Here Are Some of the Things I Ve Worked on Over the Years

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Here Are Some of the Things I Ve Worked on Over the Years

41 Station Rd, Ashley Down, Bristol, BS7 9LA 19th Feb 2008 Dear Reader, I make no apology for the personal nature of this website. I wish for a future for my four daughters and five grandchildren as well as all the diverse life on this beautiful planet we share. I care deeply about education and wish to continue my involvement in Teacher Education hence the site. Here are some of the things I’ve worked on over the years that might relate to Education for Sustainability. I’m more than happy to share what I’ve learned from these experiences.

Work in Zambia 1969 – 1973 Part of a small team writing the first Agricultural Science syllabus for secondary schools. Tried to involve commerce and industry. Set up ZAGEDA with others. Helped introduce Agricultural Science into all Zambian secondary schools. 2 involved in 1967 all 102 by 1972. Mwinilunga Secondary school. Developed school farm with all 800 pupils and staff. YFC, District, Provincial and National shows. Intermediate technology, improved & selective breeding (goats, pigs), pasture improvement, fish, ducks & veg. cycle. {Networking} {Finding and building a Team}

Work at Park C P 1973-1983 Monthly walk, observing nature, led to tree survey & river clean up, collecting aluminium and reducing use of resources, finding alternatives, saving paper. Oxfam (Guatamala post earthquake children used Spanish reconstruction manuals) (Saving pennies for cataract operations), De Bono work on reusing materials by modification (vegetative propagation from cuttings) (science craft, Power Game early CDT) Children (Y5) searching out free teaching resources and writing to organisations. Managing and organising the resources to support 2 year rolling programme of cross- curricular topics/projects. None of this was “earth shattering”, but grew out working WITH children. We all felt empowered and equally faced disappointment together. (polluted local river, executed rural advisers in Guatemala). Those involved felt that their attitudes had developed and changed for the good, mainly through small acts of generosity, kindness and thoughtfulness, an openness to new ideas and the search for quality. {Nature Walks} {Working with the Local Council as volunteers} {Power of small actions to change attitudes} {Local  Global dimension}

Cowling Parish Council 1976 – 1982 Tree planting scheme. Sections from whole community involved in finding sites for trees, helping plant and later care for trees. All indigenous species, all visible from public highway. Oxfam shop & group 1974 - 1983 Re-cycling clothes, toys & bric-a-brac, waste paper and cardboard monthly collection by volunteers in two estate cars, a small van and a 2CV with back seat removed!! Money from paper & cardboard sale sent directly to one project (hill farmers in Guatemala). “People to people”. Mile of Pennies. Jazz on a Sunday lunchtime. Getting people together informally without pressure to donate….. Ask for something small, easy to give, not blood money, not threatening with horror images, but given freely, easily without a second thought. This seems to engender changes in attitudes more than urging/forcing big sacrifices. What does this mean for ESD? Small steps, freely taken, feel good about it, keep doing it, becomes natural, move on to next step naturally as awareness increases. Back to AWARENESS raising. {Local - Global Dimension Home & Away}

Centre for World Development Education. Became World Aware. 1983 – 86 Worked with Tricia Shepherd on software for Dev. Ed. We Co-authored “Sand Harvest” a simulation role-play of life in the Sahel focussing on the lives of:- nomadic Tuareg trying to keep his or her family and herd alive, an overworked Songhai villager trying to survive with her family and a Government Officer responsible for tree planting and conservation, animal husbandry, local crop production, water and health. This package was adopted for the national Secondary Geography IT Pack. Originally written for the dear old BBC B, it was versioned for the 380Z by Oxfordshire and then for the PC by World Aware. Perhaps the time is right to re-consider this type of software. {Catalytic power of software} {Conceptual Purity Sustained?} {Simulation Role Play}

Sahara Project 1986 – 1990 With John Snyder, Sarah Brewster and Judith Aston, we tried to develop and extend the scope and format of Sand Harvest, using Laser Disc technology for “Living in the Sahel” Anglia. John and Sarah took and organised 35,000 still photos of a Tuareg family, a Songhai family and Dogon family with the intention of producing a branching story line simulation of life in the Sahel. The material was used by Save the Children in “Dream Flight” their photo pack of life in the Sahel. Paul Spurgeon (SEQ, Lego LOGO, software for Jordanian Sec. schools, IT in Moldova, …..) also worked for nothing on the programme design and implementation. He & I have worked on numerous projects together (LOGO, introducing Design Technology into Primary schools, inducting IT advisory teachers, Rainbow Pack for MESU). For us the development costs, readiness of appropriate technology and the team’s individual accelerating career paths at that time forced us to end the project, BUT valuable lessons had been learned which all the participants used in some way in future work. {VTSD model} {Henry’s Hexagon} {The branching story dilemma} {Images zooming in/out, frames/sec & using motordrive} {Early use of Muscat a probabilistic search engine} Education 2010 (A MAPE conference organised by Roger Keeling July 1989) Education. Bringing the future into focus. A look into the future with others involved in developing IT in primary schools. With Steve Heppell, Margaret Danby, Jonathan Briggs and Graham Brown-Martin amongst others. Our contribution presented a short prospectus for each of three contrasting imaginary schools in 2010. Lowlands School built around a working farm, The Learning Centre where anyone can drop in and study anything, and Hi-Tech High dedicated to maxing the pupils learning experience and bursting with technology. These scenarios are still both amusing and interesting for role play, stimulating discussion on what education is and might be. ISBN 0 948048 04 2. What is the role of IT in ESD or is this taken for granted now? See July Mirandanet report on ICT in ITE. {Backcasting}

Marjon 1986 – 2002 Developing packs of teaching material for and with fellow tutors, teachers, students and children over a 16 year period. The Marjons Monstrous Behaviour Pack Food, Parcels, Problem Solving, Houses, The Park, Maths Trails, Notes on LOGO, Recipes for Mathematical Investigation, Number Systems, Going Mental (mental mathematics), Giants and Tiny People, Maths resources on network and CD Most of the Maths resources can be found in Brown T. & Liebling H. (2005) “The Really Useful Maths Book; a guide to interactive teaching” Routledge Much of the other material is in Liebling H. (2001) “Getting Started; an induction guide for NQTs” Network Educational Press/Continuum and Liebling H. (2007) “Newly Qualified Teachers” Network Continuum

I welcome any help you can offer with the development and maintenance of this website. Best wishes Henry Liebling 01179520481 [email protected]

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