña referred to a recent meeting of Expert Advisors Forum on Reporting Tasks where the importance of co-ordination and the “common storage and presentation formats” for the information and data exchange had been highlighted. Mr. Peña explained that it is essential to obtain an integration of data and information in GIS using remote sensing information for that purpose. Spain is applying remote sensing techniques to assess the eutrophication level in Spanish inland water bodies, 90% reservoirs (there are 1500 man-made lakes in Spain). Chlorophyll concentrations, using satellite, Landsat, and airborne multispectral and hyperspectral sensors are being used. Spain is participating in the AO Projects for the new Envisat-1, (in particular the field-of-view pushbroom imaging spectrometer Meris), to develop models to classify the main groups of phytoplankton in reservoirs.

The remote sensing techniques can be used, in the monitoring of inland and marine waters, to enhance and expand the results in spatial magnitude and to save efforts in direct monitoring, i.e. reducing sampling points through the spatial integration of information. In the future, this will be a very useful tool to expand, aggregate and interpret the data, and to analyse the trends of eutrophication processes and assess reference conditions.

3.2.2 Thresholds of environmental sustainability – Case of nutrients Ms Elisabeth Lipiatou, European Commission

Ms Lipiatou explained that the “ EU Strategy on Sustainable Environment sets scientific and economic challenges not previously addressed sufficiently. It aims to assess the damage linked to human activity and attributes to them a value, which can be reflected in the right price of goods and services. It also aims to identifying the critical levels at which the cost of restoration or ‘adaptation’ would be too high. These new orientations clearly show that a strong scientific, economic and technological background is needed to justify relevant actions.

Ms Lipiatou also explained that “Thresholds of environmental sustainability” defined for eutrophication include a physical value reflecting the extreme state of the environment and an economic value reflecting the damage on monetary valuation or the restoration costs (c.f. ‘critical load concept’ applied to freshwater systems when considering acidification). Such thresholds will probably lead to useful discussions between policy makers and the public when published, which again may lead to development of new knowledge and focused contribution in the field of agricultural pollution.

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3.2.3 First results of the WFD-Working Group on typology, classification of transitional, coastal waters- Mr Uli Claussen, Umweltbundesamt, Germany

Mr Claussen explained that the working group on typology, classification of transitional, coastal waters within the WFD framework has been active for one year and drafts for guidance documents on typology, reference conditions and classification of transitional, coastal waters are now available, inter alia on the CIRCA web-site, cf. Annex 3. Furthermore, a document on the Common Understanding of Terms (e.g. definition for Water Bodies) and on the Identification of Transitional Waters has been elaborated. All guidance documents for the EU WFD will be finalised and published at the end of 2002. About one hundred ‘types’ of coastal waters have been identified for discussions; this number will be reduced to 30-50 ‘types’.

The approach taken is to divide European waters into a number of areas that all are characterised by a number of compulsory and optional factors. Ongoing work consists of developing the preliminary exhaustive list into a list of a limited number of “Eurotypes“ for further use under the WFD. Mr Claussen explained that reference conditions might relate to both qualitative and quantitative parameters. Furthermore there are probably few areas in European coastal waters that will be classified as having ‘high ecological status’ according to the criteria of the WFD. It will be necessary to consider criteria for defining “very minor disturbance”. The work on existing classification systems has shown that only a few systems are based on deviations from natural state, i.e. only a few include the concept of reference conditions. The guidance document addresses the need for five classes; the final setting of the borders between high and good status, as well as between good and moderate status are to be validated by the ‘Intercalibration exercise’ of the WFD. Member States are being asked to test existing schemes’ applicability with the EU WFD, e.g. the OSPAR Common Procedure for the Identification of the Eutrophication Status of coastal and marine waters.

3.2.4 WFD Working Group on reference conditions for inland surface waters- Ms Anne Lyche Solheim, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NIVA, Norway

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that the objective of REFCOND Working Group is to provide guidance for freshwater typology, reference conditions and principles for setting class boundaries.

With regard to typology and according to the responses from Member States, the assignment of water body types will follow system B (Annex II of the WFD) in most countries. System A is regarded less suitable for type-specific reference conditions, due to expected large variability within types. The use of the more flexible system B may pose the risk that different countries use systems that are difficult to compare, which would be an obstacle for harmonisation/intercalibration of assessment systems. A single, transparent core typology would be preferable; a system that could be refined locally. Expert groups on rivers, lakes and coastal waters within the Intercalibration Working Group have recently proposed such a simple core typology. A crucial question to be clarified is the degree of natural variation that can be accommodated within the various types. The general view is currently

11/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report that twelve to fifteen ‘types’ will be proposed for each ecoregion, both for rivers and lakes.

Reference conditions should be assessed by using either spatial data from existing monitoring sites, historical or paleo-ecological data, or predictive or hindcasting models. If none of these methods are applicable, expert judgement should be used. The guidance document on reference conditions should specify how to set limit values on quality elements to include "minimally disturbed" sites.

An evaluation of current classification methods used in European countries shows that the majority of WFD quality elements are being used in existing classification systems. However, no Member State is using all quality elements in its system. Only a small number of currently used methods are WFD compliant. In order to set class boundaries, different metrics for all the biological elements should be used (composition and abundance, sensitive taxa and diversity of phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish). Pressure - impact relationships should be well known in order to use pressure criteria and critical load models to set class boundaries. The problem of variance in the distribution of data over several status classes needs to be solved.

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that the first draft of the guidance document would be available after the first of June 2002. It will be distributed to all REFCOND participants for review and comments, after which the guidance document will be revised and then finalised in the autumn of 2002.

3.2.5 Reference values for nutrients and ecosystems under ‘natural conditions’ in marine waters- Dr Christiane Lancelot, ESA, University of Brussels- Belgium

Ms Lancelot explained the chain of effects caused by nutrient enrichment and the ratio between them. Simple monitoring, as a first alternative, is not considered a good approach for defining reference conditions in Belgian coastal waters since the time series available are obtained after the onset of human impact on the nutrient concentration in coastal waters, and the influence of North Atlantic waters varies considerably with varying climate. A second, alternative approach is based on the “mixing diagram” between North Atlantic inputs (where the nutrient concentrations are stable) and the higher nitrogen concentrations from rivers, in the south-eastern part of the North Sea.

The mechanisms behind coastal eutrophication, as presented by Ms Lancelot, are given in Figure 1.

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General Concepts Mechanisms behind coastal eutrophication Sequenceeeeeeeeutrophicationeutrophication of events: Cause: 17.Quantitative and qualitative changes of ambient nutrients:  Si:N; Si:P; N:P (coastal diatom ~16:16, 16:1, 16:1) NH4:NO3 inorganic:organic Response: 2. Change in the structure of primary producers  non-silicified phytoplankton versus diatom mixotroph versus autotroph toxic versus non-toxic phytoplankton versus macrophytes

3. Change in the structure of the planktonic and benthic system  microbial versus linear food chain gelatinous versus crustacean zooplankton fish recruitment Impact: Harmful algal blooms, food-chain disruption, fisheries collapse anoxia….

Figure 1: General concepts: coastal eutrophication

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A third alternative could be based on the notion of ‘environmental damage’, e.g. the occurrence of foamed beaches caused by mucus from blooms of Phaeocystis, and the assessment of which level of foamed beaches could be considered as an acceptable or no- damage level. Such levels then need to be compared with corresponding nutrient concentrations. A socio-economic study on this foam problems (including fish larvae development and fishing activities) is ongoing.

The fourth alternative is based on “ecosystem health”, defined as “an ecosystem that is active and able to maintain its organisation (diversity) and autonomy over time and is resilient to stress over a time and space frame relevant to that system”.

The operational definition after Constanza (1992) is:

HI=V*O*R Where: HI= system health index V = vigour (function and productivity: measurement of biological activity) O = organisation (structure, biodiversity: food-web structure and network analysis): relative index R = Resilience (modelling): relative index

In this way the index, based on the productivity, structure and resilience of the system, guides the assumptions related to reference conditions and the degree of degradation of the system.

3.2.6 Specific problems of brackish and transitional waters- Mr Alain Ménesguen, IFREMER, France

Mr Ménesguen focused his presentation on the effect chain related to eutrophication and the potential oxygen depletion following algal blooms. He explained that oxygen depletion in estuaries and river plumes may have various causes, for example:  The Seine river suffers from deep oxygen depletion in the upper part of the tidal estuary (e.g. freshwater submitted to tidal oscillation) due to nitrification of ammonia from Paris’ wastewater, whereas in the ‘Baie de Seine’, strong tidal currents prevent stratification and no important oxygen depletion occurs.  The Loire River suffers from deep oxygen depletion in the turbidity maximum zone of the estuary due to decomposition of freshwater phytoplankton ‘killed by’ salinity.  The Vilaine river creates, under its plume in the marine area of the Vilaine bay, frequent summer events of hypoxia (a total anoxia was observed in July 1982) due to decomposition of newly produced marine phytoplankton (marine eutrophication proper), in confined and stratified waters.

Limiting factors show large temporal and spatial variation. Bioassays and models show spatial changes in main limiting factors for phytoplankton growth when moving from the river mouth where turbidity is the most limiting factor towards the open sea, where phosphorus and then nitrogen or silica will be the limiting factors. A clear seasonal cycle has also been observed in the plume-zone; phosphorus being the main limiting nutrient in

14/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report the spring bloom, with a subsequent shift towards silica or nitrogen limitation during the summer.

Changes in the anthropogenic load may create long-term shifts. For the Seine, a Si and N limitation of the plume was observed in the 1970’s. Nowadays, P and Si limitations dominate, due to the reduction in nutrient discharges from industrial and domestic sources. The strong gradient in nutrient concentration between the freshwater and the oceanic waters (~100 times decrease) requires that any threshold needs to be salinity specific. The mass development of short-lived benthic algae such as Ulva may serve as an example in the N-P limitation discussions. Ulva is limited by nitrogen; studies show that the nitrogen content is reduced in the summer to ‘limiting levels’. A correlation between biomass and nitrogen can be found, but no correlation with phosphorus has been found.

Mr Ménesguen explained that models used by IFREMER allowed for scenario studies of nutrients’ reduction efficiency related to eutrophication, and the quantification of which rivers contributed to specific problems along the French Atlantic Coast. One study from a river in Brittany showed that concentrations of nutrients in the river needed to be reduced by a - factor of four (down to 10 mg NO3 / l) in order to achieve a 50% reduction in the biomass of Ulva on the neighbouring beaches.

3.3 Conclusions Characterisation of the physical environment along European coasts enables a systematic approach to designate areas that appear to be physically sensitive or resistant to eutrophication. Planned JRC work will provide a pan-European map based on the estimated eutrophication risk index. The application of validated numerical models enable to precise the role of each factor and to develop abatement plans designed to improve the eutrophic state to a decided level. These plans should also pay attention to nutrient inputs contributing to eutrophication problems downstream in catchment areas and coastal waters.

