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International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2015 Bandelow B. et al., Efficacy of Treatments for Anxiety Disorders – A Meta-Analysis

Supplementary Digital Content (Online only)

Contains:  Methods: Use of scales if the HAMA or LSAS were not available  Abbreviations  Table: Studies included in the meta-analysis  References for studies included in the meta-analysis

Use of scales if the HAMA or LSAS were not available We used for PDA (1) a panic-specific scale such as the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) (1) or the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS) (2); if not available: (2) the CGI (Clinical Global Impression Scale) (3); if not available: (3) a measure of panic attack frequency; if not available: (4) other measures. For GAD, we used alternatively: (1) the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PWSQ) (4); if not available: the (2) the CGI; if not available: (3) other measures. For SAD, we used (1) a symptom-specific scale like the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS) (5), the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) (6); the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) (6) or others; if not available: (2) the CGI; if not available: (3) other measures.


AR Applied Relaxation BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory BSPS Brief Social Phobia Scale CBT Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy/Exposure CBT + group Cognitive/Exposure Therapy combined with drug treatment CGI Clinical Global Impression CI 95% confidence interval DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing FQ-SP Fear Questionnaire–Social Phobia GAD Generalised anxiety disorder HAMA Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety IPT Interpersonal Therapy ITT Intention to treat LSAS Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale LOCF Last observation carried forward MAOI Irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor NS Not significant PAS Panic and Agoraphobia Scale PDA Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia PDSS Panic Disorder Severity Scale PDTh Psychodynamic Therapy PGI Patients’ Global Impression PMR Progressive Muscle Relaxation PSWQ Penn State Worry Questionnaire RIMA Reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A SAD Social Anxiety Disorder SADS Social Avoidance and Distress Scale 2

SD Standard deviation SE Standard error of the mean SIAS Social Interaction Anxiety Scale SNRIs Serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors SPS Social Phobia Scale SSRIs Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 3

Studies included in the meta-analysis

Table: Studies used in the meta-analysis. Two papers (7, 8) contained two studies each. Disorder: PDA, panic disorder/agoraphobia; GAD, generalised anxiety disorder; SAD, social anxiety disorder; d, Cohen’s d (pre-post); N, post-treatment sample sizes (ITT); duration, study duration in weeks; ITT, intent-to-treat analysis. Other abbreviations: Table 1. No No Authors, Year, Treatment R Disorder Treatment Treatment Group d N Duration/ ITT Ar Stu e weeks m dy 1 1 Abramowitz et al. 2009 Biblio ( SAD Bibliotherapy Non-Face-to-Face 1.27 11 8 no 9 Therapy 8 2 Abramowitz et al. 2009 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.40 10 8 no 2 3 2 Addis et al., 2004 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.87 38 24 yes 1 0 4 3 Allgulander et al., 1999 PAR ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.51 44 13 yes 1 7 5 Allgulander et al., 1999 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.39 48 13 yes 1 6 4 Allgulander, Dahl et al., 2004 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.69 189 12 yes 1 5 7 Allgulander, Dahl et al., 2004 SER GAD Sertraline SSRIs 2.47 184 12 yes 8 8 5 Allgulander, Mangano et al., 2004 ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.88 128 12 yes PAR 1 4 9 Allgulander, Mangano et al., 2004 SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.01 132 12 yes PLA 7 4

10 Allgulander, Mangano et al., 2004 SAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.91 129 12 yes VLX 6 11 6 Andersson et al., 2012 iCBT ( GAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.18 23 13 yes 1 Therapy 4 12 Andersson et al., 2012 iPDTh GAD Internet-PDTh Non-Face-to-Face 1.30 26 13 yes Therapy 9 13 Andersson et al., 2012 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.93 26 13 yes 9 14 7 Andrews et al., 2011 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 0.74 11 8 yes 1 4 15 Andrews et al., 2011 iCBT SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.67 14 8 yes Therapy 5 16 8 Arntz & van den Hout, 1996 AR ( PDA Applied Relaxation Relaxation 0.53 18 12 no 1 0 17 Arntz & van den Hout, 1996 CBT PDA CBT CBT 1.27 18 12 no 0 18 Arntz & van den Hout, 1996 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.02 18 12 no 0 19 9 Arntz, 2003 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 0.52 17 12 yes 1 7 20 Arntz, 2003 CBT GAD CBT CBT 0.52 20 12 yes 0 21 10 Asakura et al., 2007 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.59 176 10 yes 1 2 22 Asakura et al., 2007 PLA SAD Pill Placebo SSRIs 1.15 89 10 yes 5

2 23 11 Asnis et al., 2001 FLV ( PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.53 87 8 yes 1 1 24 Asnis et al., 2001 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.91 92 8 yes 9 25 12 Bakker et al. 1999 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.08 35 12 yes 2 4 26 Bakker et al. 1999 CMI PDA Clomipramine TCAs 1.18 32 12 yes 9 27 Bakker et al. 1999 PAR PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 1.75 32 12 yes 0 28 Bakker et al. 1999 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.62 35 12 yes 7 29 13 Baldwin et al., 1999 PAR ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.33 139 12 yes 2 6 30 Baldwin et al., 1999 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.70 151 12 yes 9 31 14 Baldwin et al., 2006 Esc ( GAD Escitalopram SSRIs 3.58 403 12 yes 2 8 32 Baldwin et al., 2006 PAR GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 3.33 139 12 yes 6 33 Baldwin et al., 2006 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 3.22 139 12 yes 0 34 15 Ball et al., 2005 PAR ( GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 4.05 25 8 yes 2 6 6

35 Ball et al., 2005 SER GAD Sertraline SSRIs 4.08 28 8 yes 0 36 16 Ballenger et al., 1988 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 0.57 247 3 yes 2 4 37 Ballenger et al., 1988 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.26 234 3 yes 7 38 17 Ballenger et al., 1998 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 1.14 209 10 yes 2 7 39 Ballenger et al., 1998 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.90 69 10 yes 1 40 18 Bandelow et al., 2004 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 2.03 81 12 yes 2 0 41 Bandelow et al., 2004 SER PDA Sertraline SSRIs 2.06 85 12 yes 1 42 Bandelow et al., 2010 PAR ( GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 3.43 214 8 yes 2 8 43 19 Bandelow et al., 2010 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.92 217 8 yes 6 44 Bandelow et al., 2010 QUE GAD Quetiapine Quetiapine 3.55 435 8 yes 8 45 20 Barlow et al., 1989 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.39 15 15 no 2 6 46 Barlow et al., 1989 CBT+PMR PDA CBT + PMR CBT + Relaxation 1.57 16 15 no 6 47 Barlow et al., 1989 PMR PDA PMR Relaxation 2.33 10 15 no 7

