KEY QUESTION 1: How Well Do Children Learn and Achieve?

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KEY QUESTION 1: How Well Do Children Learn and Achieve?

Lasswade High School Standards & Quality Report Summary, September 2016

KEY QUESTION 1: How well do children learn and achieve?

Attainment & Learners Experiences

Headlines: Existing Strengths • Improved attainment trends in SQA 2013, SQA 2014 and SQA 2015 • SQA Senior Phase Implemented & Tracking in Senior Phase introduced • Assessment is for Learning embedded in majority of Departments & Classrooms • Innovative Teaching & Learning evidenced in most Departments e.g. use of iPads • Extra-curricular activity continues to be a key strength • Partnership work & wider achievement: Duke of Edinburgh, Princes Trust, School of Rugby, Army Cadet Force, College Partnerships, LuL, YASS. • Improved Positive Destinations statistics.

Attainment Profile of Lasswade High School Centre

SQA S4 5+ S4 5+ S4 5+ S5 1+ S5 3+ S5 5+ S6 1+ Level 4 Level 6 Level 6 Level 6 Level 7 Session Level 3 Level 5

2010 92 80 34 41 21 8 17

2013 91 82 38 43 24 8 17

2014 94 89 41 54 32 17 19

2015 91 88 40 58 37 19 20

Attainment Progress Summary 2014-15 • Maintained generally improved performance from 2010-14 in SQA 2015 at S4 • Improved performance in SQA 2015 at S5 & S6 • Positive 3 year and 5 year improvement trends • Above Virtual Comparator in ‘Improvement Trends’ in S6 for 3+ & 5+ Higher • Favourable performance within INSIGHT* in some Dashboard Measures • Tracking introduced for S4-6 • Areas for improvement identified via Department Improvement Planning • More detailed Plan in Art & Design for National 5 resulted in improved attainment • Further progress with ‘Wider Achievement’ e.g. Saltire Awards, DofE, YASS. • CONABOR Merit Achievement Award established: 1st Prizegiving, June 2015.

1 Attainment Priorities for Improvement. • Implement New SQA Higher and Advanced Higher (SIP = School Improvement Plan Priority) • Introduce an Assertive Mentoring Programme (SIP) • Further Analysis of INSIGHT Virtual Comparator School Performance: Investigate performance of Boys and High SIMD Students & create Action Plan. • Review implementation of National Qualifications in certain subject areas. • Introduce Attainment Action Plan for improvement in one additional subject area. *INSIGHT is the new Government Toolkit to analyse and evaluate school performance.

Learners Experiences Progress Summary 2014-15 • Improvements via new Pupil Voice Forums (Take 5s) esp S1-2 & S6 Head Team • On-going progress with Assessment is for Learning in majority of departments & classrooms • On-going innovation via Technology in Teaching & Learning (T&L) • Initial progress with Interdisciplinary Learning ‘pilots’ • Senior Leadership (SLT) and ‘peer’ classroom visit programme • Staff Development (CLPL) on Visible Learning • CLPL from Improvement Partnership Cross-authority In-service programme. Learners Experiences Priorities for Improvement.  Introduce Visible Learning to Lasswade High School (SIP)  Ensure that all young people are challenged in their learning, with particular reference to The Broad General Education. (SIP)  Ensure Learning Visits are extended across departments. KEY QUESTION 2: How well does the establishment support children to develop and learn?

Curriculum & Meetings Learners Needs

Headlines: Key Existing Strengths  Revised Curriculum Structure  Improved CfE entitlements via the new Personal Support Programme  Delivery of GIRFEC Agenda within Pupil Support and beyond  Partnership Working e.g. Agencies, CLD, Youth Work, Army Cadet Force, School of Rugby, Confucius Hub, Light up Learning  Flexible & Alternative Curriculum provision  Pastoral Transition programmes. Curriculum Progress Summary 2014-15  INTRODUCING THE SENIOR PHASE - new SQA Awards in S4  Planning for new Highers in S5

