Model Pay Policy for Schools - 2010

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Model Pay Policy for Schools - 2010

Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit

Policy Name: Pay Policy

Policy Number: 039

Links to:  The School Teachers Pay & Conditions document  Performance Appraisal Policy  Safer Recruitment Policy Date of Approval: March 2013

Effective Date: March 2013

Review Date: Sept 2014

Person Responsible: Staffing and Premises Sub Committee

Approved By: PRU Management Committee

For Action By SLT

For Information to: Teaching Staff

Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit Pay Policy

1 Introduction This Policy has been adopted by the Management Committee and applies to all teachers and support staff employed to work at Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit (hereafter referred to as ‘the school’). Nothing in this Policy should be interpreted as contradicting or overriding the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) which currently applies and which is mandatory. The school will also adhere to the Council’s pay policy / job evaluation arrangements for support staff. The purpose of the Policy is to supplement the nationally agreed salary arrangements, clarifying, in particular, how areas of discretion are to be exercised by the school. The Policy should be read in conjunction, as appropriate, with other human resources policies and procedures, including in particular the school’s Recruitment Policy. The school will maintain a staffing structure, which shows the number and grades of jobs within the school. The current staffing structure is attached as Annex 1. The Management Committee has delegated full powers to the Staffing and Premises Sub Committee to act as the Pay Committee. This Committee is responsible for determining all pay matters in accordance with the Pay Policy, the schools appointments procedure and the school’s Performance Management Policy. The Management Committee, operating through this Committee, will ensure that discretionary pay elements are used in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. Annex 2 confirms the terms of reference of the Staffing and Premises Sub Committee with respect to this. Throughout the policy where reference is given to an action, decision or outcome it references the Pay Committee making that determination in exercise of its delegated responsibility, acting on recommendations and / or information presented by the Head Teacher. The Full Management Committee responsible for:  determining the school ISR  the staffing structure( on recommendation from the head) including TLRs and pay tiers The Head Teacher is responsible for:  ensuring that pay recommendations for the Deputy Head Teacher, classroom teachers and support staff are made and submitted to the Pay Committee in accordance with the terms of the policy;  advising the Pay Committee on its decisions; and  ensuring that staff are informed of the outcome of decisions of the Pay Committee and of the right of appeal. The Pay Committee is responsible for:  taking decisions regarding the pay of the Deputy Head Teacher, classroom teachers and support staff following consideration of the recommendations of pay reviewers and the advice of the Head Teacher;  taking decisions regarding the pay of the Head Teacher following consideration of the recommendations of the Head Teacher Performance Review Committee responsible for the Head Teacher’s performance review;  submitting reports of these decisions to the Management Committee; and  ensuring that the Head Teacher is informed of the outcome of the decision of the Pay Committee and of the right of appeal.

The Appeals Committee is responsible for:  taking decisions on appeals against the decisions of the Pay Committee in accordance with the terms of the appeals procedure of the policy.

2 Principles and Objectives

The school recognises the importance of developing a pay policy for all staff as a means of ensuring fairness for all staff and to demonstrate that they are valued equally and receive proper recognition for their work.

In adopting this Policy the school’s aim is to:

 support the school’s development and improvement including current priorities and targets.  demonstrate that all pay decisions are made consistently and fairly, in compliance with anti-discrimination legislation.  ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for staff to appeal against any pay decision affecting them personally, and for such appeals to be heard by a panel of governors whose members have not been involved previously in the decision against which an appeal is made.


The “relevant body” for pay purposes in respect of teachers employed at the school is the Management Committee and the provisions of the STPCD apply to all such teachers.

Unless otherwise stated the words in this Policy shall have the same meaning as the words in the STPCD.

Annual Salary Statement

A formal statement will be given to each teacher each year, usually by 31 October setting out what their salary is and how it has been determined.

Classroom Teacher (pre threshold)

All pre-threshold classroom teachers (other than leadership group members, excellent teachers and advanced skills teachers) will be paid on the main pay scale at points M1 to M6 as appropriate.

The actual main scale pay point (M1 to M6) for such a teacher shall be determined by reference to experience as follows:

Experience - mandatory points

Points will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD.

Experience - discretionary points

The allocation of points for experience is at the discretion of the Management Committee. The school shall exercise this discretion as follows:

(a) One point will be awarded for each complete year of teaching undertaken in a sixth form college or City Academy, City Technology Colleges, independent schools, overseas schools further education and higher education subject to paragraph (d) below.