4 48 Barlow et al., 1989 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.41 15 15 no 9 49 21 Barlow et al., 1992 CBT+PMR ( GAD CBT + PMR CBT + Relaxation 1.33 11 15 yes 2 2 50 Barlow et al., 1992 CT+RLX GAD CT + Relaxation CBT 1.33 10 15 yes 2 51 Barlow et al., 1992 PMR GAD PMR Relaxation 1.43 10 15 yes 2 52 Barlow et al., 1992 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist - 12 15 yes 0.78 3 53 22 Barlow et al., 2000 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.26 56 13 yes 3 9 54 Barlow et al., 2000 CBT+IMI PDA CBT + Imipramine CBT + Drug 1.82 47 13 yes 8 55 Barlow et al., 2000 CBT+PLA PDA CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 1.39 45 13 yes 9 56 Barlow et al., 2000 IMI PDA Imipramine TCAs 1.54 51 13 yes 9 57 Barlow et al., 2000 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.63 14 13 yes 4 58 23 Beauclair et al., 1994 CLZ ( PDA Clonazepam Benzodiazepines 5.87 12 4 yes 3 5 59 Beauclair et al., 1994 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.75 8 4 yes 8

0 60 24 Beck et al., 1992 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.00 14 8 no 3 8 61 Beck et al., 1992 PP PDA Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.26 15 8 no Placebo 9 62 25 Beck et al., 1994 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.52 17 10 no 3 2 63 Beck et al., 1994 Relax PDA Relaxation Relaxation 1.18 19 10 no 1 64 Beck et al., 1994 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist - 22 10 no 0.34 9 65 26 Berger et al., 2009 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.82 31 10 yes 3 Therapy 0 66 Berger et al., 2009 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.20 21 10 yes 0 67 27 Berger et al., 2011 iCBT ( SAD iCBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.80 27 10 yes 3 Therapy 3 68 28 Bergstrom et al., 2010 CBTG ( PDA CBT Group CBT Group 1.83 44 10 no 3 3 69 Bergstrom et al., 2010 iCBT PDA iCBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.88 44 10 no Therapy 1 70 29 Beutel et al., 2013 HAMA CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.55 14 12 no 3 0 71 Beutel et al., 2013 HAMA PDTh PDA PDTh PDTh 0.88 29 12 no 9

0 72 30 Bielski et al. , 2005 ESC ( GAD Escitalopram SSRIs 4.31 60 24 yes 3 5 73 Bielski et al. , 2005 PAR GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 3.69 61 24 yes 4 74 31 Black et al. 1993 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.01 25 8 yes 3 2 75 Black et al. 1993 FLV PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 2.28 25 8 yes 5 76 Black et al. 1993 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.98 25 8 yes 7 77 32 Blanco et al., 2010 CBT+PHE ( SAD CBT Group + CBT + Drug 1.59 32 12 yes 4 Phenelzine 2 78 Blanco et al., 2010 CBTG SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.57 34 12 yes 5 79 Blanco et al., 2010 PHE SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 1.28 35 12 yes 8 80 Blanco et al., 2010 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.50 27 12 yes 5 81 33 Blomhoff et al., 2001 EXP ( SAD Exposure CBT 1.00 91 24 yes 4 0 82 Blomhoff et al., 2001 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.00 88 24 yes 0 83 Blomhoff et al., 2001 SER SAD Sertraline SSRIs 1.27 87 24 yes 3 10

84 Blomhoff et al., 2001 SER+EXP SAD Sertraline + CBT + Drug 1.41 88 24 yes Exposure 3 85 34 Boettcher et al, 2012 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.38 34 10 yes 4 Therapy 2 86 Boettcher et al, 2012 iCBT-I SAD Internet-CBT-i Non-Face-to-Face 1.74 34 10 yes Therapy 0 87 35 Bohni et al., 2009 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.04 20 13 no 4 0 88 Bohni et al., 2009 CBT-M PDA CBT-massed CBT 0.98 19 3 no 0 89 36 Borge et al, 2008 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 0.91 40 10 yes 4 6 90 Borge et al, 2008 IPT SAD IPT IPT 0.92 39 10 yes 9 91 37 Borgeat et al., 2009 et al. CBTG ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 1.10 14 8 no 4 4 92 Borgeat et al., 2009 et al. CBTG ex SAD CBT Group + EXP CBT Group 1.30 13 8 no 0 93 38 Borkovec et al., 1987 CBT+PMR ( GAD CBT + PMR CBT 1.83 37 12 no 4 1 94 Borkovec et al., 1987 NT+PMR GAD nondirective Psychological Placebo 1.42 14 12 no therapy + PMR 1 95 39 Borkovec et al., 1993 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.87 18 6 no 4 2 96 Borkovec et al., 1993 CBT GAD CBT CBT 1.81 16 6 no 11

4 97 Borkovec et al., 1993 NT GAD nondirective Psychological Placebo 1.18 13 6 no therapy 1 98 40 Borkovec et al., 2002 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 2.24 18 14 yes 4 9 99 Borkovec et al., 2002 CBT GAD CBT CBT 2.30 21 14 yes 9 100 41 Bouchard et al., 1996 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.51 14 30 no 4 4 101 Bouchard et al., 1996 EXP PDA Exposure CBT 1.08 14 30 no 5 102 42 Boyer et al., 1993 DIA ( GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 2.34 47 4 no 5 5 103 Boyer et al., 1993 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.31 42 4 no 8 104 43 Bradwejn et al., 2005 PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.91 168 10 yes 5 4 105 Bradwejn et al., 2005 VLX PDA Venlafaxine SNRIs 3.65 160 10 yes 3 106 44 Brawman-Mintzer et al., 2006 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 3.76 162 10 yes 5 2 107 Brawman-Mintzer et al., 2006 SER GAD Sertraline SSRIs 4.28 164 10 yes 8 108 45 Broocks et al., 1998 HAMA CMI ( PDA Clomipramine TCAs 1.92 15 10 yes 5 9 12

109 Broocks et al., 1998 HAMA EXE PDA Exercise Exercise 1.77 16 10 yes 7 110 Broocks et al., 1998 HAMA PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.26 15 10 yes 2 111 46 Brown et al., 1997 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.41 19 15 no 5 9 112 Brown et al., 1997 CBT-f PDA CBT CBT 1.01 21 15 no 7 113 47 Butler, 1991 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 2.31 19 7 no 5 2 114 Butler, 1991 CBT wo AM GAD CBT ohne AM CBT 0.84 18 7 no 3 115 Butler, 1991 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.59 19 7 no 8 116 48 Bystritsky et al., 1994 DES ( PDA Desipramine TCAs 1.22 10 10 no 5 7 117 Bystritsky et al., 1994 FLX PDA Fluoxetine SSRIs 2.30 11 10 no 1 118 49 Caillard et al., 1999 CMI ( PDA Clomipramine TCAs 4.10 107 8 yes 5 2 119 Caillard et al., 1999 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 3.24 51 8 yes 0 120 50 Carlbring et al., 2005 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.17 24 10 yes 5 9 121 Carlbring et al., 2005 iCBT PDA iCBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.75 25 10 yes 13

