Textile Arts and Crafts 11

Course Outline D. Taft

Textile Arts and Crafts 11 is designed to provide both theory and practice in the production of craft items.

 Students are introduced to a variety of crafts and their historical and cultural significance.

 Students will develop and refine different crafting techniques as they complete their projects.

 Students will follow instructions to complete the crafts as well as using their creativity to express themselves individually.

 Students will be introduced to the Elements and Principles of Design, which will be utilized in the projects throughout the course.

 As students learn different crafting techniques, they will be encouraged to use these skills in a productive and creative way in their leisure time.

 Effective time management, organization of materials and clean up will be emphasized throughout the course.


Students will complete 9 units (projects) utilizing different techniques. Exact projects will change each semester. Possible units are:

Unit 1 3-D Wooden Puzzles

Unit 2 Colour and Design Projects

Unit 3 Soft Sculpture – sock dolls/animals

Unit 4 Seasonal Table Center Pieces

Unit 5 Candle Making

Unit 6 Mobiles and Stabiles

Unit 7 Clay/Dough Creations Unit 8 Holiday Cards and Gift Boxes

Unit 9 Cross Stitch

Project Evaluation:

For each project students will receive a mark based on:

 Finished product - students will self evaluate

 Ability to replicate and follow directions

 Creativity and embellishing

 Work habits (absences, tardiness, attitude, participation)

 Supply responsibilities (clean up and having supplies on time)

All projects must be completed in order to receive credit for the course

Projects must be completed in a timely manner, overdue projects will be penalized.

After completion of this course students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a variety of textile and craft techniques.

2. Be able to use a glue gun effectively.

3. Be able to hand sew basic stitches.

4. Demonstrate various embellishing techniques.

5. Work cooperatively in group situations

6. Maintain an organized and complete notebook.

7. Have an appreciation for the cost of materials and the organization of supplies.

8. Understand the need to carefully read and follow directions.

Notebook Organization Course information and guides are to be kept in a notebook which will be collected and evaluated as projects are completed. All work must be neatly done. The following are to be included:

 Title Page – Textile Arts and Crafts 11

 Project Assignments ( this will include patterns, instructions and planning sheets)

 Completed Project Evaluation Sheets

 Creative Writing

Student Expectations:

 Be punctual and attend all classes unless ill.

 Catch up on any work missed because of an absence.

 Make good use of class time.

 Turn in all assignments and projects when they are due.

 Keep notebook organized and up-to-date.

 Have supplies and projects in class at all times.

 Work quietly and efficiently, cooperation with others.

 Maintain a clean work area and return equipment to its proper place.

 Be quiet and attentive during instruction/presentations.

 Clean up after themselves.

 Bring a positive attitude and a smile to each class.

Course Evaluation:

 60% of the grade will be determined by the successful completion of the craft projects  40% of the grade will be based on participation: daily activities such as observation of demonstrations and lessons, production logs, worksheets, self-assessments, work habits and notebook organization.

Specific criteria for each project will be discussed at the beginning of each new project. Students will be marked on the work that they complete in class.