The cost of implementation of the suit of measures necessary to reach strict compliance with the ‘good ecological status requirement’ of the WFD may, in some cases, be unreasonably high. Some theoretical attempts have been made to estimate which environmental state could be reached taking account of economics, in addition to the environmental requirements. The expression “threshold of sustainability” was introduced in this context. Thresholds can be useful, but they must be correlated to typology and reference conditions. The compatibility of the present approaches and systems (e.g. previous water related directives or OSPAR) with the typology/reference conditions system developed within the WFD framework needs to be answered.

Under the WFD, Member States will develop and present reference conditions for all types of water (marine and freshwater) according to the guidance document of the relevant strategic working groups. For fresh- and marine waters, reference conditions should be developed, using either spatial data from existing monitoring sites, historical or paleo-ecological data or predictive or hindcasting models. If none of these methods are applicable, expert judgement should be used.

A ‘nutrient-orientated approach’, using mixing diagrams for the freshwater-saline water gradient, represents one possible approach. Another approach could be to calculate back from

15/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report environmental damage (e.g. ‘foam on the beaches’, ‘unclear water’) and estimate a ‘no damage level’. Assessment of levels where ‘healthy ecosystems’ prevail could also be used. A prerequisite for the two latter approaches seems to be the availability of a commonly accepted validated model-system. Environmental damage caused by eutrophication appears differently in different water bodies. The causal relationships are variable and to a large extent ruled by the physical environment. Numerical models are necessary tools to understand and handle the dynamics of these systems. The calibration and validation of such models entail intensive initial in situ monitoring of nutrient fluxes and indicators of direct and indirect effects of eutrophication, as well as the need for initial long-time monitoring series, but allow reduced monitoring a ‘posteriori’.

An acceptable deviation from reference conditions (WFD approach) can be smaller than the gap between thresholds and reference conditions of the other approach (OSPAR, UWWT and Nitrates Directives). On the other hand, small deviations within the ecosystem compared to reference conditions, with minor impacts on the ecosystem itself (e.g. slight increases in phosphorus or nitrogen concentrations resulting in the occurrence of Cyanobacteria or increased frequency of Dinophysis blooms), can have important consequences on human health and water use and the threshold can be lower than the acceptable deviation, aiming purely at ecosystem protection. The threshold approach could even lead to fertilisation of oligotrophic waters up to the threshold. Comparing these approaches would be a useful exercise in order to harmonise the definition of “acceptable ecosystem deviation/disturbance” levels and keep the ecosystem as close as possible to pristine conditions, and simultaneously preserve human health and water use.

BLOCK IV – CASE STUDIES ON ADVERSE EUTROPHICATION Chairman: Jean Duchemin-European Commission

4.1 Objective Mr Duchemin explained that the objective of this block was to investigate the experiences from management of European Watercourses with the view of extracting ideas for future policy discussion on combating eutrophication. A selection of case studies on adverse effects of eutrophication in freshwaters, brackish waters and marine waters was presented in this block.

4.2 Presentations

4.2.1 Lakes and reservoirs

Lac Léman and Lac du Bourget Mr Stephan Jacquet, INRA, France

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Mr Jacquet explained that the Lac du Bourget is the largest natural French lake, whereas the Lac Léman is the largest natural western European lake (582 km2). He explained, furthermore, that a comparison had been made between the two lakes with results from the early 1970s with regard to:  the nutrient load (total-P, total-N, nitrates and phosphates) from the main rivers running into the lakes  the nutrient concentrations in the lakes  transparency and chlorophyll  phytoplankton species' changes.

The lakes appeared to be comparable in terms of eutrophication and re-oligotrophication, based on the evolution of P-concentration in these two alpine lakes.

The ortho-phosphate inputs into the Lac Léman have decreased slightly over the last years. However, the total phosphorus concentration in the lake is still too high (40 µg/l). There has therefore been no reduction in chlorophyll levels, but there have been important changes in the phytoplankton community structure.

Since 1997, cyanobacterial blooms occur regularly in the Lac du Bourget, where wind conditions don’t prevent strong stratification (the situation in the Lac Léman is different, thereby less “physically sensitive to eutrophication”). Internal fertilisation prevents improvements towards ‘bloom safe levels’. In the present situation in these stratified deep lakes Cyanobacteria, which are able of vertical migration and growth under low light conditions, have competitive advantages in P-limited situations compared to other species. In general, it seems necessary to reach a P-concentration level of less than 20 µg/l to avoid such blooms- and for very sensitive lakes, such as the Lac du Bourget, even less than 10µg/l. It is necessary to reduce the P-concentration since these blooms are toxic and represent a serious sanitary risk for both animals and humans. Typically, the toxins produced by Planktothrix rubescens are above the Guideline values defined by WHO, i.e. 1 µg/l of microcystin LR.

Lake Constance- Mr Hans Güde-LA f. Umweltschutz, Baden Würtemberg, Germany

Mr Güde explained that five different countries are represented in the catchment of Lake Constance, with three littoral states, namely Germany, Switzerland and Austria . The Lake Constance is the second largest freshwater lake in Central Europe (571 km2). There are more than 500 inhabitants per km2 near the sensitive shore of the lake. An international effort has been made to improve the negative development in this lake. The discharges of domestic wastewater in the catchment represent the most important source of nutrients. Efforts to reduce these discharges have been successful, illustrated by the connection rate to urban wastewater treatment works, which increased from 25 to 92% in the 1980-ies. The concentrations of phosphorus in the lake decreased rapidly in the period, but nitrogen concentrations remained stable on a level twice the level observed around 1960. It took ten years before biological improvements were registered (increased transparency, increased variety of flora and fish species). Currently, many species known to be present early in the 20th century have returned to the lake.

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Dissolved phosphorus seems to control the algal growth in the lake. In several years during the 90-ies, the transport of particulate phosphorus into the lake was high. It was observed that particulate phosphorus from alpine erosion, sedimented rapidly without any effect on the water quality of the lake, contrarily to organic phosphorus, which was released into the water.

The management of the lake started out rather pragmatically, with the agreement to halve the concentration of P in the lake. Nowadays, models are applied and they enable a more sophisticated basis for abatement strategies. The reference condition (from around 1920) was 2-3μg P/l in the lake. However, a target value of 10 μg P/l is deemed satisfactory today in order to maintain the production of fish on a slightly increased level compared to the reference conditions, but still maintaining a good status of the whole lake ecosystem.

Two Norwegian case studies, the Lake Mjøsa and the lake Gjersjøen- Ms Anne Lyche Solheim, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that the Lake Gjersjøen is a deep mesotrophic lake located south-east of Oslo, Norway, used for drinking water purposes. The phosphorus concentration and algal biomass in the lake gradually decreased after a major sewage diversion in the beginning of the 70-ies, but the filamentous blue-greens persisted until 1981, when the piscivorous pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca) was introduced. One possible hypothesis to explain the dramatic shift in algal composition after the introduction of pikeperch is the effect of pikeperch on the roach population. The pikeperch causes the roach to avoid the pelagic zone, thereby preventing the transport of phosphorus by roach from the littoral zone to the pelagic. During the summer months, this phosphorus transport represented a major internal nutrient load mechanism prior to the introduction of the pikeperch. The collapse of the blue-green algae after the pikeperch introduction is a stable and long- lasting response still working.

Lake Mjøsa is Norway's largest lake with a surface area of 362 km2 and a maximum depth of 450 m; the mean depth is 153 m. The lake Mjøsa was eutrophicated during the late 60-ies. In 1976 and 1977 there were metalimnetic blooms of Cyanobacteria, which caused great concern for the drinking water quality for the urban population in the area. Long-term monitoring data show that the phosphorus-concentration has decreased from the maximum level of 12 µg Tot- P/l in 1976 to less than 6 µg/l today. The critical load level of 6.5 µg/l has been estimated according to nutrient load models. This means that the environmental objective has now been reached. The algal biomass has also decreased from 5-6 µg chl.a/l to 2-3 µg/l today. There is no longer any metalimnetic blooms of Cyanobacteria (Planktothrix). This re- oligotrophication has occurred due to efficient abatement measures in terms of introduction of phosphate free detergents, sewage diversion and changes in agricultural practices.

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that Norway still has several hundred eutrophic lakes in which the trophic status has not improved over the last years. This is largely due to domestic wastewater from scattered households, and to diffuse nutrient losses from agricultural activities. In most of these lakes there are large user conflicts, and an urgent need for nutrient abatement measures. The occurrence of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria is threatening the use of many of these lakes for drinking water and recreational purposes. One of these lakes will be used as part of a pilot river basin project to test the implementation of the WFD.

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Lake Neusied /Neusiedlersee- Mr Hellmut Fleckseder, Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, BMLFUW, Vienna

Mr Fleckseder explained that the Neusiedlersee is situated in the eastern part of Austria, at the border between Austria and Hungary. It holds an area of 321 km2 of which more than half is reeded. It is a shallow (mean depth 1.2 m) steppe lake with a high turbidity (low transparency). The lake underwent rapid eutrophication in the 1970-ies due to the input of sewage inadequately treated. The intensification of agricultural practices in the areas sur- rounding the lake and non-indigenous fish (e.g. eel) also contributed to this eutrophication. The concentration of Tot-P (averaged over a year) in the pelagic water rose quickly and reached maxima of around 150 µg/l in the late 1970-ies. A similar development was observed for chlorophyll-a, with maxima averaged over a year of about 13 µg/l. The phytoplankton blooms, however, never exhibited a 'mass growth'. Thus they have not been the cause of a mass decay, with subsequent unfavourable conditions for the dissolved oxygen balance. This is mainly due to influence of the wind (mixing followed by sedimentation, plus aeration). Based on the precautionary principle, wastewater treatment plants were put into operation in 1976. These plants hold simultaneous phosphorus removal and nitrification-denitrification. The simultaneous denitrification was introduced in the 1970-ies in order to minimise the carry-over of suspended matter, and not for the purpose of nitrogen removal relating to receiving water conditions. Along arable land adjacent to creeks buffer strips were also introduced. The farming of eel is now banned. These measures have brought the lake from a formerly eutrophic status back to a mesotrophic status. In the middle of the 1990s, the concentration of Tot-P was between 50 and 60 µg/l and chlorophyll-a around 5 µg/l. It has to be noted that these values fluctuate from year to year, and for chlorophyll-a much more than for Tot-P. However, long- term monitoring data show that since the late 1970-ies there has been a clear re- oligotrophication. A detailed and long lasting study ('Comprehensive Concept for the Protection of Lake Neusiedl/ Gesamtkonzept zum Schutz des Neusiedlersees') run in the 1980-ies did not provide a conclusive clue on the 'limiting nutrient' for the pelagic part of the lake. The data for Tot-P and chlorophyll-a show correlation to some extent, but many other factors, such as transparency, are also determining the planktonic growth. The longer times series clearly show that the lake's status is steadily improving. Relating to the description of the lake, including its trophic status, the data show that lakes such as the Neusiedlersee must be clearly reflected as a particular type of lakes in the WFD typology.

