Park Center Senior High

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Park Center Senior High


Park Center Senior High

Orchestra Handbook


1 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon

K-12 Music Program Rationale

Music is a means of personal expression and a powerful force in our daily lives.

Music is an important element in each of our diverse cultures, and an avenue along which greater appreciation and respect can be nurtured.

The experiencing of emotions, the interpreting of feelings of people living before us, and the recording of our ideas for generations to come is made possible by the study of music.

Recognizing these contributions, our K-12 Music Program will provide a meaningful musical ex- perience for every child that allows each to: Ÿ Develop sensitivity and understanding for others and other cultures, Ÿ Realize musical talents and musical intelligence, Ÿ Experience the pleasure and satisfaction that are so often inseparable from the music itself.

K-12 Music Program Outcomes

All students participating in music will...

Practice music to develop technical skill, Read and understand the language of music and music notation, Explore music in relation to history and diverse cultures, Perform in a musical group,

2 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Act upon opportunities for creativity and self expression, Recognize music as a life long endeavor, Experience personal satisfaction through music, and Develop interpersonal and team building skills.

Music students are PREPARED for life.

Welcome to Orchestra at Park Center Senior High!

The purpose of this handbook is to give you an introduction to the high school orchestra, let you know what is expected of you as an orchestra member and let your parents know how they can help.

PCSH offers two orchestras: Chamber Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra.

Chamber Orchestra is mainly for 10th graders. Time will mostly be spent on technique and fun- damentals: posture, bowing, fingering, tone, and intonation.

Symphony Orchestra is mainly a 11th & 12th grade orchestra. Students are expected to be well versed in string performance fundamentals, so we are constantly preparing for concerts and per- formances; most of our day is spent rehearsing music.

THE KEYS TO SUCCESS: Ÿ Hard work Ÿ Dedication Ÿ Practice Ÿ Teamwork Ÿ A positive attitude

Welcome to the Park Center Senior High Orchestra. It is my sincere wish that your musical ex- perience is full, meaningful and FUN!

3 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon

Mary Gagnon Orchestra Director Park Center Senior High School 7600 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 Other dates to be aware of: (763) 569-7600 x88969 PCSH Musical: March 07-09; [email protected] March 13-15

MMEA String Auditions: Anoka PARK CENTER SENIOR HIGH ORCHES- 3/12/08, Champlin Park 3/14/08, SCSU 3/15/08, St. Paul Central TRAS HS 3/18/08.

CONCERT AND EVENT SCHEDULE - NWSC All Conference honors or- chestra rehearsals: 3 Sundays in 2007-08 Jan./Feb: 01/13, 01/20, 02/03

Updated September 12, 2007

Both orchestras (including WAP) will be performing unless otherwise noted. This schedule is subject to change; every effort will be made to keep you informed.

 Osseo Area Schools Musical Showcase (SYMPHONY STRINGS ONLY) Monday, November 19, 2007 7:00 p.m., Orchestra Hall

Ÿ Winter Concert with Brooklyn Junior High strings Wednesday, December 05, 2006 7:30 p.m., Park Center Senior High Auditorium

Ÿ Symphony Orchestra tour Friday, December 14, 2007 Elementary schools and nursing home All day

Ÿ NWSC (Northwest Suburban Conference) Music Festival Monday, February 04, 2008 Park Center Senior High Performances all day (SYMPHONY ONLY) All-Conference Grand Finale Concert: 7:00 p.m. (INVITATION ONLY ENSEMBLE, we will be asking for volunteers who are not playing to help with logistics.)

Ÿ Region VAA Instrumental Contest - Orchestra (Solo/Ensemble) Saturday, March 01, 2008 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Blaine High School

4 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Ÿ PCSH Choir Masterworks Concert (INVITATION ONLY ENSEMBLE) Monday, March 17, 2008 7:30 p.m., Park Center Senior High Auditorium

In this handbook, you will find: Concert and Event Schedule Rehearsal Guidelines Grading Materials List Practicing Concerts and Concert Attire Lettering Contact information Parent/Guardian Signature Page

Please read this over carefully and write down all concert/event dates for the year in your planner. Feel free to contact Ms. G if you have questions.

