Rocks and Minerals: Your Friends, the Earth Science Reference Tables s1
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Rocks and Minerals: Using The Earth Science Reference Table
You are not expected to memorize all the rocks in the world or the properties of every mineral known to exist. Why memorize every mineral and rock when you can use simple characteristics and reference tables to determine the rock or mineral. It will be much more useful for you to understand the ESRT and be able to apply the information to in class and real world situations. This handout walks you through the tables that will be important in the Rocks and Minerals Unit. There are also practice problems designed to break down the reference tables and challenge you to efficiently and properly use them.
The biggest hint of all: Be sure to read the tables carefully. Make sure you read the title of the table, axes and headings every time you use a table! Take your time and double check your characteristics to make sure they all are accurate.
This packet is divided into sections: Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks and General Rock Information. You need to know how to use the information in all sections.
The titles of the tables you will need are in italics. Name______Period______
Minerals Homework
Pg. 16 Properties of Common Minerals: Tells you the characteristics that distinguish one mineral from another. If given a mineral sample (and the necessary equipment), you should be able to determine the hardness, streak, color, cleavage planes (or fracture) of the sample. You should then be able to name the mineral using the ESRT. Note that the chemical composition is listed and remember all minerals have unique compositions and/or arrangement of these elements.
Pg. 1 near the bottom Average Chemical Composition of Earth’s Crust, Hydrosphere, and Troposphere: Tells you how much of each element is in the Earth’s crust (and other layers!)
1) By mass, the two most common elements in the Earth’s crust are ______and ______.
2) By volume, the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is ______.
By mass, the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is ______.
3) Which Earth layer contains the highest percentage of Hydrogen?
4) What is the hardness of Quartz?
5) What is the luster of Pyrite?
6) What is the composition of Amphibole?
7) What is another name for the mineral augite?
8) Muscovite and Biotite are both in the Mica family of minerals. Do these have fracture or cleavage?
9) Diamonds are made completely of Carbon, what is another mineral made completely of Carbon? N ame ______Period______
Igneous Rocks: Scheme for Igneous Rock Identification: Be careful: it kind of looks like two tables – it is not! It is one table that is used to identify igneous rocks. The names on the top correlate (use the vertical lines) with the minerals on the bottom. Be careful: the arrows in the middle (color, density and composition) show general trends. Light, low density, Aluminum rich (Felsic) rocks are on the left. Dark, high density, Iron and Magnesium rich (Mafic) rocks are on the right. The rocks in the middle are just that – in the middle in terms of color, density and composition. You need to know what is meant by intrusive, extrusive, glassy, vesicular, fine, coarse, and very coarse. Read the table carefully. You need to know how to determine the percent of each mineral if given the name of an igneous rock and vice versa. Use the percent scale on the mineral composition part of the table (it is on the left and right sides of the shaded in mineral region). Hint: Use a ruler to measure the “thickness” of each mineral’s shaded area within the rock type you are investigating.
1) What is the grain size of: A) Basalt? B) Granite? C) Obsidian? D) Pegmatite?
2) List the minerals and the percent composition (range) that are found in each rock type: A) Example: Basalt: Plagioclase feldspar, 55%; Pyroxene, 15%; Biotite, 5%; Amphibole, 25% B) Andesite has 15% Biotite. What is the percent composition of the other minerals present?
3) What is special about vesicular rocks?
4) You have found an igneous rock that has a fine texture and is light pink. What do you think it is?
5) Name the rock with the listed characteristics: A) Very coarse, low density: ______B) Fine grained, mafic, vesicular: ______C) Contains the minerals olivine and pyroxene, intrusive: ______D) Medium color, coarse grained: ______6) What color is Peridotite? Be general______and be specific______.
7) If diorite were cooled at a faster rate, what rock would it be?
8) Which rocks contain air pockets?
9) If obsidian is Felsic, light and low density, why does it appear black in color?
10) You are visiting Hawaii and pick up a rock that has just been shot out of a volcano. Luckily for you, it is a small rock so it is not hot when you pick it up. Based on location and environment of formation, what do you know about this rock? Be as specific as possible, and suggest possible names of the rock type. Name______Period______
Sedimentary Rocks:
Scheme for Sedimentary Rock Identification: Tells you what some common sedimentary rocks are composed of. You need to know: the terms inorganic, organic, clastic, crystalline, bioclastic. Be careful: read carefully and locate the information you need: grain size, mineral composition, environment of formation, etc.
1) What is the difference between clastic sedimentary rocks and chemical/organic sedimentary rocks?
2) What rock is formed from the remains of plants?
3) What is the grain size of conglomerate?
4) What is the grain size of shale?
5) What rock is made from clay?
6) If a stream is flowing at 200 cm/sec, what size particle(s) could it transport?
7) What is the composition of Rock Salt?
8) What is the symbol for Limestone? Name______Period_____ Review sheet Minerals:
1. What mineral is metallic and can easily be scratched by a fingernail?
2. What mineral is a food additive and has cubic cleavage?
3. What is the a,b,c of the mineral calcite? a. Luster b. Hardness c. Composition
4. What is the composition of halite?
Igneous: 1. What igneous rock is felsic but appears black?
2. What igneous rock is dark, fine and vesicular?
3. What is the environment of formation for pumice? Did this form from lava or magma?
Sedimentary: 1. What are the 2 types of sedimentary rocks?
2. What type of clastic rock is made from the smallest sediments?
3. What rock is made from dolomite?
4. What rock has a texture considered to be bioclastic?
5. What is the symbol for rock salt? What is the mineral which composes rock salt? Metamorphic:
2) What are the two main textures of metamorphic rocks?
3) What is the parent rock of slate?
4) What 3 rocks can slate metamorphose into?
5) What are the two types of metamorphism? Describe each (the names are on the ESRT, the description is not!)
The Rock Cycle in Earth’s Crust:
1) What name is given to weathered rock particles that accumulate at the surface of the Earth?
2) What three processes make sediments?
3) List three materials igneous rock can become.
4) Go around the outside of the rock cycle diagram and write the processes of a complete cycle, starting and ending with igneous rocks.
5) Give the map symbols: Marble Limestone Rock salt Schist Hornfels