4.2.2 Conclusions

1. In the examples presented,mainly on mountain lakes, dissolved phosphorus is the major controlling parameter with regard to microalgae growth. Total phosphorus is also a valid parameter for assessing the status in lakes with no or little mineral particulate matter. The occurrence of Cyanobacteria blooms at reduced phosphorus concentrations (even < 20 microg P/l) after a successful implementation of abatement plans should not be overlooked as a risk element in the preparation of abatement plants and in the dialog with the end-users. Inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus via rivers are monitored fairly well in Europe. However, there is less data and no easy method available, to measure the bioavailability of these inputs.

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2. Ten years or more appear to be necessary for reaching a significant biological recovery as a result of nutrient reductions, for lakes that are subject to internal load/release of phosphorus from the sediments.

3. As a general rule, it seems necessary to reach a total phosphorus concentration of 20µg/l to prevent blooms of blue-green algae in naturally oligotrophic lakes. In physically sensitive (stratified) lakes, the critical total phosphorus concentration is even less than 20µg/l .

4. Zooplankton may have an important role in reducing phytoplankton biomass and should be monitored in lakes (species composition and abundance). In that respect, it was questioned by some participants why zooplankton was not part of the biological quality parameters for lakes listed in the annex V.1.2.2 of the WFD.

5. As highlighted by Mr. Pea, the role of physical typology (i.e. area, mean depth, residence time and water level oscillation) in reservoirs is very important and different from other natural inland water bodies.

4.3 Rivers, estuaries and brackish waters

4.3.1 Presentations

Classification of ecological status by using phytobenthos in rapidly running rivers- Ms Anne Lyche Solheim, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that NIVA’s classification method for phytobenthos is based upon knowledge of the response of the different phytobenthos species (including mosses) along the eutrophication gradient. The presence of pollution tolerant versus pollution sensitive species is used to assess the status class, together with other parameters such as the species richness (number of taxa), biomass of autotrophs and biomass of heterotrophs. This method has been applied to assess the ecological status in 75 streams and small rivers in the county of Møre- and Romsdal on the north-west of Norway. The status classes are shown in a colour map to identify the hot-spots for the water managers.

Macrophyte indexes have been developed in e.g. France, Austria and the UK. The French approach is presented in section 5.2.

Brackish lagoons in France/Mediterranean- Mr A. Ménesguen, IFREMER, France

Mr Ménesguen explained that 13% of the European coastline is occupied by brackish lagoons; in the region Languedoc-Roussillon, on the Mediterranean coast of France, the figure exceeds 50%. The shallow waters are sensitive to pollution, some of them are important areas for oyster and mussel production and involve a number of other user interests.

The general negative development is characterised by a change from a diverse flora and fauna to a poorer situation with a few dominating species. Typically the population of Zostera

20/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report decreases and is replaced by green and red algae; phytoplankton blooms lead to anoxy condition, situations with “rotten water” and subsequent kill of fauna components may occur. Opportunistic tube dwelling polychaets (Ficopotamus enigmaticus) dominate the bottom fauna, and fills progressively the lagoons. For these lagoons, a classification system consisting of five classes has been developed. The classification is based on standard parameters that are aggregated to assign one class for the lagoon. ‘The worst’ of the selected parameters decides the class.

It was mentioned that in the Venice lagoon, enormous developments of macrophytes (Ulva) accounted for up to 500 000 tonnes of biomass in 1992. Mr Peña mentioned that the ‘Albufera’ lagoon in Valencia faces considerable eutrophication problems, with blooms of Cyanobacteria and decrease in fish catches.

4.4 Coastal and marine waters

4.4.1 Presentations

Belgian Coast Ms Christiane Lancelot- ESA, University of Brussels- Belgium

Ms Lancelot informed about the research projects AMORE (Advanced Modelling and Research on Eutrophication) and IZEUT (Identification of Belgian maritime Zones affected by EUTrophication. She explained inter alia that:

 Winter nutrient-salinity gradients data set 1975-1999 had been used to estimate the average nutrient enrichment of Belgian coastal waters  Results showed that diatoms grow faster than Phaeocystis at the low temperature of February-March  Diatoms are controlled by phosphorus and silica  Phaeocystis colonies grow on excess of new nitrates and recycled phosphorus from previous blooms  Complex food-web interactions had been used to estimate the trophic capacity  Bacteria and Phaeocystis most probably compete for phosphate  The complex food-web interactions and the low trophic efficiency contribute to maintain phosphate in the area  Diatom-Phaeocystis successions were used as a measure of long-term evolution: climate versus human impact  The perception of Phaeocystis blooms and related damage made by tourists and coastal fishermen is that it is not a strong nuisance, except for the clogging of fishing nets that occur in May/June before the bathing period- and that there probably are limited economic losses due to these blooms.

Atlantic/Brittany Mr A. Ménesguen- IFREMER, France

Mr Ménesguen explained that mass blooms of green algae (especially Ulva, but also Monostroma and Enteromorpha) develop in strongly nutrient enriched lagoons (e.g. Arcachon basin on the Atlantic coast), but also paradoxically in bays largely open to the high sea, especially when the tidal residual circulation is locally too weak. This is the case in mass

21/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report blooms in Brittany. Nitrogen is clearly the first controlling nutrient for these green nitrophilic algae. In 1982 fish kills, as a result of a strong decrease in oxygen concentration, occurred after blooms in the Baie de Vilaine.

North Sea and Baltic Sea Uli Claussen / UBA Berlin

Mr Claussen explained that the Greater North Sea is an extremely dynamic marine ecosystem with many different regional and temporal variations due to a number of different driving factors. The nutrient inputs into the North Sea have shown a general increase in recent years, (rivers, direct run-off and the atmosphere). High inputs of nutrients in combination with the restricted nature of the North Sea circulation, have led to increasing eutrophication events. Exceptional algal blooms have been detected, some involving nuisance algae‘ such as Phaeocystis sp, others toxic algae such as Gonyaulax sp, or species producing exceptional organic enrichment and fish kills, species such as Chrysochromulina sp.

Oxygen depletion (less than 4mg oxygen/l) has been observed over large areas in the North Sea since the 80-ies. This is typical for stratified areas, but include also the offshore areas north of the German Bight (e.g. the ’Glacial Elbe Valley’) and west of Denmark. This phenomenon is related to the organic load (the result of increased production), imported from downstream areas. Mr Claussen concluded that eutrophication is a serious problem in parts of the Greater North Sea. Despite the fact that more or less the same ecological parameters are involved in the processes in the different parts of the Sea, the effects and consequences may vary. This underlines the importance of area-specific assessments.

Ms Sif Johanson commented that Cladophora and Enteromorpha are common species on the Swedish west coast. A general increase in the abundance of short lived species has been observed over a period of 15 years. The dominance of these species cause a large change of the benthic fauna. Experiments have also shown potential adverse effects of fish recruitment of fish species that depend on shallow water as nursery grounds (e.g. flatfish). Fishery on shallow water is significantly influenced in many areas. A general development towards more eutrophic conditions seems to be the most plausible cause.

4.4.2 Conclusions and proposals

Operational definition of eutrophication It was proposed by several participants to use the list of ‘critical parameters as defined within the OSPAR framework, but in the inverse order. That means to start with the most obvious variables measuring the ecosystem degradation, i.e. the dissolved oxygen concentration and the abundance of noxious species (and/or toxin content of marine animals used for human consumption). When indexes of the most severe consequences of eutrophication have been agreed, the next step will be to develop a unique set of threshold values for these variables. Then return to the first cycle of causes (e.g. biomass levels of algae) and to agree on some threshold intervals between large classes of eutrophication levels. It would be advisable not to propose absolute threshold values for nutrient concentrations, as they cannot be considered alone as reliable risk evaluators because the hydrodynamics and physical characteristics (depth, turbidity) modulate strongly the nutrient role.

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Improved monitoring It was proposed to:  Promote automatic high frequency measurements of crucial non-linear (and quickly changing) indicators of critical eutrophication such as dissolved oxygen and toxic phytoplankton species. Furthermore, promote probes for automatic and reliable detection of early stages of toxic algae species’ proliferation  Allocate more money to biological monitoring and good measurements of input fluxes of nutrients rather than to carry out repetitive nutrient concentrations measurements in the marine coastal zone where dilution occurs (the latter values can be accurately estimated from good input values in good hydrodynamical/dilution models, after a comprehensive initial assesment in situ for calibration)  Promote seasonally varying sampling frequency in order to have intensive monitoring in spring-summer.

BLOCK V – RECENT KNOWLEDGE ON NUTRIENTS INFLUENCE Chairman: Mr Jean Duchemin -European Commission

5.1 Toxic blooms- frequency and duration

5.1.1 Presentations

Cyanobacterial bloom and toxin production- Mr Stephan Jacquet, on behalf of Mr Humbert, INRA, France

Mr Jacquet’s presentation encompassed factors and the processes enhancing the onset of cyanobacterial blooms in lakes. He explained that many cyanobacterial blooms are likely to be toxin producers and gave some details about the toxins (e.g. hepatotoxins, neurotoxins and dermatotoxins). The particular case of the filamentous, toxic, gas-vacuolate, buoyant species Planktothrix rubescens has been studied. Results show that further efforts are required in order to continue reducing the phosphorus load, which is the controlling factor, whatever the value of the N/P ratio. The sources and the resulting load of phosphorus and nitrogen are more important for the dominance of Cyanobacteria than the N:P ratio. A number of remedial measures in the lakes can, in theory, be applied, ranging from biomanipulation to chemical precipitation of microalgae(CuSO4).

Mr Jacquet explained, furthermore, that Cyanobacteria have competitive advantages related to their ability to:  Adjust buoyancy  N-fixation  Adapt to low light conditions (wide range of accessory pigments)  Toxin production

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The mass occurrence of Cyanobacteria in the Lac du Bourget has developed in recent years without major changes in the nutrient load into the lake. The climatic changes (a three degree temperature increase has been observed in the lake) has caused changes in growth rates and seasonal successions that has favoured Cyanobacteria.

Recommended future remedial actions are, inter alia, further reduction of sources of phosphorus, a close study of climatic changes and a the development of improved predictions based on models.

Dinophysis, Alexandrium, Pseudo-Nitzschia blooms/balance with other phytoplankton species Mr A. Ménesguen-IFREMER-France

Mr Ménesguen explained that large eutrophication problem areas often occur typically in large river plumes in semi-confined areas of the Continental Shelf. In these areas considerable biomass can be developed, firstly by diatoms, then by some haptophytes (e.g. Phaeocystis, Chrysochromulina) and finally by noxious dinoflagellate species such as Gymnodinium. Some toxic phytoplanktonic species may also develop, such as the Diarrhea Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) producing Dinophysis. The biomass of Dinophysis is very low, but Dinophysis seem to develop only in the pycnoclines under large nutrient enriched plumes where the ‘nutrient control’ (especially nitrogen) can be very complex.