Ÿ PCSH Orchestras Spring Concert Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:30 p.m., Park Center Senior High Auditorium

Ÿ Commencement (SYMPHONY ONLY) Sunday, June 01, 2008 10:15 Depart from Park Center 12:00 Commencement at Target Center 2:30 Approximate return to PC “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy ... in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, and music.” - John Adams Rehearsal Guidelines “Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art”. - Charlie Parker

Ÿ In orchestra, we follow the Park Center Code of Conduct. Students are expected to: Attend school regularly, be in class on time with the proper materials, and be prepared to learn. Respect the rights and property of others. Behave in such a way that promotes a positive teaching/learning environment. Be respectful, courteous, and cooperative with school personnel and other students. Maintain a clean and safe school environment. ü All school rules apply as outlined in the student handbook.

5 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Ÿ Come to class ready to play and ready to support all members of the orchestra. Attendance for a performance organization is critical, both for you and for the other members of the en- semble. Ÿ No candy, pop, gum, or food is allowed in the music area. Water is allowed in a clear, spill- proof container. Ÿ Be in your seats ready to go four minutes after the beginning of the class period. Tardies will deduct two participation points per day. After three tardies, you will be assigned a before/af- ter school detention with the teacher and your parents will be informed. After five tardies, there will be an office referral. Ÿ Show mutual respect: s Follow directions. s Do not talk while others are talking and do not talk while we are rehearsing s Stop playing when asked; don’t start talking just because we have stopped playing. s Do not play your instrument while another section is working. s Any substitute teachers or other staff should also be treated with respect and their instructions should be followed. Ÿ You will be given approximately four minutes at the end of class to put away instruments, music, chairs, and stands. It is the responsibility of everyone to see to it that the room is clean at the end of class.

Ÿ Consequences for unacceptable behavior may include: Verbal warnings Lost participation points Phone calls home/Notes sent home Detention before/after school with teacher 93% and above = A 87%-89% = B+ 77%-79% = C+ 67%-69% = D+ 59% and below = F 90%-92% = A- 83%-86% = B 73%-76% = C 63%-66% = D 80%-82% = B- 70%-72% = C- 60%-62% = D- Conference with parent/guardian Administrative action

Ÿ Orchestra Winds and Percussion (WAP) The WAP section rehearses with the Symphony Orchestra during 4th hour about once a week. WAP members are members of the Green Band and will play at all concerts with the Symphony Orchestra unless otherwise noted.

Grading “I’ve never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.” - Virgil Thomp- son Ÿ Grading Scale: Grading Breakdown: Ÿ Class Participation (50%): Follow the four agreements: Attentive Listening

6 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Appreciation/No put-downs Right to pass Mutual respect Be to class on time Have all your materials Play with good posture Be prepared to play to the best of your ability Five points will be awarded per day for proper participation and meeting expectations. If a total of fifteen points is lost, your parent/guardian will be notified. An excused absence will cause no loss of points. However, the first unexcused absence or a forgotten instrument will equal no points for the day. If unex- cused absences continue, your grade will go down incrementally for each unexcused absence (ex.: B to B-).

Ÿ Concerts (25%): Be there on time Be dressed appropriately Have all your equipment and music Be prepared to play to the best of your ability Ÿ Assignments (25%): Written Work (theory, terms and symbols, etc.) Performance Testing (technique, scales, rhythm lines, repertoire excerpts, etc.) Reflection and Evaluation (self-reflection, journaling, critiques of performances, etc.) Music History Unit, American Broadway Musical Unit, Solo/Ensemble Unit, etc. Other assignments as needed

Ÿ Missing and Late Assignments: - All work is expected to be turned in on time. - Exceptions are made if you have an excused absence on the due date. Work must be made up within one week from the date of your return to school. Any work not turned in during the week will result in no credit for that work. - Late work is deducted 20% for every class day it is late. - You have five class days after the date an assignment is due to turn in late assignments. After that, your grade will drop to a zero.