(b) One point will be awarded for each two complete years of teaching experience in non- qualifying employment subject to paragraph (d) below.

3 (c) One point will be awarded for each three complete years of other experience gained from age 18 and above (to include unremunerated activity), subject to paragraph (d) below. Such experience would not include periods of training or education.

(d) The maximum number of points to be awarded under the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above is a total of 4.

(e) At the discretion of the Head Teacher, additional points may be awarded at the time the teacher is recruited to work at the school for non-qualifying teaching experience where it is judged that the nature of that experience is similar to qualifying employment (as defined in the STPCD) and/or is considered to be of particular value to the performance of the teacher in his/her work.

Where it is confirmed that a main scale teacher has performed unsatisfactorily and is participating in capability proceedings experience points may be withheld. The Head Teacher will inform and make recommendation to the Pay Committee when this situation arises.

This decision will be confirmed in writing to the individual and subject to review upon successful completion of the capability process. Once an increment has been withheld in this way it may be re-instated with the agreement of the Headteacher (but not backdated) if performance subsequently improves significantly.

Classroom Teacher (post threshold)

Applications for Threshold

Teachers are required to formally apply to be assessed for threshold but they will not need to provide separate evidence in support of the application. The school will use the outcome of the teacher’s last two performance reviews (held under the Appraisal Regulations) to assess whether the teacher meets the core and post-threshold standards.

The school’s reviewers will ensure that the performance criteria set, for teachers who intend to apply for threshold assessment in 2011/12 and beyond, will provide the basis to enable the assessment to be made against the core and post-threshold standards.

Classroom teachers who have applied for and passed the threshold in accordance with the STPCD shall be paid on point U1 of the upper pay scale from 1 September of the appropriate year.

Progression Criteria for UPS

The performance of all post threshold teachers will be reviewed annually in accordance with performance management arrangements established in the Teacher Appraisal Regulations and the school’s Performance Management Policy.

To achieve progression on the upper pay scale the teacher’s contribution to the school must be substantial and sustained. To be fair and transparent, judgements will be properly rooted in evidence and there must have been a successful review of overall performance.

This overall performance review, as set out in the STPCD, will be based on two successful consecutive performance management reviews, other than in exceptional circumstances.

A successful performance review as prescribed by the Appraisal Regulations will involve a performance management process of:  performance objectives;

4  classroom observation;  other evidence.

To ensure that the achievements and contribution have been substantial and sustained, the performance review will assess that the teacher has:

 continued to meet threshold standards and  grown professionally by developing their teaching expertise post threshold.

The current criteria against which a teacher’s performance will be measured for progression to U2 is set out in the STPCD 2012.

Teaching and Learning ResponsibilityPayments (TLRs)

TLRs will be awarded to classroom teachers undertaking additional duties in accordance with the conditions laid down in the STPCD. Such TLRs will be assigned to specific posts within the school’s staffing structure (as detailed in Annex 1).

In awarding a TLR 2 payment, the school is satisfied that the teacher’s duties include a significant responsibility for which s/he is accountable, not required of all classroom teachers, and that-

a) Is focused on teaching and learning; b) requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgement; c) requires the teacher to lead, manage and develop a subject or curriculum area or to lead and manage pupil development across the curriculum; d) has an impact on the educational progress of pupils other than the teacher’s assigned classes or groups of pupils; e) involves leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of other staff.

In awarding a TLR 1 payment, the school is satisfied that in addition to the criteria laid down in paragraph 7.2 the teacher will also carry line management responsibility for a significant number of people.

The values of TLRs have been set by the Management Committee and are shown in the school’s staffing structure (Annex 1). The school will review the value of the TLRs annually in the light of pay awards made under STPCD.

TLRs will not be awarded for short-term or fixed term appointments as they are given for sustained responsibilities (a responsibility will not normally be sustained if it lasts for less than a year).

Special Educational Needs Allowances (for classroom teachers)

An SEN allowance of no less that £2001 and no more than £3954 will be paid to eligible classroom teachers under the provisions of the STPCD.

Where an SEN allowance is paid the spot value will be determined by taking account of the school’s SEN provision and:

i) whether any mandatory qualifications are required for the post; ii) the qualifications or expertise of the teacher relevant to the post; and iii) the relative demands of the post. Recruitment and Retention Incentives and Benefits

5 The payment of recruitment and retention incentives and benefits may be considered in respect of individual posts for which specific recruitment/retention difficulties have been identified. The Head Teacher will submit recommendations to the Pay Review Committee for agreement.

