First United Methodist Church and bold. Clear our minds, open our hearts, and touch us Mason City, IA with your presence and your power. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our friend and our Savior. Amen. Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Sat) July 29, 2017 – Guest Speakers: Mary & Brian Snell Special Music (Sun) July 30, 2017 – Rev. Kathleen R. Moore “Fantasia and Rondo” Ricky Latham, Clarinet Solo Children’s Moments with Bob Bobolz Harvest Festival with Don Chipman Prelude Mission Moment “Christe Sanctorum” “Christians, We Have Met to Worship” Greeting Life of the Church - The ushers will hand out attendance books. *Call to Worship Please Leader: Listen to the good news. God is with us, this day sign the log and pass it on to others in your pew and then to the and every people in the day. pew behind you. If you are a guest, we would appreciate it if you People: Because God is with us, we can face each day would with provide your full address. Thank you. courage. We can find some good in everything, for we Joys and Concerns - Please raise your hand to share a joy or are never completely alone. concern Leader: God’s goodness sometimes seems to be a and an usher will give you a microphone. Response following trickle, each prayer as sometimes pulsing spurts, and sometimes a follows: mighty flood. Leader: Lord, in your mercy, or In joy we pray to the But always God is with us. Lord, Unison: We worship you, O God, for your goodness. People: Hear our prayer, O Lord. We praise Pastoral Prayer you with our songs. We seek you in our prayers. We The Lord’s Prayer offer ourselves to you because you are our God. *Affirmation of Faith “We Are Not Alone” UMH #883 *Hymn UMH #57 *Passing the Peace “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Offering *Prayer “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” You who have created us and who sustains us: We *Doxology UMH #95 come with thanksgiving for these moments when we can “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” ease the pace of our lives and listen for your voice. Create a *Prayer of Dedication spirit within us that truly draws us toward you and toward our brothers and sisters: a spirit deep, perceptive, gentle, *Hymn TFWS #2060 “God the Sculptor of the Mountains” Scripture Genesis 32:22-31 Pew Bible OT 30

Sermon “Wrestling” Rev. Kathleen R. Moore *Hymn UMH #386 “Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown” *Benediction *Sending Forth UMH #672 “God Be with You till We Meet Again” (verse 1) Postlude “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones” *Stand if able. Call to Worship & Prayer used with permission from “Flames of the Spirit” © 1985 The Pilgrim Press.