Additionally to these large problem areas, the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) producing dinoflagellates Alexandrium sp. may sometimes develop in small tidal estuaries and in confined parts of lagoons. Nitrogen enrichment appears to be the trigger of this type of blooms. In the Thau lagoon, close to Montpellier in France, Alexandrium develops in the most eutrophied part at the end of the year, disturbing seriously the oyster production.

Mr Jean Duchemin explained recent studies show that there is an increase in the toxin content (proteic) in cells of dinoflagellates when the nitrogen concentration increases in marine waters. High nitrogen concentrations often mean high N:P and P limitation. Toxic dinoflagellates often become more toxic under P-limited conditions. According to Mr Ménesguen, observations have also been made of increased toxin content of Dinophysis in the Baie de Vilaine, simultaneously with high nitrogen concentrations in the water at the beginning of the blooms.

5.2 Macrophyte nuisance

5.2.1 Presentations

Macrophyte problems in Norwegian freshwater- Ms Anne Lyche Solheim, NIVA, Norway.

Ms Lyche Solheim explained that the most severe macrophyte problem in Norway related to eutrophication is the proliferation of the Elodea canadensis in shallow lakes. In some lakes, this macrophyte may cause problems for recreational use of the lakes, e.g. for swimming and fishing. The macrophyte dominance represents an alternative stable state of eutrophic lakes.

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Macrophytes can also be used as bioindicators for classification of ecological status by analysing the species distribution pattern along the trophic gradient. Both the shifts in major functional groups, like the decrease of isoetids and the increase of lemnids along the trophic gradient, as well as the change in species richness can be used for this purpose. Multivariate statistics, such as CCA-techniques can also be used to assess the occurrence of different species in different lake types, characterised by factors such as nutrient concentrations, calcium-content, size and depth of the lake. Ms Lyche Solheim explained that NIVA is presently using macrophyte data from more than 100 lakes to develop a system for the use of macrophytes to assess ecological status.

Biological Macrophyte Index- Mr Jean Duchemin- European Commission

Mr Jean Duchemin informed about the French Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers (I.B.M.R.) developed by the University of Metz and INRA-ENSAR Ecobiologie et Qualité des Hydrosystèmes Continantaux of Rennes. The system consists of attributing a species score (Csi) from 0 to 20 for 211 different taxa (0= sewage fungus, 20= hygrohypnum). It takes account of the species scores, coefficient of cover and ecological amplitudes. Species scores and ecological amplitudes were determined on the basis of biotypology work, literature review and the building of ecological profiles. The overall objective for developing the system was that it should be simple, national and should assess water quality. At least 100 m2 of area need to be monitored on each river station.

Figure 1 below illustrates the factors influencing the macrophyte communities, whereas figure 2 shows the complementarity with other existing indexes.







Figure 1: Factors influencing the macrophyte communities

Mr Duchemin explained that I.B.M.R. is currently not sufficient alone for WFD purposes, because it assesses the trophic status and not the complete ecological status and differences

25/52 18.05.18 Workshop on Eutrophication Criteria-Summary Report within reference communities. However, the data and the results are useful in the future implementation of the WFD, and can be completed results from other methods (c.f. the comparative table in figure 2). Th ecosystem can be used for biotypologies and as a future European or possibly regional index. It increases the general knowledge about water quality, trophic state and physical habitats.

Complementarity of indices --> «

Methods Diatoms MacrophytesInvertebratesFish Oligochetae Criteria IBD (IPS) IBMR (GIS) IBGN (Cb2) FBI (Biotypology)IOBS/sediments Easy to use /field survey ++ ++ + - - + Quickness /field survey + - + (+) - - + /sorting & det. - - +/- - - + - - Indicator of sediments - - + + + ++ quality/quantity toxicity + - - + + + (++ very indicator eutrophication ++ ++ - + ++ --> - - not indicator) oxygen - - - ++ ++ + Physical habitat - - ++ + + - Light ++ ++ - - - Interest for Mapping - - ++ - - - - Communication + +(+) ++ +++ - -

Proposal of tools to intercalibrate in common sites, with specialists in (Inassess bold : compartiments; water quality Standardised methods,Methods under standardisation process,

Figure 2: Comparison of existing tools to assess water quality

Macrophyte nuisance in French coastal waters Mr A. Ménesguen-IFREMER-France

Mr Ménesguen explained that the development of coastal marine eutrophication can classically follow two main paths, according to whether the proliferating algae are planktonic or macrophytic; both these developments occur in France. The massive proliferation of green macroalgae appear in a recurring way in some Mediterranean lagoons, in the eastern part of the Arcachon bay and on more than fifty Briton beaches. The associated species belong primarily to the Ulva genus, except in Arcachon, where the Monostroma genus has dominated for some years. The Briton sites do not undergo massive deoxygenating due to the decomposition of dead algal mats, thanks to the powerful tidal mixing. On the contrary, some Mediterranean lagoons can locally be damaged by summer anoxia (“malaïgues”) initiated by large amounts of decomposing organic matter, where the green algae can be dominant; these “malaïgues” are responsible for massive fauna and flora kills.

The mechanisms which lead to eutrophication, for the macroalgae are:  a containment of the water mass ; in lagoons, the terrestrial border provides a static containment, whereas in open bays hydrodynamic phenomena can create a dynamic containment. Thus, the horizontal trapping of the water masses in the areas with very weak residual current explains the occurrence of green tides in many Briton bays

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 a good illumination of the suspended algae : this explains the restriction of Ulva green tides to either lagoons or very shallow clear waters, which can be well mixed by the swell and the wind  terrigenous nutrient loading in excess compared to the flushing or the dilution capacities of the site. The nitrogen loading is known to be responsible for the proliferation of the nitrophilic macrophytes (Ulva, Monostroma, and Enteromorpha). With regard to the Ulva green tides in Brittany, the concept of « coastal zone sensitive to eutrophication » may be defined as being the conjunction of a marine area having a weak hydraulic renewal and a catchment area producing stable flow rates, ensuring a constant nitrate flux from spring to summer.

The adverse effects of the proliferation of Ulva are numerous, e.g.:  linked to tourism- security at beaches, swimming, odours,  clogging of fishermen’s nets  high costs to clean the beaches  the fact that Ulva excrete polysaccharides that may protect pathogenic bacteria against ‘the osmotic shock’ they face when discharged into marine waters.

For macroalgae, it seems that the follow-up of the proliferating species may allow status determination on larger eutrophication scales- upscaling. Mapping of stranded biomasses by airborne photography, or by underwater video for the sub-tidal zone, remains the only practical means of evaluating the produced biomasses each summer, except by registering the quantities removed by collectivities when cleaning the beaches.

Wadden Sea and Baltic Sea Mr Uli Claussen, Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany

Mass occurrence of short-lived species is repeatedly observed in the Wadden Sea, but the annual variation is considerable. A typical area coverage is 50%, with the highest coverage in sheltered areas on leeward side of the islands. One interesting observation is that the sandworm (Arenicola sp.) contributes to the anchoring of the algae to the sand by pulling down small algae in their burrows.

Some years ago so-called ‘black spots’ was observed in the littoral zone of Wadden Sea beaches. Investigation showed that a cold winter with ice scrubbing on the shoreline depleted the macrofauna and the grazing on algae (Coscinodiscus sp.) in the following spring/summer was reduced to a minimum. This development without predators was followed by decomposition of algae, which caused the anoxic black spots. This phenomenon has, so far, been a one-off experience.

In the Baltic Sea, the concentrations of nitrogen and of phosphorus have increase four and eight times respectively between 1900 and 1985, and the Baltic Sea changed from being and oligotrophic sea to become an eutrophic sea.

In some areas of the Baltic there is an excess of phosphorus, which may lead to massive blooms of Cyanobacteria. In other areas, with an excess of N, massive algal blooms of other species may occur. There has been excessive growth of macrophytes and algae (increase of primary production by 30 – 70 %). Filamentous algae, such as green and brown, have grown at the expense of the perennial bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus). The resulting biomass has lead to a decrease in water transparency of 2.5 - 3 m.

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The particle flow of dead material to the bottom has increased by 70 - 190 %. One third of the bottom is anoxic due to the sedimentation of decomposed organic material, but also due to too long periods without inflow of oxygen enriched saltwater from the North Sea. The anoxic bottoms add to eutrophication by releasing phosphorus by the release of phosphorus from the sediments.

In the Gulf of Bothnia, where there is a high freshwater influence, the phytoplankton production is much lower than in other parts of the Baltic Sea, and the abundance, size and diversity of plants/animals are also generally lower. During the past 10 years there has been occurrence of drifting algal masses that has become a problem in Archipelago waters of south-west Finland with drastic ecological effects severely affecting the perennial algal and animal communities. The largest recorded drifting algal masses were approx. 0.3 km³. Factors contributing to the growth of ephemeral algae, resulting in drifting mats, include a high nutrient load, good transparency and appropriate bottom substrate.

5.2.2 Discussions

During discussions the following points were, inter alia, mentioned:  Cladophora, Enteromorpha and Ulva are also observed in similar area coverage as in the Wadden Sea in sheltered Swedish coastal areas. A correlation with local sources was not found, but the phenomena are linked to a general eutrophication of the coast affected.  The production of Ulva in the Bay of Brittany has been estimated to the range of 50.0000-100.000 tonnes a year. Mechanical removal of Ulva will lead to removal of sand and may therefore be followed by erosion of the coastline. Nitrates limitation is the key factor for reducing this macrophyte nuisance.

BLOCK VI – MODELS AND MONITORING NETWORKS Chairman: Stig A. Borgvang- Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway.

6.1 Presentation and discussion of models linked with previous case studies

6.1.1 Objectives

 Information on the application of models in fresh-, brackish- and marine waters;  Assessment of the models' use for prediction of nutrient reduction- scenarios  Discussion on accuracy of models and extrapolation of their use.

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6.1.2 Presentations

A predictive water quality model for the Lac de Bourget- Mr Stephan Jacquet, INRA, France

Mr Jacquet presented the potential power of predictive water quality models. He explained that a 1-D model is presently applied in the Lac de Bourget (it was originally designed for the Lac Léman). It will be further developed in a 3- D model to be used for forecasts and improved coupling of hydrological, chemical and biological processes. The model is presently used to estimate phosphorus limits for Cyanobacteria mass occurrence.

Modelling Phaeocystis blooms in the Belgian coastal waters. Micro-model structure- Ms Christiane Lancelot, ESA, University of Brussels- Belgium

Ms Lancelot informed about the modelling of Phaeocystis blooms in the Belgian coastal waters: results of the AMORE (Advanced Modelling and Research on Eutrophication), inter alia that the development started with a box-model with 32 state variables, but state of the art is presently a 3D model with a 4.5 km grid resolution (3Dmiro&Co)- see figure 3 below. Model studies have shown that Phaeocistis can bloom once a year on the Belgian coast, but blooms can occur twice a year in the Rhine-plume.


