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Bon Cop / Bad Cop
Story byPatrick Huard
Directed by Érik Canuel
Bon Cop / Bad Cop Productions1777 Carrie Derick Montreal QC H3C 6G2 (514) 939 1221 BON COP BAD COP
THIS WE APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE. BUT BE HONEST: WHO CARES ABOUT MASCOTS, ANYWAY? NOTE: All dialogue in Times New Roman Italics will be sub- titled in either English or French.
1 OMITTED 1 1A 1 EXT. MONTREAL SKYLINE - NIGHT Establishing. A 2 OMITTED 2 2A 2 EXT. SQ HEADQUARTERS - DAY - 6H35 Establishing. A 2 2B INT. SQ HEADQUARTERS - CENTRAL OFFICE - DAY - 6H35 B A few police officers are gathered around a desk within the general area of the SQ headquarters as we hear the hockey pregame being played on the radio. STEF, a young energetic cop, takes bets on the Toronto/Montreal series. DAVID BOUCHARD comes and sits with them.
STEF Hey Dave. La game commence. Qu’est ce que tu gages?Hey Dave, the game’s starting , you want some action?
DAVID Premièrement m’a t’gager un vingt que dans 5 secondes, Céleste va faire de la peine a ma chaise en enlevant son cul de la pour me donner ma place.Let me start by betting $20 that in 5 seconds Celeste is going to pain my chair by getting up from it and letting me sit.
Everyone laughs. CÉLESTE looks at DAVID with a smile and then at STEF.
CÉLESTE Tu viens de te faire un vingt facile.You just made yourself an easy $20.
Everyone laugh even more at this. That shuts DAVID up. STEF mimes that he is writing the bet down.
STEF (pretending to write)David. vingt dollars...David. Twenty bucks... DAVID takes the score sheets from STEF.
DAVID Ha, ha. J’va prendre 4-3 Montréal. C’est qui qu’y’a pris TORONTO?4-3 Montreal. Who took Toronto?
STEF C’est Céleste. A trouve le goaler cute. Celeste, she thinks the goaler is cute.
DAVID Les femmes connaissent riens au hockey. Voyons donc. Théo est ben plus cute que l’goaler de TORONTO. Women know nothing about hockey. Theo’s much better looking than the Toronto guy.
CELESTE Trop jeune. Too young. DAVID C’est plate pour toi mon Stef. …not good news for you, Stef.
STEF (embarrassed) Ta yeule! Screw you..
Something catches David eye in the entrance. SYLVAIN is bringing in a heavy set man, MIKE, for questioning.
DAVID Hostie de cave de Tabarnak. Fuckin idiot.
SYLVAIN Pendant qu’vous niaiser. Y’a du monde qui travail. J’pense que j’ai pogné un gros poisson du réseau de vol de char. While you guys are shooting the shit, some of us are working. I think I just caught a whopper of a car thief.
MIKE looks at DAVID astonished: he sees his badge, his holster. He explodes.
MIKE Mon hostie de rat de Tabarnak! You fucking rat.
SYLVAIN Tu l’connais? You know him? DAVID Tabarnak! T’es pas sérieux. J’t’avais dit de pas toucher aux voleurs de char! Tu viens de toute faire buster l’affaire. Ca fait 3 mois que Stef pis moi on est la dessus pis que j’vole des chars avec LUI. I told you not to touch car theives! You just busted up a three month undercover operation. 2B CONTINUED: 2B
MIKE T’es une police mon hostie! So you’re a fucking cop. DAVID Non Mike! Ca c’t’un costume. Chu dans village people! No, Mike, this is my Village People look. (to Sylvain)Qu’est-ce que tu fais du gros deal qu’ils allaient faire avec les Chinois dans deux semaines? What about the big deal that was going down with the Chinese in two weeks?
STEF Avec lui on aurait su ou pis quand pis on ramassait les deux gangs d’un coup! With him, we could have nailed both gangs at once!
SYLVAIN Si tu remplissait tes dossiers comme du monde... Well, if your paperwork were up to date maybe we’d all know … ..
DAVID Fuck off!
MIKE M’as te tuer mon sale! I’m going to kill you! DAVID heads for the door then turns around just before leaving. DAVID Ho. Mike. T’sé le 20$ que j’t’ai passé hier, pourrait tu me l’remettre tu suite. Ca s’peut qu’on se revoit pas avant un boutte. Oh, Mike, would you mind giving me back the 20 I lent you, I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before we see each other again. MIKE headbuts him opening a gash in his eye brow.
CÉLESTE is the first one in to break it up. MIKER kicks her in the knee and she falls to the floor in pain. MIKE is immediately pinned to the ground and handcuffed by STEF and SYLVAIN. MIKE Tu t’fais défendre par tes ti-nègres! You need a negress to protect you boys.
STEF goes crazy and goes to take a shot at MIKE. DAVID holds him back. DAVID OK calme toi l’kid. Take it easy kid. (CONTINUED) 2B CONTINUED: 2B
DAVID brusquely drags MIKE to his feet while STEF helps CÉLESTE.
MIKE T’es chanceux en hostie que j’aille des menottes! You are soo lucky I’m cuffed.
DAVID Ha oui? Je peux t’arranger ca. I can take care of that.
DAVID takes out his keys. The room stops, everyone wondering what DAVID is going to do. MIKE and DAVID stand nose to nose.
SYLVAIN Si tu détache ses menottes j’te fait un rapport. If you undo those cuffs I’m going to report you.
DAVID looks at SYLVAIN then MIKE. He puts the keys back in his pocket. Everyone starts to breathe again. He then takes out his handcuffs and puts them on himself.
DAVID Comme ca c’tu correct? This better? MIKE C’est ben correct! Fine.
MIKE moves himdelf into fighting position. DAVID doesn’t move. MIKE tries to whack him but he ducks DAVID. MIKE takes another shot and DAVID protects his head with his handcuffed hands., Then he whacks him with his arm and kicks him in the knee like he kicked Celeste. MIKE falls down in pain. The fight is over.
DAVID unlocks his handcuffs and heads to the door.
SYLVAIN Ou c’é qu’tu vas? Where you going? DAVID J’ai faim. Arrange toi avec. T’es meilleur que moi dans la paperasse. I’m hungry. You take care of the rest, you love pushing paper.
2E EXT. OPP HEADQUARTERS - TORONTO - DAY - 6H45 Establishing of 2E Toronto sky line and the OPP Buiding. INT. OPP HEADQUARTERS - GENERAL AREA - TORONTO - DAY - 2F 2F 6H45 DETECTIVE MARTIN WARD, mid 40’s, clean-cut has just finished his report. He puts it in a folder slowly, takes four transparent plastic bags that were on his desk, closes down his computer and make his way through the semi deserted office.
CAPTAIN MAC DUFF is in his office listening to the radio as MARTIN walks by. * *
TOM BERRY (OS)Tonight’s game should be the real eye opener of this champeenship series. Torranna has never looked sharper and the Europ-pee-an refs have never looked duller. Which leaves Montreal, remember when they had a couple of Frenchies that could score? Well, those days are gone....
MARTIN How can you listen to that fool? * *
MacDuff lowers the volume. * BRIAN MACDUFF That fool is the only man in this freakin country * * * that tells the truth.
BEAT. * * * * You OK? You look a little tired, a man your age shouldn’t be running after hookers.
MARTIN That’s pretty funny coming from someone who has no * * * known sense of humor. *
BRIAN MACDUFF This is this taking too long. * *
MARTIN I’ll take care of it. * * BRIAN MACDUFF All I want is a confession. Do whatever... but I need a confession. Fucking evidence... * *
MARTIN Have you given any thought to my request?
BRIAN MACDUFF What request?
MARTIN The desk job.
BRIAN MACDUFf Get me a signed confession and we’ll talk about that. I don’t want this to go to trial. I hate trials.
MARTIN Don’t we all? MACDUFF waves him away dismissively. *
BRIAN MACDUFF * Games’s about to start. * 2G CONTINUED: 2G
MARTIN looks at his watch, starts walking down the hall, takes a hit from his inhaler * * * and walks down the hall to the interrogation room.
INT. OPP HEADQUARTERS - INTERROGATION ROOM - EVENING 2H 2H 6H49 MARTIN comes in and nods to the COP in uniform who leaves right away. He then methodically puts the four plastic envelopes in front of the woman in a perfect line, puts his pen right beside, then his blackberry. He finishes his display with his badge.
MARTIN This is a footprint from a size 7 athletic shoe which matches yours. These beautiful blond hairs are yours, right? We’ve got a DNA match on those. Oh. And this diamond is a perfect match for the missing one from your watch.
MISS ROBINSON I didn’t do anything! I already told you detective!
MARTIN We know how you operate. You flirt with older men in bars and gyms. Take them to a hotel room for a promised night of heaven. And judging by the smile of the victim in this picture, it must have been heavenly.
MISS ROBINSON I told you guys I was there with him in the room. But when I left he was alive.
MARTIN And a few hundred dollars, two credit card and a Rolex poorer. She flinches a little.
MARTIN Please! Let me finish. After you take them to a hotel room and give them a powerful cocktail of alcool, extasy and viagra, which by the way in this case was still showing its effect when we found him. Very impressive actually. (MORE)
MARTIN (cont'd)And then they pass out and you steal their valuables and disappear.
Miss ROBINSON is clearly uncomfortable.
He looks in his file.
MARTIN (cont'd)(very tender)You’re 38! Right?
MARTIN You could be looking at 7 to 10 years.
She’s beginning to feel trapped.
MARTIN (cont'D) (cont'd)Maybe it was just an accident. Maybe you didn’t want him to die.
She’s losing ground.
MARTIN (cont'd)We know it was you who gave him the pills, who stole from him.
She shakes her head.
MARTIN (cont'd)And there’s a Mister Hoffman... Does that name ring a bell? About two months ago... Same M.O... Shall I go on? She can’t look him in the eyes.
MARTIN (cont'd)If we go to trial. We will have to dig into your past, describe your sexual habits. Wouldn’t you rather spare your family and friends the ignominy of all that?
MISS ROBINSON Whaa... What does that mean, ignominy?
MARTIN It’s not important, but trust me, it will be ugly. 2H CONTINUED: 2H
She feels beaten. Water fills her eyes. Martin gets closer to her. He’s very comforting.
MARTIN (cont'd)(giving her the papers)If you sign this confession, the judge might be lenient... And you’ll save us both a lot of time. Precious hours for me and precious years for you.
She grabs the pen as she starts sobbing. She signs the papers.
MISS ROBINSON I never wanted to hurt them you know. I wanted them to feel good... and... I ... Oh God...
MARTIN takes the signed confession and puts it in a clean folder, then looks in the direction of MacDuff as the other cop comes in. Martin looks at his watch and leaves.
MARTIN I’ll see you when you’re 48!
MARTIN I guess I’m done here. 3 OMITTED 3 4 INT. RADIO STUDIO - DAY - 6H55 4 Ron Fournier's mouth. RON FOURNIER Ben non, ben non, ben non, ben non BENE-NON! Ap-pe-lez-moi- pu-pou-mediredesaffairesdeme-ME! On passe a un autres appellllll! Patrick t’es en onde Pa-te-ri-que!No,no,no don’t call me with such stupidities, you’re out a here. Patrick, you’re on the air.
CALLER (ON PHONE)Salut Ron... comment ca va? Hey Ron, how you doin...
RON FOURNIER Pas pire. Pas Pire. Pas pire!Okay, okay, what’s on your mind?
CALLER Qu’est-ce que tu pense de ca toi la rumeur que Toronto serait vendu a Houston. What do you think of the rumor about Toronto being sold to Houston?
RON FOURNIER Woah!Woah!whoa! C’est pas ca la rumeure! Are you crazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? 4 CONTINUED: 4
CALLER Ben moi, mon beau-frere... Well, my brother-in-law....
THE NAKED SHOULDER OF A MAN being tattooed with a FLEUR DE LYS as someone whistles tunelessly. He’s strapped into a DENTIST CHAIR. The needle penetrates the skin, blood trickles down his arm. RON FOURNIER Y’a pas de beau-frere, y’a pas de cousin, y’a pas de belle- mere...C’est quoi la vrai ru-meu-we! La vrai rumeuwe. C’est que y’aurait UNE équipe CANADIENNE vendu aux états-unis. Mais on sait pas qui. C’est tu Toronto. C’’est tu Vancouver? C’est tu Mont-riale! Don’t give me the brother-in-law, don’t give me the cousin, and I don’t want to know about your mother-in-law. The real rumor is that a Canadian team WILL be sold to the US of moola, but is it Tarrana? Vandopever, Deadmonton? OttaGay? MONT-A- REAL?
CALLER (ON PHONE)Mais quand meme. Depuis le lock-out...But since the lockout....
RON FOURNIER Quessé qui y’a le lock-out. Parle-moiz-en du lock-out. Quessé qui t’as fait le lock-out? Wassup with the lockout?, what’s your problem with the lockout?
The Naked Man -- BENOIT BRISSET -- starts waking up. He's tied tightly to a chair. He's woozy - he's been drugged. The man behind him has his back to us in shadows. We can see his hands, holding the tattoo needle. CALLER (ON RADIO)Buttman avec ses affaire cheaps américaine commme les chearleaders pis les mascottes... Buttman and his cheap yankee shit, like cheerleaders and mascots ...
RON FOURNIER (ON RADIO)Z’avez raison. Z’avez raison. C’est vrai monsieur! Moi les chearleaders j’hais pas ca mais les mascottes! Mais savaez vous quoi monsieur? You are right about that my friend, you are RIGHT. Don’t hate the cheerleaders but the mascots, I hate. But you wanna know what else?
CALLER Hee...non! No.
RON FOURNIER Dans le fond on s’en fou. Parce que moi ce qui m’intéresse c’est la game. La G.A.M.E GAMEEE! C’est vrai que le lock-out nous a donné les mascottes. Mais ca nous a donné des nouveaux regleMENTS, qui rendent le show plus intéreSSANT! Pis c,est grace aux nouveaux reglment que pour la premiere fois de l’histoire du hockey moderne Toronto pis Montrialllle peuve se rencontrer en finalllle! Pis c’est pour ca que je ne crois pas a la rumeuwe de talleuwe parce-que si une autre équipe du Canada s’en va en bas. C’est la fin du hockey. Y’est mort. Y’est a terre. Y bougge pu! In the end, who cares? Cuz you know what , I only care about the game, G-A-M- E. Sure we’ve got mascots but we’ve also got ourselves some new ROOOOOOOOOOOLS, that make the show more INTERESTING. Because of the lockout today we’ve got ourselves something we haven’t had in a hundred years, a final between Mont-a real and Tarrannnna. So I don’t believe the rumor because if another Canadian team heads south, it’s the death of hockey, the end,finito, caput, DEAD.
CALLER (ON RADIO) Ben t’as ben raison Ron! Mais mon beau frere d’habitude... You’re right, Ron,but my brother-in-law ...
BRISSET comes to his senses. The man standing leans in and turns the radio off. He turns around and faces BRISSET. He's wearing a GOALIE MASK.
BENOIT BRISSET Qu’est cé qui s’passe icitte? (he tests his bonds)Qu’est cé ça? Pourquoi j’t’attaché? What’s going on here? What is this? Why am I tied up?
Benoit's more and more scared as he wakes up...
BENOIT BRISSET (cont’d) Qu’est-cé que j’fais icitte? Hein? Quessé qu’j’ai fait? What am I doing here? What did I do? 5 CONTINUED: 5
The masked man lifts off his goalie mask and drinks from his bottle of Jack Daniels (we don't see his face). Benoit gaspsrecognizing the man.
GOALIE MASK GUY T’as rien fait Benoit. C’est ca l’problème. You did nothing, that’s the problem.
BENOIT BRISSET C’é pas vrai man! J’ai essayé de t’aider. J’voulais pas te laisser tomber. J’ai tout fait pour... T'étais comme un p’tit frère pour moi... That’s not true man! I’ve tried to... you were like a kid brother to me!
GOALI E MASK GUY Chhhhut! Shut up.
He grabs a hockey stick, swings it like a bat across Brisset's head, killing him instantly.
GOALIE MASK GUY (cont’d)La game commence... The game’s on.
He TURNS ON THE TELEVISION SET. We hear the strains of “O Canada” as he goes back to work on the tattoo which doesn’t bleed anymore.
6 INSERT -- ON THE TV - 7H02 6
SINGER O Canada... Our home and native land! True patriot love in ... uh ... (forgetting the words)...bla bla bla bla bla and. With that she SLIPS on the ice and falls out of frame. GOALIE MASK GUY chuckles o.s....
Establishing of a far off looking Toronto in BG, seen over MARTIN’s house. MARTIN’s car is in the driveway.
MARTIN is ironing his pants in the kitchen where we can see a garment bag with a change of clothing ready to go.JONATHAN’s rummaging for breakfast.
MARTIN Hey! Buddy! Good morning!
He looks in the fridge, closes it, turns around and heads back for his room.
M ARTIN Where are you going?
J ONATHAN Back to my room.
MARTIN Aren’t you hungry? I bought some high fiber cereal-
JONATHAN Not in the mood for shreaded cardboard.
And he moves toward his room. MARTIN So Jonathan. How was last night DJ stuff?
MARTIN You had fun?
IRIS, MARTIN’s sister comes in. She’s a punky/artist/sexy cool blond.
IRIS Hey! Morning boys!
JONATHAN looks at his father with a “not again” face. MARTIN I know but I have this thing at work and I may have to stay overnight so auntie Iris...
JONATHAN Yeah, whatever.
MARTIN Hey but that’s about to change. I’ll be here more often. I’m planning to become a “DJ man” myself!
IRIS and JONATHAN look at each other.
IRIS Aaah... a what?
MARTIN I’m about to get my desk job... DJ... desk job... DJ... you get it? SILENCE.
IRIS Right. Sooo. What about you Jay! Anything new happenin’!
JONATHAN (enthusiastic)Yeah! You should have seen me spin yesterday! People we’re going crazy. They we’re dancing on tables and stuff. And when the other guy took the table, after ten minutes they started to shout my name. They wanted me back.
IRIS Wow! I guess the girls must have been all over you.
JONATHAN Yeah! After the party there was this tall red head...
He looks at his father and back at his aunt
IRIS Hey I know! Let’s go out me and you and have breakfast. I want to hear all the juicy details. Okay?
JONATHAN runs to his room to get dressed.
IRIS YO! Brother!
And she kisses him.
MARTIN How do you do it? I can’t get a full sentence out of him.
IRIS That’s because he’s fifteen... And you “are” his father.
MARTIN Yeah I guess. I must have been a rebellious pain in the ass when I was his age.
IRIS looks at him tenderly.
IRIS Hmm, hmm! In your own way...
32-33 OMITTED 32-33
A typical duplex in the Plateau.
DAVID takes a slice of toast dripping with eggs out of a bowl and drops it in a sizzling frying pan, shakes cinnamon over it. In another pan, bacon is frying. Toast pops out of the toaster.
S UZIE (en embrass ant DAVID sur la joue)Wo w! T’es ben fin! Wow, how nice of you.
DAVI D (en regardant la poitrine découverte de Suzie)Bonne journée! ...tout l’monde! Good morning .. to all of you.
She realizes she’s a little too décolté and immediately cover herself with her blouse. 35 CONTINUED: 35
SUZIE T’es con! Jerk. She moves away from him laughing, but DAVID comes back, snuggling her neck.
DAVID Ca sent bon. You smell good. SUZIE doesn’t move immediately, then she pushes him gently away and sends him back to cooking.
SUZIE T’as pas d’autres choses que moi a brouiller toi. You have other things burning....