Therapy 4 122 51 Carlbring et al., 2006 iCBT ( PDA Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.26 28 10 yes 5 Therapy 7 123 Carlbring et al., 2006 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist - 29 10 yes 0.01 0 124 52 Carlbring et al., 2007 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.09 29 9 yes 6 Therapy 6 125 Carlbring et al., 2007 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist - 28 9 yes 0.06 0 126 53 Castillo et al., 1987 ALZ ( GAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.86 31 8 yes 6 0 127 Castillo et al., 1987 CLB GAD Clobazam Benzodiazepines 1.58 32 8 yes 9 128 Castillo et al., 1987 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.47 33 8 yes 3 129 54 Clark et al., 1994 AR ( PDA Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.55 20 12 yes 6 7 130 Clark et al., 1994 CBT PDA CBT CBT 2.47 20 12 yes 0 131 Clark et al., 1994 IMI PDA Imipramine TCAs 2.21 20 12 yes 6 132 55 Clark et al., 1999 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.66 14 12 no 6 9 14

133 Clark et al., 1999 CBT brief PDA CBT brief CBT 1.49 14 12 no 1 134 Clark et al., 1999 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.23 14 12 no 7 135 56 Clark et al., 2003 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.83 20 16 yes 6 0 136 Clark et al., 2003 FLX SAD Fluoxetine SSRIs 0.81 19 16 yes 2 137 Clark et al., 2003 PLA SAD Pill Placebo + Self Pill Placebo 0.66 20 16 yes Exposure 5 138 57 Clark et al., 2006 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.97 21 14 yes 6 8 139 Clark et al., 2006 EXP-AR SAD Exposure + Applied CBT 1.12 21 14 yes Relaxation 5 140 Clark et al., 2006 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist - 20 14 yes 0.00 1 141 58 CNCPS 1992 Deltito et al., 1991 ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.60 386 8 yes ALZ 6 8 142 CNCPS 1992 Deltito et al., 1991 PDA Imipramine TCAs 1.71 391 8 yes IMI 2 143 CNCPS 1992 Deltito et al., 1991 PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.50 391 8 yes PLA 5 144 59 Cottraux et al. 1995 CBT+BUS ( PDA CBT + Buspirone CBT + Drug 1.65 21 16 yes 6 9 15

145 Cottraux et al. 1995 CBT+PLA PDA CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 1.90 27 16 yes 3 146 60 Cottraux et al., 2000 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 0.69 27 12 no 6 9 147 Cottraux et al., 2000 PP SAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.20 28 12 no Placebo 4 148 61 Craske et al., 1995 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.79 16 4 no 6 1 149 Craske et al., 1995 PP PDA Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.18 13 4 no Placebo 0 150 62 Craske et al., 2003 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.00 27 16 no 7 4 151 Craske et al., 2003 CBT+EXP PDA CBT + EXP CBT 0.58 26 16 no 7 152 63 Crits-Christoph et al., 2011 ( GAD CBT + Drug CBT + Drug 7.29 17 24 no CBT+Drug 7 9 153 Crits-Christoph et al., 2011 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 7.67 24 24 no 5 154 64 Cutler et al., 1993 LOR ( GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 2.46 82 4 yes 7 5 155 Cutler et al., 1993 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.07 76 4 yes 9 156 65 Darcis et al, 1995 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.46 56 5 no 7 2 157 Darcis et al., 1995 HYD GAD Hydroxyzine Hydroxyzine 2.72 54 5 no 16

6 158 66 Davidson et al., 1993 CLZ ( SAD Clonazepam Benzodiazepines 1.62 39 10 yes 7 1 159 Davidson et al., 1993 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.63 36 10 yes 7 160 67 Davidson et al., 1999 BUS ( GAD Buspirone Buspirone 0.83 93 8 yes 7 4 161 Davidson et al., 1999 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.70 98 8 yes 4 162 Davidson et al., 1999 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 0.92 174 8 yes 4 163 68 Davidson, Bose et al. 2004 ESC ( GAD Escitalopram SSRIs 2.53 154 8 yes 7 9 164 Davidson, Bose et al. 2004 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.66 153 8 yes 3 165 69 Davidson, Foa et al., 2004 ( SAD CBT + Fluoxetine CBT + Drug 1.80 59 14 yes CBT+FLX 7 8 166 Davidson, Foa et al., 2004 SAD CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 1.76 59 14 yes CBT+PLA 7 167 Davidson, Foa et al., 2004 CBTG SAD CBT Group CBT Group 1.92 60 14 yes 1 168 Davidson, Foa et al., 2004 FLX SAD Fluoxetine SSRIs 1.81 57 14 yes 8 169 Davidson, Foa et al., 2004 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.09 60 14 yes 5 17

170 70 Davidson, Yaryura et al. 2004 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.47 139 12 yes 7 6 171 Davidson, Yaryura et al. 2004 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.71 140 12 yes 3 172 71 de Beurs et al. 1995 EXP ( PDA Exposure alone CBT 1.54 18 12 yes 7 5 173 de Beurs et al. 1995 FLX+EXP PDA Fluvoxamine + CBT + Drug 2.66 19 12 yes Exposure 7 174 de Beurs et al. 1995 PLA PDA Pill Placebo + CBT + Pill Placebo 1.23 19 12 yes Exposure 0 175 de Beurs et al. 1995 PME PDA Panic Management CBT 1.26 20 12 yes + Exposure 1 176 72 Den Boer et al., 1990 FLV ( PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.71 20 8 no 8 3 177 Den Boer et al., 1990 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.13 19 8 no 5 178 73 Dugas et al., 2003 CBTG ( GAD CBT Group CBT Group 1.62 23 14 no 8 5 179 Dugas et al., 2003 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.26 25 14 no 3 180 74 Dugas et al., 2010 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 0.84 31 12 no 8 1 181 Dugas et al., 2010 CBT GAD CBT CBT 1.19 33 12 no 9 182 Dugas et al., 2010 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist - 19 12 no 0.17 18

6 183 75 Dunner et al., 1986 APZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.31 13 7 no 8 7 184 Dunner et al., 1986 DIA PDA Diazepam Benzodiazepines 1.32 13 7 no 9 185 Dunner et al., 1986 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.17 14 7 no 9 186 76 Elie & Lamontagne, 1984 ALP ( GAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 4.15 24 4 no 8 7 187 Elie & Lamontagne, 1984 DIA GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 4.37 24 4 no 7 188 77 Enkelmann, 1991 ALZ ( GAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 2.54 28 6 no 8 7 189 Enkelmann, 1991 BUS GAD Buspirone Buspirone 2.01 20 6 no 7 190 Enkelmann, 1991 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.62 10 6 no 8 191 78 Fahy et al., 1992 CMI ( PDA CBT + CBT + Drug 2.60 18 6 no 8 Clomipramine 5 192 Fahy et al., 1992 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.69 24 6 no 5 193 79 Feltner et al., 2003 LOR ( GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 2.70 64 4 yes 8 4 194 Feltner et al., 2003 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.88 66 4 yes 5 19