Phytoplankton zooplankton bacteria

MATHEMATICAL MODELS parameterisation MONITORING circulation ecosystem 0D-MIRO National grid 3D-COHERENS direct & adjoint & 330


Calibration & Optimisation

Figure 3: Modelling methodology

The model facilitates scenario-studies. One example is the 50% reduction of nitrogen inputs from the Scheldt and the Rhine, which only caused a reduction in chlorophyll a concentrations from 25 to 15-20 µg/l. Phosphorus and silicate seem to dominate as limiting factors.

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She explained that the model was run for the Western Channel, the French coastal zone with the Seine discharges and inputs from the Western Channel; and the Belgian coastal zone with the Scheldt discharges and inputs from the French coastal zone into the Belgian coast. Each region was characterised by its own area, depth, water temperature and light conditions.

Ms Lancelot explained that the AMORE 1997-2001 conclusions and recommendations were with regard to:

 Nutrient enrichment of the Belgian coastal zone: there is NO3 excess, and P and Si elements generally limit the algal growth (but with a quick P recycling)  Eutrophication in the Belgian coastal zone: Phaeocystis blooms are sustained by “new sources” of NO3 , but also regenerated PO4 , and there is a low trophic efficiency, but important remineralisation processes that maintain high PO4 and NH4 levels in the area.  Further research: it would be useful to extend the research area to include the Baie de Seine and to consider real weather and hydrodynamic conditions; that would force the implementation of a concerted trans-european monitoring of nutrients and blooms in the Channel and the southern part of the North Sea. Focus would be on P and Si cycling (benthic versus planktonic) and to explore the role of gelatinous plankton.

Presentation of a prototype of the Decision Support System developed in the research program MARE, MArine Research on Eutrophication – A Scientific Base for Cost- Effective Measures for the Baltic Sea- Ms Sif Johannsson, Programme Director of MARE in Sweden,

Ms Sif Johannsson presented a prototype of the Decision Support System developed in the research program MARE, MArine Research on Eutrophication – A Scientific Base for Cost- Effective Measures for the Baltic Sea. The Decision Support System is a tool-chest that can be used to evaluate targets in terms of environmental states in the Baltic Sea in relation to costs for different management options. The program will link information about ecological properties, physical transports, bio-geochemical processes, economic evaluation and costs for nutrient reductions.

In “target mode” the user chooses a certain ecological target and the Decision Support System calculates the minimum cost solution to obtain that target. The Baltic Sea drainage area is divided in 23 sub-areas and includes costs for sixteen abatement measures in agriculture, sewage treatment, industry and traffic. Transparency is the only target included in the present version of the system. The user can create different scenarios by excluding certain abatement measures country and then get a recalculated minimum cost solution based on the new assumptions. The Decision Support System also includes modules including loads to the Baltic Sea and the budget calculations used in the system. This makes the system transparent for scientists and managers. Further information is available at

6.1.3 Discussions

During discussions the following points were, inter alia, highlighted:  The occurrence of Cyanobacteria and its spatial distribution requires a large number of samples and yearly monitoring

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 Several participants ( including the E.C.), supported the concept of differentiation of costs between areas and sectors when setting common objectives, in order to achieve environmental goals in the most cost efficient way. For example a general 50% reduction in nutrient inputs , target of several Marine Conventions, may not be sufficient to avoid eutrophication in certain areas. Furthermore that it would be more efficient if a country that had already achieved its 50% reduction in nutrient inputs would invest in assisting a neighbouring country with much higher nutrient losses to achieve similar or even higher reductions instead of investing in further, less cost-effective measures within its own territory.

6.2 Monitoring networks and existing methods. Complementarity and limits

6.2.1 Objective Information and discussion on in situ monitoring systems, the use of remote sensing (fields of application and limits) and the use of paleolimnology for temporal analysis in lakes, fjords and enclosed bays

6.2.2 Presentations of monitoring networks and existing methods. Complementarity and limits. In situ sampling frequencies, for both physico-chemical parameters and bio-indicators, in fresh, transitional and coastal waters

Monitoring of the Lac Léman- Lac de Bourget Mr Stephan Jacquet, INRA, France

Mr Jacquet presented the sampling strategies and efforts made for monitoring of the Lac de Bourget and the Lac Léman, as well as the main rivers associated with these two lakes. Two quite different monitoring strategies for nutrients are applied in the two lakes. The Lac Léman is monitored continuously at one station by automatic sampling- multi parameters. Additionally, there is monitoring (monthly or bi-monthly) and weekly (3 samples a day) in the affluent in summer. The monitoring regime in the Lac de Bourget is few parameters at 12 stations, twice a week, and a complete assessment every 6-7 years (multi parameters), which is corresponding to the theoretical retention time for the lake. A submersible fluorimetric probe was presented as a very useful, suitable and easy to handle tool for the survey of phytoplanktonic populations (including the Cyanobacteria). In the case of Lac de Bourget, it was shown that this instrument can be used in order to obtain a quick estimate of spatial and temporal evolution of the main algal classes and can be used as a good means for decision making (typically in case of a cyanobacterial bloom).

The occurrence of Cyanobacteria and its spatial distribution requires a large number of samples and is monitored every year. A decision support system has been set up for the two lakes in order to assist early warning of Cyanobacteria occurrence.

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Monitoring within OSPAR- Mr Uli Claussen, Umweltbundesamt, Germany

The OSPAR nutrient Monitoring Programme has been mandatory for OSPAR Contracting Parties for many years. It comprises N and P (DIN/DIP), and a “holistic list” of eutrophication parameters, taking into account direct and indirect effects: phytoplankton species composition and blooms, phytobenthos, oxygen depletion, etc, together with monitoring guidelines and QA procedures. The frequency depends on the ‘status of the area’: complete monitoring programme (“comprehensive procedure) for Problem Areas (or potential one) with regard to eutrophication- and less intensive and fewer parameters for Non-Problem Areas where very basic, event related monitoring is required. The data generated within the programme are reported to ICES (ICES database). ICES produces maps on the bases of the data on e.g. N and P distribution. In addition, OSPAR is collecting data from its Contracting Parties on riverine and direct inputs according to the Riverine and Direct Inputs Monitoring Programme (RID). Furthermore, harmonised quantification and reporting procedures for nutrients inputs have been developed as a set of Guidelines adopted by OSPAR on a trial basis (the HARP Guidelines). The EC funded EUROHARP project is currently testing a number of models for the quantification of nutrients from diffuse sources (agriculture) in a project working towards European Harmonised Procedures for Quantification of nutrient Losses from Diffuse Sources.

Within EMEP, estimates of atmospheric inputs (mainly NH3 and NOx) are being made, based on measurements at some distinct coastal stations and on modelling.

The lack of data on total N and total P inputs or concentrations in marine monitoring programmes may prove to be a problem for future analysis. Further revision of the monitoring programme will take place when the experience from the application of the OSPAR ‘Common Procedure’ is available.

Eutrophication indicators at the European scale using satellite remote sensing and physical modelling – Mr Jean-Noel Druon- JRC-ISPRA

Mr Druon presented satellite observations from the Seanwif satellite, which provides one image a day, 1.5 km resolution grid. The sensitivity is currently insufficient to differentiate pigments. The introduction of the MERIS and MODIS sensors will enable a resolution of 300 m and allow detection of red tides (improved spectral resolution). Mr Druon explained that new algorithms for handling remote sensing data from areas of freshwater influence (e.g. Baltic) is needed due to the influence of suspended matters and yellow matters. Such algorithms are expected available in one and a half years time, and would then allow for a full coverage of good quality data for the entire European coast. Algorithms for handling data from lakes and rivers are also needed, and some promising developments are foreseen in a somewhat longer time perspective. Final products of the EUTRISK project would include:

 PSA = physical resistance to eutrophication  annual map of EUTRISK for the years 1998 to 2001 at European scale  probable distribution of oxygen deficiencies near the bottom  annual trend of the ecological status

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They results will be validated with near bottom measurements of dissolved oxygen

Paleolimnology (temporal analysis in lakes, fjords, enclosed bays) Mr Jean Duchemin-European Commission

Mr Duchemin explained that historical information on biota before and following the onset of human pollution is important for two reasons:  Comparisons between the natural background ecosystem structure and the pollution affected structure will make it possible to quantify changes in faunal parameters (e.g. abundance, species composition, diversity), and thereby to evaluate the degree of pollution.  Information about the background structure represents a reference level for evaluating to what extent the natural ecosystem is re-established as a response to improvements environmental conditions.

A reconstruction of the entire ecosystem may not be possible for marine sediments because most organisms may not be preserved. Nevertheless, interpretations are possible by using organisms that have good preservation potentials (skeletons, cysts : e.g. foraminifera, ostracods, dinoflagellates). This depends also on the stability of the sediments.

Dinoflagellates are one of the most important phytoplankton groups in most aquatic environments. Not only because they are amongst the most important primary producers in the seas, but also due to their frequent blooms. Many dinoflagellates have, in addition to the their mobile phase in their life cycle, an immobile resting stage (cyst), that sediments and is thereafter part of the benthos. These cysts have a resistance against decomposition and may fossilise. This fact has been used by paleontologists to study the cysts. Fossilised cysts have been found from as far back as the Trias (about 200 million years ago).

At the University of Oslo, Mr Barry Dale has studed the biogeographical distribution of dinoflagellates (species, number) cysts at various depths of sediments for assessing their value as paleo-ecological indicators. For the Inner Oslofjord, the eutrophication signals started already at the end of the 19th century, at other stations about 1920 and at a number of stations in the 1950-ies. For the stations with signals from the 1950-ies, this happened at the same time as there were strong increases in nutrient loads (municipal wastewater), followed by strong anoxia events in the fjord waters and a decrease in fish catches.

Similarly, analyses of sedimented pigments in the Baltic by E. Granelli at the University of Kalmar, show increased frequency of toxic blooms as from 1963. This is about ten years after N-fertilisers started to be applied to a high degree in the watersheds draining into the study area (where the average time of transfer of nitrogen and phosphorus from soils to the sea also is about ten to fifteen years).

In summary, paleo-limnological studies may prove to represent important tools to reconstitute the shift in aquatic organisms over time as well as historical blooms in cases where in situ time series are lacking and the sedimentation is stable in the long term (no resuspension by water movements).

Oxygen depletion and species analysis Mr A. Ménesguen-IFREMER-France

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Mr. Ménesguen explained that he saw a large potential for improving the strategy for monitoring of oxygen depletion in France. Due to the episodic nature of the phenomena of oxygen depletion he would support the use of automatic systems (buoy based) in sensitive high risk areas.

