This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007 s1
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This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007 Mystery Theme Written By: Carl Boone & Jason Luna (UC Irivine)
All the tossups answers in this packet follow a secret theme. Bonuses sometimes appeal to said theme yet need not relate to it.
1. A wooden one is paraded around during the Shinto festival of Honen Matsuri. King Missile sang about a detachable one. Mayan priests would pierce theirs. Osiris’s was eaten by a fish. Peter Griffin claims that this word is not allowed on television. Shiva’s hair, the Pope’s hat, the Washington Monument, the Stanford Linear Accelerator and big cigars are said to represent, FTP, what male reproductive organ? ANSWER: penis
2. A second sequel to this film with the subtitle The Offspring is planned, while the first sequel pluralized the title, involved some plot about a mating season, and starred Matthew Marsden as Dr. Byron, a researcher on a Borneo expedition. Frank Welker, the voice of "Scooby-Doo" gives the voice to the title figure in the first film. The original involved a scene when Dr. Cale, played by Eric Stoltz, incapacitates a hunter named Sarone played by Jon Voight. Centering on a fake National Geographic documentary team including stars like Owen Wilson and Ice Cube, FTP, name this movie starring Jennifer Lopez about a really big snake. ANSWER: Anaconda
3. It shares its name with a Cypriot city-state on the Pedieos River as well as a nymph who bore Poseidon a son named Cychreus. The most famous locale bearing this name is the largest of the Saronic Islands and is said to have been the birthplace of both Euripides and Ajax, son of Telamon. Its Kynosourian Peninsula offered little tactical advantage to a fleet of over 1,000 triremes, prompting the victory of a smaller allied force nominally under the command of Sparta's Eurybiades (your-ee-bye-ah-dees) while Xerxes watched in disgust from the slopes of Mount Aegaleo. FTP, Themistocles and his Athenians led the victory at what 480 BCE naval battle of the Persian Wars. ANSWER: Salamis
4. In 2007, he was given an honorary PhD from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His many romantic relationships have included a three year marriage to TV’s “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”, Louise Lasser. As a pioneer of the mockumentary genre he created Men of Crisis: The Harvey Wallinger Story and, much more notably, Zelig. The author of the award-winning short story "Kugelmass Episode" and longtime lover of Mia Farrow, FTP, identify this director of movies such as The Purple Rose of Cairo, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Annie Hall. ANSWER: Woody Allen (prompt on "Allen Stewart Konigsberg") 5. As of May 12th, 2007 its doors were closed to members of the environmentalist Living Land party, with those elections seeing the Independence Party edge out the Social Democratic Alliance for control of it. In its original incarnation this institution's logretta, or legislative section, held supreme power, but upon the instatement of the Old Covenant in 1262 it experienced centuries of monarchical domination. Originally led by a figure known as the Lawspeaker, until 1799 it was located on the "Parliament Plains" of Thingvellir. Established around 930, FTP, identify the world's oldest parliament, which currently holds its sessions in Reykjavik, Iceland. ANSWER: Althing
6. In 1997 a similar device was created to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Hershey Kiss. On July 27th Arizona policeman K. Lankow was forced to investigate whether one was stolen, while in August another was reprimanded for its placement in downtown Chicago. In 2004 its sponsor launched a contest where customers could use it for a day, while an 80's campaign contracting recent college grads to drive it across the nation was known as the Hotdogger program. FTP, identify this car with a giant sausage on top, used in advertisement by Oscar Mayer. ANSWER: Oscar Mayer Wienermobile
7. They broke up in response to the commercial failure of their single "Praying to a New God" and its album, The Warmer Side of Cool, with the 1995 project album Strictly Inc. later coming from the collaboration of Genesis keyboardist Tony Banks with their frontman Jack Hues. Their first album's title is a guide on how to pronounce their band's name, as most people neglect to insert the "Hu" sound into the first word. They also produced the soundtrack for To Live and Die in L.A., while their 1984 album Points on the Curve produced the minor hit "Dance Hall Days". Finally scoring it big with the 1986 album Mosaic, FTP, identify this New Wave band who commanded that "everybody [do their name] tonight" in their hit "Everybody Have Fun Tonight". ANSWER: Wang Chung (Huang Chung)