195 78 Feltner et al., 2003 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 2.78 130 4 yes 6 196 80 Feltner et al., 2011 PLA ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.96 82 11 yes 8 2 197 Feltner et al., 2011 PRG SAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 1.22 246 11 yes 9 198 81 Ferreri et al., 1994 HYD ( GAD Hydroxyzine Hydroxyzine 1.68 41 4 no 8 2 199 Ferreri et al., 1994 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.95 41 4 no 4 200 82 Feske & Goldstein, 1997 EMDR ( PDA EMDR EMDR 1.19 15 6 no 9 7 201 Feske & Goldstein, 1997 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.12 15 6 no 4 202 83 Fonseca D'El Rey et al., 2008 ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 1.79 15 12 no CBTG 9 5 203 Fonseca D'El Rey et al., 2008 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.07 16 12 no 1 204 84 Fontaine et al., 1983 BRO ( GAD Bromazepam Benzodiazepines 2.90 16 4 no 9 7 205 Fontaine et al., 1983 DIA GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 2.55 16 4 no 8 206 Fontaine et al., 1983 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.58 16 4 no 1 207 85 Fontaine et al., 1986 BRO ( GAD Bromazepam Benzodiazepines 2.82 20 4 yes 9 20

9 208 Fontaine et al., 1986 LOR GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 2.48 20 4 yes 1 209 82 Fontaine et al., 1986 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.31 20 4 yes 8 210 86 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 1 Bib ( SAD Bibliotherapy Waitlist 0.84 40 9 no 7 8 211 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 1 iCBT SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.85 40 9 no Clinician-Ass Therapy 4 212 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 1 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.04 40 9 no 3 213 87 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 2 Bib ( SAD Bibliotherapy Non-Face-to-Face 0.83 29 9 no 7 Therapy 5 214 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 2 BibD SAD Bibliotherapy + Non-Face-to-Face 1.30 28 9 no Discussion Group Therapy 8 215 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 2 iAR SAD Internet-AR Non-Face-to-Face 1.06 29 9 no Therapy 3 216 Furmark et al., 2009 Study 2 iCBT SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.22 29 9 no Clinician-Ass Therapy 0 217 88 Gelenberg et al., 2000 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.74 123 28 yes 9 0 218 Gelenberg et al., 2000 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.68 115 28 yes 0 219 89 Gelernter et al., 1991 ALZ ( SAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.23 12 12 yes 9 2 21

220 Gelernter et al., 1991 CBT SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.75 17 12 yes 2 221 Gelernter et al., 1991 PHE SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 1.03 13 12 yes 5 222 Gelernter et al., 1991 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.86 15 12 yes 3 223 90 Gloster et al., 2011 HAMA CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.92 242 26 yes 9 6 224 Gloster et al., 2011 HAMA WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.34 64 26 yes 2 225 92 Goldstein et al., 2000 I EMDR ( PDA EMDR EMDR 0.77 14 4 no 8 3 226 Goldstein et al., 2000 I WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist - 13 4 no 0.00 5 227 93 Goldstein et al., 2000 II EMDR ( PDA EMDR EMDR 0.76 6 4 no 8 8 228 Goldstein et al., 2000 II PP PDA Psychological Psychological Placebo - 7 4 no Placebo 0.00 5 229 94 Gruber et al., 2001 CBTG ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.80 14 12 yes 9 5 230 Gruber et al., 2001 CBTG + SAD CBT Group + CBT 0.42 15 8 yes Handheld 0 231 Gruber et al., 2001 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.10 17 12 yes 22

0 232 95 Hackett et al., 2003 DIA ( GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 2.86 89 8 yes 9 8 233 Hackett et al., 2003 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.26 97 8 yes 7 234 Hackett et al., 2003 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.60 345 8 yes 8 235 96 Hartford et al., 2007 DLX ( GAD Duloxetine SNRIs 2.08 162 10 yes 9 7 236 Hartford et al., 2007 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.62 161 10 yes 6 237 Hartford et al., 2007 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.19 164 10 yes 4 238 97 Hayes-Skelton et al., 2013 ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.21 81 16 yes 1 2 239 Hayes-Skelton et al., 2013 ABBT GAD ABBT CBT 1.11 81 16 yes 5 240 98 Hedman et al., 2011 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.06 50 15 yes 1 6 241 Hedman et al., 2011 iCBT SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.32 51 15 yes Therapy 1 242 99 Heimberg et al., 1990 CBT ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 1.06 20 12 no 1 3 243 Heimberg et al., 1990 PP SAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.76 20 12 no Placebo 6 23

244 100 Heimberg et al., 1998 CBT ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.42 28 12 yes 1 7 245 Heimberg et al., 1998 PHE SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 1.22 26 12 yes 8 246 Heimberg et al., 1998 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.44 27 12 yes 8 247 Heimberg et al., 1998 PP SAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.00 26 12 yes Placebo 8 248 101 Hofmann et al., 2004 CBTG ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.72 12 12 no 1 0 249 Hofmann et al., 2004 EXP SAD Exposure CBT 0.52 18 12 no 0 250 102 Hoge et al., 2013 MIND ( GAD Mindfulness Mindfulness 1.16 48 8 yes 1 3 251 Hoge et al., 2013 PP GAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.87 41 8 yes Placebo 1 252 103 Hope et al., 1995 CBTG ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.91 13 12 no 1 4 253 Hope et al., 1995 EXP SAD Exposure CBT 1.20 10 12 no 7 254 Hope et al., 1995 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist - 10 12 no 0.24 1 255 104 Hovland et al., 2012 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.15 19 12 yes 1 1 24

256 Hovland et al., 2012 EXE PDA Exercise Exercise 0.60 17 12 yes 4 257 105 Hoyer et al., 2009 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 1.30 29 15 yes 1 7 258 Hoyer et al., 2009 REL GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.45 28 15 yes 9 259 Hoyer et al., 2009 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.30 29 15 yes 3 260 106 IMCTGMSP, 1997 MOC ( SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 1.12 384 12 yes 1 3 261 IMCTGMSP, 1997 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.81 194 12 yes 1 262 107 Ito et al., 2001 EXP ( PDA Exposure i CBT 1.61 57 10 no 1 0 263 Ito et al., 2001 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist - 18 10 no 0.01 3 264 108 Jazaieri et al., 2012 EXE ( SAD Exercise Exercise 1.38 28 8 yes 1 2 265 Jazaieri et al., 2012 MIND SAD Mindfulness Mindfulness 1.66 24 8 yes 6 266 109 Kasper et al., 2005 ESC ( SAD Escitalopram SSRIs 2.03 181 12 yes 1 3 267 Kasper et al., 2005 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.60 177 12 yes 3 25

268 110 Kasper et al., 2009 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.88 128 8 yes 1 4 269 Kasper et al., 2009 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 2.33 121 8 yes 5 270 Kasper et al., 2009 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.93 125 8 yes 2 271 111 Kenardy et al., 2003 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.25 120 9 yes 1 4 272 Kenardy et al., 2003 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.09 41 12 yes 6 273 112 Khan et al., 2011 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.95 225 8 yes 1 8 274 Khan et al., 2011 QUE GAD Quetiapine Quetiapine 3.43 669 8 yes 9 275 113 Kiropoulos et al., 2008 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.18 35 12 yes 1 2 276 Kiropoulos et al., 2008 iCBT PDA iCBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.04 35 12 yes Therapy 8 277 114 Klosko et al., 1990 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 0.92 16 15 yes 1 1 278 Klosko et al., 1990 CBT PDA CBT CBT 1.29 15 15 yes 6 279 Klosko et al., 1990 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.72 11 15 yes 7 280 Klosko et al., 1990 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.32 15 15 yes 26

