Director, Sustainable Real Estate Research Center
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Curriculum Vitae
LI, Yi Man, Rita 李綺雯
Director, Sustainable Real Estate Research Center Director, HKSYU Real Estate and Economics Research Lab Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Ph.D., the University of Hong Kong
BSc, the University of Hong Kong
Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 2015-date
Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrator 2009-date
Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrator 2009-date
Working Experience
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Sept 2014-Present Shue Yan University
Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Sept.2010 – Aug 2014 Kong Shue Yan University
Areas of Interest
Real Estate Economics and Finance Sustainable Building Construction Safety
Courses Taught
ECON100 Introduction to Economics ECON 101 &102 Principle of Economics ECON346 Issues in Development Economics ECON446 Honour Project FIN 243 Money and Banking FIN 347 Introduction to Financial Derivatives FIN433 Seminar on Global Financial Environment FIN 445 Regulation and Management of Financial Institution FIN446 Property Valuation, Funding and FInance Publication* Books (selected) 1. Li, R.Y.M. (2018) An Economic Analysis on Automated Construction Safety: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and 3D printing , Singapore, Springer
2. Li, R.Y.M. and Chau, K. W. (2016) Econometric Analyses of International Housing Markets, Routledge
3. Li, R.Y.M. (2015) Construction Safety and Waste Management: An Economic Analysis, Germany, Springer
4. Li, R.Y.M. (2014) Law, Economics and Finance of the Real Estate Market --A Perspective of Hong Kong and Singapore, Germany, Springer
5. Li, R.Y.M. and Poon, Sun Wah (2013) Construction Safety Berlin, Germany, Springer
Journal (selected)
1. Li, R.Y.M., Fong, S., Chong, W.S. (2016) Forecasting the REITs and stock indices: Group Method of Data Handling Neural Network approach, Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 22, 1-38
2. Li, R.Y.M. (2015) Generation X and Y’s Demand for Homeownership in Hong Kong, Pacific Rim Real Estate Journal, 21(1), pp.15-36
3. Bong, S.; Rameezdeen, R.; Zuo, J.; Li, R.Y.M. & Ye, G. (2015) The designer's role in workplace health and safety in Construction Industry: post-harmonized regulations in South Australia, International Journal of Construction Management, 15(4), 276-287
4. Mao, G., Liu, X., Ren, J., Li, R.Y.M., Guo, J. & Zhang, L. (2015) How might China achieve its 2020 emissions target? A scenario analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emissions using the system dynamics model, Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, pp.401– 410
5. Li, R.Y.M. (2014) Transaction Costs, Firms’ Growth and Oligopoly: Case Studies in Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies’ Branch locations, Asian Social Science, 10(6), pp.40- 52
6. Li, R.Y.M. (2013) The usage of automation system in smart home to provide a sustainable indoor environment: a content analysis in Web 1.0, International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 47-60
7. Li, R.Y.M. and Li, Yi Lut (2013) The relationship between law and economic growth: A paradox in China Cities, Asian Social Science, Vol.9, No.9, pp.19-30
8. Li, R.Y.M. (2012) Econometric modeling of risk adverse behaviours of entrepreneurs in the provision of house fittings in China, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 12, No.1, pp.72-82
9. Li, R.Y.M. (2012) The Economics of Social Responsibility: The World of Social Enterprises. Review of Social Economy, 70(4), 524-527
10. Li, R.Y.M.; Poon, S.W. (2011) Using Web 2.0 to Share the Knowledge of Construction Safety as a Public Good in Nature among Researchers: the fable of economic animals, Economic Affair, Vol. 31, No.1, pp.73-79 11. Li, R.Y.M.; Ah. P.D.H. (2010) “Sustainable development knowledge sharing by Web 2.0: Resistance and drivers to change”, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol.9, No.3, 251-262
12. Li, R.Y.M. (2009) Achieving Compliance With Environmental Health-Related Land Use Planning Conditions in Hong Kong: Perspectives From Traditional Motivation Theories, Journal of Environmental Health, Vol 71, No.11, pp.22-25
13. Lai, L.W.C.; Lam, G. ; Chau, K.W.; Wong, S.K.; Hung, C.W.Y. and Li, R.Y.M. (2009) Statutory zoning and the environment: a Hong Kong empirical analysis of the direct effect of zoning on the environment and the potential contribution of planning conditions to sustainable development, Property Management, Vol.27, No.4, 242-266
14. Li, R.Y.M. (2009) The Myth of Fly-by-night developers in Shanghai and Harbin. Economic Affairs, Vol.29, No.4, 66-71
15. Li, R.Y.M.; Poon, S.W. (2009) Workers’ Compensation for Non-fatal Accidents: Review of Hong Kong Court Cases, Asian Social Science, Vol.5, No.11, pp.15-24
16. Lai, L.W.C., Yung, P., Li, R.Y.M. and Ho, D.C.W. (2007) “The Private Supply of and Public Demand for Planning: Compliance with Planning Conditions in the Absence of Direct Statutory Enforcement Measures.” Planning Practice and Research. Vol.22, No.4, pp.535-557.