Where it is determined to pay such an incentive/benefit, the amount will be determined to meet the circumstances of the case. The level of payment and any required qualifying period of service will be set out in writing to the teacher concerned.

Any recruitment incentive for a new teacher will be for a fixed period not exceeding three years and will not be renewed.

Any retention incentive awarded to an existing teacher will be for a fixed period not exceeding three years from and may, in exceptional circumstances be renewed.

In determining whether a post will be eligible for a recruitment and retention allowance the Pay Committee will take into account the following factors:  Whether the post is in a nationally recognised shortage subject area;  Whether the post has had to be re-advertised due to insufficient quantity and/or quality of applicants;  Whether previous recruitment to posts of a similar nature has proven difficult;  Whether there has been a high rate of staff turnover;  Whether an additional incentive needs to be offered to recruit someone to undertake a specific project;  Any other relevant circumstance that the Management Committee believes is having a detrimental impact on the recruitment and retention of staff.

Salary Safeguarding

Salary safeguarding will be paid to eligible teachers under the provisions of the STPCD.

Safeguarding details will be confirmed in writing to the teacher and will be reviewed to ensure the teacher remains eligible to receive the safeguarding.

Where a teacher is in receipt of salary safeguarding which exceeds a total of £500, the school will allocate appropriate and additional responsibilities commensurate with the safeguarded sum for the period of the safeguarding. If the teacher unreasonably refuses to carry out such additional duties the school will give the teacher written notice of its intention to withdraw the safeguarding payment. If dissatisfied, the teacher will have a right of appeal in accordance with paragraph 36.

Excellent teachers

As part of its regular review of the staffing structure, the school will consider whether there is a role (or roles) for Excellent Teachers within the staffing structure.

If there is such a need identified, a specific job description and person specification will be drawn up and the post advertised. Candidates would need to be able to demonstrate that they have been paid at U3 on the upper pay spine for at least two years (or under an equivalent pay scale under the terms of previous STPCDs).

All candidates for the post will be assessed (internally and externally) in accordance with the assessment procedures for the Excellent Teacher Scheme encompassing the professional standards.

Candidates who complete the assessment satisfactorily will be eligible for consideration for the Excellent Teacher vacancy.

6 The salary of a teacher appointed to an excellent teacher post will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD, within the range £39,697 - £52,090.

When determining the spot salary on the range, regard will be given to:

 the nature of the work to be undertaken and  the degree of challenge in the role.

Excellent teachers will not be subject to an annual review of salary. The salary will be re- determined where there are significant changes in:

 the nature of the work to be undertaken and  the degree of challenge in the role.

Where the salary of an excellent teacher is reduced following a re-determination the teacher will be paid a safeguarding sum under the provisions of the STPCD.

Excellent teachers will not be eligible to receive a TLR.

Part Time Teachers

Teachers employed on an ongoing basis at the school but who work less than a full working week are deemed to be part-time. The Management Committee will give them a written statement detailing their working time obligations and the mechanism used to determine their pay (outlined below), subject to the provisions of the statutory pay arrangements.

Part-time teachers will be paid the percentage of the appropriate full-time equivalent salary as calculated under the provisions of the STPCD.

The same percentage will be applied to any allowances awarded to the part time teacher.

Leadership Group

Head teachers, deputy head teachers and assistant head teachers employed at the school shall be paid on the salary ranges determined in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD. Details of these salary arrangements are set out in the school’s staffing structure (see Annex 1).

The provisions of the STPCD relating to differentials shall apply to the Headteacher, any Deputy Headteacher, any Assistant Headteacher and the highest paid teacher.

Performance Review (Reference the Performance Review Policy for further detail)

Progression through the appropriate pay range for all teachers in the leadership group will not be automatic.

An annual review of the teacher’s performance must be undertaken by 31 December using the schools performance management process.

To achieve progression there must be a demonstration of sustained high quality performance, with particular regard to leadership, management and pupil progress at the school and a review of performance against performance objectives.

To be fair and transparent, judgements will be properly rooted in evidence and there must have been a successful review of performance.

7 A successful performance review, as prescribed by the appraisal regulations, will involve a performance management process of:

 performance objectives;  classroom observation (where relevant)  other evidence.

To ensure that there has been a high quality performance, the performance review will assess that the individual has grown professionally by developing their leadership and (where relevant) teaching experience. Subsequent to Performance Review the Head Teacher will make pay recommendation to the Pay Committee. The Head Teacher Performance Review Committee will make pay recommendation to the Pay Committee with regards to the Head Teacher.