GABRIELLE comes in running wearing her Bratz pyjamas. She throws herself into her father’s arms.
SUZIE smiles at their mutual pleasure. GABRIELLE not missing a trick notices her father’s eye.
GABRIELLE (cont’d)C’est tu un méchant qui t’as fait ca? Did a bad guy do that to you?
DAVID Ouin. Papa a rencontré quelqu’un qui avait la tete plus dure que maman. Daddy met someone even more hard-headed than mommy.
GABRIELLE Papaaa! J’peux tu me faire percer le nombril? Can I get my belly button pierced?
DAVID and SUZIE look at each other, slightly stunned.
DAVID He je sais pas. Qu’est ce que maman dit de ca? Ah, I don’t know, what did Mommy say?
SUZIE Elle s’est meme pas essayé avec moi. She didn’t even try with me. 35 CONTINUED: 35
DAVID Laisse moi réfléchir a ca pis on va en reparler. Let me think about it and we’ll talk about it later.
SUZIE lui lance un regard de feu qui veut clairement dire y’en est pas question.
DAVID (cont’d)Voudrait tu aller chercher du lait chez papa en haut y’en a pu ici. Would you please go upstairs to my place and get milk there isn’t any here.
GABRIELLE (enjoleuse)Papa t’es pas cool. J’avais dit a mes amies que t’était le papa le plus cool! You’re not cool. I told all my friends at school that you were the coolest father.
DAVID Ca marche pas. Le lait s’il te plait. Merci! That’s not going to work….get the milk ,please, thank you.
GABRIELLE (en marchant des talons)C’est ca. Toi tu peu te faire coudre la face une fois par semaine, mais moi je peu meme pas me faire percé le nombril. That’s it, you can get your face sown up once a week but I can’t get my belly button pierced.
DAVID J’ai pas dit non. Laisse moi parler de ca avec maman pis a va me dire ce qu’on a décidé. I didn’t say no, I said your mother and I will talk about it and she will tell me what we’ve decided. GABRIELLE T’es pas drole. You’re not funny. DAVID takes hold of her and tickles her. DAVID Va chercher le lait sinon je va te l’Percer moi le nombril. Now go get the milk or I personally will pierce your navel.
36 INT. BOUCHARD DUPLEX - STAIRWAY - DAY 36 Gabrielle runs upstairs to DAVID's apartment.
GABRIELLE disappears up the stairs that lead to DAVID’s flat above, DAVID watches her go and smiles. He looks back at Suzie who’s looking at him tenderly.
DAVID Qu’est-ce qu’y’a? What’s wrong? 37 CONTINUED: 37
SUZIE Rien. J’me disais juste...que si t’étais capable d’etre comme ça plus que 10 minutes a la fois on serait peut-etre encore marié. Nothing, I was just thinking to myself that if you could be like that for more than 10 minutes at a time, we’d probably still be married.
DAVID C’est pas pire. Y’en a qui ont meme pas ca dix minutes! Could be worse, some don’t even get 10 minutes.
SUZIE Sauf qu’entre chaques beaux dix minutes y’avait la job, les chums, la job, les filles, la job... Yes, but between those ten minutes there is always the job, your pals, women, hockey, the job...
DAVID Bouchard! Ouin. Ha come on! C’est ma journée off! Bouchard.Yeah. No, come on, it’s my day off.
SUZIE Et voila! What was I saying?
DAVID Ok. J’arrive! I’m on my way. He hangs up. 37 CONTINUED: 37
DAVID (cont’d)Faut qu’j’y aille...I have to go.
They hug. DAVID (cont’d)Mais on reprendra ca cette conversation la un ...moment donné la... But let’s pick this subject up again real soon ...
SUZIE Quand Gabrielle sera a l’université. Say, when Gabrielle goes to university?
DAVID Ca presse tu tant qu’ca?Is it THAT urgent?
SUZIE Oublie pas le spectacle de ta fille.Don’t forget your daughter’s ballet recital.
DAVID Franchement! Penses tu vraiment que j’ai oublié ca?....Really, do you think I would forget ... (beat)C’est quand?When is it?
SUZIE A 4 heures. Comment veux-tu que j’me trouve un autre homme. C’est déja dure avec un enfant imagine avec deux!At 4:00. How do you expect me to find another man? It’s hard enough having one child, let alone two.
DAVID Ben voyons donc. Tu va t’en trouver un. T’as encore des seins magnifiques.Are you kidding me, you’ve still got great tits. SUZIE Commence pas la. Va jouer à police. Tes ti-z-amis t’attendent! Don’t even bother, run along and play cops and robbers, your little pals are waiting for you.
37A 37A EXT. MONTREAL STREETS - MORNING Establishing A A 37A EXT. QUEBEC HIGHWAY - EARLY DAY 37A A high speed shot (pixillation) of the P.O.V. of DAVID’s car going from Montréal to the border.
DAVID's very old and derelict sports car swerves off the pavement and onto the shoulder.
He opens the door, which makes a horrible creaking sound. He gets out and slams it shut; it doesn't quite fit. He slams it harder, and the side-view mirror FALLS OFF.
He tosses the mirror into the car and heads towards the marked-off area, where a crime scene has been secured. Flares and yellow tape circle a plot of land around a highway billboard that we can't yet make out. The SQ and the OPP officers are mirroring each other. Forensics speak with forensics. Officers with officers. Two equally huge teams...waiting. MARTIN WARD stands alone, slightly impatient.
DAVID walks furiously to the crime scene, lighting a new cigarette.
DAVID Hostie de calice de Tabarnak. C’est qui qui s’est occupé de barrée la route Ca m’a pris deux heures me rendre sur ma propre scène de crime. Jesus Christ, who is the idiot that had the road blocked so that it would take me 2 hours to get to my own crime scene?
Every SQ officers shun DAVID’s eyes. Martin doesn’t believe that DAVID is in charge.
MARTIN nods at DAVID, seeing a man in jeans and a t-shirt, disheveled hair, an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips, and a fresh band-aid over his eye where he was whacked. The Ontarian, on the other hand, is in a jacket, tie and freshly pressed shirt. MARTIN whips out his badge and presents it just as DAVID is about to light his cigarette.
DAVID (cont'd) Qu’est-cé qui s’passe icitte OK, what’s going on here? 38 CONTINUED: 38
MARTIN Martin Ward.
DAVID looks up to MARTIN as he inhales the smoke. DAVID checks out the numbers on the badge and is very impressed.
DAVID (exhaling) Dévid Butch Hard!
MARTIN Enchanté. Nice to meet you.
DAVID “En chanté?” (to his men, English accent)WOW! Y parle le française. Hey, we got somobody that can spick de French.
MARTIN winces at the smoke, steps back.
The SQ and the OPP OFFICERS exchange a look.
DAVID turns to his guys.
DAVID (cont'd) Est où la viande? (to MARTIN) Where’s the victim?
MARTIN We can’t classify him as a "victim" yet...
... as both the OPP and the SQ point up at the sign:
Atop the "Bienvenue au Québec/Welcome to Ontario” road-sign, there lies a BODY sliced 3/4 through by the sign in the upper chest area and hanging sideways, as if it were dropped from a the sky. It is fully dressed in an Armani suit from which a sleeve has been ripped off showing a naked but tattooed arm.
MARTIN (cont’d)...though we can say he’s had a bit of a rough night. 38 CONTINUED: 38
He pulls out a small hi-tech handheld COMPUTER/CAMERA/PHONE and snaps a photo.
MARTIN (cont’d) Not very much blood, though.
DAVID Bon ben ça m'a fait plaisir. Bonne chance les boys! Well, it's been fun, good luck guys.
MARTIN Hey whoa! Where are you going?
DAVID Chez nous. This is obviously your case. Home
MARTIN What do you mean OUR case? It is quite clearly YOUR case.
DAVID How d’you figure that? His feet are on your side.
MARTIN Exactly. And his head is on YOUR side. What’s you’re point?
DAVID My point? If you play football or tennis or whatever, it’s the feet that count. Step over the line and you’re out. (to his guys)OK les boys! On a rien à faire icitte,on décrisse. Okay boys, we’re out of here.
MARTIN No so fast. May I remind you that in the 100 meter dash, it’s the head and the chest that break the tape. Inhorse racing it’s by a nose.
DAVID frowns and walks around the sign to the Ontario side have a look for himself. MARTIN stops him and escorts him back to his side. 38 CONTINUED: 38
DAVID C’est quoi là?
What’s the deal here, Do I need a passport?
MARTIN As you can see, the victim is a true Quebecer. His heart is in Quebec.
DAVID (to himself)Quais, pis y’a l’Ontario dans l’cul. Yeah and he’s got Ontario up his ass.
MARTIN Excuse me?
DAVID But his ass belongs to you.
MARTIN looks at DAVID from head to toe.
MARTIN OK. We’ll take it from here.
MARTIN turns around and signals his men to get to work.
MARTIN (cont'd)Get me a ladder! 38 CONTINUED: 38
DAVID doesn’t like being dismissed so easily.
DAVID Une échelle! Tu suite! A ladder, right away.
Two ladders are set in place on each side of the sign with the body in between.
DAVID gets to the top of his ladder and looks over the sign. Moments later, MARTIN appears. They're both up close and personal with the dead body. Rigor mortis has set in and it's not pretty. DAVID reaches for a better hold on the sign. MARTIN Don't move him!
DAVID looks at MARTIN with a who-the-fuck-do-you-think- you're-talking to-look.
DAVID Comment veux tu qu’je l’bouge. Y’est encastré dans la pancarte! How do you want me to move him when he’s indented into the sign?
MARTIN Nevermind! Let’s get this over with!
DAVID Hey, what’s this?
DAVID looks at the head wound and then bends a little to look at the bloody tattoo on the corpse’s arm. The ladder slides a little.
MARTIN Be careful not to touch anything.
DAVID gets upright making the whole sign move a little.
DAVID Heille! T’as-tu fini christ? Hey, you finished or what?
In his reaction, DAVID loses his balance. His ladder starts to slide. MARTIN instinctively tries to grab DAVID’s flailing hand but loses his own balance as his ladder starts to slide in the opposite way.
DAVID wobbles back and grabs the corpse's arms trying to hold on. That makes the corpse start to lean over so-
DAVID (cont'd) Whoa!
--MARTIN grabs for the corpses' flailing feet.
They both lose their footing, throwing all their weight onto the corpse, which RIPS IN TWO- --and now both cops tumble sideways on their ladders, landing on the grass, WHUMP!
39 EXT. SQ HEADQUARTERS - MONTREAL - LATER 39 Establishing the SQ Headquarters (Dolly in). 39 39A INT. CORRIDOR - SQ HEADQUARTERS - MONTREAL A
DAVID enters his boss's office and is surprised to see MARTIN and CAPT. BRIAN MACDUFF. MARTIN now sports a turtleneck. The two bosses sit the same way on the edge of the desk. A bit fakey:
MARTIN (to DAVID, slightly sarcastic) sarcastic) Good morning! DAVID (equally fakey)Hey! Salut! Nice turtleneck! It’s really you!(not pleased, to his boss)Qu'est-ce qui calice icitte la tête carrée? What the fuck is this blockhead doing here?
CAPT. LE BOEUF (ignoring DAVID)DAVID tu connais Martin? Et je te présente Brian Macduff, le Chef de la Sûreté de l'Ontario. DAVID, you know Martin of course, and this is his Boss, Brian Macduff from the OPP.
CAPT. MACDUFF (offering his hand)Nice to meet you.
40 CONTINUED: 40 DAVID (takes a sip of coffee) Ben oui...c'est ça, ch'peux-tu savoir c'que je fais encore icitte ce matin-là? You wanna tell me what the hell I'm doing here?
CAPT. LE BOEUF (smiling at Brian) You wan' talk?
CAPT. MACDUFF No, no, it's your jurisdiction.
Throughout the exchange, the two chiefs imitate each other, both speaking from the same prayer book. MARTIN remains ramrod in his chair while DAVID leans up against the wall.
CAPT. LE BOEUF Hi hinsiste.
CAPT. MACDUFF OK. We know the victim is from Montreal.
CAPT. LE BOEUF (for DAVID's benefit)
On sait que la victime est de Montréal...
We know the victim is from Montreal.
DAVID looks at his chief incredulously.
CAPT. MACDUFF But we don't know for sure yet if it's a murder, or if it is, where the murderer comes from.
CAPT. LE BOEUF Mais on sait pas si c'est un meurtre et, si c'est le cas, d'où vient le meurtrier...
But we don’t know for sure yet if it’s a murder, or, if it is, where the murderer comes from.
DAVID is getting more exasperated.
CAPT. MACDUFF So we thought this would be a great opportunity...
CAPT. LE BOEUF Donc on pensait que c'était une belle opportunité... So we thought this would be great opportunity…
DAVID C’est correcte, chef! J'comprends l'anglais! It’s okay, Chief I understand English!
CAPT. MACDUFF (to the SQ Chief)You go.
CAPT. LE BOEUF So... we taut... It ouase...ha gréte hopportunité ...
MARTIN (international French accent)Vous pouvez parler francais, capitaine. You may speak French,Captain.
DAVID is stunned and embarrassed.
DAVID Tu parles français??! You speak French?
MARTIN Non, je ne parle pas français! Je me suis fait installer un petit gadget au cerveau and I see subtitles under everybody I speak with. Oui je parle français. J'étais en français enrichie à Upper Canada College. No, not really. I had a small gadget installed in my brain that allows me to see sub-titles… Yes, I speak French, I was in enriched French at Upper Canada College.
DAVID Upper quoi?
Upper what?
MARTIN Et j’ai aussi vécu une année à Paris. I also lived in Paris for a year.
DAVID (under his breath)Ah, c'est pour ça que t'es chiant de même. Ah, that's why you're such a snobby pain in the ass.
CAPT. MACDUFF Right. Thing is, we want to show the RCMP they can't have the whole pie. If we can cooperate, it'll be good for our images and... next year's budgets. 40 CONTINUED: 40 CAPT. LE BOEUF Ça fait que jusqu'à nouvel ordre vous êtes partners.So until further notice, you're partners.
DAVID C’t’une joke! MARTIN You've got to be joking! You’re kidding. CAPT. LE BOEUF (cont’d)(to DAVID, sharply)Si je me fie à ce que Sylvain m’a dit de c’qui c’est passé hier, je m'inquièterais plus d'une suspension que d'avoir un nouveau partenaire... faque prend ton trou pis règle le dossier au plus sacrant, o.k?Based on what Sylvain told me about yesterday, I’d worry more about getting suspended than who’s your new partner, okay? So if I were you I’d just shut my hole and solve this case as fast as possible.
MARTIN Brian, I just went through a rough one. I can’t work with a...
CAPT. MACDUFF --just do it, Martin, okay? And we’ll talk about that desk job.
DAVID and MARTIN stare at each other. They're both fucked and they know it.
40 40A INT. GROSSBUT’S OFFICE PARKING LOT - DAY A A high priced Mercedes pulls in a parking spot reserved for MICHEL GROSSBUT from the firm GROSSBUT, CANUELSBERG, TIERNEYSKOVITCH, CHUN & BRISSET. A heavy set manin his 50’s neatly dressed with an “attaché case” comes out: Michel Grossbut. As closes the door of his car, his cell phone rings. He talks as he walks toward the elevators. GROSSBUT Oui allo? Pardon?...C’est Arrivé quand?...Mais C’est pas possible. Tout l’monde aimait Brisset...Non je vois pas. J’suis pas au courant de tout ses dossiers. Mais s’il avait eu des problèmes avec un client il m’en aurait parlé.Hello, excuse me, when? That’s not possible.. Everyone liked Brisset. I’m sorry but I am not aware of all his files...if he had a problem with a client, i’m sure he would have told me.
He gets to the elevators and pushes the “up” button.
GROSSBUT (cont’d) ...oui...merci. Je le connaissait depuis longtemps mais on a commencé a travailler ensemble sur le dossier des Fleur de lys pis on s’est jamais lachés depuis...je...je, la famille a été avisée?...Si Je peux faire quoi que ce soit...Merci. We started working together on the Fleur de Lys and we’ve been together ever since. Has the family been notified...
He hangs up, tries to absorb the shocking news when suddenly the elevator door opens revealing the man in the goalie mask. GROSSBUT gasps.
GOALIE MASK GUY Salut Michel. J’t’attendais... Michel, I was waiting for you.
The Goalie Mask Guy comes out of the elevator. GROSSBUT turns around to run away but is grabbed by the neck. As the Goalie Mask Guy knocks him out with chloroform. The “attaché case” is flung away breaking open on a ciment pillar leaving the contents scattered.
41 INT. MORGUE - MONTREAL - MORNING 41 In an antiseptic room, the ASSISTANT CORONER, JEFF, late 20s, grungier than one might expect, inspects the body of the victim, of which there are now two parts, the upper body looks down towards the ground, the lower looking up.
The room is a spectacularly flashy combination of chrome and grey. There is a poor connection in the lamp which causes short blackouts to which he responds by hitting the side of the lamp.
C ORON ER (whistl es)Oui n...ca fessé! ... that had to hurt.
MARTIN enters reading from his palm-type computer.
MARTIN Benoit Brisset, 46, recently became partner at GROSSBUT, CANUELSBERG, TIERNEYSKOVITCH, CHUN & BRISSET. Divorced, no kids, three condos, one's in Boca, one in Nice. Works 75 hours a week... which I gather is a lot for Montréal.. No known mob links...Member at LE MIRAGE GOLF CLUB. Drives a Cherokee. Anything else you want to know? 41 CONTINUED: 41
DAVID Oui, y'es-tu circoncis?
Is he circumscised?
MARTIN lifts up the sheet.
DAVID Martin, Jeff. Jeff, je te presente mon homologue de l’OPP, Martin Ward. Jeff, meet my counterpart from the OPP, Martin Ward.
JEFF Salut!
MARTIN (glances at DAVID) Enchanté.
Nice to meet you.
DAVID (to Jeff re: MARTIN)Je sais qu'à première vue il a l'air d'un comptable homosexuel ...mais fie- toi pas aux apparences...y'est pas comptable. I know that at first blush he seems like a gay accountant. But he's not… …an accountant.
JEFF grins. MARTIN ignores the joke.
MARTIN Etes-vous en mesure d’évaluer de quelle ... Are you in any position as yet to determine how...?
Jeff finds MARTIN's stiffness funny, too. But DAVID mock-frowns at him and he gets serious.
JEFF Hauteur y serait tomber? Ça dépend de la vitesse de l’hélicoptère. The height from which he fell? All depends on the speed of the helicopter.
DAVID Whoa! Whoa! Qui a parlé d’hélicoptère? Wait a minute, who said anything about a helicopter?
JEFF Moi! C’est moi qui viens d’en parler. Ca peu pas etre un avion. Un avion va trop vite y’aurait été couper en 2 ...sans votre aide. Un parachute qui a pas ouvert il l’aurait encore sur le dos, y’a personne qui se pitche en bas d’un delta plane, trop compliqué avec les straps. Faudrait vraiment être déterminé. Le festival des mongolfière est pas commencé pis si c’est une cigogne a l’a poigné du traffic en hostie parce qu’est 46 ans en retard! Faque d’après moi c’est un hélicoptère. Me, I just said the world helicopter ...it couldn’t be an airplane, they go too fast so he would have been cut in two without your help. A parachute that didn’t open would still be on his back, nobody pitches themselves from a delta place, the straps are too complicated. You really have to want to kill yourself. The Air Balloon festival hasn’t started yet and if it was a stork, well he must have been caught in traffic for 46 years, so according to me it’s a helicopter.
DAVID and MARYIN stare at each other, their mouths opened at the stunning speed of Jeff’s delivery, to say nothing of how he goes from one subject to the next, in almost pinball like fashion.