Materials List “Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?” - William Shakespeare

The following supplies should be brought to class every day: Ÿ Instrument and bow in good condition Ÿ Case in good condition with name tag Ÿ Unbroken cake of rosin Ÿ Clean, soft, dry cloth

7 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Ÿ Pencils with erasers Ÿ Shoulder rest for violinists and violists, labeled with your name Ÿ Tourte Mute Ÿ Notebook (labeled with name) used only for orchestra Ÿ Folder that isn’t for music, but for handouts and other work Ÿ Neatly trimmed fingernails

ATTENTION: Parents/Guardians of Band & Orchestra Students RE: In-school Instrument Storage

Park Center Senior High School provides storage shelves in the music suite for your student's instrument. The area is supervised and/or locked.

Throughout the district we have had very few incidents involving instruments storage areas. However, you are leaving your privately owned/rented instrument in this area at your own risk. We strongly recommend checking your homeowner's insurance policy to be sure your instrument is covered in the unlikely event that something should happen to it.

The teachers, school, and/or district are not responsible for damage to or theft of your privately owned/rented in- strument.

Ÿ Your teacher will give you a music folder. Keep all your music in this folder (not in another folder) Ÿ Your teacher will let you borrow other music or music books that you need for class. You are responsible for turning this music back in when requested, in good condition. It is OK to write lightly on music in pencil, but no other writing utensil. No folding, tearing, etc. You are subject to a fine if the music is lost or mistreated. The fine will be $5.00 per piece for lost music and $3.00 for damaged music. Please note that school policy is all fines must be paid in order to graduate.

Strongly Suggested: Extra strings - D’Addario Prelude, D’Addario Pro Arte, D’Addario Helicore and Thomastik Dominant are brands that many people like. Metronome/Tuner Music Stand (not necessary to bring to class) Endpin holder for 'cellos/basses (not necessary to bring to class) Practicing “Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus 10,000 times is skill.” - Shinichi Suzuki

Ÿ Practice your parts so that you can come to class ready to contribute. The ensemble will sound better, we will be able to spend more time digging deeper into the music, and you will be less frustrated and have more fun.

Ÿ Any and all parts of the music in your folder are fair game for performance tests. You will be given a reasonable amount of time to prepare new concepts before you are expected to play them for an assessment.

8 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Ÿ Practice records may be instituted if it is determined to be necessary.

Ÿ Practicing is considered homework, just like homework you would have in any other class.

Concerts “ Man will begin to recover the moment he takes art as seriously as physics, chem- istry, or money.” - Ernst Levy

Ÿ Attending concerts and adequate home practice are required parts of orchestra class. Please see the concert/event list included in this packet. Every effort will be made to keep you up to date on your performance responsibilities.

Ÿ Performances and rehearsals outside the school day are a strong tradition in our district, and participa- tion in concerts is a requirement of the class. Concert participation is part of your grade. Please give every consideration to the orchestra when scheduling family vacations, college visits and the like, to avoid concert dates. Students and families are responsible for transportation to concerts.

Ÿ You must be prepared for concerts. A student may not be allowed to perform if he/she has not shown adequate attendance or acceptable behavior. If a student does not follow concert attire expectations, she/he can be excluded from that performance. Students also must behave appropriately at concerts while listening to other groups in order to earn concert attendance points.

Ÿ Excused absence: Excused absences can include illness and family emergencies. If you have an emergency that will prevent your performance, contact Ms. G at 569-7600 x88969 as soon as possible to let her know about your situation. A note from home is required on the first day of your return to school and an alternative assignment will be given. Work is not an excused absence. Please make sure your employer knows about your school responsibilities. The athletic and music departments in the district work together to try to avoid conflicts - please see the attached “scheduling athletic and music events” sheet.

Ÿ Unexcused absence: Will equal a zero grade for that concert. Excused absences can be made up, but unexcused cannot. In accordance with the District 279 Curriculum for Instrumental Music, “If a stu- dent has an unexcused absence from a concert s/he will lose the points associated with the perfor- mance. No make-up assignments will be afforded.”

Ÿ Keep your family informed!

Concert Attire “Last year more people went to symphonies than went to baseball games. This may be viewed as an alarming statistic, but I think that both baseball and the country will endure.” - John F. Kennedy

Symphony Orchestra Ÿ Members will be assigned an orchestra uniform.

