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JERRY’S “PAY the LOVER” CLUB . . . Then . . . Judas . . . said unto them, what will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? -- Matthew 26:5 Certainly, the Charismatics, Healers, and Assemblies of God should be embarrassed and ashamed of the spectacle that had become the hottest bit of scandal that the liberal press could get its hands on in a long while. The betrayal, publicity, and mockery that have resulted from this scandalous affair are understandable, to be expected, is even deserved, and is no real surprise to us. What is a surprise to us (even in the light of the compromise with neo-evangelicals, Jews, Catholics, the Pope, Ted Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, Southern Baptists, Kentucky Colonels, accrediting agencies, and his “friends” and “brothers” (Billy Graham and Bob Schuler) is Jerry’s involvement of the Fundamental Baptist name with a Charismatic soap opera and Pentecostal “Sheep Fleecing.” After hearing Jerry’s burden to save the PTL (PAY THE LOVER) club and his burden for a fallen brother, we felt a deep sense of embarrassment, disappointment, and betrayal. Why should a fundamental Baptist try to save an organization that should be destroyed in the hell that spawned it? Why should Fundamental Baptists identify their names with Charismatic perversions and problems? (We have enough of our own!) The answer is clear to Fundamental Baptists but is not clear to the news media or to those, whom we must face. Jerry is not a “Fundamental” Baptist! Nevertheless, again, we were not perceptive enough to detect the real possibility of gain behind these maneuvers, namely, the stealing and taking over of a potential side car ministry. That is until it was found out that they could never take out the thing of the deep hole in which Baker had put it. We can just see the “I’m your friend” compassion and empathy that Jim Baker was shown AT FIRST. After it was deduced that there was not a thing in it for anyone, Baker was labeled a scoundrel, which he was. Yet that does not excuse the betrayal that he had to undergo by someone, who hypocritically pretended that they were going to help him. We never thought that we would ever have more respect for the character, stand, forthrightness, and discernment of a tongue talkin’, lose your salvation, Charismatic Evangelist than we do for a graduate and supporter of an Independent Baptist college. Still, we did! Yes, we had more respect for Jimmy Swaggert and his outspoken rebuke of this scandalous affair and the eight million dollar, prayer tower, extortionist. Well, that respect was short lived in that the news media caught him as well, WHILE he was still scolding Mr. Baker. Nevertheless, we still do not have any respect for the mealy mouthed, laced underwear rhetoric, which comes out of Lynchburg, Virginia. Clearly, there are professing Fundamental Baptists, who run greedily after the error of Baalam for reward (Jude 11).
-- by Herb Evans (Undated)