JEFF (cont’d) Mais pour répondre a la question initiale je dirais au plus haut 80 metres Dave...pour Martin ca fait (236’4’’ et 7/8)! J’ai pas de fait de calcul exact. Mais comme un corps inerte en chute libre descend 30 mètres/seconde, compte tenue des dégats je te dirais minimum 25 mètres et maximum 80. Mais j’ai le feeling que ca pourrait pas être 60. Parce que a 30 mètres/seconde sa chute aurait durée exactement 2 secondes. Ca fait comme un chiffre trop rond. Y’a rien qui est aussi précis que ca dans vie. Au plus haut, quatre-vingt mètres. But to reply to your original question, 80 meters max. Or 236 feet 4 and 7/8s inches for you. An inert body in free fall goes at 30 meters a second, looking at this wreck I’d say a minimum of 25 and a max of 80. But my feeling is that it’s not 60. At 30 meters a second, the fall would have taken exactly 2 seconds and that’s too round a figure, nothing in life should be so precise. Maximum 80 meters.
MARTIN What’sthis?
JEFF (to DAVID) Comment qu’on dit ca Tattoo en anglais? How do you say Tattoo in English?
MARTIN Tattoo!? JEFF Ha ouin?...C’est Bizarre. Y’a deux ‘’T’’ pis deux ‘’O’’. Mais c’est le ‘’A’’ que vous prononcez plus long. TAAATTOO. No shit? It’s wierd how there are 2 t’s and 2 o’s yet it’s the long A that you pronounce ...
MARTIN goes in for a closer look and notices a tattoo on Brisset’s shoulder.
MARTIN Why is it bleeding? Because of the fall?
DAVID Pourquoi ca saigne? Y viens de te l’dire. Y’est tombé de 200 pieds. Ca brake sec en hostie. Pis un tattoo ca peu prendre jusqu’a 10 jours a cicatriser. Ca peu se remettre a saigner juste en frottant sur le linge. He’s bleeding because he fell from 200 feet and a tattoo can take up to 10 days to heal...
JEFF Ouin mais celui-la je te dirais qu’il est plus frais que ca. Kèkes heures a peine. Ça même pas commencer a cicatriser pantoute. (to Martin) PANTOUTTEE!
But I’d say this tattoo was fresher than that, a few hours at the most, it had hardly started to heal...
MARTIN Mais pourquoi...
Then why...? JEFF ...cette partie là du TAAATTOO a pas saignée? C’est weird hein? Why didn’t this part bleed? Wierd,eh?
DAVID Ben le gars... Well, he was… JEFF ...le gars peu l’avoir commencer y’a 2 mois mettons pis y l’a fini aujourd’hui? (il fait un bruit de buzzer) mauvaise réponse! Droit de réplique a l’Ontario... Maybe he started it 2 months ago and he just finished it yesterday?. Bad answer. Ontario’s turn to reply.
MARTIN barely has time to breathe.
JEFF (cont’d)(he makes a buzzer sound like on a game show) Trop long! C’est plus fucké que ca encore. C’est l’inverse. Le boutte qui a saigné il l’a faite en premier, pendant que le gars vivait encore. Pis le boutte qui a pas saigné, il l’a fait après que le gars soit mort. Ca se voit par la pigmentation. Faque j’me suis dit si y’était mort avant ca veut dire que c’est pas la chute qui l’a tué ce qui m’amène à ca icitte. Too long. It’s more fucked up than that even. It’s the opposite. The part that bled was done first while the guy was still alive. The other part was done after he was killed, you can tell by the pigmentation. So as far as I can see, he was dead before the fall because there’s also this ...
JEFF shows them a head wound.
JEFF (cont’d)La coagulation sanguine de cette blessure là correspond à celle du TAAATOO. Les blessures de la chute sont plus récentes. Les patterns sont différents. The coagulation of this wound corresponds to that of the tattoo. The wounds from the fall are more recent, the patterns are different.
DAVID Pourquoi le tatoo? Signature?
But why a tattoo? A signature?
MARTIN Makes sense. A tattoo doesn’t fit his character. When you wear 5000$ Armani suits and you just made partner in a big law firm you don’t just go get a Tattoo.
DAVID Pourquoi pas.
Why not? MARTIN Ca fait pas très...Classe.
Not very classy.
JEFF Angelina Jolie, a n’a des tattoos elle. Angelina Joli has one.
MARTIN My point, exactly. Mais pourquoi un fleur de lys avec des balances. The real question is why a fleur de lys?
JEFF Mmmmmh!
DAVID Je peux te donner mille raisons. I could give you a thousand reasons.
MARTIN One would do.
DAVID On peut aller poser la question a GROSSBUT. Merci Jeff. Maybe we should go ask GROSSBUT.. Thanks, Jeff. JEFF Pas de trouble. Si j’trouve du neuf j’te rappelle. No problem, if I come up with anything else,I’ll call you. MARTIN I’m sorry to say, but I didn’t get half of what he said.
DAVID Inquiètes-toi pas, moi non plus. Mais si on n’a pas la même moitié, on est correct. Don’t worry, me neither! As long as we each got a different half, we’ll be OK. 41A OMITTED 41A
41C EXT. MONTREAL SKYLINE - DAY 41C Establishing
DAVID's sportscar engages itself onto the mountain road. As it screeches in the curve, something falls off the undercarriage and gets in the lens of the camera (CGI).
MARTIN (V.O. PRELAP) Stephane? Martin Ward. Le ...partenaire temporaire de DAVID...you have something for me? Yeah, it’s Martin Ward, Bouchard’s temporary partner.
DAVID is smoking. Struggling to put distance between himself and DAVID, MARTIN is pinned against the passenger door talking into his cell phone/computer/Blackberry thingie at the same time taking notes.
MARTIN Huh huh! Huh huh! OK! Huh huh! Great! Merci Stephane. Nous y allons tout de suite. Thanks Stef! We’re on our way!
He hangs up. MARTIN (cont’d) Change of plans. We’ll pay a visit to GROSSBUT later. As we thought, there was no registered helicopter flight in the area BUT a farmer reported seeing a chopper flying low over his field and he identified it as being from “Hélicoptères Libellules” a small company at St-Hubert Airport. DAVID Faque qu’est c’est qu’on fait? On va voir le fermier qui a vu l’hélicoptère ou on va directement à Saint-Hubert? So do we go see the farmer or go directly to the airport?
MARTIN I think we should go directly to Saint- Hubert.
DAVID steps on the gas and goes past the last turn to the top of the mountain. After the big curve he sees a “calèche” clopping along, obstructing the road. He swerves radically to the right into the “Belvèdère” and up onto the sidewalk, scattering some tourists who barely get out of the way in time. (CONT INUED ) 43 CONTINUED: 43
He steers the car back onto the pavement and races toward the exit.
MARTIN (cont'd)You can’t do that. This is not an official police car with sirens to warn people.
DAVID (David looks at Martin like he was crazy.)Ben baisse ta vitre pis fait le bruit avec ta bouche! Okay, then roll down your window and make a siren noise.
The car exits the parking lot getting into the wrong (left) lane because of its speed sending an oncoming car into the right line coming close to hitting another oncoming car from the opposite direction. The “calèche” comes along, slowly, but surely.
MARTIN is terrified.
MARTIN All right, I think we need to establish some ground rules. DAVID Excellente idée! … Règle numéro 1. Comme on est au Québec, c'est moi qui est en charge. Je m'occupe aussi des batailles et des poursuites en auto. Good idea. Rule #1: in Quebec,I'm in charge. I take care of fights and car chases.
MARTIN I see. So that leaves jay walking and traffic violations to me.
DAVID Excellent. Tant que ça implique pas une échelle. Excellent, as long as no ladders are needed.
MARTIN And no smoking.
DAVID Hey. C’est ton droit.
That’s your right.
DAVID lights a cigarette with the one he is already smoking. 43 CONTINUED: 43
MARTIN Why are you lighting up then?
DAVID Moi aussi j’ai des droits. Chu dans la section fumeur. I, too, have rights. I’m in the smoking section.
MARTIN tries to open the window but the handle stays in his hand.
DAVID looks at him hunching his shoulders. 43 CONTINUED: 43
DAVID (cont’d)Fais-toi-z-en pas. Fais jusse le mettre dans l’coffre à gants Don’t worry about it,just put it in the glove compartment. MARTIN opens the glove compartment and puts the handle in it. He closes it but it won’t stay closed.
MARTIN This car is really you, you know?
44-47 OMITTED 44-47
(Helicopter shot) DAVID's sports car flies over the bridge heading South...
... and some unidentified small piece of metal goes flying off the car, bounces off the road and falls into the river.
49-53 OMITTED 49-53
The sports car pulls up in front. In the background we can see the small commercial airport. DAVID and MARTIN hop out of DAVID's sports car. DAVID has to shut his door several times; MARTIN adjusts his turtleneck.
They head towards the desk inside the hangar, surrounded by small planes and helicopters.
MARTIN Rule number twelve.I interrogate the witnesses? Let me do the talking.
DAVID Si tu veux, mais en français. Whatever, but in French.
MARTIN Ça dépend de la langue maternelle de l'interlocuteur... Depends on whom we’re talking to, doesn’t it?
DAVID Au Québec, on travaille en français. In Quebec, we work in French. 54 CONTINUED: 54 MARTIN Fine! The rest of Canada falls under my jurisdiction. Except possibly some areas of New Brunswick.
DAVID Whoa, whoa, whoa! En français! Ça commence mal là! Whoa, we're getting off to a bad start here, speak French.
5 55 INT. ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - LIBELLULES EXPRESS - DAY 5 A SECRETARY, ALICE, is behind a small counter, facing David and Martin. She’s very emotional, turning the pages of a big book. Cheap paneled walls filled with hockey playoff clippings. A team picture of the Fleur de Lys back in the day, players standing with businessmen in suits, we recognize M. GROSSBUT.
ALICE Mon Dieu excusez moi...je...j’ai tout ca ici la... Sorry about this, I have everything right here...
MARTIN WARD Prenez votre temps madame.Combien avez vous d’hélicoptere? Take your time ma’am. How many helicpoters do you have here?
ALICE Trois. Mais y’en une en réparation. bon je l’ai...la bonne page...non y’a aucun de nos hélicoptere qui a volé a la frontiere de l’ontario. Le propriétaire est avec des Américains dans le coin de Tremblant depuis une semaine et Luc un de nos pilote a fait son dernier vol a 14:00. Un aller retour a Montréal. ...c’est bizarre... Three, but one is being fixed... here’s the page...no, none of our helicopters flew near the border yesterday. The owner has been with a group of Americans up in Tremblant the past week and Luc did a short return trip to Montreal around 2:00, but wait, that’s strange.
DAVID gets interested in the conversation. DAVID Qu’est-ce qui est bizarre?What’s strange?
MARTIN WARD (a David)Hmmm! Hmmm!
DAVID Excuse moi. Intérogation. Vas-y. Sorry, interrogation.
MARTIN WARD Qu’est-ce qui est bizarre? What’s strange? 55 CONTINUED: 55
ALICE Ben j’veux pas mettre personne dans le trouble...mais Luc est sortie avec l’hélicoptere hier en fin de journée. MAIS c’était peut-etre pour de l’entretien. Dans ce temps la c’est normal que ca soit pas au registre I don’t want to get anybody in trouble but Luc seems to have taken a chopper out at the end of the day yesterday ..maybe it was to fix something ..in that case it would be normal for it not to be logged... MARTIN Est-ce que vous avez un numéro pour joindre ce Monsieur...euh... Do you have a number where we can reach Mr.. ALICE Therrien. Luc Therrien. Normalement à cette heure-ci il est au bar du coin. Pour le lunch. Therrien, Luc Therrien. Normally at this time of day, you can find him in the bar at the corner. DAVID vaguely recognizes the name.
DAVID Merci. Thank you. 55 CONTINUED: 55
ALICE Tout le plaisir est pour moi monsieur l’agent.The pleasure is all mine, Officer.
DAVID and MARTIN head for the door. ALICE (cont'd)(to DAVID, flirting)Est-ce qu’il y a un numéro ou je peu vous joindre si jamais j’ai d’autres informations. But is there a number where I can reach you in case anything new pops into my head?
DAVID Mmmm. J’ai pas de carte sur moi.I don’t have any cards with me.
ALICE takes out a piece of paper and a pen to take down his number. MARTIN frowns at DAVID. DAVID just smiles back at the Secretary.
DAVID (cont’d)C’est le 9...1...1...C’est ca! It’s 9 - 1-1. They’ll know how to find me. Ask for Martin ward.
56 EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR – ST.HUBERT AIRPORT - DAY 56 Establishing. DAVID’s car passes in front of the bar. EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - BACK ALLEY - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - 56 56A DAY A MARTIN checks his Blackberry as they pull up. MARTIN Et voilà. Luc Therrien. 39 years old. divorced. Neuf ans pour traffic de cocaïne. Après plus rien. Il est pilote d’hélicoptère depuis dix ans notemment chez libellules express depuis trois ans.There we go. Luc Therrien. Nine years for smuggling cocaine. Got his pilot’s license back last year. DAVID Luc Therrien ... ça me dit quelque chose ce nom là. C’est peut-être un gars qu’j’ai arrété.I’ve heard that name before... Maybe I arrested him.
They get out of the car. DAVID slams the door shut. It opens again. He shuts it harder. A hubcap falls off the car. DAVID tosses it into the car and heads to the bar.
MARTIN Attends, attends! L’interrogation, c’est moi qui s’en occupe, n’est-ce pas?Wait, wait. I’m the one who asks the questions.
DAVID Pas de problème. M'a même te laisser rentrer tout seul, j’va entrer un peu après toi.You're right and I'm gonna let you go in there all by yourself, I'll join you real soon...
MARTIN Bien. Tu pourras observer mes méthodes. Peut-être que tu apprendras quelque chose.Good. You can watch me and maybe pick up a think or two from my methods.
DAVID C'est ça. Ouin. Right.
MARTIN Give me a couple of minutes to size up the joint, then join me.
As MARTIN takes out his badge, DAVID cringes: DAVID Hey! Tut, tut, tut! Pas d'badge làdedans! C'est pas la place. Surtout pas une badge d'l'Ontario!Hey, no badge, especially not one from Ontario. . MARTIN heads into the bar.
57 INT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - DAY 57 MARTIN adjusts to the dim light and looks around. A few sexy waitresses serve their clients with little enthusiasm. Over by the billiards table, some truckers play pool. At the bar, a few hardcore drinkers knock back a few early morning beers. A LARGE PLASMA SCREEN TV is showing hockey highlights.
MARTIN drifts over to the bar. He takes a napkin and wipes off a bar stool before he sits on it. A SKANKY BARMAID, RITA, leans over, flashing her cleavage.
RITA Salut mon beau noir. Qu'est-ce que je peux te servir?Hello handsome, what can I get for you?
MARTIN Un ginger ale, straigt up. s’il vous plaît. (as she gets it)Je cherche un pilote d’hélicoptère...Ginger ale, please. I’m looking for a helicopter pilot.
RITA C’est pas ça qui manque icitte.We’re not short on those around here, eh?
EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - BACK ALLEY - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - 5 58 DAY 8 DAVID pulls up. Gets out and leans on his trunk lighting a cigarette. There is a cheap motel right besides it. A prostitute comes out of one of the room and smiles at him.
DAVID Grosse journée au bureau?Tough day at the office?
She smiles at him and makes a “SO SO” sign with her hand. NANCY Pas fort fort! ...Mais j’ai un spécial pour les lève tôt par exemple!Not that good. I’ve got an early bird special if you’d like...
DAVID Non ça va! Merci! No that’s okay. Thanks!
NANCY Mmmm, dommage...Your loss...
The barmaid puts down a ginger ale in front of MARTIN showing her cleavage.
RITA C’est ma tournée. It’s on me.
MARTIN Merci. Un dénommé Therrien, ça vous dit quelque chose? Why thank you. A fellow named Therrien – does that name mean anything to you?
At that very moment, THERRIEN comes in wearing a bomber jacket with “LIBELLULLE” colors.
RITA Ah Luc! Ben t’é chanceux mon beau noir, le v’la justement. This is your lucky day, that’s him there. 60 EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - BACK ALLEY- DAY 6 0 DAVID throws his cigarette and looks at his watch. He tries to peek in the windows.
6 61 INT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - DAY 1 MARTIN looks down the bar at Therrien as serves him his usual two drafts.
MARTIN Beau Jacket. Nice jacket.
THERRIEN (surprised)Merci. Beau colroulé! Thanks, Reverend. Nice turtleneck.
Therrien and a few TRUCKERS start laughing. MARTIN just keeps staring him down. In the background, a NEAT YOUNG MAN comes out of the bathroom and starts checking out the jukebox quietly. THERRIEN (cont'd)C’t’une joke. Prends pas ça d’même. Rite amène donc la même chose à monsieur. It was a joke, don’t take it the wrong way. Rita, give the man another drink.
RITA Ginger Ale?
MARTIN nods okay.
THERRIEN Ginger ale? Veux-tu qu’on t’appelle nez-rouge?What’s your problem, you an alkie or something?
Some of the truckers around laugh at this. 6 62 EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - DAY 2 DAVID pulls himself away from the windows. Paces. Looks at his watch.
He can’t stand it. Heads inside.
63 INT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - ST. HUBERT AIRPORT - DAY 63 MARTIN Saviez-vous que l’Association Canadienne des Maladies du Coeur dit que deux breuvages alcoolisés sont bénéfiques pour la santé, mais que si l’on dépasse trois ou plus, on se rapproche de notre tombe. Do you know that the Canadian Heart Disease Association says that 2 alcoholic drinks per day are beneficial for our health but that three or more bring us ever closer to the grave?
RITA Therrien! Ca doit ben faire 7ans que t’es mort! Therrien, you’ve been dead for seven years.
Everyone laughs.
THERRIEN C’pour me calmer quand y’a du monde qui me tape sur les nerfs. I drink to stay calm when people start to get on my nerves.
He takes a swig of his beer and looks at MARTIN.
MAR TIN (to Therrien, calmly)Avez- vous essayé le yoga? Ever tried yoga?
DAVID walks over to a pool table and puts down a loony as Rita leans over MARTIN’s table, showing off her chest.
RITA Ben moi le yoga je connais pas mal toutes les positions. I know practically all the positions pretty well.
THERRIEN Toé Rita on les connaît toutes tes positions. We all know your favorite positions, Rita.
Rita takes this as a compliment.
MARTIN Un peu de respect pour la dame. Hey, show the lady a little respect. 63 CONTINUED: 63 THERRIEN Tu sors d’où Toé?
What planet are you from?
MARTIN Toronto.
THERRIEN C’est pour ca que je t’aime pas la face. Qu’est-ce tu calices icitte? That’s why I hate your face. What the fuck you doing here?
MARTIN Un sondage.
(takes out his badge)J’ai quelques questions à vous poser au sujet de Benoît Brisset... Nous savons qu’il y a un lien entre vous et... A poll.I’d like to askyou a few questions about Benoit Brisset...
All of a sudden MARTIN gets a whack in the face from Therrien and his badge falls out of his hand. Rita jumps out of the way and MARTIN is on the ground.
Therrien heads for the door but MARTIN does a little jiujitsu thing and trips him up, at the same time leaping to his feet like nothing has happened. He dusts off his jacket and bends down to pick up his badge. DAVID pays no attention whatsoever to what's going on, except to choose his cue.
MARTIN (cont’d)Alors, je repose la question, Benoît Brisset ca vous... Let me ask again. How do you know Benoit …
THERRIEN pulls MARTIN down onto the floor. Once again, the badge goes flying behind the bar.