9 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon Ÿ Men are assigned a tux coat and pants, a tie and a cummerbund. Men will need to provide black socks and black dress shoes and a white dress shirt with a wing collar. Ÿ Women are assigned a black dress and a sash. Women will need to provide black hose and black dress shoes.

Chamber Orchestra Ÿ Members must provide performance clothing. Ÿ Men need to provide a long-sleeved white button shirt, a tie (colorful is encouraged) black pants, black socks and black dress shoes. Ÿ Women need to provide a long-sleeved white blouse, full length black pants or skirt, black hose, and black dress shoes.

Lettering in Music “You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.” - Bever- ly Sills

Students earn a music letter by being involved in extra music activities beyond what is offered in the classroom. We encourage students to be involved in all aspects of the orchestra program at PCSH.

Points are cumulative from year to year. When 175 points are earned, the student is awarded a Music Let- ter. Bars may be earned for an additional 175 points. All points are at director's approval. Failure to com- plete an activity, including missing rehearsals, will prevent you from earning points in that activity.

Orchestra (15 points per year) Solo at state contest (15 points per year, 1 event per year) Superior Rating (5 points) Excellent Rating (2 points) Ensemble at state contest (15 points per year, 1 event per year) Superior Rating (5 points) Excellent Rating (2 points) Solo Accompanist at contest (5 points per event, limit 20) Marching Band (30 points per year) Musical Pit Orchestra (30 points per year) Jazz Ensemble (30 points per year) NWSC All-Conference Orchestra (20 points per year) MMEA All-State Orchestra (35 points per year) All-State Orchestra Audition (10 points per year) Youth Orchestras/Audition Groups (20 points per year) Choir Masterworks Orchestra (25 points per year) Private Lessons (10 points per trimester) Non-School Performances (5 points per event, limit 20/year) Extra School Performances (5 points per event, limit 20/year) Regular Year-Long Chamber Group (30 points per year) Section Leader (10 points per year) Council Member (10 points per year) Office Aide/Librarian/Uniform Manager (10 points per tri.) District Music Outreach (e.g. music-related help with 5th-9th gr. orch. events) (5 per event, limit 20/year)

How to reach me “There is nothing more difficult than talking about music.” - Camille Saint-Saens

10 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon

Ÿ I may be reached by telephone at Park Center at (763) 569-7600, extension 88969. The best time to reach me is before school (7:10-7:15), after school (2:00-2:20), or during 2nd period (8:25-9:15 Mon., Tues., Thurs.; 8:23-9:11 Wed.; 8:30-9:25 Fri.). Ÿ My e-mail address is [email protected]. That’s probably the easiest way to reach me. Ÿ Students are welcome before and after school - please let me know in advance so any con- flicts may be worked out. Note: Wednesdays after school generally do not work well due to staff meetings and collaboration time.

We have a SchoolTies website and a blog to help keep you up to date on your assignments and our concert schedule. They also include some links to other sites such as youth orchestras, games, flashcards, and drills to help your learning.

Orchestra SchoolTies: class=gagnonm PCSH Music Blog:

“When words leave off, music begins.” - Heinrich Heine

PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PAGE (front and back) BY: Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I, , have read and understand the orchestra syllabus student name and materials list. I am aware of the concert dates, have written them in my calendar, and will at- tend all concerts. I will wear appropriate attire to each concert and be prepared to play my music to the best of my ability. I will do my best to play my instrument at home at least five days per week.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

My student may be videotaped at concerts for later broadcast on cable television (parent/guardian please initial one):

11 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon

Yes No

Photographs of my student may be placed on the district music website and/or a PCSH orchestra website (parent/guardian please initial one):

Yes No

Please see the back of this sheet.


Ÿ Student: Name Home Address Home Phone E-mail Instrument

Ÿ Parent/Guardian #1: Relationship to student:

Name Home Address Home Phone E-mail Work Phone

12 PCSH ORCHESTRA HANDBOOK 2007-2008 Ms. Gagnon

Ÿ Parent/Guardian #2: Relationship to student:

Name Home Address Home Phone E-mail Work Phone

Ÿ Private teacher (if applicable):

Ÿ For students with privately owned/rented instruments:

Instrument brand: Model:

Serial Number: Case Color:


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