(Performance) (July 2012)

Unit Statement: The student will be exposed to performances in general, from the perspective of an audience member and performer. The student will work for an extended period of time as part of a team to present a performance to an audience.

Essential Outcomes: (assessed for mastery)

1. The Student Will practice selections for performance.

2. TSW practice appropriate performing behavior. Some examples are: dressing appropriately, demonstrating proper attitude, watching the director, etc.

3. TSW practice appropriate performance behavior such as follow teacher's and backstage manager's instructions while backstage and respectfully watched their peers' performance.

4. TSW attend dress rehearsal at the performance venue in an appropriate manner.

In the event that the student misses the set performance, the student can make up the TSWs by performing with the class in another (usually smaller) venue at the teacher’s discretion.

Material for performances are at the discretion of each school, using various selections, narrations, scripts, and teacher-created programs etc. pieced together. Below are 2 helpful websites to help.

Website Resources:


This is a great site for Downloadable performance resources for purchase, as well as general resources for a K-8 music teacher.

- Downloadable & for sale, sheet music for over 200,000 arrangements plus over 260,000 music books.

Suggested Assessments: Each of the Essential Outcomes should be taught and assessed. Teachers are able to utilize the attached rubrics to help aid them in assessing students at the A and B level for Music class.


8 QSI MUSIC 5 S01 Copyright © 1988-2012 NAME ______CLASSRM TEACHER______A grade = 1 A mark on the rubric and no P (progress) B grade = all marks on the rubric at the B or A level and no P (progress)

AGE 5 grading scale (S01: Performance) ESSENTIAL A-Excellent B-Good P-Still In Progress OUTCOME: TSW1 Participated to their ability with Participated in the learning of performance Did not participate in the learning of practice selections except2ional attitude in the learning of pieces. performance pieces. for a performance performance pieces.

TSW2 Dressed appropriately, demonstrated proper Did not dress appropriately or demonstrate practice attitude, performed appropriately to their proper attitude, or perform appropriately to appropriate ability onstage, and watched the director for their ability onstage, or watch the director performing cues/entrances. for cues/entrances. behavior

TSW3 practice Followed teacher's & backstage manager's Did not follow teacher's & backstage appropriate instructions while backstage and manager's instructions while backstage or performance respectfully/actively watched their peers' did not watch their peers in a respectful behavior performance. manner.

TSW4 attend Attended the dress rehearsal in an Was not at the dress rehearsal or participated dress rehearsal appropriate manner. in an inappropriate manner.

9 QSI MUSIC 5 S01 Copyright © 1988-2012