DAVID continues to concentrate on his pool cue, rolling it slowly on the table to check to see if it's warped.
MARTIN is now locked between Therrien and the bar, his right hand now pushing up his back. Therrien continues shoving it up towards his neck. With his stomach slammed into the floor and his arm backwards up his back, his breathing becomes labored.
DAVID chalks up his cue. MARTIN (cont’d) Bouchard! Do something!
DAVID keeps working his cue, rolling it, pretending he's heard or seen nothing unusual. To a trucker: 63 CONTINUED: 63
DAVID Y'a tu quelqu'un qui comprend l’anglais icitte? Je pense que le monsieur mauve essaie de me dire quelque chose. Does anybody here understand English? I think the guy with the purple face is trying to tell me something…
MARTIN Aide-moi ...s'il te plaît!
Help me… please!
DAVID Avec plaisir!
With pleasure.
As soon as DAVID makes a move to help MARTIN, one of the TRUCKERS stands between them.
TRUCKER Mêle-toi de tes affaires...
Mind your own business…
Without any warning, DAVID whacks him in the belly with his pool cue, which causes him to bend in two, to which DAVID adds an uppercut to the chin. The TRUCKER goes down for the count, and DAVID heads for MARTIN, still holding his cue and even adding a little chalk to the tip.
He moves it around and, holding the stick like a baseball bat, he whacks Therrien on the back, breaking the cue in two, one half of which flies through the air and crashes into the mirror behind the bar. DAVID drops the other half as though it had electrocuted him, but in fact has cut his hand, which is now bleeding. At the same time, it was strong enough to get Therrien's attention who lets go of MARTIN long enough for the latter to react with a brilliantly executed piece of Martial Arts that sends Therrien up and off him. MARTIN reverses positions, this time it's Therrien's neck that's being crushed. DAVID gestures to release him. DAVID OK. C'est beau je m'en occupe!
OK, you can let him go, I'll take care of him.
MARTIN Je suis pas sûr que ce soit une bonne idée... I'm not sure that's a good idea.
DAVID Martin. On en a parlé tantôt. Les batailles c'est moi qui s’en occupe. Martin, we talked about this. I'm in charge of fights..
MARTIN thinks about it for a second. 63 CONTINUED: 63
MARTIN Je t'aurai averti!
I warned you.
DAVID looks up at the sky with impatience as MARTIN lets go of Therrien who jumps up and attacks DAVID like a rabid dog. They exchange a few good belts, a strong right sends Therrien to the floor. DAVID goes in to finish him off but gets a kick in the knee that turns him purple with pain. He screams.
MARTIN (cont’d)(to Rita, calmly) M. Therrien ... est-ce qu’il semblait nerveux ces derniers jours? Has M. Therrien seemed at all nervous lately?
RITA Pas... Pas plus que d’habitude...
Therrien takes advantage of the situation to rise and grab the broken half of the pool cue lying on the floor. He goes behind DAVID and uses the cue to strangle him.
DAVID Martin...Martin...aide moi!
Help me!
MARTIN (to Rita)Est-ce que je pourrais avoir un peu de citron s’il vous plait? Could I get a little lemon, please?
RITA Bien sûr mon noir...
Anything for you, handsome.
DAVID Martin...
MARTIN (turns his back on him) Sorry I don’t understand.
DAVID gathers up all his strength and starts to rise up, practically carrying Therrien with him, until finally Therrien's feet are no longer touching the floor as he clings to DAVID'S back, still holding the pool cue against his neck. DAVID starts to move in all directions, trying desperately to shake Therrien off his back but he weakens by the second and finally falls back onto his knees, out of breath and now almost purple from strangulation.
MARTIN Right language. Wrong words.
DAVID Martin...help me...please...
As the last syllable of please comes out, MARTIN's revolver appears up against Therrien's temple. MARTIN Lâche mon partenaire! Let go of my partner. 6 64 EXT. TRUCKSTOP/BAR - REAR - DAY 4 DAVID and MARTIN are behind the bar with Therrien. Their clothes are dirty and torn. MARTIN is trying to get a smudge off his cuff with his hankie. DAVID has just finished cuffing Therrien's hands.
THERRIEN Même si je savais de quoi tu parles je te dirai rien parce que vous êtes des hosties de cochons et j'ai rien fait. Attends que j'ai les mains libres…Even if I knew what you were talking about I still wouldn't tell you anything you fucking pigs!
MARTIN Hey buddy, mind your manners.
DAVID tries to stuff the struggling pilot into the car but he kicks and spits on him.
DAVID Hostie de calice! You piece of shit.
MARTIN (to DAVID)And you, show some impulse control.
THERRIEN bites DAVID. DAVID Fuck! DAVID gets pissed off, heads for the back of the car, opens the trunk, grabs some white hockey tape from his trunk and covers the Pilot’s mouth with it and and stuffs him in the trunk. MARTIN I don’t know if you don’t respect procedures because you’re ignorant or because you are a total lunatic.
MARTIN rips the tape off Therrien's mouth.
THERRIEN Haaaaa! THERRIEN spits in MARTIN’s face. MARTIN doesn’t even blink. With absolute control he removes a handkerchief from his pocket and methodically wipes his face.
DAVID C’est quoi la procédure dans une situation comme ca? And what would be appropriate procedure in such a case?
MARTIN Hey. C’est ta juridiction.
Hey, it’s your jurisdiction.
DAVID re-shoves Therrien into the trunk of the sportscar.
THERRIEN Mes hosties de calice de pourris sales. You motherfuckin' pieces of shit!
DAVID (rougher)Heille. On surveille son language. Hey, watch your language.
MARTIN Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit?
What did he say?
DAVID Qu'on est des pourris sales.
He called us pieces of shit.
The pilot tries to get out of the trunk. But it’s too awkward.
MARTIN That part I got. Mais Hostie de calice?
DAVID It’s swearing. Ça veut dire qu'on est PLUS que pourris. Comme HOSTIE de pourris, c'est pas mal pourris. Mais ‘HOSTIE de CALICE` de pourris, ça commence à être beaucoup pourris. Mais c'est pas si pire. On m'a déjà dit que j'étais un HOSTIE de CALICE de pourri de TABARNAK. Hosties de pourris is like fuckin’ pieces of shit but hosties de calice de pourris is like motherfuckin’ pieces of shit. But I’ve been called worse. 64 CONTINUED: 64 MARTIN Oh, that’s like over-the-top pourris.
THERRIEN Quand j'vas sortir d'icitte tu vas trouver ça moins drôle. Laugh it up, assholes, when I get out of here-
DAVID (to Therrien) Shhhht! Attends, j'ai pas fini
Wait, I’m not finished.. (to Martin) Tu peux le conjuguer aussi.
You can conjugate it, too.
MARTIN You mean like a verb?
THERRIEN M’as t’en calicer une!
DAVID C’est beau Jean-luc! C’t’un bon exemple. En calicer une. Good one, Luc. For example, I'll fuckin give you one.
DAVID whacks the incredulous Therrien.
DAVID (cont’d) Ou au masculin... j'vas t'en crisser un.
Or you could use the masculine and say, here's a hell of a whack.
DAVID jabs the PILOT with his fist and the PILOT looks just this side of rabid, lashing out with a vicious kick that misses the mark.
MARTIN Got it.
MARTIN is starting to think he’s heard enough of this.
THERRIEN T’es rien qu’un TABARNAK. You utter fuck.
DAVID Merci j’allais oublier. Tu peux l’utiliser comme adjectif. Comme dans: J'vas t'en donner un...TABARNAK de... Absolutely. As in I'll give you a fuckin' …
DAVID gives him another shot, this time a lot harder.DAVI D (cont’d)On a des expressions aussi. Comme: Je m'en Calice. We have expressions too! Like, I don’t give a shit- (CONTINUED) 64 CONTINUED: 64
DAVID shuts the trunk on Therrien's hands. MARTIN is nonplussed.
MARTIN Ok. Enough. tu veux quand même pas qu’il porte plainte?You don’t want him to file a complaint, do you?
DAVID closes the trunk a second time this time whacking THERRIEN's head, just as he is trying to sit up.
DAVID Je m’en Calice! I don’t give a shit.
DAVID shuts the trunk a third time. Therrien is now groggy.
MARTIN I just hope you don't talk like that around children.
DAVID Ciboire de tabarnak! Gabrielle! Holy shit! Gabrielle!
MARTIN I have my answer. DAVID slams the trunk completely shut on Therrien. 6 65 EXT. BALLET SCHOOL - DAY 5 MARTIN and DAVID get out of the sportscar. Somehow MARTIN has managed to get the smudges out of his clothes -- he’s looking fresh-pressed again. DAVID’s hand is wrapped in a dirty rag, and a little blood leaks from his forehead. In his free hand, he carries a last-minute bouquet of raggy-looking DEPANNEUR FLOWERS. DAVID parks the car right in front of the ballet school in the handicapped parking space.
MARTIN You can’t park here!
DAVID Ben oui. J’suis avec toi! Yes I can, I’m with you.
MARTIN Donne-moi les clés de l'auto. Give me your car keys.
As they walk up the stairs... MARTIN C’est ridicule DAVID. On peut pas laisser un suspect dans le coffre d’une auto parce que ta fille a un spectacle de ballet. This is ridiculous, we can't just leave a suspect in the trunk of a car because you're late for your daughter's ballet recital.
DAVID Et peux-tu me dire pourquoi s’il te plaît?And can you tell me why not?
6 66 INT. BALLET SCHOOL - AUDITORIUM - DAY 6 A small hall, where about 40 parents are assembled. Every conceivable kind of camera is on display, with fathers taking videos of their wives taking pictures. It's a picture-takingfeeding-frenzy. The ballet teacher gives a little warmhearted speech.
MME ROBITAILLE Bravo mesdemoiselles! On les applaudies bien chaleureusement, elles le méritent grandement. Ne sont-elles pas merveilleuses...Bravo, girls. Let’s have a nice round of applause for our well deserving girls...
On the small stage, a group of little girls all in tutus bow to emotional applause.
The two men come in still arguing.
DAVID Ça parait que t'as pas d'enfant toi!You obviously have no children.
People scowl at the disturbance. MARTIN whispers hoarsely:
MARTIN J'ai un garcon de 15 ans, que j'élève tout seul! I have a 15 year old son. AND I'm a single parent!
As they walk down the alley. David is looking for SUZIE.
DAVID BON! Ben tu vas pas me dire que le trou de cul attaché dans la valise de mon char est plus important que nos enfants! Then you're not going to tell me that the asshole in my trunk is more important than our children!
MARTIN is speechless, while the parents around them are astonished by what they just heard.
They come up to Suzie, who pretends not to know them. Unfortunately there are empty seats beside her.
MARTIN That's not the point, Bouchard. Rules were made for a reason!
DAVID Je ne veux plus en entendre parler. C'est un ordre! I don't want to hear another word about it. That's an order!
SUZIE DAVID! Assieds-toi, s'il te plait! PLEASE sit down!
DAVID J'ai pas manqué Gabrielle? I didn't miss Gabrielle?
SUZIE Non. Tais-toi.
No. Be quiet!
DAVID Je te présente Martin. Il est de l’Ontario. Il travail pour moi sur un dossier. This is Martin. He’s from Ontario. He is working for me on a case..
MARTIN looks at DAVID with a sly smile at “for me”.
SUZIE (dryly) Mes sympathies! My sympathies.
MARTIN Enchanté de vous rencontrer. Delighted to meet you. 66 CONTINUED: 66
DAVID C’est Suzie. Mon ex.
This is Suzie, my ex-wife.
MARTIN Mes sympathies. My sympathies.
On stage Mme Robitaille is explaining the school's objectives and is about to introduce the next number. She looks at the two men with a killer look.
DAVID Qu’est cé qu’tu veux dire? Is she trying to tell me something?
MARTIN and DAVID exchange a look that says they better behave. On stage, the teacher finishes her presentation.
MME ROBITAILLE (cont’d)Bon. Merci. Maintenant que nous avons votre attention, nous allons pouvoir vous présenter notre groupe le plus avancé et elles sont toutes très nerveuses de vous montrer ce qu'elles ont appries. Alors on les encourage très fort. ... now that we have your attention, we can present our most advanced group and they're nervous...so please encourage them all you can.
The PARENTS applaud warmly as the little group of dancers, GABRIELLE among them, take their places.
DAVID (excited)C'est eux autres...c'est elle, c'est Gabrielle! Let's go! It's them,her, Gabrielle, let's go! (he starts to whistle and clap)Let's go vous êtes capables les filles! ...Mathieu aussi! Go girls, you can do it. You too Matthew.
SUZIE DAVID...calme-toi.
DAVID, calm down! 66 CONTINUED: 66 DAVID (even more nervous)Calme-toi Suzie! Ça va bien aller.. ça va bien aller. Relax, Suzie, it's going to be fine!
During the recital, DAVID gets more and more emotional; he performs every gesture, every movement, never taking his eyes off his beloved GABRIELLE. When she comes forward to do her solo, DAVID can no longer contain himself. DAVID (cont’d)(whistling and clapping)Let's go bébé. Vas-y!(to Suzie) Calme toi...calme toi! Go for it,…Stay cool, stay cool!
GABRIELLE smiles at her father and starts her dance. DAVID continues to mirror her every move. SUZIE and MARTIN can’t help watching him. They exchange a conspiratorial smile -- two adults watching a goofy kid in a playground. DAVID (cont’d)(whispering to himself)Pas de deux... entrechat, entrechat... chassé, chassé, on touuuurne... jeté et hop on tourne, tourne, tourne... SPIN, SPIN Y'EN RESTE JUSTE DEUX LET'S GO YES! (he gets up)YES! YES! BRAVO MA COCOTTE!!! WHOUUU! …pas de deux…entrechat, entrechat… turn and spin, two more to go…, Bravo sweetheart
The entire room is ready to die of collective embarrassment, except GABRIELLE who holds eye contact with her father, a wry smile on her face, and then gives him a wink. DAVID finally notices that everyone’s staring at him.
DAVID (cont’d) Quoi? J'suis fier! What's the matter, I'm proud of my baby!
6 67 INT. BALLET SCHOOL - FRONT OF STAGE - DAY 7 GABRIELLE hugs her dad with the flowers in her hands. MARTIN We really have to go.
GABRIELLE Papa, tu t’en va?.Daddy, do you have to go?
DAVID Je vais être là pour le souper, c'est promis. On va célébrer ton triomphe. Bizou I'll be home for supper, I promise.
DAVID bends down to hug her.
GABRIELLE Est-ce que ton ami vient souper aussi? Will your friend be coming too?
DAVID Hein? Quel ami?
What friend?
SUZIE (ironique)Ton employé. Martin vous allez venir manger avec nous? Your employee.Would you like to come for dinner?
M ARTIN Ah! Oui, avec plaisir! With great pleasure!
SUZIE Fantastic! On se voit plus tard. See you later.
DAVID Fantastic? Tout à coup t'es bilingue, toi? All of a sudden you're bilingual? 67A INT. BALLET SCHOOL - CORRIDOR - DAY 67A
DAVID and MARTIN walk towards the exit door. MARTIN turns on his cell phone as he walks.
DAVID Sens-toi pas obligé de venir pour le souper. Tu dois vouloir te reposer à l'hôtel. Don't feel obliged to come, I'm sure you’re tired.
MARTIN Au contraire, ça me fait plaisir. No, on the contrary, I'd really like to come.
MARTIN starts listening to his messages.
DAVID Je pense que ce serait mieux que- I don't know, I think you should get some rest. (CONT INUED ) 67A CONTINUED: 67A MARTIN On m'avait dit que les Québécois étaient chaleureux, mais je ne pensais pas que c'était autant que ça! --Tiens, Rita, la barmaid m’a laissé un message.I've always heard you Quebecois were welcoming, but... Hey, Rita, that barmaid left me a message to call her.
DAVID Pourquoi tu va pas manger avec elle? Tu sais que les Québécoise...So why don’t you go eat with her? You know what they say about girls from Quebec?
Coming out, they notice that DAVID’s car is not parked in front anymore. They look down the street and see a TOW TRUCK towing DAVID’s sports car.
DAVID Heille... WHOA! ARRETEZ! C’é mon char! Hey, Stop! Stop! That's my car!
DAVID runs after it. MARTIN Je t'avais dit...! I told you...
MARTIN chases after it, holding up his badge.
They both run behind the tow truck until the driver looks in his side mirror. The truck stops dead in the middle of the street. MARTIN stops to catch his breath.
MARTIN (cont’d)Tu vois? Même en anglais, ça marche.See? Even in English, works like a charm.
As they walk towards to the car-
MARTIN (cont’d)We could have been in HUGE trouble-
At which the trunk of the car EXPLODES sending the a huge piece of metal in the air. DAVID and MARTIN are blown off their feet-
--bits and pieces tumble from the sky with the metal piece of the trunk top falling right behind them.
When the rain of metal and burned flesh has stopped...
The driver of the tow truck comes out totally dazed and confused.
MARTIN (cont’d) The suspect!
DAVID Mon char!
My car!
MARTIN How are we going to explain this! DAVID Pour l’instant on explique rien. For the time being, we explain nothing.
MARTIN gets his inhaler and takes a shot.
MARTIN Quoi? Are you crazy. A suspect just died in your car. We have to report this.
DAVID C’est toi qui est fou. Qu’est-ce que tu penses qui va arriver quand ton boss va se rendre contre de ta négligence. You’re the nut case: what do you think your bosses are going to say when they hear that this happened as a result of your negligence?
MARTIN is astonished by the outrageousness.
MARTIN MA NÉGLIGENCE!? I told you. I could have taken him to the headquarters myself. But you just couldn’t stand the thought of not being there to show off in front of your pals.
DAVID Si tu y tenais tant que ca a tes fucking procédures de Calice, t’avais juste a rester dehors pour le surveiller au lieu de venir te teter un souper sur le bras pis flirter ma femme devant ma fille. 68 CONTINUED: 68
If your procedures were so fucking important then why didn’t you stay with the car and survey the situation instead of coming in and sucking up to get a free meal AND flirting with my wife in front of our child.
MARTIN You’re crazy. That’s it! I’m out of here. I’m going to fill out my report detailing exactly what happened. You do whatever you want but you are not going to drag me down into the shit with you.
MARTIN gets up and starts walking away. DAVID Ben y’est trop tard parce que t’es déja dedans par dessus la tete. Si tu veux sauver ta job pis qu’il y aie d’la bouffe sur la table de nos enfants, y faut fermer notre yeule pis poigner le malade qui a fait ca! That’s the only way out! Well, it’s too late because you’re already in shit up to your nostrils, so if you want to save both our jobs so we can continue to feed our children, we’re going to have to shut up about this and find the sicko that blew up the car.
MARTIN stops in his tracks,, turns around and looks at DAVID.
MARTIN Shit de Merde de Shit de Fuck de Tabarnak!
DAVID Tu commences à pogner l’beat... 24 heures. Si dans 24 heures on a rien. J’vais expliquer c’qui s’est passé.Now you’re starting to get it. 24 hours, if we have nothing in the next 24 hours, I’ll explain what happened.
MARTIN Pas une heure de plus.Not an hour more.
DAVID nods his agreement.
DAVID En tout cas. Astheure on sait que c’étais pas lui.Anyway, the case is moving forward. At least now we know it wasn’t him.
A young man (Tattoo Killer) is sitting on a bench in the park.
68 68A EXT. BOUCHARD DUPLEX - NIGHT A ... THE HOUSE. The brick duplex on the plateau.
Gabrielle’s helping Suzie cook while DAVID pops a beer, offers one to MARTIN. MARTIN I really liked the way you did the salmon. I do it American style ...