2  Introduction of the Queen Margaret University Academies and Edinburgh College Academy for S5/6 students  Opening of the Midlothian Confucius Hub  Reviewing and improving CfE Structures - debate about an improved curriculum for our pupils. Focus on by-passing Maths & English at National 5.  Continued focus on improving T&L - peer observations, learning with iPads, introduction of Visible Learning, responding to young people (student voice)  Introducing a more coherent Student Tracking Programme – improved use of management information system for S1-3 and S4-6 and Department Personal Learning Planning. Curriculum Priorities for Improvement.  Introduce a S1 Personal Support Programme including Didbook (SIP)  Develop improved feedback to pupils about their work in the Broad General Education (S1-3) (SIP)  Introduce Career Ready Mentoring & Support Programme  Introduce a more rigorous Tracking Programme in S1-3 and improve assessment & moderation in the Broad General Education (BGE) (SIP)  Improve pace & challenge in the BGE. (SIP)

Meeting Learners Needs Progress Summary 2014-15 • Positive data e.g. Level 4 Attainment trends & improved Positive Destinations • Improved Individual Education Plans via introduction of Person Centred Planning • Behaviour Review implemented • Engagement with Government’s School Improvement Partnership Programme in relation to planning for S1 Personal Support Programme 2015-16 • Introduction of stage based S4 Consultation Meetings for vulnerable students • Restorative Practice Group continues to provide innovative staff development and support • Increased capacity: improved resources planned & identified e.g. additional Leadership posts in Pastoral and Community posts • Engagement with INSIGHT in relation to four Dashboards and ‘Closing the Gap’ • The ASN (Learning Support) Student Forum as part of improving ‘pupil voice’. Meeting Learners Needs Priorities for Improvement.  Introduction of Confident Staff, Confident Children on staged implementation  Introduction of S1 Personal Support Programme including Didbook (SIP)  Improved staffing levels in Pupil Support including additional Principal Teacher post  Assertive Mentoring Programme for S4-6 students (SIP)  Pastoral Pupil Support Attainment Review Meetings, October 2015  Improved strategic focus for House Meetings for all Year Groups

3  ‘Closing the Gap’ School Activity Session, October 2015  Extend achievement to more young people via CONABOR & Awards (SIP)  Ensure that all young people are challenged in their learning. (SIP)

Key Question 3: How well does the establishment improve the quality of its work?

Self-evaluation & Leadership

Headlines: Key Existing Strengths • Revised Whole-school & Department self-evaluation process • Revised Review Meetings • Improved ‘student voice’ in determining the improvement agenda • Improved parental involvement via Parent Council • Working Groups leading & managing change • New ‘good practice’ PTs Meetings & CLPL opportunities such as ‘Take 10’ • Classroom Visit programme • Commitment to improvement from SLT including Extended SLT Away Day. Self-evaluation Progress Summary 2014-15

 Staff contribution to enquiry, debate & discussion; identifying ‘good practice’ & taking forward action points e.g. School Improvement Working Group  Improving the Student Voice - supporting our pupils ‘learning how to learn’, responding to their ideas for school improvement – ‘you said, we did’ agenda  SLT Self-evaluation ‘Focused Work’ including positive response to HMIe: Increased Expectations & Extended Leadership Team interim evaluations of SIP and Extended Leadership Team ‘Away Day’  Positive feedback from Midlothian Council’s Validated Self-Evaluation Programme highlighted in HMIe Follow-through Inspection, January 2015.

Self-evaluation Priorities for Improvement.  Introduce formal review for three Departments over the course of 2015-16. (SIP) Leadership Progress Summary 2014-15 • Increased Distributed Leadership opportunities • Planning to develop greater awareness of and engagement with the new GTCS (General Teaching Council of Scotland) professional standards. • Improved use of School Working Groups • Introduction of revised PRD (Professional Review for Teachers) around new GTCS Professional Standards • Positive feedback from Midlothian Council VSE Programme and HMIe Follow- through Inspection, January 2015. Leadership Priorities for Improvement.  Improve communication across the school. (SIP)

4 Summary of Key Improvements in Session 2014-15  Successful ‘sign-off’ from HMIe Follow-through Inspection via Validated Self-Evaluation Exercise with Midlothian Council, January 2016.

