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Trowbridge Town Council

Trowbridge Town Council Direct Services Committee Minutes 28th November 2017 Working with the Community


At a meeting of the Direct Services Committee held in the Longfield Community Centre, Weavers Drive, Trowbridge on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors: Brice, Bryant, Drewett (In the Chair), Fuller, David Halik, King, Palmen and Whiffen. In attendance: Cllr Blackmore substituting for Cllr Oldrieve, Cllr Kirk substituting for Cllr Cavill. Officers: Mr B Austin (Head of Direct Services/Deputy Chief Executive), and Mrs T Carpenter (minutes)

854 APOLOGIES RESOLVED to accept apologies received from Councillor Oldrieve with reasons for absence.

855 MINUTES a) RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Direct Services Committee meeting held on Tuesday 29th August 2017. b) There were no questions c) RESOLVED to note the Minutes of the Civic Board meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2017. d) There were no questions. e) RESOLVED to note the Minutes of the Friends of Trowbridge Park meeting held on 19th October 2017. f) There were no questions.

856 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no Declarations of Interest, excepting those already included on the Register.

857 CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair read out a letter received from MP Michelle Donelan following the exceedingly successful Wiltshire Festival of Engineering held at the Civic Centre, praising all staff involved and indeed the venue itself. Members congratulated all staff concerned.

Cllr Halik joined the meeting at 19.04hrs.

858 OPEN FORUM There were no members of the public present.

859 THE HEAD OF DIRECT SERVICES REPORT A copy of the Head of Direct Services (HODS) report had been circulated with the Agenda. The following issues were raised:

1. Staff –  Post currently being advertised for Facilities Support Officer to support Facilities Manager but also taking on running of events. 2 candidates for interview.  Maryrose will support Wiltshire Armed Forces & Veterans event on a voluntary basis and she will continue to run the Carnival Soap Box Derby and Carnival Country Fayre. The HODS reported that Carnivals are currently under threat as run by volunteers and enthusiasts. VOSA (Vehicle Licensing unit who carry out

D:\Docs\2017-12-28\0f2284ed4c49f9200238e0e47ef83fbc.doc Trowbridge Town Council Direct Services Committee Minutes 28th November 2017 Working with the Community inspections) and Police who have put restrictions on vehicles travelling overnight, making it more difficult for the volunteers to ensure vehicles can participate. Very few Type A vehicles are able to afford the time, effort and costs to meet the requirements. Members to sign card for Maryrose.

Cllr Bryant joined the meeting at 19.09hrs.  Groundsman – Matt Mayne unfortunately left for a job offering double the salary. Cllr Brice enquired if the post when re-advertised would be on a higher grade? The HODS reported that salary is currently under discussion in line with the budget for 2018/19, but is likely to include £5000 for a vehicle. Whilst there is no budget available until the next financial year, there is a commitment to replace this post at some point. Councillors emphasised the importance of maintaining the momentum of what is already being achieved by the role of the Groundsman Operative. 3.2 St George’s Works – The HODS is liaising with a surveyor on the St Georges Works site to ascertain a more clear picture on costings. 3.3 All Play Provision Present & Future Assets – the meeting held on 21st November with Wiltshire Council Cabinet member Cllr Wayman and WC officers was very successful. Discussions have now formed the basis of management agreements, taking on play areas and taking on responsibility for maintenance and up-keep, with the potential for putting open space management within those agreements. Once this is completed a process will form the basis for moving forward on a community asset transfer. It was noted that whilst Wiltshire Council’s new policy does not include transfer of any money with assets, they are standing by the original agreement and paying us the £50,000 and the Section 106 monies. 3.4.2 Park Hard Courts Area - Lighting – the results of the planning application should be with us next week which will allow us to move forward. 3.4.4 Town Entrance promotional signs - only two left to sell now. We now have 5 new roundabouts to gain more sponsorship @ £250 each advert. 4.2 Grounds maintenance – we need to move forward on the asset transfer so we can produce a new contract, as we may be taking on some of the works ourselves which are currently in the contractor’s contract. Cllr Blackmore thanked the HODS for repairing the trip hazard in St James’ Parish Churchyard. 4.3 Walwayne Court Hard Court Area - Cllr Brice reported he was sorry to see this go. 4.4 CIL – the HODS is holding a meeting with the outgoing and new Wiltshire Council (WC) CIL officer tomorrow. We have received £7,584.93 We expect to receive £34,520.18 this year, and looking to receive a further £109,554.98 in future. WC need to clarify a payment process. 5. Events – Christmas Light Switch On - feedback has been excellent. Business colleagues felt it was a good move despite initial concerns. Cafés did well, however sadly most shops were closed. £2000 was contributed by the Chamber of Commerce last year however no payment has been received to date for this year’s event. 6.1 Trowbridge in Bloom – In Your Neighbourhood competition - excellent results. 6.2 Town Centre Wayfinding Signage – the HODS is working with Clare Lyall. 6.3 Allotments – there is a current issue with an allotment holder – please liaise with the HODS if approached. 7.3 Parish Steward – we get a parish steward for four days but he appears to be in town most days of the week. We are currently reporting what he does in those four days for us, however the HODS has asked the cabinet member to put more information in their newsletter or give us the breakdown of what the parish steward does for WC.