SUZIE You cook?
MARTIN I love to cook. .
He goes over to the stove, turns on the overhead fan and lights a cigarette as SUZIE gives MARTIN a glass of red wine.
SUZIE Apart from his famous French Toast, DAVID was never very useful in the kitchen.. She opens up a cupboard and shows MARTIN the plates.
DAVID Non! mais y'a une autre pièce où tu me trouvais très utile. No! But you found me more useful in another room.....
SUZIE slaps him with the dishtowel. MARTIN sets the table, making sure the forks and knives are all perfectly straight, and folding the napkins into neat little pockets for the silverware.
MARTIN Quand même. C'est rare de voir des divorcés qui vivent ensemble dans la même maison comme une famille normale. Still, it's rare to see ex's living together in the same house like a normal family.
SUZIE Normale?!
Normal? 68B CONTINUED: 68B
GABRIELLE Es-tu divorcé toi aussi? Are you divorced, too?
SUZIE Gabrielle!
MARTIN laughs at Gabrielle’s candor. 68B CONTINUED: 68B MARTIN Ce n’est pas grave. Oui Gabrielle, je suis divorcé aussi. No offence. Yes Gabrielle, I am.
DAVID Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé? What happened? MARTIN Ma femme était attaché de presse pour le gouverneur générale du Canada. Elle l’accompagnait dans tout ses voyages. Un jour elle était a Londres pour une visite à la famille royale. Elle m’a appellé au travail pour me dire qu’elle ne reviendrait pas et qu’elle voulait se fiancer à un semi-prince de... je ne sais trop quoi. Je ne l’ai jamais revu. My wife was working as the Governor General’s press secretary and while she was in London for a Royal visit, she called me one day at work and told me she had met some sort of prince and wasn’t coming home. I never saw her again.
DAVID laughs.
DAVID Tu m’niaises la!
SUZIE gives DAVID a look and goes back to MARTIN.
SUZIE C’a du être un choc. That must have been a terrible shock.
MARTIN JONATHAN avait huit ans. Il la voit 2 fois par année. Pour Noël et 2 semaines l’été. Jonathan was only 8. He spends Christmas and two weeks in the summer with her.
SUZIE is moved by his tale.
GABRIELLE C’est quoi un semi- prince? What’s a semi-prince? MARTIN C’est un grand riche avec des jambes de grenouilles! A rich guy with legs like a frog.
SUZIE and GABRIELLE laughs at this. 68B CONTINUED: 68B
DAVID Bon! On mange tu là?Let’s eat.
68 68C INT. BOUCHARD DUPLEX - NIGHT C End of dinner, desert and coffee... SUZIE laughs a little too loud at MARTIN's humor. They share a look that says a lot. DAVID doesn’t like it.
DAVID Bon. C’est l’heure d’aller s’coucher. Okay, bed time.
GAB RIELLE Mais papa y’est juste 7:30! Dad it’s only 7:30.
DAVID Pas toi ma chouette. Je parlais à Martin. Not you, honey, I was talking to Martin.
Suzie glares at him. David looks innocent.
DAVID (cont’d)Ben quoi. Y doit etre fatigué. On a une grosse journée demain. Seriously, we have a big day tomorrow.
MARTIN You’re right. Y faut aller chez Therrien et essayer de parler a Grossbut. I should go. We have to pay a visit to M.Therrien’s And talk to Mr. Grossbut.
SUZIE Pourquoi vous dormez pas ici. En haut chez David. Comme ca vous pourrez partir ensemble tôt demain matin. Why don’t you stay here tonight? That way you can leave together early in the morning?
DAVID Heuu. C’est pas mal en désordre...
Suzy, my place is really messy …
GABRIELLE J’peux y prêter ma chambre pis moi j’vais aller dormir avec toi en haut. Martin can sleep in my room and I’ll sleep upstairs at your place. 69 EXT. THERRIEN’S LAIR - MORNING 69
MARTIN and DAVID are in front of the house. MARTIN is sitting on a bench hanging up his cell phone as DAVID paces around.
MARTIN Barmaid’s not answering her cell...
DAVID Qu’est-cé qu’ils font crisse avec leur crisse de paperasse! What are they waiting for?
MARTIN Did you take Ritalin as a child?
DAVID lights a cigarette, not happy just waiting around. 69 CONTINUED: 69
MARTIN (cont’d)Pense à d'autre chose. Ta fille est adorable. Try thinking about other things.Your daughter is adorable.
DAVID (soudainement apaisé)Yeah! She’s a great kid. On est très chanceux. We’re really lucky.
MARTIN And you were right... les québecoises sont speciales! Quebec women are special.
DAVID (taken aback) Parles-tu de Suzie?
Are you talking about Suzie?
MARTIN Elle est vraiment superbe. So down to earth. She is really superb.
DAVID (irritated) Pourquoi tu me dis ca? Why are you telling me this?
MARTIN It’s just...je t’imaginais pas avec une femme comme ca. .. I didn’t imagine you with a woman like her.
DAVID starts walking toward the house.
DAVID Tu sais quoi? Ça marche pas ton truc. Your idea isn't working.
MARTIN Bouchard! We’re waiting for a warrant!
DAVID J’m’en calice... I don’t give a shit.
MARTIN Bouchard. Don’t do anything stupid...
MARTIN follows him. DAVID gets to the door. He looks into one of the small window. DAVID smashes the small window of the door. 69 CONTINUED: 69
As he puts his arm through the hole and unlocks the door, he looks around.
MARTIN (cont'd)Great! Now we can’t use any of the evidence!
But DAVID ignores him and goes in. MARTIN (cont’d)(to himself)Idiot.
7 70 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - FIRST FLOOR HALLWAY - DAY 0 Inside it’s murky, with only a few shafts of light piercing the gloom. DAVID feels his way along the corridor before finding a light switch. He flicks it on and-INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM SHRINE - DAY 7 71 1 --Comes into a sort of HOCKEY SHRINE. A big, messy collage of Fleur de Lys memorabilia. Photos of hockey games -- kids’ hockey games, minor league games, hockey arenas. Battered hockey sticks. Jerseys. Pennants...... whiskey bottles scattered here and there, a huge bong, ashtrays full of half-smoked joints, a total mess. DAVID Tabernac! Martin, viens voir ça. Jesus! Martin, come look at this.
MARTIN (O.S.)Not without a warrant!
DAVID I already broke the door! Je pensais avoir vu quelqu’un en détresse... Luc Therrien. Je sais ou je l’ai vu! Y’a été repêcher par les Fleurs de Lys.I thought I saw someone in distress .. Luc Therrien. Anyway, I remember Luc Therrien now! He was drafted by the Fleur de Lys.
72 EXT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - DAY 7 2 MARTIN reluctantly heads inside, shaking his head:
MARTIN I don’t believe I’m doing this.
MARTIN takes out his DIGITAL CAMERA/BLACKBERRY/gadget and starts taking snapshots as he goes -- slowly, carefully making his way into the building, making sure not to touch anything.
Suddenly a MAN IN A GOALIE MASK POPS OUT. He cackles evilly.
DAVID Bouahahahahah.
MARTIN almost goes for his gun before realizing it’s DAVID, holding the mask in front of his face. Sighing: MARTIN Can you manage not to touch any moreevidence?
DAVID Juste pour voir la face que t’as faites, ça valait la peine.It was worth it just for the look on your face.
DAVID goes back in the shrine and replaces the mask where he took it. MARTIN gets inside the shrine and puts some forensic gloves on.
They both look at the scene with fascination: MARTIN is delighted by the load of evidence while DAVID is totally into the “hockey” theme of it all. There is junk everywhere. There are hundreds of pictures stacked to the walls. Tons of weird hockey memorabilia here and there. Some goalie masks are displayed on the walls, some are missing from the previous scenes. Some Tattoo equipment is lying on a stall in a corner with ink bottles, needles in jars, etc,... There is a picture of Therrien as a young recruit with GROSSBUT in happier times.
MARTIN starts taking pictures. FLASH! Photos of the Colorado Peaks winning the Cup. FLASH! Photos of the Montreal Arena and the Toronto Hockey Centre.
DAVID Thérrien c’est le gars qui a joué une demi- saison à Québec. Suspendu pour une affaire de dope. On l’a pu jamais revu... Dommage. J’me rappelle qui goalais en maudit. Therrien played a half a season for Quebec before getting busted for dope. Never heard of again, too bad, too, he was a good goalie..
FLASH! A set of GOALIE MASKS on hooks -- one’s missing.
MARTIN Tu crois que c’est relié aux Fleur de lys? So is all of this about the Fleur de Lys team?
Flash! Framed tickets. Newspaper clipping from victories...
DAVID Ou la dope.
Or drugs.
MARTIN Or both!
FLASH! Blueprints of the Toronto Hockey Centre. FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!
DAVID kneels beside the dentist chair looking at a waste basket full of bloody tissues.
DAVID (whistling)Il est malade… What a freakin sicko..
DAVID stands up and looks around.
DAVID (cont'd)J’vais aller checker autour. Appelle- moi si t’as besoin d’aide., I’m going to look around. Call me if you need me.
He disappears down the corridor as MARTIN continues his business. 75 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - STAIRWAY TO BASEMENT - DAY 75
DAVID heads down the hallway and stops at the door leading to the basement. He pushes it slightly and sees a strange glow at the bottom.
DAVID Y a quelque chose de weird au sous sol. J’vais aller voir. Something seems strange in the basement. I’m gonna check it ou!
MARTIN keeps looking at the evidence. He lifts sheets of paper pined to the wall. Prints of internet chats and e-mails about the demise of Canadian hockey.
He takes a picture of the print out.
MARTIN Good! Let’s see what other surprises we might find...
He gets to a staircase and climbs carefully upstairs, alert.
DAVID pulls out his GUN and walks quietly down the stairs to a CREAKING LOWER DOOR. DAYLIGHT seems to be shining from within.
He opens the door with his gun.
DAVID comes into a large (60’ x 45’) room filled with rows of MARIJUANA PLANTS, under daylight-balanced fluorescents.
DAVID Ah ben Tabarnac! Hey Martin! Jackpot!
DAVID walks carefully between the two rows of pot plants. At the far end is a rusty door.
77-78 OMITTED 77-78 79 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - STAIRWAY TO 2ND FLOOR - DAY 7 9 MARTIN gets to the second floor and hears a radio in the background playing and old song. He draws his gun. He moves steadily but cautiously forward. He takes his badge out and...
8 80 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - DAY 0 ...enters the bedroom badge first. He looks at the radio first but doesn’t immediately anyone until he spots the bed where the body of GROSSBUT lies strapped to a bedspring. MARTIN Bouchard! GROSSBUT’S HERE! MARTIN puts his gun away and checks GROSSBUT’s pulse. He is dead. He notices his forehead: a tattoo of a rocky mountain with the inscription: C8L8RADO. INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - BASEMENT PLANTATION ROOM - DAY 8 81 1 DAVID gets to the end of the rows and unknowingly crosses a light beam sending a signal to a remote control which activates the closing of the door at the entrance to the basement. DAVID turns at the sound of the door closing and notices the door is equipped with an electric lock and a pad number. The room is a mouse trap. DAVID Shit! Martin!
The door lock engages, followed by a beeping sound at the other end...
--WHOOMP! WHOOMP! WHOOMP! WHOOMP! WHOOMP! A SERIES OF EXPLOSIONS sets all the pot plants on fire, one after another, heading right for him. DAVID (cont’d)Pas encore, hostie! Not again, for christ’s sake.
DAVID thinks quickly, looks for shelter, notices an old fashioned DETACHED RECTANGULAR TUB filled with gardening equipment-INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - DAY 8 82 2
The EXPLOSIONS shake the building making MARTIN sway on his feet.
MARTIN Whoa! What the hell is...?
MARTIN starts trying to unstrap GROSSBUT.
MARTIN (cont’d)Shit Bouchard! What have you done now?
83 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - BASEMENT PLANTATION ROOM - DAY 83 The place is a MASS OF FLAMES. DAVID just manages to turn the tub upside down on top of him. He squats, so it almost completely covers him, and starts waddling forward. He can see (barely) through the two holes for the faucets; The legs of the tub, now pointing up, keep banging into things.
DAVID Hostie de tabarnac de crisse de calice... God damn son of a bitch...
With smoke coming to the second floor, MARTIN finishes unstrapping GROSSBUT and hefts him over his shoulders. GROSSBUT is a big man, and he’s hard to carry. MARTIN’s breathing becomes uneasy.
84 84A INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - BASEMENT PLANTATION ROOM - DAY A The tub waddles through the room bumping the rows of burning plants. A small burst of flames comes from underneath burns his hand.
DAVID Ayoye Calisse!!!
Reacting to the burn, he hits his head on the tub.
DAVID (cont’d)Ouch! ...Ciboire!
85 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - STAIRWAY TO 2ND FLOOR - DAY 85 MARTIN staggers downstairs with GROSSBUT, but a MASS OF SMOKE roils up from downstairs-
DAVID keeps waddling forward inside the tub, trying desperately to see where he’s going. He goes off course and BUMPS into a burning rack of plants, which half collapse on top of him.
DAVID Fuck! Crisse de tabarnac d’hostie- Jesus fucking Christ.
87 INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - STAIRWAY TO 2ND FLOOR - DAY 87 MARTIN reels. He can’t breathe in the HEAVY SMOKE. He sits on the stairs and starts pulling GROSSBUT by the feet making his head bump on each subsequent stair.
DAVID, coughing from the SMOKE, turns around in the tub and positions himself to look through the faucet’s holes.
He points his gun through the tub at the lock.
BOOM! He misses.
INSIDE THE TUB DAVID’s ears are ringing from the explosion. DAVID Ow wowowowo wwowowow!
He takes aim again, trying to cover his ears the best he can with his left hand and his right shoulder. BOOM! BOOM!
MARTIN tries to feel his way out. But he’s blinded, and can barely breathe.
89A INT. THERRIEN’S HOUSE - BASEMENT STAIRCASE - DAY 89A DAVID breaks down the basement door.
DAVID comes out of the smoke, grabs MARTIN and pulls him towards the door.
DAVID Let’s go!
MARTI N GROSSBUT, he’s on the stairs!
MARTIN is still trying to take him out. 89B CONTINUED: 89B
As they walk out of the door they here a Whoomf! They turn around and see a BALL OF FLAME come boiling up from the basement exactly where GROSSBUT was.
The two men stagger out of the burning building, smoke pouring out after them.
They lie on the ground, coughing and wheezing. MARTIN takes a hit off his inhaler, pulls his tie loose. DAVID crawls over, coughing.
D AVID Give me some of that.
MARTIN It’s my inhaler!
But he hands it over. DAVID takes a hit off it.
DAVID Qu’est-ce qu’y’a la dedans? J’me sens comme weird. What’s in this? I feel kinda weird. MARTIN starts to GIGGLE.
DAVID stares at him. And starts to GIGGLE too. Soon they’re laughing hysterically, stoned out of their minds!
DAVID and MARTIN sit like two naughty schoolboys in front of a raging Capt. Le Boeuf. 91 CONTINUED: 91
CAPT. LE BOEUF Calice d'hostie de sacrament de ciboire de christ d'hostie de viarge de TABARNAK! ***###****###### lots of bad words.
The two cops sit there. Suddenly they burst into giggles.
MARTIN He doesn’t sound happy.
CAPT. LE BOEUF T'es rentré avant même qu’on t'apporte le mandat! T’a mis un suspect dans ton coffre pis y a explosé en mille morceaux- You went in without a warrant, you put a suspect in your trunk and then blew him up-
DAVID Faut pas exagérer chrisse il avait un record plus long que ton bras, c'était pas le Frère André- Don’t exaggerate for Christ's sake, the guy had a record as long as your arm, so he's not exactly Brother Andre.
MARTIN (giggles) “Frère André”!!! CAPT. LE BOEUF On l'a ramassé avec une spatule. Pis z’avez brûlé tout une batisse, et z’avez laissé la victime dedans- We picked him up with a blotter! The n you burnt down a house with a victim inside.
DAVID --Il y a mon char aussi--
Don't forget my car …-
CAPT. LE BOEUF INTERROMPT MOI PAS QUAND JE PARLE! Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking!
MARTIN raises his hand like a school child. Le Boeuf glares at him. MARTIN talks slowly, trying to be extra precise. 91 CONTINUED: 91
MARTIN Au fait, chef, c’est de ma faute. J’ai cru voir quelqu’un en détresse a l’intérieur...y’avait quelqu’un...mais pas celui que je pensait...y’était en détresse mais pas aujourd’hui...that’s close enough? ...Non? In fact, Chief, it was all my fault. I thought I spotted someone inside in distress, that there was someone in there but not today and ...
Le Boeuf is shocked speechless. So is DAVID.
RECEPTIONIST Capitaine MacDuff, ligne trois. Captain Macduff line three.
Le Boeuf punches the speakerphone.
CAPT. LE BOEUF Capitan MacDuff, you got my massage? About what your crazy cop do? ‘e burn down da building, ‘e blow up da witness...
DAVID, grinning, points at MARTIN, ‘you’re in trouble!’
CAPT. MACDUFF (ON PHONE)Martin, is that all true?
MARTIN Uh, well, with respect to the situation, one could certainly make the case that uh... (loses it) What was the question?
CAPT. LE BOEUF Le Witeneuss!
MARTIN It’s not me. I have an alibi. I was at David’s daughter’s ballet recital.
DAVID makes a sign as if to say he has no idea what MARTIN is talking about.
CAPT. MACDUFF (ON PHONE)You’re coming home, we’ll talk about this then. Clearly this is not our business. 91 CONTINUED: 91
THE TWO speak over each other. DAVID Excellent j’va m’arranger ben mieux si j’ai pas besoin de trainer un touriste. Good, I’ll be able to handle this better if I don’t have to train tourists.
MARTIN But Captain. Let me fix this. Half of my time here has been lost babysitting Rambo on steroids here!
CAPT. LE BOEUF TAISEZ-VOUS TOUS LES DEUX! shut up both of you. (to Martin)Toi de toute façon you're hoff de suitcase. You go in de Hontario, vache folle, dat's it, dat’s Hull! doncallus, wecallyou, just like the Capitan said. C'est fini, là. Et toi- DAVID points at himself: who me? CAPT. LE BOEUF (cont’d)--All I want from you his you take tête-carrée icitte à l’aeroport. C’est ca ta fucking day d’ouvrage aujourd’hui! J’veux pu que tu touche a rien! J’vas r’filer le dossier à Sylvain! All I want from you is to take this blockhead to the airpor, that’s your work for today. I don’t want you to touch another thing. case. Understood? Sylvain is now on the case.
DAVID Roger...
--DEHORS! OUT! MARTIN and DAVID get up immediately, too stoned to argue. 91A OMITTED 91A
DAVID and MARTIN stand in front of a food dispensing machine. DAVID is trying to get a chip but it get stucked. He starts to bang the machine.
DAVID COME ON! J’ai les munchies! I’ve got the munchies.
MARTIN is frustrated not to have finished the case, but relieved not to be dealing with DAVID any more. David can’t wait for this to be over.
MARTIN What can I say? It's been educational. But, two victims: Quebecois. One witness -- dead -- Quebecois. One killer: let’s take a wild guess: Quebecois. So Bah-bye! Tell Suzie I'll e-mail her!
DAVID C'est quoi ton affaire avec Suzie, tu l'as vue deux fois tabernac …! What the fuck is your problem with Suzie, someone you’ve seen all of twice in your life?
MARTIN You Québécois are all the same. A lunatic that goes nuts for a Hockey team that doesn’t exist anymore. And you with Suzie. Je me souviens. You all live in the past, get over it.