7 281 115 Knijnik et al., 2004 PDTh ( SAD PDTh PDTh 0.96 15 12 no 1 2 282 Knijnik et al., 2004 PP SAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.40 15 12 no Placebo 5 283 116 Knijnik et al., 2008 CLZ ( SAD Clonazepam Benzodiazepines 0.70 28 12 no 1 9 284 117 Kobak et al., 2002 FLX ( SAD Fluoxetine SSRIs 1.13 15 8 yes 1 8 285 Kobak et al., 2002 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.17 15 8 yes 6 286 118 Kocovski et al., 2013 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.65 32 12 no 1 0 287 Kocovski et al., 2013 Mind SAD Mindfulness Mindfulness 1.65 37 12 no 2 288 Kocovski et al., 2013 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.63 32 12 no 9 289 119 Koponen et al., 2007 DLX ( GAD Duloxetine SNRIs 1.71 338 9 yes 1 9 290 Koponen et al., 2007 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.13 175 9 yes 9 291 120 Koszycki et al., 2007 CBT ( SAD CBT Group CBT Group 2.40 27 12 yes 1 9 292 Koszycki et al., 2007 Mind SAD Mindfulness Mindfulness 1.98 26 12 yes 4 27

293 121 Krüger & Dahl 1999, CMI ( PDA Clomipramine TCAs 0.94 53 8 yes 1 3 294 Krüger & Dahl, 1999 MOC PDA Moclobemide Moclobemide 0.77 50 8 yes 0 295 122 Lader & Scotto, 1998 BUS ( GAD Buspirone Buspirone 2.09 82 4 yes 1 1 296 Lader & Scotto, 1998 HYD GAD Hydroxyzine Hydroxyzine 2.56 81 4 yes 6 297 Lader & Scotto, 1998 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.71 82 4 yes 1 298 123 Lader et al., 2004 ESC ( SAD Escitalopram SSRIs 2.47 354 24 yes 1 3 299 Lader et al., 2004 PAR SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 2.41 124 24 yes 3 300 Lader et al., 2004 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.97 116 24 yes 2 301 124 Ladouceur et al., 2000 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 1.07 14 16 no 1 3 302 Ladouceur et al., 2000 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.24 12 16 no 7 303 125 Lecrubier et al., 1997 CMI ( PDA Clomipramine TCAs 3.05 121 12 no 1 6 304 Lecrubier et al., 1997 PAR PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 3.13 119 12 no 9 305 Lecrubier et al., 1997 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.70 122 12 no 28

1 306 126 Leichsenring et al., 2009 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 2.58 29 30 yes 1 3 307 Leichsenring et al., 2009 PDTh GAD PDTh PDTh 2.10 28 30 yes 5 308 127 Leichsenring et al., 2013 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.32 209 37,4 yes 1 0 309 Leichsenring et al., 2013 PDTh SAD PDTh PDTh 1.02 207 38,7 yes 2 310 Leichsenring et al., 2013 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.23 79 29 yes 5 311 128 Lepola et al., 2004 PAR ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.29 185 12 yes 1 7 312 Lepola et al., 2004 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.75 184 12 yes 2 313 129 Lidren et al., 1994 Biblio ( PDA Bibliotherapy Non-Face-to-Face 1.60 11 8 no 1 Therapy 3 314 Lidren et al., 1994 CBTG PDA CBT Group CBT Group 1.74 11 8 no 0 315 Lidren et al., 1994 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.24 11 8 no 2 316 130 Liebowitz et al., 1988 PHE ( SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 1.70 14 4 no 1 0 317 Liebowitz et al., 1988 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.20 14 4 no 0 29

318 131 Liebowitz et al., 1992 PHE ( SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 1.08 25 4 0 1 0 319 Liebowitz et al., 1992 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.21 26 4 Bla 8 nk 320 132 Liebowitz et al., 2002 PAR ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.18 175 12 yes 1 0 321 Liebowitz et al., 2002 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.65 67 12 yes 5 322 133 Liebowitz et al., 2003 PLA ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.36 204 12 yes 1 1 323 Liebowitz et al., 2003 SER SAD Sertraline SSRIs 1.94 211 12 yes 5 324 134 Liebowitz et al., 2009 PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.45 150 10 yes 1 3 325 Liebowitz et al., 2009 VLX PDA Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.79 140 10 yes 8 326 135 Liebowitz, Gelenberg et al., 2005 ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.12 146 12 yes PLA 1 9 327 Liebowitz, Gelenberg et al., 2005 SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.99 142 12 yes PAR 4 328 Liebowitz, Gelenberg et al., 2005 SAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.78 141 12 yes VLX 0 329 136 Liebowitz, Mangano et al., 2005 ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.92 138 12 yes PLA 1 1 330 Liebowitz, Mangano et al., 2005 SAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.55 133 12 yes 30

VLX 6 331 137 Linden et al., 2005 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 1.14 29 25 no 1 5 332 Linden et al., 2005 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.18 32 25 no 1 333 138 Lindsay et al., 1987 BZ ( SAD Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines 2.43 10 4 no 1 7 334 Lindsay et al., 1987 CBT SAD CBT CBT 3.86 10 4 no 6 335 Lindsay et al., 1987 PP SAD Anxiety Psychological Placebo 2.94 10 4 no Management 1 336 Lindsay et al., 1987 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.42 10 4 no 0 337 139 Lipsitz et al., 2008 IPT ( SAD IPT IPT 0.84 26 14 yes 1 8 338 Lipsitz et al., 2008 PP SAD PDTh-Supportive Psychological Placebo 0.60 26 14 yes 0 339 140 Llorca et al., 2002 HYD ( GAD Hydroxyzine Hydroxyzine 3.26 96 12 yes 1 0 340 Llorca et al., 2002 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.52 100 12 yes 9 341 141 Loerch et al. 1999 CBT+PLA ( PDA CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 1.72 13 8 yes 1 0 31

342 Loerch et al. 1999 MOC PDA Moclobemide + Moclobemide 0.57 9 8 yes Clinical 1 Management 343 Loerch et al. 1999 MOC+CBT PDA Moclobemide + CBT CBT + Drug 1.27 11 8 yes 3 344 Loerch et al. 1999 PLA PDA Pill Placebo + Pill Placebo + 0.82 9 8 yes Clinical Psychological Placebo 9 Management 345 142 Londborg et al., 1998 PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.55 31 12 yes 1 8 346 Londborg et al., 1998 SER PDA Sertraline SSRIs 0.40 83 12 yes 2 347 143 Lydiard et al., 1992 ALP ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 0.52 61 6 yes 1 0 348 Lydiard et al., 1992 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.27 33 6 yes 1 349 144 Marchand et al., 2009 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.30 84 14 yes 1 8 350 145 Marks et al., 1993 CBT+PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo + CBT + Pill Placebo 0.82 30 8 no 1 Exposure 8 351 Marks et al., 1993 PLA+RLX PDA Pill Placebo + Pill Placebo + 0.55 31 8 no Relaxation Relaxation 8 352 Marks, et al., 1993 CBT+ALZ PDA Alprazolam + CBT + Drug 0.73 34 8 no Exposure 2 353 146 Mavissakalian et al., 1986b CBT ( PDA Exposure + Pill CBT 1.10 16 12 no 1 32