The School External Adviser will be support and give advice in the Performance Review of the Head Teacher.

Acting Allowances

Other than as provided for in the STPCD a teacher may not be required to undertake additional acting duties beyond those appropriate to the teacher’s role, status and pay and/or as set out in the teacher’s job description.

A teacher appointed as acting headteacher, acting deputy headteacher or acting assistant headteacher will be paid at least the minimum of the appropriate range if the duties of the substantive post are to be carried out in full, subject to the provisions of paragraph 16.4 below.

In the temporary absence of a postholder with a TLR, the Headteacher will determine whether to appoint a teacher to undertake all of the duties covered by the TLR (e.g. in cases of cover for secondments, maternity leave, long-term sick etc). In all cases payment is subject to the provisions of paragraph18.4 below.

The period of time which the substantive post is to be covered before a temporary allowance payment is to be made is as follows, (subject to all such payments being backdated to the first day on which the teacher was required to undertake the duties of the absent colleague).

(a) Deputy head teacher covering the absence of headteacher - 2 weeks. (b) Teachers covering absence of headteacher, deputy headteacher, assistant headteacher or head of service - 2 weeks (c) Teacher covering the duties of a teacher with a TLR - 2 weeks

Supply Teachers

Supply teachers employed to work at the school (not those provided by agencies) will be paid an hourly or daily rate calculated, in accordance with current STPCD documentation, set out below. In all cases this calculation will be based on the point on the pay scale for classroom teachers (or the upper pay scale as appropriate) for the individual teacher.

A daily rate of 1/195 of the teacher’s actual salary will be payable where the teacher is directed to work at such times and at such places as specified by the Headteacher, for 6.5 hours in that day (hours spent travelling to and from work should not count towards this 6.5 hours).

8 The hourly rate will be 1/1265 of the teacher’s actual salary where the teacher is directed to work a part day.

The calculations above shall include mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks where the teacher is directed to work both immediately before and immediately after that break. Payment for mid-morning and mid-afternoon break shall also be made where the teacher is present in school and on duty throughout the break at the formal request of the Headteacher.

In Service Training For Teachers (INSET)

Payment for INSET may only be made in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD (except in the case of part-time teachers where it has been agreed locally that the appropriate proportion of 1265 hours will apply).

Where a classroom teacher undertakes such training outside his/her directed hours (and where payment is authorised in writing in advance) an additional payment shall be made on an hourly basis of 1/1265 of the teacher’s actual salary.

Out of School Learning Activities

Where a classroom teacher (excluding AST’s and Fast Track Teachers) undertakes voluntary out-of-school activities outside the 1265 hours directed time, or, in the case of part-time teachers, the appropriate proportion of 1265 hours, payment will be authorised, in writing, in advance and an additional payment made on an hourly basis of 1/1265 of the teacher’s actual salary.

Overtime / Honorarium

Teachers will not be eligible for ‘overtime’ or honorarium payments other than the additional payments as outlined above.

Appeal Arrangements

A Request for a pay determination review

Any employee dissatisfied with any pay decision affecting them made in accordance with this Pay Policy may appeal and seek a review of that decision.

If, when an employee receives written confirmation of their pay determination, he / she is not satisfied then he / she should seek to resolve this by discussing the matter informally with the Headteacher, normally within fifteen working days of the decision being received in writing.

Where this is not possible or where the employee continues to be dissatisfied, he / she may follow a formal process.

The employee should set down in writing the grounds for questioning the pay decision and the remedy being sought and send it to the Head teacher, normally within fifteen working days of written notification of the outcome of the discussion referred to above.

Taking account of the need to circulate relevant documentation the Head teacher should arrange a hearing normally within ten working days of receipt of the written grounds for questioning the pay decision. The employee will be given the opportunity to make representations in person to Management Committee Pay Committee. Following the hearing the employee should be informed in writing of the decision, the reasons for the decision and the right to appeal.

9 An appeal against a reviewed pay determination

Any appeal should be heard by a panel of three governors who were not involved in the original determination normally within fifteen working days of the receipt of the written appeal notification. The employee will be given the opportunity to make representations in person. The decision of the appeal panel will be given in writing, normally within 5 working days. Where the appeal is rejected the letter will include a note of the evidence considered and the reasons for the decision.

The employee shall be entitled to attend the meeting of the appeals panel and has the right to be accompanied and represented at any such meeting by a trade union representative, friend or colleague.

Advice from the HR Services should be sought if the appeal relates to the grading of the post.