DAVID Au moins nous autres on est vivant. Tout ce qui vous intéresse c’est votre hostie de Reine avec ses enfants fuckés...qui t’ont voler ta femme d’ailleur. Yeah, well at least we’re alive, as opposed to you and your freaking queen and her fucked up children, one of whom stole your wife by the way.
A Haitian cab driver comes in.
CA B DRIVER (heavy accent)Pou r l’aréroporrr e!
DAVID Tiens, ton lift est arrivé! Pis en passant t’as ben raison. La seule affaire qui fitte pas dans l’histoire, c’est toi. So Bah- Bye. Your lift is here. But you’re right about one thing, the only piece that doesn’t fit in this story is you, so BAH-BYE.
MARTIN considers this for a moment and then leaves. DAVID goes back at hitting the dispensing machine. SYLVAIN passes through.
SYLVAIN Tu passes une belle journée David? (ironically)Leboeuf veut me voir. T’as-tu une idée pourquoi? Having a good day, Dave? Laboeuf wants to see me, Any idea why? DAVID Oublie pas de te brosser les dents en sortant de son bureau! No, but don’t forget to brush your teeth when you come out.
SYLVAIN goes back to his office, smiling. DAVID is on the verge of breaking the damn dispensing machine. 92 CONTINUED: 92
93-94 OMITTED (MOVED TO 68A & 68B) 93-94
95-96 OMITTED 95-96
The camera circles the city, then downtown and the rooftop parking garage where we see the whole shebang.
The scene is roped off with POLICE TAPE and EVIDENCE MARKER FLAGS. Neat, professional, nerdy FORENSIC TECHNICIANS are snapping photos and measuring things. There’s a pair of UNIFORMS to keep the curious away from the corpse. One of them is listening to a small radio; we can hear Tom Berry:
TOM BERRY (ON RADIO) ... hope you’re gonna tune into my pre game show today, we’re gonna talk about these rumors that some major Canadian hockey team is moving South, which really pisses me off.
MARTIN is huddled over the body of MARTINA FLABCHEEKS. She is middle-aged, wearing a hot-pink wool suit, a bit too busy to be fashionable.
A COP in uniform takes a pencil and holds up the VICTIM’s skirt to show MARTIN a tattoo on her upper thigh: “I LOVE Phi Adelphi” in greek lettering.
TOM BERRY (V.O.) (cont’d) All of you know I hate Montreal, the team I mean. But what’s the point of hating them if they’re in Houston? 97 CONTINUED: 97
MARTIN You gotta be kidding me!
COP You recognize her?
MARTIN No, but I think I recognize the lunatic who did it!
A little behind where MARTIN is, two cops guard the entrance to the crime scene. Someone is trying to enter. As MARTIN investigates the scene, he starts to vaguely hear his name being called.
MARTIN (cont’d)No. No. Please. Say it isn’t so...
... DAVID is being held by a young officer, as he tries to take his badge out.
DAVID Martin!!! Touche moi pas mon hostie! I’m a cop. This guy over there. I know him. Get your hands off me asshole... (criant a Martin)Hey! C’est mon chum! Martin! C’est moi. Dis leur de me laisser passer. You see that guy, that’s my friend Martin. Martin, tell these guys to let me through.
MARTIN lowers his head and motions for them to let DAVID.
DAVID (cont’d)He works for me.
The two COPS look at DAVID incredulously, as he goes to join MARTIN. 97 97B EXT. ROOFTOP PARKING GARAGE - TORONTO - DAY B DAVID and MARTIN stand staring at the victim, the radio continues to play in the BG. TOM BERRY (O.S.)And we have a big surprise guest for you! Don’t miss it! Cause I won’t miss you!
DAVID Tu sais c’est qui right?
You know who she is, right?
MARTIN Martina Flabcheeks, the first female hockey agent. Her first client was the first pick for Quebec in 95, but she wouldn’t let him sign. And I suppose it pissed you off because he didn’t want to play in a French city and refused to sign a contract.
DAVID En fait c’était pas lui. Il parait que c’est elle pis ces parents qui voulaient pas. Elle voulait qu’il joue à Toronto, mais ça n’a pas fonctionner non plus et y’a fini aux states. In fact, it wasn’t him, apparently it was his agent and his parents. She wanted him to play in Toronto but he ended up in the States.
MARTIN Oh, that makes sense. Of course she deserves to die -- she didn’t let her client play hockey in Quebec ten years ago! But then, some people still aren’t over the Plains of Abraham. ... Speaking of which, aren't you supposed to be speaking English? DAVID Where’s the tattoo?
MARTIN motions to the COP to show the tattoo: I ♥ Phi Adelphi” in Greek lettering one on top of the other.
Who’s next? The son? Wow! It’s bigger than usual.
MARTIN He’s safe. When we called to give him the bad news, he fell on the ground and suffered a concussion.
DAVID Encore?
MARTIN He’s under guard in a New-York hospital. MARTIN takes out his Blackberry. (CONTINUED) 97B CONTINUED: 97B
MARTIN (cont'd) (to David) Hold her skirt up.
DAVID does it with a disdainful look on his face.
MARTIN backs up a little to get it all in. Then a bit more. FLASH!
FLASH FRAME of Flabcheek’s tattooed ass. C.U. Of the Flabcheek tattoo. .* 97B INT. OPP HEADQUARTERS. DAY 97BB B * DAVID and MARTIN are walking towards MARTIN’s office, MARTIN carries a * * photo in his hand. MARTIN OK! So Brisset screwed Therrien who was a member of the Fleur de * * * * Lys, so he had a fleur de lys with scales hanging on each side. Which brings us * * * * to Grossbut who sent the team to Colorado, so he got a mountain tattoo with * two “8’s” replacing the O’s of Colorado.
DAVID 88. Le numéro de joueur de Flabcheeks. Y nous niaise depuis le début * * * * avec ses tattoos. Tout ce que c’est, c’est un indice pour la prochaine victime. * * * * C’est toute! 88 her player’s number. He’s playing with us with the tattoos. It’s just a clue as to who the next victim is. That’s all!
MARTIN And #88 went to Philadeplphia. * *
DAVID Philadelphia sans deux lettres. Le “L” pis le “A”. I don’t get it. Two letters are * * * * missing. L and A
They enter MARTIN’s office and MARTIN throws the tattoo of PHI ADE PHIA * * on the desk.
MARTIN L. A. Los Angeles! * *
DAVID The best player in the world... * *
MARTIN The Great One... * *
DAVID No. The one who sold him... * *
(CGI) Establishing of the Toronto Hockey Centre. Every bit and piece of the building starts to slide sideways being replaced by the next sequence...
98-99 OMITTED 98-99
Inside the studio, TOM BERRY is live on the air with his pregame show. DAVID is watching. MARTIN comes in. He’s welcomed by BERRY’s assistant, who also serves as his floor manager and director. She wears a large headset and seems to always be speaking into her mike to someone, somewhere. MARTIN joins DAVID.
MARTIN Pickleton is in the building. His limo is here. He must be on his way.
DAVID Did you talk to security?
MARTIN just stares at him, like “Duh””
MARTIN If they see anything they’ll call me.
TOM BERRY Like if it isn’t enough that Montreal leads our team 3 to 2 in the series! Here I am are trying to do a TV show with two cops, in the studio and a guest, Mr.Pickleton, who doesn’t show up. And because of what? Because a crazy man is killing people in the hockey community. But you know what? I understand the guy. That’s right, you heard me. My only problem is he’s not attacking the right people. What about the cowards who want to abolish fights and make the game look like golf? I say go after them.
FLOOR MANAGER (into her mike) He’s staring again. Let’s set up the seven second delay after the next break. 100 CONTINUED: 100 BERRY ..And while you’re at it, why not get a sponsor’s invitation for Anika Soggenstram and some other broad golfers to join the Montréal Patriotes for the playoffs. What? It’s not a big risk, they only make it to the playoffs every five years...
DAVID (pissed)Hey, lui là... Hey, that’s enough from...
FLOOR MANAGER (into her mike to TOM)Pickleton should be here any moinute now...talk about the last game.
BERRY (listening through his ear plugs)My director wants me to yesterday’s game...I’m trying to fill up time because Pickleton, the man I’ve waited ten years to ask how he could sell the world’s greatest hockey player, is apparently in danger and these two cops here, c’mon show them, yeah SHOW THEM, these two cops won’t tell us anything about this lunatic.
FLOOR MANAGER Break in 5,4, 3 ...
BERRY So call me! I wanna hear what you think of the “Tattoo Killer”.
ASSISTANT/FLOOR MANAGER Ninety seconds. And cut! Make-up. Make-up.
100 INT. TV STUDIO - TORONTO ARENA - DAY 100 A A MARTIN approaches BERRY while DAVID stays in the background. MARTIN Mr. BERRY, you certainly know your job better than I, but
BERRY What, you’re gonna tell me what to do now? MARTIN Sir, you can’t talk about the killer on the air. We don’t want to provoke him and certainly branding him The TATTOO KILLER...that’s what these guys want. The publicity. For them it’s like a benediction.
TOM BERRY Hey, I can talk about whatever I want. My guest didn’t show up and and I have two cops breathing down my neck while I’m live in front of millions of people. All I...
The MAKE-UP ARTIST works on BERRY, touching up the hot spots with a powder puff.
TOM BERRY (cont’d)Get this fruit out of my face!
ON THE TELEVISION MONITOR TOM is all smiles with MARTIN and DAVID by his side.
TOM BERRY (cont’d) Welcome back. To tell us more about the TATTOO KILLER, I have some special guests, Ontario Detective Martin Ward and from Montreal David... (he struggles with the pronunciation of DAVID’s name) Bucher, Bouchard, Butcherville, one of those French names that I always screw up anyways. (turns to DAVID and MARTIN) So guys, are you getting close to this jerk?
MARTIN takes the lead, seeing as it’s his jurisdiction and English is his mother tongue.
MARTIN First of all, Tom, we can’t say categorically if he’s a jerk. What we do know is that he operates very fast, and though we don’t want to be alarmist, we think that everybody in the hockey community should be careful. 100A CONTINUED: 100A
BERRY Be careful? And how do you do that?
DAVID is so nervous that his English is way worse than usual.
DAVID To respond to your questionne Tom, the best way to be prudent is to change your habitudzes...
BERRY Habitudzes???
MARTIN Habits, Don. Good point, David. The killer seems to know all the victims’ habits and takes advantage of that to capture them. It would be a good thing….
TOM BERRY Yeah, yeah, yeah….Tell me something Detective Ward, why do we need a French cop on our turf? The killer isn’t challenging enough for you?
DAVID C’est ça, continue pis tu va regretter de porter tes cravates laides! That’s it… keep it up and you’re going to regret wearing those ugly ties.
TOM BERRY Come again?
MARTIN He said you’re a sharp dresser.
DAVID That’s not what I said. I said, keep on with your stupid comments about me and you’ll regret those ties!
TOM BERRY You want a go at me?
BERRY and DAVID are face to face and neither is giving an inch. MARTIN doesn’t know what to do. 100A CONTINUED: 100A
FLOOR MANAGER (into TOM’s earplugs)Time to take some call from our viewers.
She scribbles a quick note and hands it to TOM.
TOM BERRY Apparently we have a caller who claims to have valuable information.
BERRY recovers and takes control of his show. In front of him is a small telephone console with speakers, a red HOLD button blinks. CLOSE-UP of TOM’s finger pushing on the button.
TOM BERRY (cont’d) (to the caller)Yes. You’re on the air. What’s your name?
A heavy silence. DAVID and MARTIN look at each other.
TOM BERRY Hey come on, very funny but don’t waste my time.
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.)You have a problem with my quest, Tom? You think you can do better? You think I’m just a jerk?
TOM BERRY No, I think you’re a fake or maybe a flake. How do we know if...
We can hear a little BUZZ over the phone.
TATTOO KILLER (cont’d)Mister Pickleton is getting his tattoo now...
MARTIN Let me talk to him!
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.)I’m sorry, Martin. But Mr. Pickleton looks like he’s suffering from a concussion. 100A CONTINUED: 100A
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.) (cont'd)He was moving too much and it was impossible to make a nice tattoo. Oh and sorry about your car, David.
DAVID and MARTIN react to that last comment, he must be the real guy.
MARTIN Listen to me, sir, we’re going to hang up now. If you need to talk to us, we’ll give you a number...
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.)Don’t you fucking hang up on me. I know your faces AND your names, so don’t worry...when I want to talk to you, believe me, I’ll find you.
DAVID (to BERRY) Hang up the phone!
TOM BERRY What? Are you crazy? MARTIN Don’t give him more publicity.!
DAVID tries to grab the telephone to hang up but BERRY gets in the way.
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.)You’re either with me or against me. You’re trying to stop me in my heroic attempt to save our national sport...
DAVID Racroche l’hostie de téléphone, gros cave! Hang up that phone, you asshole!
TOM BERRY Mind your own business you frog!
TOM and DAVID begin a pushing match. BERRY tries to tangle DAVID up in his sweater, just like in a hockey game fight, raising it over his head. The FLOOR MANAGER tries to get everything she can out of their way, water, coffee etc...MARTIN tries to cut the transmission to stop the KILLER from airing his rant but can’t find the right button on the console. DAVID is now lost in his sweater, while BERRY gleefully jabs him. 100A CONTINUED: 100A
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.) When I get finished with all the scum bags and money grabbers who sold our game to Americans who couldn’t care less about the art of hockey, I'll come after you and those two cops and anyone else who gets in my way.
DAVID grabs BERRY’s tie and gives it a pull. BERRY’s head goes to the floor , allowing DAVID to re-surface from inside his sweater while holding the tie tighter and tighter making Berry’s face go bluer and bluer, he’s on the verge of passing out.
TATTOO KILLER (V.O.) (cont’d) If you think I’m going to let MY game become less important than bowling and rodeos because of a couple of rich…
DAVID shoves BERRY out of the way, grabs the console and rips the line out of the wall.
DAVID (looking into the camera) Listen to me you sick fuck. My phone number is 514-235-5566! Let's see if you have the balls to talk to me. Man to man. Silence.
FLOOR MANAGER And cut! Wow, that was great!
EVERYONE on the set applauds. TOM is still on the floor but his choking is easing up a little. The FLOOR MANAGER goes over to help him.
M ARTIN Let’s get out of here.
101-103 OMITTED 101-103 103A INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - BACK STAGE CORRIDOR - DAY 103A As they fly down the corridor-MARTIN He can’t have taken Pickleton too far from the limo. DAVID If he’s still in the building! DAVID’s cell phone rings. DAVID (cont’d)Oui, allô? TATTOO KILLER (V.O.)You want to talk to me? DAVID stops walking. MARTIN looks at him. MARTIN Keep him talking so we can trace it. MARTIN signals to DAVID to keep talking. DAVID nods. MARTIN speed dials headquarters. DAVID So what are you gonna do with him? 103 INT. TATTOO KILLER’S LAIR - DAY 103 B B
A silhouette walks amongst mannequin in a very darkly lit area.
TATTOO KILLER Let’s just say I’m going to leave him on ice.
DAVID On ice? 103 INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - CORRIDOR/CONCESSION 103 C STANDS- DAY C MARTIN'S call connects. He whispers into his own cell.
MARTIN He’s calling Bouchard’s cell. Trace the call. I don’t care! Trace it!
DAVID Tu parle pas français toi? Why aren't you talking to me in French?
TAT TOO KILLER Quand ca me tente. I speak French when I feel like it.
DAVID Dis moi quelque chose. Je pense que je comprends ce que tu as fait jusqu'a maintenant sauf pour Benoit Brisset. Pourquoi lui? I'm curious: I don't get why you chose to kill Benoit Brisset, why him?
TATTOO KILLER He's the one that loved Colorado so much.
DAVID Comment ça se fait que tu as un gros accent dans les deux langues? C’était qui ton prof? Jean Chrétien? One last thing, how come you have such a strong accent in both English and French? Who was your teacher, Jean Chretien?
DAVID is amused by his little joke. He looks at MARTIN who’s still on his cell waiting for a trace. MARTIN shakes his head and gestures with his hand to keep him talking.
TATTOO KILLER You're a fucking riot but time's up.
The phone goes dead. DAVID is pissed and closes his cell abruptly.
DAVID Fuck! MARTIN Let’s move on!
104 INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - VIP PARKING - DAY 10 4 They run up to the limo. MARTIN tries to yank the door open. The window won’t open, DAVID SMASHES it with his gun and unlocks it.
INSIDE THE LIMO is a portable COMPRESSOR and a TATTOO GUN. MARTIN Damn it. Hearing some banging coming from the trunk, DAVID opens the driver’s door and pushes the button to pop open the hood. MARTIN opens the trunk, and there’s a trussed-up and gagged LIMO DRIVER, an equally trussed-up ZAMBONI DRIVER and a SECURITY GUARD. MARTIN flashes his badge.
MARTIN (cont’d)Calm down! We’re here to help.
They both get the men out of the trunk. MARTIN takes the gag out of the first guy’s mouth. DAVID unties the two other men.
MARTIN (cont’d)Who are you?
ZAMBONI DRIVER I drive the Zamboni. DAVID (to himself)“On ice!” (quickly)Where’s the Zamboni now?
The Zamboni Driver gestures at a sign on the wall showing the direction of the Zamboni garage. DAVID starts running. MARTIN looks at the security guard.
MARTIN Take care of them and call security. There’s a killer on the loose. MARTIN starts running after DAVID. 10 105 INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - ZAMBONI ROOM - DAY 5 The Goalie Mask Guy dressed in a Toronto jersey is pulling a tied up Pickleton toward the Zamboni when DAVID and MARTIN turn a corner about two hundred feet down the corridor leading to the Zamboni room.
Closing in on the Zamboni room, MARTIN starts to have some trouble breathing. They see the GOALIE MASKED KILLER pulling an unconscious Pickleton toward the "Zamboni".
MA RTIN (pulling his badge)POL ICE!
The KILLER looks up and drops Pickleton on the floor.
The GOALIE MASK GUY runs over to a kart that has the RALPH HOLT MEMORIAL CUP on the back and puts it into gear.
DAVID enters the room as the GMG drives toward Pickleton. DAVID rolls over and grabs Pickleton out of the way just in time as MARTIN enters the room and takes a shot and misses the Goalie Mask Man, hitting the CUP that he hides behind. Ping Ping! Sparkles! The CUP KART makes a sharp turn and disappears out of the garage. MARTIN kneels down with DAVID.
DAVID turns Pickleton up who is still unconscious.
DAVID Still breathing. Take care of him!
Two employee’s come in as DAVID starts running after the GMG. 106 INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - PARKING CORRIDOR - DAY 106
DAVID runs into the corridor gun in hand seeing the GMG getting away. Some employees are bewildered by the passage of the kart.
He starts firing at the kart hitting it in the back, short fusing the electrical system. The kart slows down to a halt making the GMG angry. He tries desesperately to make it go forward without results.
GOALI E MASK GUY Envoye Tabarnak!
Get out of the way, assholes…
He turns around and sees DAVID running after him. He jumps out and starts running up the ramp. 106A INT. TORONTO HOCKEY CENTRE - NEON CORRIDOR - DAY 106A
He goes up the ramp as DAVID arrives in the parking corridor. DAVID sees him at the top of the ramp and shoots twice at him missing him. He goes after him.
GMG pushes one or two people obstructing his flight.
GMG disappears around a corner. When DAVID turns the corner he gets hit by the GMG who whacks him with the MASK. DAVID’s wound opens again. DAVID is knocked down and barely sees the GMG’s face. But it’s to blurry. When DAVID is finally able to focus, the GMG is gone in a sea of TORONTO jerseys.