Plankton sampling and species analysis is quite expensive, but creates new knowledge on species distribution and behaviour. Determination of species in a harmonised/comparable way between institutes and researchers require that considerable efforts be allocated to intercalibration exercises. The use of biochemical methods to determine species or higher taxonomic groups represents an interesting development. Automatic species detection by means of a ‘genetic-probe’ is under development. Even new sensors on satellites may be used, if taxonomic groups are sufficiently specific.

A national programme is in place in France for the monitoring of nutrient concentrations, with species winter distribution as a conservative estimate of the influenced area. Future developments will probably be related to intensified monitoring of effects in sensitive areas, improved monitoring of inputs/discharges and the use of models.

6.2.3 Discussions

During discussions the following points were, inter alia, made:  Considering the use of remote sensing in modelling and monitoring, the Spanish delegate supported the use of remote sensing as a complement to direct measurements not only in marine waters, but also in large lakes and reservoirs  Mr Jaquet explained that a molecular-based buoy-system for species determination (Alexandrium) is available in the USA.  Paleo-limnological studies may prove to represent important tools to reconstitute the shift in aquatic organisms over time as well as the historical frequency of toxic blooms, allowing correlation with nutrient input variations in cases where in situ time series are lacking.

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BLOCK VII – INDICATORS / CLASSIFICATION OF WATERS AND EUTROPHICATION CRITERIA Chairman: Stig A. Borgvang- Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway

7.1 Review of classification of fresh waters: Criteria and classifications used by Member States.

7.1.1 Presentations

The JRC review of criteria for freshwaters eutrophication-Synthesis made by Mr G. Premazzi and Mrs A.C.Cardoso JRC-IES, Ispra). Mr Jean Duchemin- European Commission

Mr Duchemin presented results from the JRC review of criteria for the identification of freshwaters subject to eutrophication, replacing Mrs Cardoso who could not participate to the workshop. The objectives of the study were:

1. To compare the criteria used by Member States to define eutrophication in freshwaters. 2. To suggest a possible strategy for developing nutrient criteria in standing and running waters. 3. To illustrate a proposal for harmonisation of criteria for defining eutrophication in surface water bodies.

Mr Duchemin explained that the review illustrates why inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen are the main causes of eutrophication of freshwaters, and the complexity of their relations as successive limiting factors, both for microphytes and macrophytes. It follows that the most prudent approach to combat nutrient over-enrichment would be to limit/reduce inputs of both. The definition of criteria for eutrophication in freshwaters should therefore take account of both phosphorus as and nitrogen. The review comprised a list of possible qualitative parameters for a holistic assessment of eutrophication is provided. The majority of EC Member States use a modified version of the OECD approach (mainly based on physico- chemical parameters/ criteria and phosphorus, and relating to phytoplankton) to identify freshwaters subjected to eutrophication. Some Member States also use additional criteria, recognising that the symptoms are not only phytoplankton blooms. The definition of areas subject to eutrophication or potentially eutrophicated in Member States clearly lacks a co- ordinated strategy. Thus, there is an urgent need to establish at European level an intercalibration network in order to ensure comparability of the monitoring systems for classification purposes. The report suggests a possible strategy for developing nutrient criteria, from a review of reference levels of N and P in EU and US lakes and rivers, to which some “impact/effect” parameters would be added, and the definition of an acceptable

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“deviation”(simplification of the approach used in the Water Framework Directive for the identification of eutrophication in freshwaters) from the median of these reference levels.

The choice of parameters included causal parameters such as nitrogen and phosphorus (Tot N and Tot P) and response parameters, such as chlorophyll a and transparency (Secchi). Some additional response parameters (or indices) to be considered for lakes were:  dissolved oxygen (in hypolimnion)  macrophytes (% of phototrophic zone)  phytoplankton index (% blue-greens in natural population, blooms frequency)  fish index (Salmonids and Cyprinids percentages of the natural community, species composition, frequency and intensity of fish kills)  algal growth potential (AGP) bioassays

For running waters, the suggested causal parameters were total phosphorus and total nitrogen and chlorophyll and turbidity or TSS as response parameters. The proposed additional parameters were:  dissolved oxygen  pH  benthic community metabolism (P/R ratios)  autotrophic index  algal growth potential

7.1.2 Discussions

It was questioned how physical conditions were taken into account in assessments based on the list of criteria proposed by JRC. Some argued that the classification of different areas according to its typology would take into account the physical environment. Others meant that criteria based on e.g. the Vollenweider model used on individual lakes to derive a critical concentration level, surface oscillation index or other approaches should be included in the list of factors to be considered in any assessment. It was also mentioned that the typology under development within the WFD indirectly would take into account physical properties of the lake types, and that the reference levels , classification boundaries and acceptable deviations would not be unique but linked with the WFD eco-regions and type-specific. Moreover, artificial reservoirs could not be assimilated to lakes in that exercise (“heavily modified waters”, with strong seasonal variations, of the WFD).

7.1.3 Conclusions In conclusion, Mr Duchemin proposed to add to the list of parameters of the JRC synthesis, elements such as:  oxygen level and day/night variations,  ratio between Cyanobacyteria and other algae  use of a “risk index” related to typology of areas  reference conditions according to WFD

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He also suggested some possible threshold values that he saw as potential candidates for a common agreement on ’risk levels’, such as 10-20 microg.P/l for stratified mountain lakes (naturally oligotrophic).

7.2 Review of classification of brackish and marine waters: Criteria and classifications used by Member States or international conventions.

7.2.1 ERM review on Criteria and classification of threshold values Mr Jean Duchemin- European Commission

Mr Duchemin presented results from the ERM review on Criteria and classification of threshold values used by EC Member States. The main objectives of the study were to:  Review, assess and compare the criteria used by some EC Member States in order to define eutrophication in estuaries, coastal waters and marine water;  Building on the results of the review described above, make suggestions/ recommendations on: (a) The main and complementary criteria that should be used for defining eutrophication in coastal/ marine waters and estuaries: and (b) The feasibility of using bio-indicators (both benthic or in water) for defining the eutrophication status of waters.

The study shows that, with a few exceptions, most countries focus on chemical parameters/criteria. All countries referred to monitor nitrogen, either as total nitrogen or nitrate or both, whereas four countries consider the chlorophyll concentration to be a useful indicator. As regards bio-indicators of eutrophication or its consequences, three countries use soft bottom fauna species diversity indexes, one country has an ‘Infaunal Trophic Index’ and one country includes benthic fauna biomass. In view of the requirements of the proposed Water Framework Directive, the study concludes that it seems inevitable that biological criteria will need to attract greater attention in future.

The criteria currently in use by the majority of countries, and especially any further elaboration, are currently ’in limbo’ pending the ongoing attempts within OSPAR to develop the Common Procedure, based on the Initial Screening Procedure and the Comprehensive Procedure. Thus, a general assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the OSPAR Common Procedure is presented in the study.

The more detailed analyses of the study show that with regard to:  Nutrient concentrations, any widespread comparison of national systems would have to be based on the deviation of from natural levels, rather than absolute nutrient concentrations.  Phytoplankton, it is highlighted as a general indicator of eutrophication by many countries. Many countries use either phytoplankton cell numbers or chlorophyll a as a proxy measurement of biomass.  Macrophytes, there is a similar emphasis on the excessive growth of green algae, such as Enteromorpha, Chaetomorpha and Ulva, as indicators of eutrophication  Secondary Effects of Eutrophication, many countries emphasise secondary effects such as deoxygenation; reduction in transparency/reduction of depth of fixed plants. Some also include statistical measures of species diversity changes, for example of soft sediment organisms.

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7.2.2 The holistic approach of OSPAR Mr Uli Claussen, Umweltbundesamt, Germany

Mr Claussen explained that an ecosystem approach is a process framework involving researchers, planners, managers and stakeholders to account for the interrelationships among land, air, water and all living elements, including humans, in a comprehensive management of the region involved. The application of an ecosystem approach in management is relatively new. It is important to emphasise that implementing an ecosystem approach is a process and should be considered as a tool to help comprehensively and systematically address root causes of environmental problems.

The targets of 50% reduction of input of nitrogen and phosphorus of anthropogenic origin to areas of the North Sea where eutrophication problems occur, have been the guiding targets for the last 15 years of OSPAR and the North Sea Conference frameworks, but have proved very difficult to reach for nitrogen. The fulfilment of this target constitutes an important part of OSPAR’s Strategy to Combat Eutrophication adopted in 1998, but the Strategy also opens for the development of ecological quality objectives as a basis for implementing further targets at source. Fully developed and implemented, an abatement strategy based on ecological quality objectives – EcoQO (‘effect based’) would lead to differentiated measures for different catchments and sources, which could replace the fixed 50% reduction target. The Strategy put emphasis on development and application of a Common Procedure to Identify Eutrophication Status of the OSPAR Maritime Area (adopted in 1997), where areas should be classified either as problem areas, non-problem areas or potential problem areas. A list of assessment parameters is part of this procedure, but the development of any quantitative assessment criteria is currently under discussion, including the relationship with ecological quality objectives. The OSPAR Strategy to Combat Eutrophication state that the development of appropriate assessment criteria in the Common Procedure to Identify Eutrophication Status of the Maritime Area of the OSPAR Convention is fundamental to the development of an agreed procedure to derive EcoQOs.

One of the main activities in the further development within OSPAR of an ecosystem approach is said to be the establishment of overall or integrated objectives, and at the specific level, more detailed and operational objectives. An important principle for the work on ecosystem approach is to involve all relevant national authorities, as well as stakeholders from both the ‘polluting sectors’ and non-governmental organisations. Work within the OSPAR framework is currently going on with the objective of developing proposals for EQOs for the North Sea.

An ecosystem approach requires that the interrelationships between land, air and water (both fresh and marine waters) are established. This is in line with the integrated approach in the EC Water Framework Directive, where catchments and coastal marine areas are managed holistically as one river basin district.

7.2.3 The CHARM project, Ms Sif Johannson, Swedish EPA, Sweden

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Ms Johannson explained that the CHARM project deals with characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem and dynamics and function of the coastal types and will deliver results by 2004. The goals are to develop:  A common methodology for establishing coastal types  Key factors triggering ecosystem alteration  Key indicators for ecosystem functioning  Quantitative ecological relationships between anthropogenic pressure and key indicators  Ecological reference conditions for Baltic coastal water bodies  Recommendations for new monitoring strategies for Baltic Sea coastal ecosystems based on the developed typology, reference conditions and key indicators

In a comment, Mr Ménesguen focused on the use of models and on improved monitoring of ‘end-products’, e.g. secondary effects as oxygen depletion.

7.3 Recommendations

After the discussions at the Workshop, the following ideas emerged, to be put forward to the various frameworks dealing with eutrophication.