Keynote 1. Li, R.Y.M. (2017) Sense and sensibility: the economics and knowledge of Relative Importance on Causes that lead to Accidents on Sites 3rd International Conference on Buisness Finance and Management, 17-18 Jan 2016
2. Li, R.Y.M. (2016) 5D GIS Virtual Heritage, The 8th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 19-22nd December 2016; Organised by the University of Macau, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Kaehead University, Beijing Normal University and Baptist University United International College
3. Li, R.Y.M. (2016) Construction safety in Hong Kong skyscrapers, The 2016 Global Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering (GCCAE 2016), August 12-14, 2016 in Guangzhou, China; Co-organised by Nanjing Forestry University, the University of Adelaide, South West State University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, The Ministry of Education Russian Education
4. Li, R.Y.M. (2016) Sustainable Smart Home: A Pilot Study on the Perception of Post 90’s Generation, 2016 International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Automation Engineering (MCAE2016) July 24-25, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
5. Li, R.Y.M. (2016) Managing construction accident disputes in Hong Kong: a formal institution approach, International Multidisciplinary Research Conference 2016 (MR2016) which will be held on 2-3 February, 2016, in Colombo, Sri Lanka
6. Li, R.Y.M. (2015) Sustainable zero waste management in Hong Kong, UK and Malaysia construction industry: an analysis on institutional barriers and motivations, 2015 International Conference on Modern Management, 26-28 Guilin, Guangxi, China 7. Li, R.Y.M. (2014) Is there any consensus on the causes of construction accidents? A critical review on digital information in academic journal database, the Fifth International Conference on the Applications of the Digital Information and Web Technologies, 17-19 Februrary 2014, Tanjore and Chennai, India 8. Li, R.Y.M. (2013) Demand and Supply of Construction Safety Measures in Developing Countries, International Conference on Safety, Construction Engineering, and Project Management Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries 19-21 August 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan, Organised by University of Florida, McWhorter School of Building Science Auburn University Auburn, Alabama, USA, King Faisal University Saudi Arabia, CE&M Dept. Nat. Inst. of Transp., National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad
Conference (selected top in the field conference, first or single author only)
1. Li, R.Y.M. and Leung, T.H. (2017, forthcoming) Construction safety in Hong Kong: an automated approach, 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 28 June 1 July 2017 [invited by Chair Professor Miroslaw Skibniewski, University of Maryland, former Provost / Vice President of University of Prudue]
2. Li, R.Y.M. and Chau, K.W. (2017) Construction Safety Index in Hong Kong, 92th Western Economics Association International Annual Conference 25 to 29 June 2017, San Diego
3. Li, R.Y.M., Chau, K.W.; Poon, S.W. ; Ho,D.C.W.; Lu, W., Wilson; Fung, D.; Zeng, F.; Leung, T.H. (2017) Construction accident tort cases: mathematical and economic modelling approach 53rd Associated Schools of Construction, hosted by University of Washington and Washington State University, Seattle
4. Li, R.Y.M., Fung, D. and Tang, B. (2017) Building safety index: Structural Equation Modelling approach, 24th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, June 28 - July 1, 2017, Delft, The Netherlands
5. Li, R.Y.M., Beecham, S., Zuo, J., Pullen, S., Tang, B., Li, H.C.Y. (2016) Asymmetric information of different stakeholders’ perception on Sustainable and safe building skin construction: a tale of two cities, 11th Advanced Building Skin Conference, Bern, Switzerland (Prof Beecham is the current Pro Vice-Chancellor of University of South Australia)