MARTIN runs up and gets to DAVID.
M ARTIN WARD Are you ok?
DAVID La prochaine fois que tu sors ta badge j’t’la calice dans le cul! The next time you flash your badge I’m gonna put it where the sun doesn’t shine!
MARTIN sees the Goalie Mask resting on the floor. He turns it on its face with his pen. A mullet wig has been glued inside. DAVID has his hand on his wound.
They look at each other.
108 OMITTED 108
A beauty shot in FAST MOTION. The sun rises over Toronto. The whole city comes alive as the camera plunges downwards, finally ramping up to...
... the OPP Headquarters. As we CLOSE IN ON one of the windows, we can see...
110 INT. OPP HQ - DAY 110
It’s groundhog day at the OPP: we are in exactly the same * situation as 97BB: DAVID and MARTIN are poring over * PHOTOGRAPHS of the tattoos via MARTIN’s computer: The fleur de lys with the two scales suspended. The Rocky Mountains with the caption “C8L8RADO”. The “I LOVE Phi Λdelphi” ingreek lettering and specifically now a new one, the most * recent: the 99 “U-over-S” on an apple on Pickleton. * (CONT INUED ) 110 CONTI NUED:
DAVID gestures at the photographs showing the PICKLETON tattoo.
DAVID You sure It’s New York?
MARTIN What else can it be, the U.S. Dollar * sign and the BIG APPLE? *
MARTIN grabs the computer’s mouse and scans the tattoo maximizing the size of the image. He then brings the image to the $ sign.
DAVID I don’t know, it’s just that there’s * nothing Canadian about it. *
MAC DUFF comes in. *
BRIAN MAC DUFF I called the New York team president * and the FBI to warn them they might * have a lunatic heading they’re way.
DAVID * Maybe we should go down there? *
BRIAN MAC DUFF Why? So you can burn down the Empire state building and blow up Time * Square? *
DAVID (to MARTIN) Ça c’est un préjugé ça.
He’s prejudiced, isn’t he? *
DAVID (cont’d) * (to Martin) * What did he say? *
MARTIN Just ignore him. What do we do now? * BRIAN MAC DUFF Work with what you got. Long as Idon’t have anymore body * * bags on my territory, I don’t really give a shit.
MAC DUFF leaves. DAVID Tu parle d’une semaine de marde! Talk about a shitty week. If the killer’s gone south, there’s nothing we can do anymore and I’ll probably lose my job over this... I already lost my car. The good news is, things can’t get * * * any worse!
MARTIN You’re right. Let’s get out of here. You want to come home for dinner?
DAVID stares at him. It just got worse. DAVID Why not? * *
111 INT. MARTIN'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT 111 Martin is cooking. David sits on the counter. Jonathan comes in the kitchen.
JONATHAN Guest room is ready.
MARTIN Thanks! Can you set the table?
Jonathan sighs and starts.
DAVID You have any beer?
MARTIN No. but I may have some port.
111 CONTINUED: 111
JONATHAN Aunt Iris bought some the other night. It’s in the fridge.
David opens the fridge and sticks his head in.
IRIS comes in carrying a bottle of wine and desert.
IRIS Where’s the hunk who saved my big brother’s life?
DAVID reappears out from inside the fridge, holding a beer in his hand.
JONATHAN (smiling amusedly)Aunt Iris, this is David. David. Aunt Iris.
IRIS gives the kid a look off his tone.
IRIS Just Iris is good.
DAVID (with a fake British accent)Enchanté , Just Iris!
MARTIN gives DAVID a smile, knowing exactly what he is doing.
113 OMITTED 113
MARTIN and JONATHAN are drinking juice. David pours the last of a bottle of wine into Iris’s glass. The mood is good, though Martin’s a little envious of all the attention David’s getting.
IRIS Come on, it must have hurt!
DAVID No it just felt like this big electric shock. I was waiting to die... but nothing. No pain. Ask Martin, if the bullet goes right through it can take up to 10 minutes before it starts to hurt.
MARTIN I try to solve my cases without getting shot. CONTINUED:
JONATHAN What happened to the guy who shot you?
DAVID I shot back. He was dead before he hit the ground. But I was starting to get dizzy. So I figured let's get some fresh air in the backyard and wait for backup. So I handcuffed the dead guy and went out.
MARTIN That seems almost ... cautious.
DAVID You know in "Fatal Attraction", you think she's dead in the bathtub and then she pops up...? Anyway, I go into the backyard, light up a smoke, and all of a sudden the dead guy's dog jumps on me. And I mean he's mad!
IRIS (to Martin)Is he bullshitting us?
Martin shrugs, ‘you tell me.’
DAVID I swear to God, it's true! So here I am, bleeding like crazy and wrestling this dog with my bare hands!
JONATHAN Why didn't you shoot him?
MARTIN Because the dog was just doing his job.
David nods, appreciating Martin’s point.
DAVID The last thing I remember I had the dog in a headlock and we both passed out. A few minutes later the backup arrives and they find a dead guy in the living room in handcuffs and me and the dog in the back yard sleeping in each other's arms!
JONATHAN Wow! Martin smiles quietly. But Iris has eyes only for David.
P.O.V.:MARTIN is in his bedroom, finishing his workout on a stationary bicycle and watching the news. (Classical music)He shuts down the tv set, gets off his stationary bicycle and closes the light.
JONATHAN is sampling tracks with his computers, an array of synthesizers and all the DJ paraphenelia.
The CD player counter is at 001, 002, 003... A song starts to play (Eric Lapointe’s original song). DAVID and IRIS are kissing. DAVID pins IRIS to the wall. The chemistry is intense but the mood is playful.
P.O.V.: With a quiet little tinkling sound, a pane of glass in the back door breaks.
MARTIN is finished brushing his teeth when he hears a sound. He turns around.
A man's hand reaches in, turns the knob, the door swings open. We enter the kitchen. A foot crunches the glass on the floor.
117C INT. MARTIN’S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS BEDROOM/BATHROOM - NIGHT 117C MARTIN ears the sound again and comes out of the bathroom.
JONATHAN is totally entranced in his DJaying. He turns up the volume. 118 INT. IRIS' BEDROOM - NIGHT 118
DAVID and IRIS are all over each other.
IRIS If you really are such a hot shot cop, where do you keep your gun?
DAVID Search me.
And she does...
The camera floats across the kitchen in to the hallway and turns toward the staircase..
MARTIN brings the volume of the classical music slightly down.
IRIS is now wearing nothing but DAVID'S shoulder holster and turns DAVID face to the wall giving him a total body search.
IRIS Put those hands where I can see them, mister. Now spread 'em.
DAVID Yes ma’am And he does.
MARTIN walks across his bedroom and gets to the door when he suddenly sees the tip of a silencer coming up the stairs turning toward his room. He instinctively jumps on the gun and comes face to face with Goalie Mask Guy to his surprise.
They struggle at the top of the stairs. MARTIN manages to get the gun up. BLAM! A lamp explodes from the impact.
JONATHAN samples glass breaking sounds and other weird sounds into his DJ tracking. He swipes the vinyl record into submission making sweeping sounds as he fumbles with his settings.
DAVID turns around and grabs IRIS passionately and starts kissing her as she starts undressing him. It becomes a dance not unlike the fight...
MARTIN and GMG are struggling. GMG tries desesperately to bring the gun to MARTIN’s face. MARTIN pushes him and they start going down the stairs as if they were dancing. They go all the way to the last level of the stairs. MARTIN pushes GMG’s back on the railing.
DAVID’s naked and IRIS is in her bra and panties. She pushes him toward the old brass bed and pushes him on the bed’s railing making him fall backwards.
GMG falls backward to the floor in the hallway, knocking him cold. The gun lies beside him. 127C INT. JONATHAN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT 127C
JONATHAN lifts his head toward the ceiling having heard the crashing sound.
IRIS goes on top of DAVID and covers his eyes with a black cloth.
MARTIN kneels down beside GMG. He takes his goalie mask off. It’s Therrien!
Therrien suddenly opens his eyes and grabs MARTIN by the throat. They roll over each other. 129A INT. IRIS’S BEDROOM - NIGHT 129A
DAVID grabs IRIS and playfully struggles with her as they roll and fall from the bed.
JONATHAN takes off his headphones and faintly hears the fighting sounds emanating from above.
J ONATHAN What the fuck?
IRIS grabs DAVID and tosses him up against the wall-
THERRIEN throws MARTIN onto the kitchen table-
132 INT. IRIS’S BEDROOM - NIGHT 132 DAVID throws IRIS down onto the bed and jumps on top of her-
THERRIEN crashes down on MARTIN, knocking him out--
Therrien turns around and grabs his gun. He aims at MARTIN when JONATHAN bursts in. JONATHAN hurls himself at Therrien and tackles him in the back as the gun fires a shot in the wall.
A vase crashes on the floor. The two lovers are at it. DAVID thrusts between IRIS’s legs holding her up onto the wall-
THERRIEN tries to get out of JONATHAN’s grip as MARTIN regains consciousness. He sees his son in jeopardy but is still dizzy.
IRIS pushes them off the wall sending DAVID waltzing with her to the bed. She falls on top of him still enjoying the ride.
Therrien manages to get JONATHAN off his back sending him sprawling in the living room. 135B CONTINUED: 135B
He aims his gun at him when suddenly MARTIN, still groggy, whacks his gun out of his hand with a cane.
T HERRIEN Aaaahhh!
The camera comes out of IRIS’s mouth as she screams her pleasure. DAVID and IRIS enjoy their own explosion. I RIS Aaaaaahhhh YEEEEESSSS!
DAVID Aaaaaa
Therrien sees that he is fucked. He pushes MARTIN aside and runs back from where he came. MARTIN sits up, still a little groggy. JONATHAN comes back from the shattered window.
MARTIN You okay?
J ONATHAN Yeah. You?
MARTIN Yeah. Thanks!
MARTIN puts his arm around his son’s shoulder hugging him.
J ONATHAN It's cool.
MARTIN Jesus, Bouchard!
They both jump up and...
--rush into the guest room. The bed is empty, it hasn't even been slept in.
MARTIN races up the stairs and raps on the front door. From inside:
Footsteps. Then the door opens and... it's DAVID. Wearing IRIS' pink silk kimono and a pair of handcuffs dangling off one wrist. MARTIN stares at DAVID, incredulous:
M ARTI N (stun ned) What the fuck are you doing here ?
He walks away, revealing the back of the kimono: two flamingos kissing, making the shape of a heart.
DAVID IRIS, it's for you.
MARTIN and JONATHAN come into the living room as IRIS comes up behind DAVID. She's wearing his badge and his holster. And not much else. MARTIN's speechless.
IRIS 'Course it's for me, it's my apart--
IRIS (cont’d)You guys look like shit. MARTIN's embarrassed, especially for JONATHAN's sake.
M ARTIN (to JONAT HAN)Cl ose your eyes.
JONA THAN (ignoring him)Whoa, IRIS! Handcuffs. Kink-ay! 139 CONTINUED: 139
IRIS What happened to you guys?
JONATHAN (proud) I saved Dad's life.
DAVID From what? Cardiac arrest watching curling on TV?
IRIS grins at DAVID. MARTIN ignores the insult:
MARTIN Therrien. He's alive. He tried to kill “us”.
DAVID (instantly serious)Crisse. You’re sure it was him?
JONATHAN We kicked his ass. MARTIN He got away.
DAVID Why would he try to kill you? It's not his M.O.
MARTIN My guess is he tried to kill us. He didn't know you'd be with my sister. (before DAVID answers--)--We screwed up his plan. We saved Pickleton.
DAVID takes a moment to absorb the news, running the case through his mind:
DAVID Faque dans ce cas là, c’est qui qui était dans le coffre de mon char? In that case, who was in my trunk?
MARTIN hands IRIS’s cordless phone to DAVID.
MARTIN You tell me. The body's "chez vous." 139
140 141 BON COP BAD COP - DBL WHITE - Oct.28.2005 Page - 100. CONTINUED: 139 DAVID nods. Flips the phone open.
JEFF sleeps in front of his computer, one hand on the mouse pad, the other on his coffee cup that sits beside a now cold poutine. The phone wakes him abruptly.
JEFF Hein!? Hee. Allo?
DAVID Jeff? As-tu une identification sur le gars qui était dans la valise de mon char? Jeff, have you identified the body that blew up in my car?
Jeff, turns around and look at the burned body out on the slab, semi- reassembled. It's not pretty. But we might recognize some of Rita's burned JEWELRY.
JEFF J’était justement la dessus. Hostie que tu m’fais faires de l’overtime. C’est comme un puzzle a 5000 morceaux que t’as preter a ta cousine pis qu’a l’a perdu la moitié de la boite pis la tu retrouves des morceaux dans les cracks du sofa pis t’en trouve un dans sécheuse mais la y manque un bas...... I was just working on it, doing overtime because of you. It’s like a 5,000 piece puzzle that you lent to a cousin and it came back half empty...
DAVID's pacing, talking on Iris’s cordless.
DAVID Jeff! Jeff! J’ai pas l’temps de jaser. Jeff! Jeff! I don’t have time for this.
IRIS is bandaging JONATHAN's wounds. He's proud of them. She thinks it's cute.
JEFF Si c’était un gars dans la valise de ton char, l’opération était bien réussis. If it was a guy in the trunk of your car, then the operation was a complete success.
DAVID De quoi tu parles?
What are you talking about? (CONTINUED) 141 CONTINUED: 141
JEFF Ben le gars, c’était une fille. J’avais pas de match de ADN, mais j’ai recu son dossier dentaire en fin de journée... J’ai regardé ca. C’tait ben beau, c’tait ca. J’y ai donné une brosse a dent pis une surprise... The guy was a girl. I had no DNA match,but late yesterday I got some dental records... So I gave her a toothbrush and a little gift.
Jeff goes back to his computer screen. We see an X ray of a jaw.
JEFF ...son nom c’est...Rita Beaumont! Pas terrible comme nom ça... Rita Beaumont... ..woman by the name of Rita Beaumont. Not a terribly interesting name, Rita Beaumont...
DAVID Rita? Rita, la barmaid? Merci Jeff! Rita ... the barmaid.
JEFF Heille, heille Dave. Sais-tu ce que ça fait Rita à l’envers?s ç... Atir... Entouca! Hey Dave. Do you know what Rita means spelled backwards? Atir (she shoots).
DAVID Merci Jeff! Thanks Jeff!
He hangs up.
MARTIN That would have been helpful to know.
DAVID Fuck, she was trying to call you. That's why! Therrien must have known, and he got rid of her.... Ça s’peut pas! No it’s impossible!
MARTIN Therrien was in the trunk. He'd've had to steal a car, drive back to the bar, grab the girl, grab a bomb that he already had prepped, drive back, dump her in your trunk and rig the bomb. It wasn't that long a show. 141 CONTINUED: 141
DAVID Y sont deux! There’s two of them!
A horrible thought crosses both of their minds. David grabs the cordless again. SPLIT SCREEN:
The phone on the bedside table rings. The bed is empty. DAVID Awaille hostie, répond...Answer, for Christ’s sake
142 CONTINUED: 142
After a moment, the bathroom door opens, and Suzie, looking frazzled, runs and gets the phone.
SUZIE Tu parles d'une heure pour appeler...Nice time to call someone.
DAVID breathes a sigh of relief.
DAVID Comment ca va a la maison? How’s everything at home?
SUZIE Ca va! T’es bizarre. As-tu bu? What’s wrong? Have you been drinking? DAVID (trying not to scare her)Euh... Non non...j’m’ennuis c’est toute, on dirait que j’ai les blues. Passe moi donc Gabrielle? It’s just ... I don’t know. Nothing. Can I talk to Gabrielle?
SUZIE Elle dort, DAVID. Comme n'importe qui de normal à cette heure-ci. She’s sleeping. Like normal people do at this hour.
DAVID C'est que... j’voulais juste entendre sa voix. I t’s just that... I wanted to hear her voice.
Suzie's scared now.
SUZIE Qu'est-ce tu me dis pas?-What aren’t you telling me?
DAVID --S'il te plaît, Suzie. Please, Suzie!
SUZIE J'y vas, j'y vas. Elle est en haut. Elle s’ennuis elle aussi. I’m going, I’m going. She’s upstairs. She misses you too, you know.
Suzie rushes up the stairs. Comes to DAVID's bedroom. Opens the door and..
143 CONTINUED: 143
The mussed up bed is empty. Now Suzie's terrified. SUZIE (cont’d)Gabrielle? She runs to the bathroom, looks there and everywhere. SUZIE (cont’D)GABRIELLE? She rushes to DAVID's front door. It's slightly ajar. A gust of wind blows it open more. Her heart is in her throat. She raises the phone again: SUZIE (cont’D)DAVID...? CONTINUE SPLIT SCREEN: 144 INT. IRIS’S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT 144 DAVID's in shock, holding the kitchen phone. SUZIE DAVID...? DAVID’s cell phone goes off on the coffee table. Martin looks at David. A moment. He runs and grabs the phone. MARTIN Yes! TATTOO KILLER David? 145 INT. TATTOO KILLER’S LAIR - NIGHT 145 We’re TIGHT ON the Tattoo Killer; we don’t see where he is.
MARTIN Who is this?
TATTOO KILLER (mock secretary voice) Ho. It’s detective Ward! I have a call for Mr. David Bouchard from his daughter. Is he available?
Martin eyes David.
MARTIN What do you want?
DAVID grabs his cell phone out of MARTIN’s hands angrily. 145 CONTINUED: 145
DAVID Si tu touche a mon bébé. J’te tues mon tabarnak! If you touch my baby, I’ll kill you, you motherfucker!
TATOO KILLER Your daughter is fine.
The faceless KILLER holds the phone up to Gabrielle’s mouth.
GABRIELLE Papa! Papa!? Viens me chercher- Daddy, daddy, please come get me...
For the first time, we see Gabrielle, tied to a chair.
DAVID Gabrielle!
From the other phone DAVID holds, we can hear SUZIE’s voice increasing.
TATTOO KILLER I have nothing against your daughter, but you, you’re starting to get on my nerves.
DAVID Mon sacrament!...qu’est-que Tu veux? W hat do you want?
TATTOO KILLER I assume by now that a smart fellow like you would know who is next on my list. Stay home and watch the game. I don’t want to see you or Ward or any of your pals near the arena. Let me do my grand finale and then you’ll get your daughter back, safe and sound. 145 CONTINUED: 145
DAVID Prends moi a la place. Elle a rien a voir la dedans. Use me instead, she has nothing to do with this.
TATOO KILLER True, she doesn’t and it wouldn’t be right for anything bad to happen to her. T’as raison. Ca serait pas justequ’il lui arrive quelque chose a cause de toi.
He hangs up. DAVID and MARTIN exchange a look. The silence is broken by -
Martin nudges DAVID from his stupor and hands him the phone.
M ARTI N (tend erly) Suzie.
DAVID takes the phone back.
DAVID Elle est correct. Ça va être correct. Tu reste la. Barre les portes pis tu ouvre juste a Stef! J’arrive. She’s alright, everything is going to be okay. Lock all the doors and don’t open them for anyone except STEFF. I’ll be there as fast as I can.
MARTIN and DAVID half stride, half jog towards a waiting helicopter, its rotors already spinning up.
The two men are both intent, each of their cop minds trying to make sense of the situation. DAVID's trying hard to keep it together -- his daughter's been kidnapped! MARTIN's angry, intense, bitterly focused.
MARTIN WARD I think I know who he wants now.
DAVID I don’t care! I just want my baby back! 146 CONTINUED: 146
They climb into the chopper and it TAKES OFF immediately.