8. Among the sites along its banks are the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Massacre Rocks State Park, and its eponymous canyon, which was the site of an unsuccessful 1974 jump by Evel Knievel. This river was once referred to as the Yam-pah-pa, with its modern designation being derived from the Shoshone hand signal denoting its abundant salmon. Located along its upper reaches is Twin Falls, while Lewiston is located at its confluence with the Clearwater River, and it flows through Jackson Hole shortly after leaving its source in Yellowstone National Park. FTP, identify this river that flows through Hell's Canyon, the major tributary of the Columbia River ANSWER: Snake River
9. This author criticized Giuseppi Baretti for refusing to admit that a Tahitian named Omai had beaten him in a game of chess. He wrote "When learning's triumph o'er her barbarous foes / First reared the stage, immortal Shakespeare rose" in a prologue written for "the opening of the theater royal" in Drury Lane, and criticized the demands of the Continental Congress in his pamphlet “Taxation No Tyranny”. One of his title characters journeys with his sister Nekayah and his mentor Imlac away from the Happy Valley. In addition to that novel about a Prince of Abyssinia, Rasselas, he wrote a series of Lives of the English Poets, and once refuted Berkelian idealism by kicking a stone. FTP, name this British lexicographer who compiled a “Dictionary of the English Language,” and whose life was chronicled by James Boswell. ANSWER: Samuel Johnson (accept “Dr. Johnson”)
10. Their lead guitarist was originally a member of Electric Sheep along with high school classmate Tom Morello, while Pigmy Love Circus continues to be the side project of their drummer Danny Carey. A much more notable side project is Puscifer, which their vocalist formed in addition to his former work with the alternative metal supergroup A Perfect Circle. Their music video for “Vicarious” features shots of violent news stories and a pale woman clad in black leather, while mutants using each other to draw in sand are depicted in “Schism”. Such is the creative mind of this band behind the albums Undertow, Lateralus, and 10,000 Days. FTP, what band of Maynard Keenan is known for bizarre music videos to songs such as “Aenema” and “Sober.” ANSWER: Tool
11. In mathematics, modules are known as this if the ring's multiplicative identify acts as an identity over the associated abelian group. This term also applies to coordinate transformations that preserve the lengths of vectors. Matrices known as this have eigenvalues with norms equal to one, while possessing inverses that are equal to their adjoints. A form of government where legislative power is entirely invested in one institution shares it name with, for ten points, what type of Christianity that rejects the Trinity in favor of a single deity. ANSWER: unitary (prompt on "Unitarianism" as end)
12. The rapper of this name appeared on such tracks as "Shit Happens", "The Dugout", and "Bounce to the Ounce", the last of which appeared on 1999's The M-Pire Shrikez Back and may be the most recognizable track of his group O. G. C. The product of this name was first used by Pete "The Gladiator" Browning in 1884, while its company of Hillerich & Bradsky has also produced rifle stocks for the US Army and PowerBilt clubs. In 1905 Honus Wagner became its first official sponsor, agreeing to use it for all of his plate appearances. For ten points, identify this brand of baseball bats, the sponser of the Silver Slugger award ANSWER: Louisville Slugger (Louisville Sluggah) 13. His theme song, composed by George Tibbles and Ramey Idriess, became a hit after World War II, and he also had a brief role in 1950's Destination Moon. Most recently, he had a "New" show produced by Ren and Stimpy creator Bob Jaques running on FOX Kids that included characters like Knothead and Smedley. Although Mel Blanc provided his voice for the original four films, that role was taken over by Grace Stafford and Ben Hardaway, the latter of whom was his original designer for the Knock Knock cartoon. Nemesis of Wally the Walrus and friend of Buzz Buzzard, FTP, identify this animated member of the Piciformes order known for his annoying laugh. ANSWER: Woody the Woodpecker