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7.4 Community Payback –He confirmed that Community Payback workers can work on paths and streets as long as work safe practices are adhered to. Councillor King enquired of the cost of placing a bin on the Innox Path. The HODS explained that the money would be better spent on regular litter picking as even if bins are installed members of the public do not use them. He reported that WC have set up a litter picking patrol. 4 teams went round today, and they will be extending dates as part of a Waste campaign.

The HODS added that he had reviewed the play areas this week; the 19 owned by WC and 5 not owned by them, estimating it will cost £135K to put things right.

The Chair thanked the HODS for his report.


860 ST JAMES’ CLOSED CHURCHYARD (Report Item 4.1.1) An arbiter attended the site and confirmed the work requested is not justified. These types of trees do not normally require pruning. It was RESOLVED to withdraw the recommendation for work to be carried out.

861 TROWBRIDGE IN BLOOM GRANT – (Report item 6.1.1.) (copy report attached) The HODS updated members on the current situation on their bank account. RESOLVED That given the financial position of Trowbridge in Bloom, instead of a grant the money is retained within the Direct Services budget thereby allowing the funds to be concentrated on environment town centre projects, enhancing the public realm.

862 CIVIC CENTRE ROOF (Report Item 6.4.1) RESOLVED to approve the undertaking of an inspection of a selection of the pipework on the Civic Centre roof, with funds being met from the £21,000 allocated to Civic Centre Reserves in this year’s budget.

863 PRIORITY OF PROJECTS PROPOSED – (Report item 7.6.1) Members considered the list which had previously been circulated with the Agenda. The following comments were made: 3. renovating bandstand – how important is this? It was confirmed this would have to wait until the town council had built the new storage area. 7. Cllr Whiffen objected to the installation of 25 boulders. Members agreed that Item 7 should be deleted from the list. RESOLVED that the council supports in principle the FOTP priorities with the deletion of Item 7 from the list, for development of the Town Park, guided by the Deputy Chief Executive, and the due council and committee process to approve any contributions and implementation.

864 LAMBROK PLAYING FIELDS – (Report Item 7.7) RESOLVED to agree in principle that it is an appropriate use of the land and to provide support for the planning application by Trowbridge Wanderers Football Club for a storage compound.

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865 WW1 BEACONS OF LIGHT - (Report Item 7.8) The HODS reported that we currently have a brazier which was used for the 2000 millennium. Approximately 1000 are taking part nationally. Some concern was raised at the lack of height of the brazier if it is to be located in Trowbridge Park. RESOLVED that the HODS liaises with the Royal British Legion on options for siting a beacon for commemorating the event and to bring this issue back to the next meeting on 27th February.

866 QUARTERLY MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS (Report Item 2.2) RESOLVED to approve the 2nd Quarter accounts, copies of which were previously circulated with the Agenda. b) RESOLVED to note the Civic Board 2nd Quarter accounts, copies of which were previously circulated with the Agenda.


867 DRAFT BUDGETS 2018/19(Report items 2.1.1 and 2.3) RESOLVED to recommend the following for approval to the Policy & Resources Committee meeting to be held on 9th January 2018: a) Civic Board draft Budget 2018/19 b) Direct Services Committee draft Budget 2018/19

868 DATE OF NEXT MEETING NOTED the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 27th February 2018 in the Pitman Committee Room, The Civic Centre, St Stephens Place, Trowbridge at 19:00hrs.

869 PRESS RELEASE RESOLVED to make the following press releases: a) Christmas Light Switch On - positive comments received on re-location.

The meeting closed at 20.40hrs

Signature……………………………… Dated………………..

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ACTION BY WHOM DATE COMPLETE D TROWBRIDGE IN BLOOM GRANT RESOLVED That given the financial position of JW to advise GS Trowbridge in Bloom, instead of a grant the money is retained within the Direct Services budget thereby BA to note allowing the funds to be concentrated on environment town centre projects, enhancing the public realm.

CIVIC CENTRE ROOF RESOLVED to approve the undertaking of an inspection BA to advise KB of a selection of the pipework on the Civic Centre roof, with funds being met from the £21,000 allocated to Civic Centre Reserves in this year’s budget.

PRIORITY OF PROJECTS PROPOSED RESOLVED that the council supports in principle the BA FOTP priorities with the deletion of Item 7 from the list, for development of the Town Park, guided by the Deputy Chief Executive, and the due council and committee

D:\Docs\2017-12-28\0f2284ed4c49f9200238e0e47ef83fbc.doc Trowbridge Town Council Direct Services Committee Minutes 28th November 2017 Working with the Community process to approve any contributions and implementation.

LAMBROK PLAYING RESOLVED to agree in principle that it is an appropriate BA use of the land and to provide support for the planning application by Trowbridge Wanderers Football Club for a storage compound.

WW1 BEACONS OF LIGHT Liaise with the Royal British Legion on options for siting BA a beacon for commemorating the event and to bring this issue back to the next meeting on 27th February.

DRAFT BUDGETS 2018/19(Report items 2.1.1 and 2.3) Recommend the following for approval to the Policy & LA/TC Resources Committee meeting to be held on 9th January 2018: a) Civic Board draft Budget 2018/19 b) Direct Services Committee draft Budget 2018/19

PRESS RELEASE LA RESOLVED to make the following press releases: Christmas Light Switch On - positive comments received on re-location.


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