Placebo 1 354 Mavissakalian et al., 1986b IMI PDA Imipramine + TCAs 1.61 16 12 no Psychological 9 Placebo 355 Mavissakalian et al., 1986b PDA Imipramine + CBT + Drug 1.68 13 12 no IMI+EXP Exposure 3 356 Mavissakalian et al., 1986b PLA PDA Pill Placebo + Pill Placebo + 0.73 11 12 no Psychological Psychological Placebo 4 Placebo 357 147 Merideth et al., 2012 ESC ( GAD Escitalopram SSRIs 2.97 203 8 yes 1 4 358 Merideth et al., 2012 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.59 203 8 yes 8 359 Merideth et al., 2012 QUE GAD Quetiapine Quetiapine 3.18 413 8 yes 0 360 148 Mersch et al., 1995 EXP ( SAD Exposure CBT 0.76 13 14 no 1 1 361 Mersch et al., 1995 WL SAD Waitlist CBT 0.13 17 14 no 1 362 149 Michelson et al., 1988 EXP ( PDA Exposure CBT 1.18 22 10 no 1 8 363 Michelson et al., 1988 Para PDA Paradoxical CBT 1.34 26 12 no Intention 8 364 Michelson et al., 1988 RLX PDA Relaxation Relaxation 1.51 25 10 no 8 33

365 150 Michelson et al., 1998 FLX ( PDA Fluoxetine SSRIs 1.08 153 10 yes 1 7 366 Michelson et al., 1998 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.72 74 10 yes 5 367 151 Milrod et al., 2007 HAMA AR ( PDA Applied Relaxation Relaxation 0.75 15 12 yes 1 5 368 Milrod et al., 2007 HAMA PDTh PDA PDTh PDTh 1.09 24 12 yes 3 369 152 Möller et al., 2001 ALZ ( GAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 2.08 102 4 yes 1 6 370 Möller et al., 2001 OPI GAD Opipramol TCAs 1.99 100 4 yes 0 371 Möller et al., 2001 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.78 105 4 yes 6 372 153 Montgomery et al., 2006 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.39 100 6 yes 1 8 373 Montgomery et al., 2006 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 2.97 198 6 yes 7 374 Montgomery et al., 2006 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 3.03 110 6 yes 9 375 154 Moroz & Rosenbaum, 1999 CLZ ( PDA Clonazepam Benzodiazepines 1.28 222 6 yes 1 4 376 Moroz & Rosenbaum, 1999 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.77 216 6 yes 8 377 155 Mörtberg et al., 2007 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.39 28 17 yes 1 34

6 378 Mörtberg et al., 2007 CBTG SAD CBT Group CBT Group 0.71 26 17 yes 4 379 156 Nair et al., 1996 FLX ( PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.12 50 8 yes 1 6 380 Nair et al., 1996 IMI PDA Imipramine TCAs 1.81 48 8 yes 8 381 Nair et al., 1996 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.92 50 8 yes 2 382 157 Newman, 2011 CBT+SL ( GAD CBT + Supportive CBT 1.62 34 14 yes 1 listening 0 383 Newman, 2011 CBT+IPT GAD CBT + IPT CBT + IPT 2.02 34 14 yes 2 384 158 Nicolini et al., 2008 DLX ( GAD Duloxetine SNRIs 2.06 242 10 yes 1 9 385 Nicolini et al., 2008 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.53 170 10 yes 5 386 Nicolini et al., 2008 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.09 169 10 yes 6 387 159 Nimatoudis, 2004 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.92 22 8 yes 1 1 388 Nimatoudis, 2004 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 3.41 24 8 yes 6 389 160 Nordin et al., 2010 Biblio ( PDA Bibliotherapy Non-Face-to-Face 2.32 20 10 1 1 Therapy 2 35

390 Nordin et al., 2010 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.32 20 10 Bla 2 nk 391 161 Noyes et al., 1984 ( PDA Diazepam Benzodiazepines 1.49 21 2 no 1 5 392 162 Oehrberg et al., 1995 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 3.54 60 12 yes 1 5 393 Oehrberg et al., 1995 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.60 60 12 yes 7 394 163 Oosterbaan et al., 2001 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 0.88 24 15 yes 1 2 395 Oosterbaan et al., 2001 MOC SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 0.39 24 15 yes 0 396 Oosterbaan et al., 2001 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.75 19 15 yes 2 397 164 Öst & Breitholtz, 2000 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.95 18 12 no 1 9 398 Öst & Breitholtz, 2000 CBT GAD CBT CBT 1.90 15 12 no 0 399 165 Öst & Westling, 1995 AR ( PDA Applied Relaxation Relaxation 3.05 18 12 no 1 4 400 Öst & Westling, 1995 CBT PDA CBT CBT 2.49 18 12 no 4 401 166 Öst et al., 1993 AR ( PDA Applied Relaxation Relaxation 1.25 15 12 no 1 9 402 Öst et al., 1993 CBT PDA CBT CBT 1.01 15 12 no 36

8 403 Öst et al., 1993 EXP PDA Exposure CBT 1.03 15 12 no 2 404 167 Öst et al., 2004 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.43 26 14 yes 1 6 405 Öst et al., 2004 EXP PDA Exposure CBT 1.12 25 14 yes 8 406 Öst et al., 2004 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.32 20 14 yes 2 407 168 Pande et al., 2003 LOR ( GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 3.76 68 4 yes 1 8 408 Pande et al., 2003 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.10 69 4 yes 7 409 Pande et al., 2003 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 3.03 139 4 yes 5 410 169 Pande et al., 2004 PLA ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.82 46 10 yes 1 6 411 Pande et al., 2004 PRG SAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 1.20 89 10 yes 3 412 170 Paxling et al., 2011 iCBT ( GAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.07 45 8 yes 1 Clinician-Ass Therapy 6 413 Paxling et al., 2011 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist - 44 8 yes 0.01 0 414 171 Petracca et al., 1990 BUS ( GAD Buspirone Buspirone 2.63 15 8 no 1 37

3 415 Petracca et al., 1990 LOR GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 1.81 18 8 no 4 416 172 Pohl et al., 2005 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.24 61 6 yes 1 0 417 Pohl et al., 2005 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 1.70 185 6 yes 4 418 174 Pollack et al., 1996 PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo - 12 8 yes 1 0.00 7 419 Pollack et al., 1996 VLX PDA Venlafaxine SNRIs 0.70 13 8 yes 9 420 175 Pollack et al., 1998 PLA ( PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.87 87 10 yes 1 1 421 Pollack et al., 1998 SER PDA Sertraline SSRIs 2.13 88 10 yes 6 422 176 Pollack et al., 2001 PAR ( GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 3.09 161 8 yes 1 0 423 Pollack et al., 2001 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.48 163 8 yes 8 424 177 Pollack, Lepola et al., 2007 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 3.08 166 12 yes 1 6 425 Pollack, Lepola et al., 2007 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.02 156 12 yes 6 426 Pollack, Lepola et al., 2007 VLX PDA Venlafaxine SNRIs 3.01 317 12 yes 38