14. Close relatives of chollas, Queen Valanice must collect one of them in Chapter I of King's Quest 7 in order to placate a nasty lizard. They are a staple in Mexican cuisine, where they are often served with eggs as "huevos con nopales", while in the Jungle Book movie Baloo advices Mowgli to eat these plants of the genus Opuntia using not a paw but a bear claw. More famously, one appears as the perch of an eagle about to eat a snake on the national flag of Mexico. Abundant in the American southwest, FTP, identify this fruit that comes from a cactus. ANSWER: Prickly Pear (accept nopal or nopales before mentioned, prompt on cactus fruit or cactus fig)
15. Their overall director is Eric Hyman, while notable leaders of them include Susan Walvius and Dave Odom. They have included B.J. McKie and Alex English, as well as Troy Williamson and Sterling Sharpe, the latter two having appeared in Williams-Brice Stadium. Frequently appearing in garnet and black, they are also notable for their extreme distaste of Tigers from Clemson. FTP, Steve Spurrier coaches football at what SEC school located in Columbia? ANSWER: University of South Carolina Gamecocks (accept either part)
16. Among those buried here are Maria Sobieski and her son Bonnie Prince Charlie. It is home to the painting The Burial of St. Petronilla, produced by Il Guercino, and it was the subject of a famous 1755 painting by Giovanni Paolo Pannini. The obelisk located just outside was erected by Domenico Fontana, while its gigantic bronze baldacchino and colonnaded "Square" were both the work of Gianlorenzo Bernini. Designed by Donato Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, and Michelangelo while commissioned by Pope Julius II, this is, for ten points, what focal point of Vatican City. ANSWER: Saint Peter's Basilica (or) Basilica di San Pietro
17. This term is generally attributed to the early-20th century Frenchman Robert Esnault- Pelterie. The similarly-named comic book hero was one of the New Thunderbolts and was the alias of Janice Olivia Yanizeski, while the popular blog by this name is a rival of Kotaku. Classical ones operate by triggering four microswitches on the bottom of the unit, while the first modern digital ones hit the market in 1977 and were connected to their parent unit by a DE-9 connector. 360-degree motion and fire are common controls on, FTP, what devices utilized by many early arcade games and most airplanes. ANSWER: Joystick (or) Joystiq 18. The UK version of his debut album with one of his bands exclusively included the song "Can You See Me", while the US version of that album by this artist contained a song mentioning "Maybe tomorrow, but I just can't say, but, uh / I don't live today". His third studio album included a song subtitled “A Merman I Should Turn to Be”, and a more famous song had the subtitle of “Slight Return”. Often performing with a band including Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding, FTP, identify this left-handed guitarist best known for using his upside-down Stratocaster to play songs like “Voodoo Child”, “All Along the Watchtower”, “Purple Haze”, and the national anthem at Woodstock. ANSWER: Jimi Hendrix (also accept Johnny Allen Hendrix)
19. During odd years, competitors pass through Grayling, and during even years, Cripple. Notable locations in this event are the Rainy Pass, and it is partially inspired by Gunnar Kaasen. Teams consist of up to 13 racers who must use protective footware, and injured team members are allowed to ride on the vehicle used in this event until the next of the 26 checkpoints. In 1985, Libby Riddles became the first woman to win this race, and its first winner was Dick Wilmarth in 1973. Taking at least 8 days and 22 hours for a musher to complete, FTP, identify this race spanning 1049 miles from Anchorage to Nome. ANSWER: Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
20. In a poem by noted Iraqi poet Saadi Youssef called "America, America," Youssef demands to trade part of an "Afghani Mujahideen" for this object. Pedro Mir promises to "sob" on this object in a "countersong" to its owner, while, in an "ode" to its owner, Federico Garcia Lorca wrote that "not for a moment...have I failed to see "this object "full of butterflies." Another poem mentions this object shortly after noting that "the doors close in an hour;" that is Allen Ginsberg's "A Supermarket in California," which asks which way this item is pointing tonight. Its owner also recalls when you "reach'd till you felt" this object in "Song of Myself." FTP, name this long, white, and unkempt structure that adorned the face of the author of "Leaves of Grass." ANSWER: Walt Whitman’s beard