Monitoring and Review of the Policy

The Policy will be reviewed annually and particularly where there are changes in the STPCD affecting areas of discretion to be exercised by the ‘relevant body’. Consultation with staff and recognised trade union representatives will be undertaken prior to any changes being adopted.

The Pay Committee is responsible for:  considering an annual report from the Head Teacher; the report will  monitor the impact of the policy on teachers and on teaching and learning  include a staffing budget statement  include the outcome of consultation on any changes to the salary policy, and advice on the implications of structural and staffing changes.  reviewing the policy annually, in consultation with the Head Teacher and staff; and submitting it to the Management Committee for approval.

10 Annex 1 Calderdale Pupil Referral Unit Staffing Structure: 01.09.2012

Head Teacher L16-22 Simon Lee

Deputy Head Teacher L11-15 Maxine Garbett

Teacher in Charge KS2 Teacher in Charge KS3 TLR 1A / SEN1 TLR 1A / SEN1 Julie Brooksby Clarice Wokes TiC Teaching & Learning Lead KS4 (TLR 2P / SEN1) Bruce Thomson

Curriculum Lead Curriculum Lead Curriculum Lead KS3/4: English KS3/4: Maths KS3/4: Science TLR 2O / SEN1 TLR 2O / SEN1 TLR 2O / SEN1 Tina Hall (KS4) Vacant Post Cherril Collins (KS3)

Teachers KS2 (SEN 1) Teachers KS3 (SEN 1) Teachers KS4 (SEN 1) Sharon Cook Denise Richmond Jaan Part Vacant Post

Youth Workers KS3 JNC (17-20) Youth Workers KS4 JNC (17-20) Angie Rushworth Gareth Greenwood Sarah Kidd Dave Noble (0.5)

Senior Support ATP & C (22-28) Senior Support ATP & C (22-28) Senior Support ATP & C (22-28) Lisa Statham Wesley Mc Gibbon Ann-Marie Jennings

Home School Coordinator Home School Coordinator Home School Coordinator ATP & C (22-28) ATP & C (22-28) ATP & C (22-28) (Vacant Responsibility) Glenda Jeffery Claire O’Leary Justine Redman

Exam Officer ATP & C (22- 28) Caroline Bretton

Support KS2 ATP & C (18-25) Support KS3 ATP & C (18-25) Support KS4 ATP & C (18-25) Tracey Dawson Christine Sutcliffe Nikki Binns Nicholas Attwood Andrew Johnson Wendy Fowler Sara Padgett Gemma Wilson Jacqueline Young (0.3) Garry Tyson Vacant Post

Safer School Partner PC Alison Gill

KS3 Site Manager PRU Administrator / ATP & C (26-28) KS4 Site Manager ATP & C (26-28) Esther Lovelady Jessica Crawshaw

Admin Support KS3 Admin Support KS4 ATP & C (14-17) ATP & C (14-17) James Carek Diane Hammond (0.8)

Caretaker / Cleaner ATP & C (14-17) Paul King

11 Annex 2

Terms of Reference for the Staffing and Premises sub Committee Pay Committee

The Management Committee has delegated full powers to the Staffing and Premises Sub Committee to act as the Pay Committee.

The Headteacher will attend in an advisory capacity and will withdraw when his/her salary is under consideration.

The terms of reference for the Pay Committee will be determined from time to time by the Management Committee. The current terms of reference are:

 To implement the Pay Policy in a fair and objective manner and to consider any individual representations that may be made in respect of pay decisions;

 To undertake an annual pay review for each member of staff based on the criteria set out in the Pay Policy with effect from 1 September;

 To observe all statutory and contractual obligations, including making arrangements to notify pay decisions to individual members of staff within appropriate timescales;

 To minute clearly the reasons for all decisions and report these decisions to the next meeting of the Management Committee;

 To recommend to the Management Committee the annual budget required for pay purposes, including provision for discretionary pay advancement arising from performance reviews;

 To keep informed of relevant developments including legislation and statutory guidance affecting the Pay Policy and to review and to recommend changes or modification to the Management Committee, as appropriate and at lease annually;

In the case of new appointments to the staff, decisions on starting salary will be delegated to the Headteacher or Selection Panel as appropriate.

In the case of a new Headteacher appointment, the full Management Committee will determine the salary range however the determination of the starting salary will be made by the Selection Panel under their delegated powers.

These are a sub section of the Staffing and Premises sub Committee terms of reference and will be reviewed annually at the AGM in line with review of other terms of reference.


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