3 427 178 Pollack, Mangano et al., 2007 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SNRIs 2.96 151 12 yes 1 7 428 Pollack, Mangano et al., 2007 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 3.09 157 12 yes 5 429 Pollack, Mangano et al., 2007 VLX PDA Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.93 316 12 yes 4 430 179 Pols et al., 1993 FLV ( PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 0.36 18 4 no 1 1 431 Pols et al., 1993 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.00 18 4 no 0 432 180 Power et al., 1989 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 2.98 10 6 no 1 7 433 Power et al., 1989 DIA GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 1.96 10 6 no 2 434 Power et al., 1989 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.89 11 6 no 4 435 181 Power et al., 1990 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 3.85 21 10 no 1 3 436 Power et al., 1990 CBT+PLA GAD CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 2.99 18 10 no 9 437 Power et al., 1990 DIA GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 2.17 22 10 no 4 438 Power et al., 1990 DIA+CBT GAD Diazepam + CBT Benzodiazepines 4.91 21 10 no 8 39

439 Power et al., 1990 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.49 19 10 no 9 440 182 Prasko et al., 2006 CBT+MOC ( SAD CBT Group + CBT + Drug 4.41 22 26 yes 1 Moclobemide 3 441 Prasko et al., 2006 CBT+PLA SAD CBT Group + Pill CBT + Pill Placebo 4.57 20 26 yes Placebo 9 442 Prasko et al., 2006 MOC SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 3.55 20 26 yes 5 443 183 Rapee et al., 2009 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.24 59 12 yes 1 0 444 Rapee et al., 2009 CBT-E SAD CBT Enhanced CBT 1.60 68 12 yes 0 445 Rapee et al., 2009 PP SAD Stress management Psychological Placebo 1.10 56 12 yes 0 446 184 Ribeiro et al., 2001 ( PDA Fluoxetine SSRIs 2.42 13 8 yes 1 2 447 185 Rickels et al., 1997 DIA ( GAD Diazepam Benzodiazepines 3.07 67 8 yes 1 7 448 Rickels et al., 1997 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.52 65 8 yes 9 449 186 Rickels et al., 2000 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.30 96 8 yes 1 4 450 Rickels et al., 2000 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 2.83 253 8 yes 4 451 187 Rickels et al., 2003 PAR ( GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 3.43 385 8 yes 1 40

0 452 Rickels et al., 2003 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 3.38 180 8 yes 8 453 188 Rickels et al., 2005 ALZ ( GAD Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 2.92 88 4 yes 1 7 454 Rickels et al., 2005 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.24 85 4 yes 0 455 Rickels et al., 2005 PRG GAD Pregabalin Pregabalin 3.13 261 4 yes 4 456 189 Rickels, Mangano et al., 2004 PLA ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.35 135 12 yes 1 2 457 Rickels, Mangano et al., 2004 VLX SAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 0.52 126 12 yes 3 458 190 Robinson et al., 2010 iCBT ( GAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.30 46 10 yes 1 Clinician-Ass Therapy 0 459 Robinson et al., 2010 T GAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.12 45 10 yes Technician-Ass Therapy 1 460 Robinson et al., 2010 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.16 47 10 yes 4 461 191 Rocca et al., 1997 DEL ( GAD Delorazepam Benzodiazepines 3.53 20 8 no 1 8 462 Rocca et al., 1997 IMI GAD Imipramine TCAs 4.16 21 8 no 8 463 Rocca et al., 1997 PAR GAD Paroxetine SSRIs 4.67 25 8 no 8 41

464 192 Roemer et al. 2008 CBT ( GAD CBT CBT 1.81 16 yes 1 4 465 Roemer et al. 2008 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.48 16 yes 7 466 193 Salaberria et al., 1998 CBT ( SAD CBT + Exposure CBT 1.87 18 8 no 1 1 467 Salaberria et al., 1998 EXP SAD Exposure CBT 2.64 18 8 no 3 468 Salaberria et al., 1998 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.26 20 8 no 7 469 194 Schneier et al., 1998 MOC ( SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 0.62 39 8 yes 1 7 470 Schneier et al., 1998 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.22 36 8 yes 4 471 195 Schweizer et al., 1990 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.10 24 6 yes 1 4 472 Schweizer et al., 1990 LOR PDA Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 0.95 28 6 yes 1 473 196 Sharp et al. 1997 BCT+PLA ( PDA CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 0.82 33 13 no 1 6 474 Sharp et al. 1997 CBT PDA CBT CBT 1.04 30 13 no 5 475 Sharp et al. 1997 FLV PDA Fluvoxamine SSRIs 0.68 29 13 no 0 476 Sharp et al. 1997 FLV+CBT PDA Fluvoxamine + CBT CBT + Drug 0.91 29 13 no 42

8 477 Sharp et al. 1997 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.20 28 13 no 5 478 197 Sharp et al., 2000 Biblio ( PDA Bibliotherapy Non-Face-to-Face 0.73 29 12 no 1 Therapy 2 479 Sharp et al., 2000 CBT PDA CBT CBT 2.91 29 12 no 3 480 Sharp et al., 2000 PP PDA Psychological Psychological Placebo 1.64 29 12 no Placebo 0 481 198 Sharp et al., 2004 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 3.46 31 12 no 2 3 482 Sharp et al., 2004 CBTG PDA CBT Group CBT Group 2.22 20 12 no 0 483 Sharp et al., 2004 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.80 19 12 no 5 484 199 Shear et al., 1994 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.13 24 15 yes 2 1 485 Shear et al., 1994 PP PDA nondirective Psychological Placebo 1.39 21 15 yes therapy 5 486 200 Sheehan et al., 1990 BUS ( PDA Buspirone Buspirone 1.21 16 8 yes 2 9 487 Sheehan et al., 1990 IMI PDA Imipramine TCAs 1.54 18 8 yes 3 488 Sheehan et al., 1990 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.94 18 8 yes 0 43

489 201 Sheehan et al., 1993 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.33 34 8 yes 2 5 490 Sheehan et al., 1993 BUS PDA Buspirone Buspirone 0.51 27 8 yes 4 491 Sheehan et al., 1993 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.36 31 8 yes 7 492 202 Sheehan et al., 2005 PAR ( PDA Paroxetine SSRIs 1.23 444 10 yes 2 5 493 Sheehan et al., 2005 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.86 445 10 yes 6 494 203 Smits et al., 2006 AUD ( SAD Exposure Video CBT 0.45 17 4 no 2 AUD 1 495 Smits et al., 2006 EXP SAD Exposure CBT 0.85 18 4 no 4 496 Smits et al., 2006 PER SAD Exposure Video PER CBT 0.81 18 4 no 6 497 Smits et al., 2006 PP SAD Psychological Psychological Placebo 0.41 15 4 no Placebo 2 498 204 Sramek et al., 1996 BUS ( GAD Buspirone Buspirone 0.40 52 6 yes 2 8 499 Sramek et al., 1996 PLA GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.33 61 6 yes 1 500 205 Stahl et al., 2003 HAMA CIT ( PDA Citalopram SSRIs 0.71 112 10 yes 2 8 501 Stahl et al., 2003 HAMA ESC PDA Escitalopram SSRIs 0.89 125 10 yes 44

