LIAISON MEETING with Eastern Region and ECML Upgrade Project
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HUNTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL c/o Huntington Community Centre, 26, Strensall Road, Huntington, YORK YO32 9RG. Tel: 01904 758366 e-mail: [email protected]
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Huntington Parish Council held on Wednesday 15 th May 2013 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.20pm.
PRESENT: Councillor D. Geogheghan – Breen (DB) – Chairman, Councillor D. Atlay (DA), Councillor C. Woolley (CW), Councillor J.Willis (JW), Councillor M. Duncanson (MD), Councillor C. Clayton (CC), Councillor B. Lewin (BL), Councillor P. Corrigan (PC), Councillor D. Jobling (DJ), Councillor C. Clayton (CC), Councillor K. Bowker (KB), Councillor S. Jobling (SJ), Councillor K. Orrell (KO) and Councillor C. McQuinn (CM) Mrs Gill Chivers – RFO (GC), Nicola Moorcroft - Parish Clerk (NM) APOLOGIES: Councillor K. Hyman (KH ) and Councillor C. Hillman (CH),
CIRCULATION: To attendees, apologies and other all members of the Parish Council MINUTES PREPARED BY: Nicola Moorcroft DATE (Draft): 19/05/13 DATE TO BE APPROVED: 19/06/13
ITEM ACTION 1. To Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence . Councillor K. Hyman (KH); absent due to civic duties Councillor C. Hillman (CH); absent due to family commitments
It was resolved to approve all apologies and reasons for absence.
To Note Declaration of Interests 2. i) To Approve Dispensation Requests No such requests made.
ii) To Note Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in any Items of Business on the Agenda.
Personal Interests:
- All Councillors involved with Village Halls, Community Centres, Burial Board, Huntington Sports and Social Club and Riverside Environmental Park
3. To Consider Business from Members of the Public. - Resident complaint re: installation of new bus shelters offering no protection from wind and rain. ACTION: Clerk to write to resident with the following comments: Whilst Huntington Parish Council is grateful for your comments it believes that the NM new bus shelters, which have been installed, as an alternative to the Perspex shelters previously in use limit the effect vandalism in the area, provide an effective
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13 Page 2 of 6 shelter whilst being aesthetically pleasing and uniform throughout the Parish.
The Parish Council has received a considerable number of positive comments in respect of the new bus shelters and endeavours to provide the best service for its residents
- Resident complaint re: Planning Application Ref: Ref: 13/00889/FUL; Panning Committee comments in relation to said application. ACTION: Chairman to contact resident with reference to the above. DGB
4. Minutes - To Approve the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17 th April 2013: Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by Chairman.
5. Clerk’s Report Clerk had nothing further to report.
6. Policing and Security Matters i) To Note April 2013 Crime figures All the York North Officers that are based at the Clifton Moor Station Stirling Road are moving to Athena House on Kettlestring Lane Clifton Moor at the end of this month this includes Huntington/New Earswick Team. It will not be open to the general public.
Consultations: APRIL Fri 19th Garth Court 11:00 to 12:00 Fri 26th Orchard Park 1:00 to 2:00 Sat 27th Strensall Road Community Centre12:00 to 1:00. Sun 28th – Asda Store – 1:00 to 2:00
ASB 5 Reports of ASB since the last Parish Council meeting in Huntington which are as follows: 1 report at Birch Park between 2 tenants that has been dealt with by Police and Housing Officer. 1 report of nuisance youths Huntington Road – Police spoken to all involved. 1 report Tesco Express 2 youths causing nuisance outside shop. 2 reports of cars racing one at Stephenson close, the other Waterworld Car park.
The ASB Operation is continuing where certain areas get regular patrols. For Huntington they are: Tesco Express, Ladybirds Nursery Garden on Huntington Road which is opposite the Flag and Whistle.
Operation Haven/Buckaroo – Operations for Burglary’s and Vehicle Crime are still running in the Huntington Area.
In the past 12 months North of York has had a significant overall reduction in crime, as you can see from the statistics below –( this is for all North of York)
Reductions in Burglary Other -24%
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13 Page 3 of 6 Criminal damage -14.7% Robbery -40% Theft -18.3% Theft from MV -9.7% Theft of MV -2.4% Violence -6%
There have been 12 crimes in Huntington since the last Parish Council Meeting on 20th March.
Burglary Other 1 Commercial Burglary 0 Burglary Dwelling 1 Criminal Damage 1 TUMV 1 SMV (stolen Motor Vehicle) 0 Domestic Violence 3 Theft 1 Theft from Monks Cross 4 Drugs 0
If you need to make contact with any of the team please ring the 101 number option 2 and say the name or collar number of the officer you want to speak to. PCSO John Iemboli 3534 PC Alex Dobson 1796 PCSO Marie Hampshire 6457
ii) To Consider any other security related issues None raised.