21. It shares its name with the cat on the Japanese manga program Doraemon. In most areas it was advertised via an anthropomorphized version of the product known as the "King" of it, while an Indian chief was used in places where this treat was known as the Big Wheel. In CHiPs they are a favorite snack of Francis "Ponch" Poncherello, while in a children's song their name is followed "the witch is gone". Marketed by Hostess, FTP, name these chocolate hockey pucks with a white creamy filling, whose two-word name mimics the ringing of a doorbell. ANSWER: Ding Dong
1. Identify these fantasy-type sports games, styles or leagues, FTPE. [10] Probably the oldest game, it involves player cards with statistics and dice rolls that determine the outcome of events. ANSWER: Strat-O-Matic [10] Sharing its name with a cooking method, this style, as opposed to head to head games, involves an accumulation of various stats for one’s team over the course of a specified time period such as a year’s regular season. ANSWER: Rotisserie [10] This league, sponsored by, is won by having a team of players who put up the worst OPS and ERA, as measured by players’ ESPN value, or Exuded Stiff Points, Net. ANSWER: Huckabay's Annual Call to Keep Immobility Next to Godliness: Maximus Aggregatus Stiffisimus Sensire (or HACKING MASS)
2. Identify these elusive creatures from how they were supposedly caught on film, FTPE. [10] The Patterson-Gimlin film shows a few seconds of what is supposed to be this hairy bipedal creature as it walks through a California forest. ANSWER: Bigfoot or Sasquatch [10] The Mansi photograph is the only real documentation of this North American lake dweller. It shows a cylindrical body with a snakelike head and neck protruding. However, nothing giving a size perspective is visible and skeptics claim that the object is a log. ANSWER: Lake Champlain Monster or Champ [10] In 2006 Michelle O'Donnell claimed to have taken several photographs of one of these large rodent-like creatures. Reports of them are much more common in Puerto Rico and Mexico, where they are blamed for the gruesome mutilation of livestock. ANSWER: Chupacabra
3. Identify these cities that used to serve as capitals, For ten points each. [10] This city on the Neva River was made an imperial capital in 1712 before the Swedes even officially forfeited its region of Ingermanland. ANSWER: Saint Petersburg (or) Sankt Peterburg (or) Petrograd [10] This city was founded by General James Oglethorpe in 1733 and become the first capital of colonial Georgia. ANSWER: Savannah [10] This city on the Ganges was the capital of both the Mauryan and Gupta Empires. It is now known as Patna. ANSWER: Pataliputra (or) Patliputra
4. Identify the political figure from their depiction on The Simpsons, FTSNOP [10] For ten, a caricature of this American president was once featured saying: “A Krusty burger – that doesn’t sound too appetizing. What kind of stew do you have today?” ANSWER: George Herbert Walker Bush (or Bush, Sr.., accept equivalents) [10] For ten more, he became the first sitting politician to do a voice on the show, appearing along with Evan Marriott in the episode, “The Regina Monologues”. ANSWER: Tony Blair [5,5] For five points each, these two rival American politicians were given the conversation: “I would like to take this opportunity to express my fondness for, ah, Duff Beer.” “I’d also like to express my fondness for that particular beer.” ANSWERs: John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Richard Millhouse Nixon
5. Identify the 90's rock band from album titles, for 10 points each, or from songs for 5. [10] No Need To Argue, To The Faithful Departed [5] "Linger", "Zombie" ANSWER: The Cranberries [10] One Hot Minute, Mother's Milk [5] "Scar Tissue", "Give It Away", "Californication" ANSWER: Red Hot Chili Peppers [10]: Modern Life Is Rubbish, Parklife [5]: "Girls & Boys", "Song 2" ANSWER: Blur
6. Identify these legal performance enhancing methods used in Major League Baseball, FTPE. [10] This medical procedure, named after the winningest pitcher not in the Hall of Fame, has extended the careers of pitchers such as John Smoltz and Kenny Rogers. ANSWER: Tommy John Surgery [10] This National League franchise has resurrected the careers of former stars such as Andres Galarraga, who played for them from 1993 to 97, and Jeromy Burnitz, who was with them for the 2004 campaign. ANSWER: Colorado Rockies (accept either) [10] Moises Alou does not use batting gloves, strangely opting to use this liquid to toughen the palms of his hands. ANSWER: Human urine (accept equivalents)