4 502 Stahl et al., 2003 HAMA PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.67 114 10 yes 4 503 206 Stangier et al., 2003 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 0.70 50 15 yes 2 5 504 Stangier et al., 2003 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.15 21 15 yes 5 505 207 Stangier et al., 2011 CBT ( SAD CBT CBT 1.21 38 20 yes 2 8 506 Stangier et al., 2011 IPT SAD IPT IPT 0.82 38 20 yes 8 507 Stangier et al., 2011 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.11 41 20 yes 7 508 208 Stein DJ et al., 2003 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 2.98 56 12 yes 2 8 509 Stein DJ et al., 2003 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.69 53 12 yes 0 510 209 Stein et al., 2005 PLA ( GAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.08 126 26 yes 2 4 511 Stein et al., 2005 VLX GAD Venlafaxine SNRIs 1.75 238 26 yes 1 512 210 Stein MB et al., 2000 CBT+Drug ( PDA CBT + Paroxetine CBT + Drug 1.23 15 10 yes 2 0 513 Stein MB et al., 2000 CBT+PLA PDA CBT + Pill Placebo CBT + Pill Placebo 0.80 15 10 yes 4 45

514 211 Stein, Cameron et al., 2002 MOC ( SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 2.19 188 12 yes 2 0 515 Stein, Cameron et al., 2002 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 2.47 189 12 yes 2 516 212 Stein, MB et al., 1998 PAR ( SAD Paroxetine SSRIs 1.37 94 12 yes 2 0 517 Stein, MB et al., 1998 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.65 93 12 yes 1 518 213 Stein, MB et al., 1999 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.21 48 12 yes 2 0 519 Stein, MB et al., 1999 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.64 44 12 yes 1 520 214 Swinson et al., 1995 Telephone ( PDA Telephone CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.78 20 10 no CBT 2 Therapy 5 521 Swinson et al., 1995 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.04 22 10 no 5 522 215 Telch et al., 1993 CBTG ( PDA CBT Group CBT Group 1.59 34 8 no 2 3 523 Telch et al., 1993 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.16 33 8 no 4 524 216 Telch et al., 1995 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 1.20 112 9 no 2 2 525 Telch et al., 1995 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.40 28 9 no 1 526 217 Tesar et al., 1991 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.39 20 6 no 2 46

0 527 Tesar et al., 1991 CLZ PDA Clonazepam Benzodiazepines 1.85 24 6 no 3 528 Tesar et al., 1991 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.69 8 6 no 5 529 218 Tiller et al., 1999 FLX ( PDA Fluoxetine SSRIs 3.82 184 8 yes 2 9 530 Tiller et al., 1999 MOC PDA Moclobemide Moclobemide 3.87 182 8 yes 9 531 219 Titov et a., 2008-1 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.86 50 10 yes 2 Therapy 0 532 Titov et a., 2008-1 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.13 49 10 yes 9 533 220 Titov et a., 2008-2 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.06 41 10 yes 2 Therapy 2 534 Titov et a., 2008-2 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.25 40 10 yes 8 535 221 Titov et a., 2008-3 iCBT ( SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.27 34 10 yes 2 Therapy 0 536 Titov et a., 2008-3 iCBT-C SAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.94 30 10 yes Clinician-Ass Therapy 4 537 Titov et al., 2008-3 WL SAD Waitlist Waitlist - 30 10 yes 0.06 2 538 222 Titov et al., 2009 iCBT ( GAD Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 0.88 24 9 yes 2 47

Therapy 9 539 Titov et al., 2009 WL GAD Waitlist Waitlist 0.01 19 9 yes 8 540 223 Uhlenhuth et al., 1989 ALZ ( PDA Alprazolam Benzodiazepines 1.24 41 8 yes 2 6 541 Uhlenhuth et al., 1989 IMI PDA Imipramine TCAs 0.55 20 8 yes 1 542 Uhlenhuth et al., 1989 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.25 20 8 yes 3 543 224 van Ameringen et al., 2001 PLA ( SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.02 69 20 yes 2 7 544 van Ameringen et al., 2001 SER SAD Sertraline SSRIs 1.71 134 20 yes 6 545 225 van Apeldoorn et al. 2008 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.62 37 39 yes 2 2 546 van Apeldoorn et al. 2008 PDA CBT + SSRI CBT + Drug 1.38 36 39 yes CBT+SSRI 9 547 van Apeldoorn et al. 2008 SSRI PDA SSRI SSRIs 0.82 27 39 yes 7 548 226 van Vliet et al., 1994 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.76 15 12 no 2 0 549 van Vliet et al., 1994 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.48 13 12 no 4 550 227 Versiani et al. 1992 MOC ( SAD Moclobemide Moclobemide 1.56 26 8 yes 2 3 48

551 Versiani et al. 1992 PHE SAD Phenelzine Phenelzine 2.37 26 8 yes 6 552 Versiani et al. 1992 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.73 26 8 yes 5 553 228 Vos et al., 2012 CBT ( PDA CBT CBT 0.56 48 13 yes 2 4 554 Vos et al., 2012 IPT PDA IPT IPT 0.56 43 13 yes 4 555 229 Wade et al., 1997 CIT ( PDA Citalopram SSRIs 1.38 281 8 yes 2 5 556 Wade et al., 1997 CMI PDA Clomipramine TCAs 1.49 98 8 yes 2 557 Wade et al., 1997 PLA PDA Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 0.96 96 8 yes 0 558 230 Wells, 2010 AR ( GAD Applied Relaxation Relaxation 0.81 10 10 no 2 1 559 Wells, 2010 CBT GAD CBT CBT 3.82 10 10 no 8 560 231 Westenberg et al., 2004 FLV ( SAD Fluvoxamine SSRIs 1.80 146 12 yes 2 2 561 Westenberg et al., 2004 PLA SAD Pill Placebo Pill Placebo 1.36 148 12 yes 3 562 232 Wiborg et al., 1996 CMI ( PDA Clomipramine TCAs 1.41 18 39 no 2 8 563 Williams & Falbo, 1996 CBT ( PDA Exposure CBT 0.96 39 8 no 2 49

1 564 Williams & Falbo, 1996 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.24 9 8 no 4 565 233 Wims et al., 2010 iCBT ( PDA Internet-CBT Non-Face-to-Face 1.05 19 8 yes 2 Therapy 1 566 Wims et al., 2010 WL PDA Waitlist Waitlist 0.18 25 8 yes 6 567 234 Woelk et al., 2010 LOR ( GAD Lorazepam Benzodiazepines 2.90 37 6 yes 2 0 50

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