7. Finance and Policy Issues: i) To Note Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report: Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report noted.
ii) To Approve Invoices Presented for Payment:
HUNTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL INVOICES PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT 15 MAY 2013 Complete Office Sols Photocopier Use - April 2013 30.10 Sleightholm Landscapes Churchyard grass May 2013 390.00 Noel Winteringham Open Space Maintenance Feb/March/April 372.00 Noel Winteringham Gardening Scheme April 444.00 RSS Playmakers Playground x 3 repairs 798.60 RSS Playmakers Playground x 3 inspections 180.00 D.E. Ford Insurance Annual Insurance Premium 9490.23* H'tn Environment Park Half year grant 500.00 Mrs N Moorcroft Padlock for Orchard Park gate 6.99 Mrs N Moorcroft Use of home as office May 2013 30.00 Mrs N Moorcroft Telephone Line Rental & calls 20.99 Mrs N Moorcroft Clerk Salary May 2013 1033.53 Mrs G H Chivers RFO Salary May 2013 386.60
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13 Page 4 of 6
Mrs G H Chivers Use of home as office May 2013 10.00 Yorkshire Bank Charges April 2013 18.10
EXPENDITURE APPROVED BETWEEN MEETINGS: Mrs L Stanley 4 weeks Orchard Park gatekeeper 100.00 Mr D Martin 4 weeks Gardening Scheme 344.10 Mr S Wadsworth Fuel gardening scheme 13.18 Mr S Wadsworth 4 weeks Gardening Scheme 112.25 Mr S Wadsworth Refuse sacks and litter picker 22.50 Mr S Wadsworth 4 weeks street cleaning 278.55 £870.58
INCOME City of York Council Half year Precept 2013/2014 £50,760.00
Invoices checked and approved by Councillor K. Orrell.
It was resolved to approve all above invoices for immediate payment.
NOTE* Reduction in annual insurance premium due to 3 years with no claims.
v) To Note Current Financial Situation Current Financial Situation noted.
8. Asset Management i) Open Agenda Item for Community Centres/Halls to present a report: Councillor S. Jobling (Huntington Memorial Hall): HMH short of Trustees and persons to assist with organised activities. Scarecrow making day arranged for 26th May. Scarecrow Trail to be held 20/21st July.
ii) To Receive Reports from those Councillors who have nomination rights to Outside Bodies: Councillor C. Woolley (Hopgrove Playing Fields Association): MUGA requires resurfacing. Successful award from YorVenture of £25,000 plus an additional £2,500 from Yorwaste and £10,000 from CYC Total cost, including other small works to complete the project + £46,000(approx). Playing Fields association likely to apply to both Heworth Without and Huntington Parish Councils for additional funding. iii) Update re: Acquisition of land at Darwin Close, Birch Park – Update Parish Council solicitor in possession of documents necessary for transfer of land.
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13 Page 5 of 6 Solicitor requested guidance as to searches Parish council wishes to undertake prior to transfer of said land. It was resolved: the very minimum of searches be undertaken necessary to complete the transfer of land at Birch Park from CYC. ACTION: NM Clerk to relay above information to Rolitts Solicitors.
9. Planning and Green Belt Issues i) To Consider Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 17/04/13, 24/04/13 and 01/05/13: Minutes considered.
ii) To Discuss Parish Council response to City of York Council Draft Local Plan CYC Draft local Plan contains proposals at sites ST8 (Land North Of Monks Cross) for 1569 houses and ST11 (Land at New Lane) for 411 houses. The total proposed amounts to almost 50% increase in volume of housing in Huntington. Consultation of CYC Local Plan Preferred Options open until end of July 2013 It was proposed by Councillor C. Woolley, seconded by Councillor D. Breen, that Huntington Parish Council opposes any development of the perceived Green belt within the Parish.
Unanimously approved.
ACTION: Clerk to organise venue for public meeting; to allow residents to their NM concerns. PLANNING Planning Committee finalise detail of said meeting. COMM. Clerk to contact CYC re: meeting with planning officers to answer any further questions raised be members.
iii) To Consider any other Planning and Green Belt issues. None raised. 10. Amenities i) To Consider Minutes of Amenities Committee Meeting held 24/04/13: Minutes considered.
ii) To Consider any further Amenities related issues - Request from resident re: addition to the 2013 gardening scheme. I It was resolved, due to the fact said resident had failed to realise the need to reapply for the scheme on an annual basis, to approve the residents’ addition to 2013 Gardening Scheme.
iii) Community Gala Event Update Nothing further to report. Next meeting of Gala committee to be held 04/06/13
11. Parish Council Administration Issues i) Dates for Diary: List of dates, times and venues for Parish Council and Committee meetings circulated to all members.
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13 Page 6 of 6 ii) To Discuss Arrangements for next Huntington Walkabout: Date: Monday 3rd June 2013 Starting Point: Huntington Working Men’s Club car park Time: 10.00am Route: Walking through The Old Village/ Church Lane/ along River Foss
12. To Note Correspondence Received Good Neighbours Association End of Year Accounts/Annual Report (Received) White Rose Update April 2013 Issue 2/13 (Received) Allerton Park Waste Consultation (Received)
13. To Confirm Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting Monthly meeting of Huntington Parish Council to be held Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 7.00pm in Huntington Community Centre, Strensall Road, Huntington.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm
HPC MINUTES 15/05/13