7. Identify these disorders of the integumentary system, FTPE . [10] This is the general term for the complete absense of hair, either from a specific region in the "areata" variety or from the entire body in the "universalis" variety. ANSWER: alopecia [10] Largely synonymous with dermatitis, this skin disorder is characterized by recurrent rashes and dryness. ANSWER: eczema [10] This deformity causes vellus hair to become full hair in places it normally wouldn’t, such as the face. It is also known as the werewolf syndrome, and is though to be the cause of the bearded lady phenomenon. ANSWER: congenital generalized hypertrichosis 8. Identify these extinct human relatives, FTPE [10] This extremely large genus of apes are only known from teeth and jawbones, discovered in locations such as China's Liucheng Cave. They went extinct about 100,000 years ago, and people think that they may have contributed to legends of the Yeti ANSWER: Gigantopithecus [10] Eugene DuBois discovered this first specimen of Homo Erectus in 1891 and originally placed it in the genus Pithecanthropus. ANSWER: Java Man [10] Raymond Dart's Taung child was the first member of this genus to be discovered. Its species include afarensis, africanus, and anamensis. ANSWER: Australopithecus
9. Identify these artificial food additives, FTPE [10]This non-saccharide sweetener is the methyl ester of a dipeptide and breaks down into formaldehyde and formic acid in the body. It is marketed under names such as Nutrasweet and Equal. ANSWER: aspartame (or) aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester (or) APM [10]A common preservative in acidic liquids, it is made from the carboxylic acid of a six-carbon ring and the 19th element. ANSWER: potassium benzoate [10]This chelating agent, commonly referred to by a four-letter acronym, protects flavor by forming complexes with stray metallic ions. It also finds uses as an anticoagulant, as an inhibitor of metallic precipitation in oil, and as a stabilizer in bleach. ANSWER: EDTA (or) Ethylene diamine tetracetic acid
10. Identify these beings from Douglas Adams’s five part Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy, FTPE. [10] Designed by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as a prototype in their Genuine People Personalities program. He is voiced by Alan Rickman in the 2005 film adaptation of the book. ANSWER: Marvin, the Paranoid Android (prompt on "Paranoid Android") [10]The designer of the Norwegian fjords, he led a mission to prevent Krikkit robots from obtaining all pieces of the Wikkit Gate. ANSWER: Slartibartfast [10] Arthur Dent’s soulmate and girlfriend, who spent some time in an institution and was named after the train station where she was conceived. ANSWER: Fenchurch
11. Identify these literary titles with something in common, FTPE. [10] This Hermann Hesse novel traces the life of Harry Haller, with most of the work consisting of a novel-within-a-novel by Haller himself entitled "For Madmen Only". ANSWER: Der Steppenwolf [10]This short Bulgakov work tells of how Sharik is transformed into a human following the transplation of a human pituitary gland and testicles. ANSWER: "Heart of a Dog" or Sobač'e serdce [10]This 1971 novel by Frederick Forsyth tells of a famous assassin and his attempt to kill Charles de Gaulle for the French Terrorist Group OAS. ANSWER: The Day of the Jackal
12. Answer these questions about Feynman diagrams– the lazy man’s approach to theoretical physics. FTPE: [10] In Feynman diagrams photons are generally drawn as a wavy line, while these gauge bosons are usually drawn as a curly line, similar to the electrical symbol for an inductor ANSWER: gluons [10] Dashed lines on Feynman diagrams are sometimes used to represent this, as of yet unobserved, particle sometimes referred to as the "God particle". ANSWER: Higgs boson [10]In solid state physics, these quasi-particles are represented by wavy lines instead of photons. They are the fundamental quanta of crystal lattice vibration. ANSWER: phonons
13. Identify the following about overtly sexual females from world literature, FTPE. [10] This novel by Kawabata Yasunari features Komako, an aging geisha who attaches herself to the snobbish Tokyo businessman Shimamura. ANSWER: Snow Country [10] The Green House, a novel by this Peruvian author, features a young girl named Bonifacia who abandons her convent to become a renowned prostitute at the title institution. ANSWER: Mario Vargas Llosa [10] Dolores Haze is the twelve-year-old nymphet pursued by Humbert Humbert in this novel by Vladimir Nabokov. ANSWER: Lolita
14. Identify these dead languages, FTPE. [10]Bishop Ulfilas translated the Bible into this Germanic language, whose people originated in what is now southern Sweden. It died out during the 9th century AD. ANSWER: Gothic [10] The ancient speakers of this Indo-European language lent their name to the Roman province that covered most of modern-day Romania. It is thought by some to have been a northern variant of the Thracian language. ANSWER: Dacian [10] Although it has no native speakers, this tongue is one of India's 23 official languages as the primary religious language of Hinduism. ANSWER: Sanskrit
