Use the Template Which Has a Form That Looks Like This

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Use the Template Which Has a Form That Looks Like This

Cat and Mouse

The game of Cat and Mouse is a bit more difficult than previous challenges. Since you made it this far, we know you can write this program that has a cat chasing a mouse.

Use the template which has a form that looks like this:

Assume the screen is 600 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall.

Move the cat and mouse in somewhat random patterns by changing the location of the picture boxes containing the cat and mouse pictures by adding a positive or negative number to the current X and Y coordinates.

There is a Timer event that executes every 1/4 of a second. Inside the timer event you move the cat and mouse. You cannot do it directly. To move a picture box, you must calculate an X and a Y coordinate (number) then use this line of code:

picMouse.Location = New Point(X, Y)

After moving the cat and mouse, check to see if:

 The mouse escaped  The cat caught the mouse  The mouse needs to change direction because it is close to the cat  The cat or mouse is near the edge of the screen.

The cat is in a picture box called picCat.

The mouse is in a picture box called picMouse.

If the cat is within 20 pixels of the mouse as measured from the top, left corner of the picture box, the mouse is caught. If the mouse is within 20 pixels of either black text box as measured from the top, left corner of the text box and mouse, the mouse escapes. In either case, stop the timer. If the mouse is within 40 pixels of the cat, the mouse changes direction.

Hole one is located at (50, 150). Hole two is located at (530, 150).

There are several things in the template that help you write this program.

Function HowFar returns the distance between two points if you supply the X and Y coordinates of the points. For example,

Distance = HowFar(Cat.Location.X, Cat.Location.Y, Mouse.Location.X,_ Mouse.Location.Y)

Function NewChg returns a random number that may be positive or negative. It represents the amount the mouse or cat should move on each turn. For example,

CatXChg = NewChg()

In the new game button click event code, assign an initial random location for the cat and the mouse. Assign an X and a Y increment for each. Start the timer.

Hint: Many programmers find it best to write a little code then test, write some more then test again. You should write this program as follows:

Place the cat and mouse Move the cat Check for cat boundaries Move the mouse Check for mouse boundaries Check for mouse escape Check for cat catches mouse Check for mouse getting close to cat

After each step, test your code

When your program works correctly, show it to your instructor. Extension / Side Trip

Keep track of which direction the image points. Reverse the direction if the cat or mouse change direction. Use this or something like it:


Figure out in which direction the mouse is, then change the cat increments to keep the cat going in the direction of the mouse. For example, if the cat had an X coordinate of 450 and the mouse was at 250 then the cat needs to be moving in a negative direction.

Add a dog to chase the cat.

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