6. Li, R.Y.M., Wong, J.F.K. (2014) News and property prices in Hong Kong: Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller's theories revisit, 19th AsRES, Brisbane, Australia
7. Li, R.Y.M. (2013) An Evolution Analysis on the Ingredients which Lead to Economic Growth in China, 1979 through 2013, Chinese Economics Society of Australia, Joint International Conference on Industrial Upgrading and Sustainable Economic Growth in China, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 12-13 December 2013
8. Li, R.Y.M. and Li L.S. (2012) Bootstrapping the Cobb-Douglass Housing Price Model in Canada, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress, Macau, 3-5 July 2012
9. Li, R.Y.M. (2011) Hodrick Prescott Filter and Hedonic Regression Analysis on the Development of Office Rental Market of Hong Kong in the Recent Decade, The Ninth China Urban Housing Conference, 8-9 July 2011
10. Li, R.Y.M.; Chau, K.W. (2010) Constructing quality first hand dwellings in Hong Kong: a study of court cases in 2000-2008, CIB Congress 2010, 10th – 14th May 2010, Manchester
11. Li, R.Y.M.; Poon, S.W. (2010) The Evolution of Construction Accident Causation Models, CIB Congress 2010, 10th – 14th May, 2010, Manchester 12. Li, R.Y.M.; Chau, K.W. (2010) On the road to sustainable well-furnished flats in Shanghai: lessons learnt from Hong Kong and Sydney, 16th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Wellington, 24-27 January, 2010
13. Li, R.Y.M.; Chau, K.W. (2010) An empirical study of brand name, land costs, income and housing availability’s impact on residential fittings in Hanzhou, China, 16th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Wellington, 24-27 January, 2010
14. Li, R.Y.M. (2010) Building Our Sustainable Cities to Combat Climate Change: a Study on Provisions of Fittings in First Hand Apartment Units in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Australia and mainland China, 16th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Wellington
15. Li, R.Y.M.; Zhang, R.P. (2008) How to resolve dispute on construction site? By mediation or arbitration? “Securing High Performance through Cultural Awareness and Dispute Avoidance” CIB W112 International Conference 2008 21st-23rd November 2008, serial number 43, Shanghai
16. Li, R.Y.M. (2008) Mainland Chinese Buy bare flats, Hong Kong Chinese buy furnished flats. Why?, 9-14th March, 2008, Ronald Coase Institute Workshop, Los Banos (received fellowship and prizes)
17. Li, R.Y.M.; Lai, L.W.C.; Chau, K.W.; Wong, K.S.K. (2007) Voice and Dollar: An empirical study of the correlation between environmental complaints and residential prices in Hong Kong, 14th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference, 27-30th June, 2007, London Other Qualifications/experiences/ memberships
1. I am an editor-in-chief and editorial board member of over 20 international peer review journals. 2. I am also invited as a special issue editor, an international scholar to rank the universities globally for QS and Times Higher Education. 3. I serve as an international journal peer reviewer for more than 20 journals; many of these are top in the field in journals, such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Urban Studies etc. 4. I previously served as a co-supervisor of a master student’s thesis in University of Macau, act as a PhD external examiner for University of Macau (global ranking 351-400 in Times Higher Education) and University Putra Malaysia (global ranking 330 by then). 5. I was a visiting fellow in University of South Australia, worked with Prof Simon Beecham (Pro Vice Chancellor) and an adjunct associate Prof in Tianjin University.