Issues Comments Monitoring sites, location Cost-efficient networks adapted to water body type. and parameters, frequency Complementary tools such as remote sensing, physical and methods. models, paleolimnology and submersible fluorimetric probes Remote sensing Further explore the potential of remote sensing (by satellite, plane and zeppelin) for both fresh-and marine water monitoring

N/P ratio- limiting factors- N and P can be successively limiting throughout the eutrophication season- (seasonal releases from dead algae or sediments) management factors, role of Si P-releases (internal Role of anoxia, resuspension of sediments, high pH, recycling in lakes) from monitoring, modelling sediments Macrophytes Role of N and P (from water and from sediments)- nuisance species Monitoring and classification methods Bioindicators of eutrophication impact on ecosystems Zooplankton in lakes as Means of control of the phytoplankton blooms. eutrophication bioindicator To be added to the WFD list of parameters? Aquaculture Examples from France show clear impact of freshwater aquaculture on macrophyte diversity in rivers. There is also concern about the increased nutrients discharges from intensive marine fish farming in countries such as Norway and Scotland. This development needs to be monitored closely, and impact assesment methods proposed.

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‘Eutrophication physical This issue/index is based on the physical properties of the resistance index’ different coastal areas in Europe. Alternatively, the index could be expressed in terms of physical sensitivity to eutrophication. The issue could be introduced in the work on typology of lakes, rivers and coastal waters in order to link physical conditions (mainly natural turbidity, depth, stratification risk- c.f. Vollenweider), with observed eutrophication effects.

BLOCK VIII - MONITORING GUIDELINES FOR EU-DIRECTIVES Chairman: Jean Duchemin / European Commission

8.1 Objective Presentation and discussions of the Draft proposal for elements of monitoring guidelines (eutrophication criteria and monitoring methodology, for groundwater, fresh and marine waters).

8.2 Presentations

8.2.1 Draft Guidelines for the Monitoring required under the Nitrates Directive Mr Stig A. Borgvang, Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway

Mr Borgvang presented the revised preliminary Guidelines on the Monitoring required under the Nitrates Directive. The monitoring guidelines were originally drawn up according to Article 7 of the Nitrates Directive and were presented to the Nitrates Committee in 1999. The Nitrates Committee had concluded that it was a good draft, which nevertheless needed some complements related to monitoring of groundwater, eutrophication criteria and tracing of N-nitrogen origins (wastewater, agriculture). The revised version of the Guideline represents an update of the previous and, to some extent, an extension of the sections on monitoring and eutrophication (the review only concerns the three first sections of the Guidelines, namely the Introduction, the Obligations of the Directive and the Monitoring for the Identification of Waters affected by Agricultural Nitrates Pollution).

Eutrophication, occurs on different geographical scales, ranging from small national inland freshwater catchments to large-scale transboundary phenomena in marine waters. It follows that the strategy for monitoring has to be developed both with regard to management requirements and the nature of the phenomenon to be studied.

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The strict requirements of the Directive it only to monitor during one year in every four years so interannual variations are not well taken into account, particularly in surface waters. For this reason it is desirable to undertake this monitoring more frequently in selected representative sampling points to extrapolate the monitoring data to “average" climatic conditions, allowing long term trends comparisons.

Under the Directive surface waters must be monitored at least monthly and more frequently during flood periods, where sampling should preferably be made proportional to the water flow in the rivers. Automatic sampling devices or sensors for direct or continuous determination of nitrates may be alternatives to manual sampling.

Member States should take care to ensure that their sampling network is sufficient for the purposes of Annex I. Selection of sampling sites would benefit from co- ordination/harmonisation with the requirements in the Water Framework Directive and in the Eurowaternet” EEA network.

Eutrophication is a complicated phenomenon. For each parameter it is necessary to assess whether agricultural sources are making a significant contribution to the problem. In practice this will include looking at all the relevant factors, including trying to establish the relative contributions of other sources of nitrogen and phosphorus to the problem. Member States’ monitoring should also be directed at establishing whether a water body could become eutrophic in the future. Hence, Member States should examine past trends and make predictions about future developments.

In conclusion, Mr Borgvang highlighted the following points:  Long time series, both retrospective and prospective, are important  For the monitoring of marine waters, the parameters could be selected according to OSPAR holistic list of assessment criteria- complemented with total N and P.  For rivers, transitional and coastal waters, macrophytes index can be essential tools.  Monitoring could preferably be combined with remote sensing and modelling  There are a large number of monitoring requirements on Member States from various international fora, it is important to further develop cost-efficient networks adapted to water body type.  Complementary tools such as remote sensing, physical models and paleolimnology should be assessed for possible application  The potential use of stable isotope studies and other N origin tracing methods for estimation of agriculture’s relative contribution to the total nutrient load could be further promoted  It is important to combine the approaches of the Nitrates and UWWT Directives, Habitats Directive and the WFD to avoid duplication and achieve the goals of all Directives- synergies.

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BLOCK IX – RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOW UP Chairman: Patrick Murphy - European Commission

Mr Murphy underlined the importance of avoiding duplication of work within the various fora dealing with eutrophication related issues. This is in particular important for the Nitrates Dir., the UWWT Dir. and the WFD and, to a lesser extent, the Habitat Directive. The latter has established ten Working Groups that within one year will develop Guidelines for implementing the Directive. Several of these Working Groups are reviewing issues linked to eutrophication. The summary record of this eutrophication workshop, and the very interesting presentations made during these 3 days, will be included in the documents of the WFD “CIRCA” site. It is nevertheless important to bear in mind that both the Nitrates Directive and the UWWT still are in need of common guidance in the short term for a number of issues.

The ongoing activities within OSPAR/HELCOM related to eutrophication criteria should be taken into account when dealing with this topic in the framework of the said directives.On the other hand, the International Commissions have to take into account the requirements of EU Directives . How this formally is organised needs to be reviewed, also in the frame of the E.U. Marine Strategy.

Within the framework of the Nitrates Directive, Member States are currently in the middle of its third reporting round and therefore need harmonised procedures for monitoring and reporting, in addition to the existing reporting guidelines published by the EC in 1999. Hence, the Monitoring Guidelines for the Nitrates Directive need to be finalised as much as possible (provisional version) in the current monitoring/reporting exercise (2000- 2003), and formally adopted before the 4th monitoring exercise in 2004. In doing so, all efforts should be made to ensure coherence to the extent possible with the terminology and procedures of the WFD. Throughout this process any appropriate information from these Guidelines will be put forward to the Common Implementation Strategy work within the WFD. After finalisation of these provisional monitoring guidelines, further activities aiming at full harmonisation and streamlining of monitoring and reporting should be incorporated in the future work of the relevant WFD working groups.

Issue Action

Monitoring Combine the approaches of the Nitrates and UWWT Directives, Habitats Directive and the WFD to avoid duplication and achieve the goals of all three Directives- synergies. Reporting Combine the approaches of the Nitrates and UWWT Directives and the WFD to avoid duplication and achieve the goals of all three Directives- synergies Organisation of future Incorporate the Nitrates and UWWT Directives' work work linked to eutrophication criteria, monitoring and reporting in the future work of the relevant WFD working groups.

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Michael Kyramarios Tel.: 02/773.21.29 MUMM Fax: 02/770.69.72 Gulledelle 100 E-mail: [email protected] B – 1200 Brussels Kor Van Hoof Tel.: 32/053/72.66.93 VMM Fax.: 32/053/72.66.30 A. Van de Maelestraat 96 Email: [email protected] B – 9320 Erembodegem Jesper Andersen Tel.: 45/46/30.12.80 Ministry of Environment National Environmental Research Institute – Fax: Dep. of Marine Ecology E-mail: [email protected] Frederiksborgvej 399 DK – 4000 Roskilde Uli Claussen Tel.: 49/30/ Federal Environment Agency Fax.: 49/30/ Umweltbundesamt Bismarckplatz 1 Email: [email protected] D – 14193 Berlin

Ramon Peña Tel.: 34/91/335.80.11 CEDEX Fax.: 34/91/335.79.94 M. Fomento/M. Medio Ambiente Paseo Bajo de la Virgen del Puerto, 3 Email: [email protected] E – 28005 Madrid Philippe Jannot Tel.: 33/1/ Ministère de l’écologie et du développement Fax.: 33/1/ durable Email: 20, ave de Ségur [email protected] F - 75302 Paris 07SP

Onno van de Velde Tel.: 31/320/29.84.70 RIZA Fax.: 31/320/29.85.14 P.O. Box 17 NL – 8200 AA Lelystad Email: [email protected]

Hellmut Fleckseder Tel.: 43/1/711.00.75.08 Federal Ministry for Environment and Water Fax.: 43/1/711.00.75.02 Management Email: Marxergasse 2 [email protected] A – 1030 Vienna Vitoria Mira Silva Tel.: 351/21/84.30.090 Instituto da Agua Fax.: 351/21/84.02.942 Av. Alm. Gago Coutinho, 30 P – 1049-066 Lisboa Email: [email protected] Simone Ferreira Pio Tel.: 351/21/84.30.093 Instituto da Agua Fax.: 351/21/84.73.571 Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 30 P – 1049-066 Lisboa Email: [email protected] Ansa Pilke Tel.: 358/9/4030.07.13 Finnish Environment Institute Fax.: 358/9/4030.07.90 P.O. Box 140 FIN – 00251 Helsinki Email: [email protected] Stephen Malcolm Tel.: 44/1502/52.44.22 Department of Environment Fax.: 44/1502/51.38.65 123 Victoria Street

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UK – London SW1E 6DE Email: [email protected] Jean Noël Druon Tel.: 39/0332/78 9651 Institute for Environment and Sustainability Fax.: 39/0332/78 9034 JRC Email: [email protected] I – 21020 ISPRA

Christian Pallière Tel.: 02/663.31.46 Issue Manager Agriculture & Environment- Fax: 02/675.39.61 EFMA - European Fertiliser Manufacturers E-mail: [email protected] Association 4 ave E. Van Nieuwienhuyze B – 1160 Brussels Sif Johansson Tel.: 46/8/698.15.36 Swedish EPA Fax: 46/8/698.16.64 S-10648 Stockholm E-mail: [email protected] Hans Güde Tel.: 49/7543/30.41.66 Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden- Fax.: 49/7543/30.42.99 Württemberg – Institut für Seenforschung Postfach 4253 Email: [email protected] D – 8801 Langenargen

Stephan Jacquet Tel.: 33/450/26.78.12 INRA-SHL - UMR CARRTEL Fax.: 33/450/26.07.60 75, Av. De Corzent BP 511 Email: [email protected] F – 74203 Thonon les Bains Cedex Christiane Lancelot Tel.: 32/2/650.59.88 Université Libre de Bruxelles Fax.: 32/2/650.59.93 50, Av. F. Roosevelt 1050 Bruxelles Email: [email protected] Anne Lyche-Solheim Tel.: 47/22/18.52.29 Norwegian Institute for Water Research Fax.: 47/22/18.52.00 (NIVA) P.O. Box 173 Email: [email protected] N - 0411 Oslo