15. Identify these figures from history with a common theme, FTPE [10] The youngest son of Louis the Pius, this half-brother of Louis the German and Lothair received the western portion of the Carolingian empire in 843's Treaty of Verdun. ANSWER: Charles the Bald (or) Charles II (prompt on "Charles") [10] This Italian revolutionary spent time in South America before leading his Red Shirts against the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1860. ANSWER: Giuseppe Garibaldi [10] This son of Ethelwolf was succeeded by Ethelbert. He was king of Wessex and Kent from AD 856 to 860. ANSWER: Ethelbald
16. Identify the historic battle from a description of their outcome, FTPE. [10] This 53 BC Roman defeat reaffirmed Parthian supremacy over much of the Middle East. Leading Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus was murdered while attempting to negotiate a surrender, supposedly by having molten gold poured down his throat. ANSWER: Battle of Carrhae (accept: Battle of Harran) [10]This August 10, 955 battle, won by the German King Otto the Great, marked the end of Magyar expansion into Europe. ANSWER: Battle of Lechfeld [10] This September 1862 Civil War battle, fought near Sharpsburg, Maryland, was indecisive yet improved George McClellan's public image to the degree that he was able to receive the 1864 Democratic presidential nomination. ANSWER: Battle of Antietam
17. Identify these hilariously-named birds, FTPE [10] These seabirds of the family Sulidae were famously eaten by Captain Bligh and his loyalists after the mutiny. Contrary to what their name may suggest, they were similar to all birds in their lack of mammary glands. ANSWER: boobies [10] Also known as chickadees, these small birds of the family Paridae come in varieties such as Blue, Yellow-browed and Great. Their name is more generally applied to all varieties of small perching birds. ANSWER: tits (or) titmice [10] Constituting the order Strigiformes, these nocturnal predators characteristically employ stereovision in their hunting of mice and other small mammals. ANSWER: hooters (grudgingly accept owls)
18. Identify these people associated with the Spanish invasion of Aztec Mexico, FTSNOP: [5] He was the ruler, or tlatoani, of the Aztecs upon the arrival of Hernan Cortes in 1519 ANSWER: Montezuma II (or) Moctezuma II (or) Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin [10] This governor of Cuba originally backed the expedition of Cortes, but later dispatched an army under Panfilo Narvaez to bring his back. He shared his name with the 17th century Spanish court painter of Las Meninas and The Surrender of Breda. ANSWER: Diego Velazquez de Cuellar [15] This Nahua woman joined Cortes as an advisor and interpreter, eventually bearing the conquistador a son. Cortes' companions gave the derrogatory nickname La Chingada, which roughly translates as "she who is fucked". ANSWER: La Malinche (or) Malintzin (or) Dona Marina 19. Identify the following about a certain musical, FTPE. [10] Based on an album of the same name, this musical contained songs like “Everything's Alright”, “The Temple”, and “Hosanna”. Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson would later star in a film version. ANSWER: Jesus Christ, Superstar [10] The Jesus Christ, Superstar album was the brainchild of Andrew Lloyd Weber and this man, who also wrote the lyrics to songs in the film and stage adaptation of The Lion King and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. ANSWER: Sir Timothy Miles Biondon "Tim" Rice [10]: On the original album of Jesus Christ, Superstar, Ian Gillan, lead vocalist for this group, provided the voice of Jesus. The band scored hits with songs like “Fireball” and “Hush”. ANSWER: Deep Purple
20. Identify these "performance enhancing drugs" for males. FTPE: [10] Produced by the Pfizer corporation, it was patented in 1996 as America's first approved medication for erectile dysfunction. ANSWER: Viagra (or) Sidenafil Citrate [10] Tadalafil is the active ingredient in this product of Eli Lilly and Co. It boasts a longer duration than competitors such as Viagra, allowing that lucky male to wait "until the moment is right". ANSWER: Cialis [10] This herbal supplement produced by Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals has tons of ridiculous commercials advertising it as a "once daily tablet for natural male enhancement". It originally marketed itself under the bogus scientific name Suggragium asotas. ANSWER: Enzyte