 Community Project set up and established with key aims to reduce Exclusions and provide increased Positive Destinations for our most vulnerable and challenging students.

 Revised Behaviour Policy in place with aim of improving whole- school ethos based around our Vision & Values.

 Appointment of additional Youth Worker & expanding curriculum options via the Community Project e.g. Army Cadet Force, Skills for Work options.

 Development of Army Cadet Force – introduction of Leadership Award at SCQF Level 5 Qualification for students involved.

 Development of Tots 2 Teens Programme – introduction of SCQF Level 5 Qualification for students involved.

 Official Opening of Midlothian Confucius Hub in Lasswade High School and Chinese Immersion Courses for staff & students.

 Learning Community Primary School Postgraduate Student Mandarin Teaching Programme with Edinburgh and Heriot Watt University in partnership with our Primary Schools.

 Launch of Visible Learning and several CLPL INSET (Inservice) and SAT (Staff Development Activity Time) Sessions focused on Teaching & Learning and Visible Learning enhancing staff professionalism, collegiality and improved pedagogy (Teaching).

 SIPP (School Partnership Programme) INSET and joint working between Lasswade High School, Ross High School and North Berwick High School.

 Planning for launch of Personal Support Programme and Didbook (Student Web-based ICT Support Programme) Training for all Staff & S1 Students. Planning for use of this programme for S3 Personal Learning Plans in May 2016.

 Positive Destinations – highest in Midlothian and above our Virtual Comparator Schools.

 S5/S6 Attainment Levels – highest since STACs introduced. In line with or above our Comparator School in some areas and levels.

5  Light Up Learning (LuL) Programme (Postgraduate University Mentor Programme) and positive feedback from students and parents in terms of ambition agenda and other DREAM values.

 Launch of Sports Hub and partnership working e.g. School of Rugby at Lasswade. Development of School of Rugby – introduction of BASE Qualification at Level 4 and 5 in Rugby.

 Silver Health & Wellbeing Award for Sport at Lasswade High School.

 Expansion/growth of Nursery Programme and highly successful Care Inspection Report.

School Improvement Priorities 2015-16 Action Point 1. IMPROVE OUR CURRICULUM: • 1.1 Delivering SQA Senior Phase Priorities – New Higher and Advanced Higher Courses • 1.2 Improving our BROAD GENERAL EDUCATION in S1-3  Planning, Assessment and tracking student progress including Significant Aspects of Learning  Improving Connections across the curriculum (Interdisciplinary Learning)  1.3 Enhancing the development of Scotland’s Young Workforce (DYW)  Enhancing & developing Curriculum Partnerships  Further developing Skills for Life, Work and Learning Action Point 2. IMPROVE LEARNING & Teaching • 2.1 Continue our focus on improving LEARNING via Visible Learning: (this includes improving Feedback, Assessment for Learning, Challenge, Co-operative Teaching & Learning, Tracking attainment & achievement and Technology to enhance learning) • 2.2 Introduce Department Validated Self Evaluation Programme Three Departments and/or Focus Areas per Session outlined on School Calendar

Action Point 3. IMPROVE THE SUPPORT FOR OUR PUPILS: • 3.1 Full implementation of the CONABOR Award  Rigorous analysis of Awards by Students, Class and House  Use of Calendar Focus weeks and Assemblies • 3.2 Implementation of Personal Support  S1 Focus Programme including enhanced Tutoring and use of Didbook  Assertive mentoring in the Senior Phase • 3.3 Confident Staff, Confident Children  CLPL Programme delivered on 3-year implementation schedule  Re-energise Lasswade HOUSE system: Tutoring & Identity.


6 Collaboration; Continuing Lifelong Professional learning (CLPL); Consistency; Communication.

The detail of this Plan is outlined on the School Website. A Parent Summary is available via The Parent Council.


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