Stig A. Borgvang Tel.: 47/22/18.51.07 Norwegian Institute for Water Research Fax.: 47/22/18.52.00 (NIVA) P.O. Box 173 Email: [email protected] N - 0411 Oslo John Rune Selvik Tel.: 47/22/18.51.150 Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) Fax.: 47/22/18.52.00 P.O. Box 173 N - 0411 Oslo Email: [email protected]

Alain Ménesguen Tel.: 33 2 IFREMER/DEL Fax.: Centre de Brest BP 70 Email: [email protected] F – 29280 Plouzané Simon Walmsley Tel.: 44/1483/41.25.16 Marine Policy Officer (Pollution) Fax.: 44/1483/42.64.09 WWF-UK Panda House, Weyside Park Email: [email protected] UK – Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XR

Patrick Murphy Tel.: 32/2/299.83.39 Email: [email protected] DG ENV.B1 European Commission

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200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels, Belgium

Joachim D’Eugenio Tel.: 32/2/299.03.55 DG ENV.B1, Email: joachim.d’[email protected] European Commission 200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels, Belgium Jean Duchemin Tel.: 32/2/295.02.87 DG ENV.B1, Email: [email protected] European Commission 200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels, Belgium

Elisabeth Hosner Tel.: 32/2/299.34.71 DG ENV.B1, Email: [email protected] European Commission 200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels, Belgium Elisabeth Lipiatou Tel.: 32/2/296.62.86 DG Recherche Email: [email protected] European Commission 200 rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels, Belgium

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Chairman: Patrick Murphy / European Commission

10.00 Introduction. Key issues – objectives/output of the workshop Patrick Murphy / EC, DG ENV. B.1 10:15 Current status/targets of directives: Nitrates Directive Jean Duchemin / EC, DG ENV. B.1 Urban Waste Water Treatment Elisabeth Hosner / EC, DG ENV. B.1 Water Framework Directive/Common Strategy Joachim D’Eugenio / EC, DG ENV. B.1 10:45 Discussion 11:15 Coffee Break BLOCK II – DEFINITIONS

Chairman: Joachim D’Eugenio / European Commission

11:35 Historical and current definitions of eutrophication Jean Duchemin / EC, DG ENV. B.1 11:50 Round table on a common definition of eutrophication, relevant for different water body types and eco-regions:  The North See and Baltic Sea Uli Claussen / UBA Berlin  Atlantic and Mediterranean See and Brackish waters Alain Ménesguen / IFREMER, France  Freshwaters Anne Lyche-Solheim/NIVA, Norway 12:45 Socio-economic aspects: costs of eutrophication (with Thierry Davy) 13:00 Lunch BLOCK III – EUTROPHICATION MECHANISMS AND


Chairman: Alain Ménesguen / IFREMER, France

14:30 Marine eutrophication resistance linked with physical environment

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Jean-Noel Druon / JRC, Ispra 14:50 Thresholds of environmental sustainability –Case of nutrients Elisabeth Lipiatou / EC DG RTD 15:10 First results of the WFD – Working Group on typology, classification of transitional, costal waters Uli Claussen / UBA Berlin 15:30 State of play/results of the WFD –Working Group on reference conditions inland surface waters Anne Lyche-Solheim/ NIVA, Norway 15:50 Discussion 16:10 Coffee break 16:30 Reference values for nutriments and ecosystems under ‘natural’ conditions in fresh waters Anne Lyche-Solheim/NIVA, Norway. 16.50 Reference values for nutriments and ecosystems under ‘natural’ conditions in marine waters Christiane Lancelot / ESA, University of Brussels 17:10 Specific problems of brackish and transitional/coastal waters Alain Ménesguen / IFREMER, France 17:30 Discussion 18:00 End of first day 29 MAY 2002


Chairman: Jean Duchemin / EC DG.ENV.

08:45 Freshwaters - lakes and reservoirs (Monitoring, curative measures and effects): - Lake Léman and Lake du Bourget Stephan Jacquet / INRA, France - Lake Constance Hans Güde/LA f. Umweltschutz, Baden-Württemberg - Lake Neusiedl Hellmut Fleckseder /BMLFUW, Austria 09:35 Discussion 09:55 Rivers, estuaries and brackish waters Jean Duchemin, E.C. - Lagoons in France and Spain A.Ménesguen , IFREMER 10:35 Discussion, and information on further case studies presented by Member States 11:00 Coffee break 11:20 Coastal and marine waters - Belgian Coast Christiane Lancelot / ESA, University of Brussels - North Sea and Baltic Sea Uli Claussen / UBA Berlin - Atlantic/Brittany Alain Ménesguen / IFREMER, France - Adriatic Sea -JRC, Ispra

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12:20 Discussion, and information on further case studies presented byMember States 12:45 Lunch

BLOCK V – RECENT KNOWLEDGE ON NUTRIENTS INFLUENCE Chairman: Elisabeth Hosner / E. C. DG.ENV. 14:15 Toxic blooms frequency and duration

- Blue algae development/toxin content S. Jacquet / INRA, France - Dinophysis, Alexandrium, Pseudo-Nitzschia blooms/balance with other phyto-planctons A. Ménesguen/IFREMER - Toxin content of marine plancton E. Lipiatou-J.Duchemin, E.C. 15:15 Macrophytes nuisance (long and short living species development, shift and impact on aquatic fauna) - Role of N and P in water and sediments With: A. Lyche-Solheim, A Ménesguen , U.Claussen. 15:55 Discussion 16:15 Coffee break


16:35 Presentation and discussion of models linked with previous case studies (e.g. Léman, mediterranean lagoons, North Sea) (Application in fresh, brackish and marine waters; use for prediction of nutrient reduction scenarios efficiency. Discussion on accuracy of models and extrapolation of their use) With:S.Jacquet, C.Lancelot, A.Ménesguen 17:35 Monitoring networks and existing methods. Complementarity and limits

In situ sampling frequencies, for both physico-chemical parameters and bio-indicators, in fresh, transitional and coastal waters - Remote sensing: Fields of application, examples - Paleolimnology (temporal analysis in lakes, fjords, enclosed bays …) With:, S.Jacquet, A.Ménesguen, J-N Druon, E.Lipiatou, U.Claussen. 18:35 End of second day 20:00 Dinner in the city 30 MAY 2002



Chairman: Stig A. Borgvang / NIVA, Norway

09:00 Review for fresh water: Criteria and classifications used by Member states. Discussion/proposals for harmonised criteria and process (including “threatened waters” concept)

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Background documents: JRC 2001 review 10:20 Coffee break 10:40 Review for brackish and marine waters: Criteria and classifications used by Member States or international conventions. Discussion/proposals for harmonised criteria and process (including “threatened” waters concept) Background documents: OSPAR holistic approach, ERM and IFREMER 2001 synthesis 12:00 Lunch


Chairman: Jean Duchemin / European Commission

13:15 Draft proposal and discussion for elements of monitoring guidelines (eutrophication criteria and monitoring methodology, for fresh and marine waters) Stig Borgvang / NIVA, Norway


Chairman: Patrick Murphy / European Commission

14:00 Summary of results Jean Duchemin / EC, DG ENV. B.1, Stig A. Borgvang / NIVA, Norway 14:30 Conclusions Patrick Murphy / EC, DG ENV. B.1 15:00 End

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The CIRCA Interest Group "Implementing the Water Framework Directive", is a new electronic forum accessible through the internet! This forum has been established in order to improve the sharing of information and the views on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. It is also part of the Common Implementation Strategy agreed on by the 15 Member States, Norway and the Commission on 2 May 2001 in Fiskebackskill, Sweden. What is CIRCA? Following the agreement on the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive, the Commission set up a Website using a new tool called CIRCA (Communication Information Resource Centre Administrator). CIRCA is an extranet tool, developed under the European Commission IDA programme, and tuned towards Public Administrations’ needs. It enables a given community (e.g. committee, working group, project group etc.) geographically spread across Europe (and beyond) to maintain a private space on the Internet where they can share information, documents, participate in discussion fora and various other functionalities. This private space is called an ‘Interest Group’or ‘User Group’. More documentation about CIRCA can be found at the following internet page: The access and navigation in this virtual space is done via any Internet browser and Internet connection. As in any working group, committee or project team, one member plays the role of chairman or moderator, in CIRCA it is called a ‘Leader’ – that’s the team in the Commission. All the other users have pre-defined ‘Access Classes' that permit a different level of access depending on the status of the user. The different ‘Access Classes’ in this ‘Interest Group’ are specified in a separate document. What services does CIRCA offer? Now that you are ready to work with the CIRCA tool, you can start to explore the possibilities it offers. The CIRCA ‘Interest Group’ provides several services. ‘ Information’: this section includes general information on the Water Framework Directive, on the common strategy and on the functioning of the interest group itself. ‘ Library’: the library stores various final/draft/working documents relevant to the different groups of the common strategy. The structure of the library follows closely the thematic issues identified in the Common Implementation Strategy. A more detailed description of the library structure will be presented in a separate document. ‘ Directory’: this directory stores all the information details of the different users/experts participating in the groups under the Common Implementation Strategy. By the way, you must also use the function ‘Details’ to modify and update your personal details such as address, email, membership in different Working Groups, etc… The Commission team does not have the access rights to your personal details! ‘ Meetings’: this service of the interest group provides the means to store information on forthcoming/past meetings relevant to the Common Implementation Strategy. ‘ Newsgroups’: Similar to the library, the newsgroup section has been structured in several newsgroups according to the activities developed under the Common Implementation Strategy. The newsgroup provides the means to discuss in an interactive manner specific issues and interests. The newsgroups are separated for the restricted and public groups, but the structure of the newsgroup section is identical (i.e. one newsgroup for each key issue for which a working group has been created). ‘ Email’: this component is a regular email service, that offers the advantage of having direct access to the email addresses of the interest group members. It also provides the means to send messages to the newsgroups or to a specific "sub-group" of members. ‘ Help’: this service offers a context sensitive on-line help that you can consult whenever you have questions regarding the use of the different services. How can I get further help?

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If you need more information on how to use the CIRCA services, you might want to read the User Manual. In order to download the manual, go to ‘Library’ and you will find the summarised User Manual ("Quick Guide for Circa 2.4") under the first section named "A-Help for CIRCA". In addition, we installed a HELP DESK where you can directly contact the WFD Team if you encounter any problems. Help Desk via eMail: [email protected] Help Desk via telephone: +32-2-296.32.37. What to do now? We hope you will find this new Website tool useful. The efficient use of the ‘Interest Group’ "Implementing the Water Framework Directive" is part of a successful implementation process. The challenge will be to constantly improve the functioning and use of the system. We are looking forward to receiving any questions, comments or support to contribute towards this aim. We would like to invite you to visit this new Website ‘Interest Group’ and to explore its functions. The ‘Interest Group’ "Implementing the Water Framework Directive" will be the key tool to facilitate the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive. Hence, we will make every effort that you will have easy access and control over the use of this system.

The WFD Team

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