149 OMITTED 149
In the b.g., an EVIDENCE TECH comes down from upstairs, carrying bagged evidence. He confers with another EVIDENCE TECH, heads back up. We can hear many people’s footsteps upstairs.
MARTIN remains on the periphery between both apartment trying to help with the investigation as he can. SUZIE and DAVID are face to face, in an atmosphere so close you could cut it with a knife.
DAVID takes each verbal blow with stoicism.
SUZIE Qu’est ce qui ve arriver?!...... Dis
moi Qu’est-ce qui va arriver?!... Qu’est ce que t’as fait? Qu’est-ce que t,as encore fait? Pourquoi y’ont faite ca? Pourquoi y’ont pris ma fille. What is going to happen? What will he do to her? What are you going to do? Why aren’t you doing something now? Why did they take my baby?
David edges quietly towards her and takes her gently in his arms.
SUZIE (cont’d) Touche moi pas. TOUCHE MOI PAS! Je veux ma fille. Ramène moi ma fille. Ramène moi ma fille!!! Va chercher ma fille! Si jamais il y touche je veux pu jamais t’voir mon hostie. J’veux ma fille!!! Gabrielle... Don’t touch me. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME. If he does anything to her, I never want to see you again, you bastard. Bring back my daughter, go find Gabrielle.
DAVID J’m’excuse.
I’m sorry.
SUZIE falls apart in DAVID’s arms. 149A CONTINUED: 149A
SUZIE Va chercher notre fille. S’il te plait. S’il te plait. (looking him in the eyes)Hein. S’il te plait... Please find her.
DAVID nods yes and holds SUZIE. MARTIN We have to go.
DAVID holds SUZIE. STEFF appears in the doorway, DAVID embraces SUZIE and comes out of the bedroom, gently closing the door behind him.
STEFF hands DAVID some car keys.
STEF Tout est là! J’m’occupe de Suzie. Everything you asked for is in the car.
DAVID Merci. Thanks, stay with Suzie, okay?
STEFF joins the other OFFICERS. MARTIN and DAVID exchange a look.
Time lapse of the city with clouds rolling in the sky. 150 INT. MONTREAL HOTEL - PARKING LOT ELEVATOR FOYER - DAY 150* DAVID and MARTIN head for the elevators. *
DAVID You don’t have to do this, you know. Tu devrais rentrer chez vous... You should go home...
MARTIN Yeah, yeah, this isn’t is my idea,remember? *
MARTIN presses the UP button. * MARTIN (cont’d)...besides I don’t particularly relish the thought of reading in * tomorrow’s paper that some lunatic blew up an arena full of people ....
150 150 INT. MONTREAL HOTEL - LOBBY/BALLROOM - DAY A A DAVID and MARTIN exit the service elevator and walk out of frame and into a * * large hotel ballroom to a party scene. Hockey Mascots mingle with TV cameras and journalists and fans, some of whom have brought their kids. Signs indicate that Harry Buttman is going to be addressing the press momentarily. On the podium, a large object is covered by a cloth. The press conference is to unveil the new cup.
JOURNALIST (from the back of the room)Ca commence tu votre affaire? Y’en a qui ont des deadlines icitte. Si vous voulez qu’on parle avant le debut de la saison prochaine, faudrait activer un peu.Is this thing going to happen or what? Some of us have deadlines, you know and if you want us to write about this before next season, then move your asses.
PRESS ATTACHE Sorry for the delay, Mr. Buttman should be here any minute.
DAVID and MARTIN continue on their way and as they do FALARDEAU the Montreal Mascot starts dancing around them and even pats DAVID’s head, as though he were a child. DAVID
Decalice! Fuck off. FALARDEAU jumps in fear.
FALA RDEAU (his voice shaking)Excu sez-moi. J’fais juste ma job. Sorry, I’m just doing my job.
FALARDEAU walks away, his head bowed.
DAVID (pressing for the elevator) J’hais les mascottes. Mais lui-la, j’aimerais ca l’empailler pis le mettre sur le mur de mon sous-sol.! Christ, I hate mascots, but that one I really hate. I’d love to see his head stuffed and hanging from my basement wall
MARTIN You’re sick, Bouchard, you know that, don’t you.
HARRY BUTTMAN is looking over some papers when the VIDEOPHONE rings. He is an amazingly short American in a suit, and shoes with suspiciously thick heels. Turns to his big, scary-ass bodyguards, BORIS and KARL.
B UTTMAN Gimme some privacy.
BORIS Da, boss.
They head out as he picks up the phone and smiles.
ON: the smugly grinning Mr. Arbusto.
BUTTMAN Mr. Arbusto! So nice to talk to you again.
DAVID and MARTIN walk along the corridor arguing like two rabid hockey fans. When they get in front of the two bodyguards standing outside Butttman’s suite, they start shoving.
DAVID MARTIN Asshole! Trou de cul!
The BODYGUARDS look irritated, move to pull them apart.
BORIS Hey, stop dat.
152 CONTINUED: 152
As one, DAVID and MARTIN cold cock the two guards, knocking them out.
ARB USTO Everything coming together? (Buttman just grins.)I don't want you to missunderestimate how grateful I am.I am sending you our agreement as well right now and I want you to know that you’re doin a wonnerful thing for the game a hockey, cuz I’m gunna make hockey as Texas as a big fat Amerikkin steak, none a that poisoned Canadian shit.
BUTTMAN You're going to enjoy having a top hockey team in your-
There’s a knock at the door.
There’s another knock.
B UTTMAN (cont'd)ARE YOU DEAF YOU STUPID... (back to Arbusto)Just a sec.
He goes and opens the door and- DAVID and MARTIN rush in.
BUTTM AN (cont'd)Who the hell are you-
DAVID sticks some DUCT TAPE over Buttman's mouth. MARTIN cuffs him.
M ARTIN You’re under arrest.
They notice Mr. Arbusto staring at them from the videoconference screen.
DAVID Bye Bye!
He aims his gun at the Videoconference Screen.-- --Mr. Arbusto instinctively ducks under his desk!
MARTIN notices the printer still printing out. He grabs the paper.
FALARDEAU the MASCOT comes out of the toilet, as the doors close behind him, we see a small man in his underwear lying unconscious on the ground.
DAVID opens the trunk of the car and MARTIN hoists the struggling Buttman wrapped up in a hockey bag into the car. MARTIN unzips the bag to see if BUTTMAN is okay and we see him struggling to say something. MARTIN takes the tape off.
BUTTMAN Do you know who I am? You can’t put me in the trunk of a car!
MARTIN Oh yes I can, it’s a Quebec tradition.
Martin covers his mouth with the tape, zips the bag and DAVID shuts the trunk.
157-59AOMITTED 157-59A ( 157, 158, 159, 159a )
FALARDEAU mingles among the assembled fans and journalists, but seems extremely impatient, all his attention drawn to the podium. DAVID takes up a position at the back of the hall. MARTIN heads directly for the podium, whisking by the PRESS ATTACHE.
PR ESS ATTACHE What the hell...
MARTIN taps the microphone.
MARTIN Testing, one, two, three... Votre attention SVP. Mr Buttman will not be here, he has had an unfortunate contretemps . The press conference is cancelled. On vous tiendra au courrant. Merci.
Mr. Buttman has been delayed, we will keep you up to date on developments…
JOURNALIST Hey whoa, ca marche pas de meme. C’est quoi son contre temps? Y se fout des Canadiens francais, c’est ca?
Wait a minute, what’s this delay about? Is he trying to make fools of French Canadians?
MARTIN coming off the podium.
MARTIN Not just the French ones, actually. I gather he doesn’t much like Canadians period. No more comments, thank you. (to the Press Attache)They’re all yours...
The TATTOO KILLER is frozen in front of his computer screen watching the press conference. He angrily reaches for the telephone.
A cellphone rings. FALARDEAU tries to answer it but he is surrounded by kids and well wishers. He tries to break awaynot letting MARTIN out of his eyesight. He knocks a few people around. MARTIN is on his cellphone with DAVID as DAVID suddenly notices the commotion being caused by FALARDEAU as he follows MARTIN.
MARTIN How did I do?
DAVID Perfect but t’es suivi, don’t turn around ..
…you’re being followed…
MARTIN How many?
DAVID One, c’est la mascotte des Patriotes.
…the Patriots Mascot…
You are not only crazy, now you’re paranoid, too.
DAVID Trust me. Don’t turn around, attire le dans le garage, je te suis.
…take him down to the garage, I’ll follow you.…
MARTIN hangs up and disappears into the lobby and heads for * the staircase. THERRIEN follows him but is unable to * manoeuver the stairs because of his snow-shoed feet. He * turns around and heads for the service elevator, presses the * button and gets in. * 162
163A BON COP BAD COP - DBL WHITE - Oct.28.2005 Page - 113. INT. TATTOO KILLER’S LAIR - DAY 162
The elevator doors open and THERRIEN is greeted by MARTIN and * DAVID who punch him out as they join him in the elevator. *
DAVID (cont’d) Hello!
TATTOO KILLER Bouchard, je t’avais dit de te tenir loin. Veux-tu dire un dernier mot a ta fille?
Bouchard, I told you to stay away. Do you want one last word with your daughter?
David: j’AI Buttman et ton chum Therrien. Si t’es vuex je te les donnes. Tout ce que je veux c’est ma fille. I have Buttman and your pal Therrien. I’ll give you both of them, all I want is my daughter. (CONTINUED) 163A
D AVID (cont’d) (panicky )Hey! T’es tu la?
Are you there? TATTOO KILLER You’re pushing your luck, David.
DAVID Ta yeule! On as tu un deal?
Yes or no: do we have a deal?
TATTOO KILLER Deal! Rends toi au quai des convoyeurs dans le vieux port. You’ve got 15 minutes.
Come to the Convoy Quai in the Old Port. *
DAVID You could lose your job over this.
MARTIN * Je m’en calice!
I don’t give a shit.
164-72 OMITTED 164-72 ( 164, 164a, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172 )
The two mascots use their hockey sticks as guns and fireworks come out of them. They then run at each other and start fighting when a clown disguised as a referee arrive in a golf cart dressed up with an amazing display of colors. He jumps on the ice and skates to the fighting mascots trying to get between them and getting hit repeatedly in doing so to the delight of the crowd.
172B 173 174 BON COP BAD COP - DBL WHITE - Oct.28.2005 Page - 115. CONTINUED: 172B
The Tattoo Killer is watching the pre-game show on his computer. He’s in an abandoned car ferry in the port of Montréal. Light streams in from the broken windows overhead.
The walls are covered with HOCKEY PARAPHERNALIA: pennants, photos, pages and pages of statistics, newspaper reports. But unlike Therrien’s shrine, this is all neatly laid out. There are big photos of the victims -- with the dead ones neatly X’d off. And ... there are those E-MAILS we saw printed out at Therrien’s place, about the State of Canadian Hockey.
Somewhere, a little girl is sobbing quietly.
The Tattoo Killer grins at the news on the computer screen.
He gets up and jogs over to a HOCKEY RINK set up in the middle of the cavernous space. It’s amateurishly pieced together and there’s no ice, only painted concrete. MANNEQUINS are posed here and there in skates and Winnipeg jerseys, with hockey sticks and helmets. A PHOTO of each player’s face has been neatly pasted up inside each helmet. There are mannequin- SPECTATORS, even a mannequin dressed like a REFEREE.
Gabrielle is tied to a chair at center ice, facing away from the Tattoo Killer. There’s a small but nasty-looking BOMB attached to the chair behind her. She’s scared, weeping. She’s also fidgeting, trying to squirm out of her bonds 174 CONTINUED: 174
The Tattoo Killer silently walks up behind her and whispers in her ear:
TATTOO KILLER Fait attention Gabrielle. Si tu bouge trop la bombe va sauter. Be careful Gabriele, if you move around too much, something might blow .... She tries to twist so she can look around at him. All she can catch is glimpses of him.
GABRIELLE S’il vous plait. Laisser moi partir. Please let me go...
TATTOO KILLER C’est presque fini. Ca devrait pu être ben long. It’s almost over now ...
She doesn’t believe him.
GABRIELLE Mon père va venir. Y va venir me chercher. My father is coming , he is going to get me out of here...
He walks away. Picks up a hockey stick and starts dribbling a puck towards the goal net behind Gabrielle.
TATTOO KILLER (cont’d)Ton père pis moi on est pareil. Des fois y faut faire la job sale que personne d’autres veut faire. Your father and I are very similar, we both have to do dirty jobs that nobody else wants to do...
He flicks the puck into the goal.
GABRIELLE T’es pas comme mon père. Tu seras jamais comme lui. You’re not like my father,you will never be like him.
The TATTOO KILLER gets right in her face. GABRIELLE is terrorized and starts to cry. BON COP BAD COP - DBL WHITE - Oct.28.2005 Page - 117. CONTINUED: 174 174
GABRIELLE (cont’d)Tu m’fais pas peur.You don’t scare me.
The TATTOO KILLER is impressed by her courage. He walks off, leaving her alone...staring at the frightening surroundings.
175 OMITTED 175 176 EXT. MONTREAL DOWNTOWN - DAY 176 Drive-by, Establishing
177 EXT. PIER - CAR FERRY - DAY 177 The Magnum drives down the Quai des Convoyeurs past aN ABANDONED CAR FERRY to an ABANDONED TOWER.
DAVID and MARTIN get out. They look up at the tower. Then over at the Car Ferry.
Suddenly the SOUND of a boat’s siren hits them from the ferry, deafening them. They both look up. DAVID’s cell rings. DAVID answers.
177 TATTOO KILLER’S LAIR - ON THE DECK - DAY 177A A P.O.V. : DAVID and MARTIN on the pier looking toward the boat. The silhouette of the tattoo killer crosses the frame.
TATTOO KILLER (ON PHONE)Bring him inside.
He closes his cell. A wide smile. 177 EXT. PIER - CAR FERRY - DAY 177B B
DAVID clicks off and looks up. There’s no sign of anyone on the Car Ferry. MARTIN pulls out the bullet proof vests. He gives one to DAVID who just shoves it back in the car. MARTIN puts his on.
David comes in with Therrien in front of him, his gun to Therrien’s head.
The Tattoo Killer steps out from behind a bulkhead, dragging Gabrielle in a chair in front of him. He's got his gun to Gabriel's head.
TATTOO KILLER Stop right there, you think this is a game?
DAVID looks at his daughter. She starts crying as soon as she sees him.
DAVID Gabrielle! Papa est là ma puce! Pleure pas! Pleure pas! C’est presque fini. Daddy’s here, sweetheart, don’t cry, it’s almost over.
The KILLER fianlly comes out of the shadows and shows his face.
THERRIEN Crisse t’es rien qu’un kid!
Christ, you’re just a kid
DAVID Donne moi ma fille! Pis ton chum pis toi vous vous en aller tranquille. Give me my daughter and you and your friend here can just leave quietly.
TATTOO KILLER That’s not what we agreed on.
Without a second’s hesitation, the KILLER shoots THERRIEN. DAVID is stunned.
Therrien gasps, blood dribbling out of his mouth.
THERRIEN Ffffuckkk...!
Therrien drops, dead before he hits the ground.
The TATTOO KILLER points his gun at GABRIELLE.
TATTOO KILLER Mets ton gun a terre. Tranquillement. Put your gun down, nice and slow.
DAVID stares at the Tatoo Killer. And realizes:
DAVID J’te connais toé?
I’ve seen you before. And as the Tattoo Killer smirks at him, we FLASHBACK TO:
-- the bar at St. Hubert airport -
-- the guy coming in after the explosion at the Ballet school
-- the courier at the SQ offices ... etc 178 CONTINUED: 178
TATTOO KILLER Yup, start to wake up are we Dave? I was there all the time. You don’t mind if I call you Dave, do you?
David looks down at Therrien on the ground.
DAVID C’était ton chum.
He was your friend.
TATTOO KILLER (chuckles)My friend? No, he’s some fucked up loser I found on the internet who wanted revenge on the people who screwed up his hockey career. J’lui donné les outils pour le faire. Après ça, c’était ben easy de l’embarquer pour tuer les autres fuckers, the people trying to destroy our great game. I just gave him the tools to do it. After that it was easy to get him to kill the others …
DAVID C’est juste une game le kid... It’s just a game, kid.
The Tatoo Killer starts to get impatient. DAVID looks around the room, trying to find a way out.
TATOO KILLER I guess Detective Ward is the one with my package. I hope he’s not too far away.
David realises there’s no other way. He looks back and up. SHOUTS:
TATTOO KILLER (stroking her hair gently)Pleure pas Gabrielle. C’est bientôt terminé. Tu vas pouvoir rentrer chez toi... Shush Gabrielle, pretty soon you’ll be back home... 178 CONTINUED: 178
D AVID Touche pas a ma fille! Take your hands off her...
TATTOO KILLER T’é chanceuse d’avoir un père comme lui... Y ferait n’importe quoi pour toi... You’relucky to have such a good daddy,who would do anything for you...
MARTIN is on the second floor, where he’s got Buttman gagged, his hands cuffed. He proceeds to take BUTTMAN downstairs. BUTTMAN mumbles terrorized.
MARTIN drags Buttman down the stairway holding his gun in to Buttman’s head...
180 OMITTED 180
The Tattoo Killer flicks a small switch to activate the bomb attached to Gabrielle. David gets a little panicky.
TATTOO KILLER It takes too much time. Dans 4 minutes ca saute! It blows in 4 minutes
DAVID Martin! Qu’est c’est que fais? What are you doing?
M ARTIN We’re here! We’re here!
MARTIN walks slowly and pushes BUTTMAN who resists. DAVID & MARTIN look at each other. DAVID nods in the Tattoo Killer’s direction. MARTIN acknowledge and pushes Buttman at the Tattoo Killer:
E n o u g h !
G i v e
h i m
t o
m e !
( C O N T I N U E D )
181 CONTINUED: 181
David & Martin look at each other. David nods in the Tattoo Killer’s direction. Martin doesn’t move. Buttman is scared shitless.
TATTOO KILLER Tick Tick Tick, 3 Minutes and 30 seconds to go.
DAVID & MARTIN look at each other. DAVID nod in the Tattoo Killer’s direction. MARTIN acknowledge and pushes Buttman at the Tattoo Killer:
MARTIN Walk over there.
Buttman stares at the Tattoo Killer. Now he's scared. He mumbles something through the gag like "he'll kill me!"
MARTIN (cont’d)Maybe he'll kill you. Maybe he won't.
Buttman shakes his head vigorously. MARTIN puts his gun to Buttman's head.
MARTIN (cont’d) I will definitely kill you.
Buttman looks into MARTIN's eyes. Doesn't see any doubt there. And walks towards the Tattoo Killer. Buttman comes up to the Tattoo Killer, starts mumbling something.
DAVID Donne moi ma fille! My daughter!
The Tattoo Killer simply pushes Gabrielle away and grabs Buttman, using him as a human shield.
The Tattoo Killer starts backing away from the two cops.
David move slowly towards Gabrielle 181 CONTINUED: 181
TATTOO KILLER (to Martin) Drop it.
Martin doesn’t move.
The Tattoo Killer fires THREE SHOTS at MARTIN-
-- hitting him twice in the chest and once in the shoulder. MARTIN CRIES OUT and falls. A couple more shots PING against the ferry’s steel walls.
The Tattoo Killer spins, unloading his gun at DAVID, but DAVID's already drawn another gun and is diving for the cover of a bulkhead, firing both guns John Woo- style as he dives and the Tattoo Killer’s bullets PING off car ferry’s steel walls.
He LAUGHS, then drags Buttman off into the labyrinth of ship’s corridors.
As he looks at Martin bleeding on the ground. He runs to Gabrielle. He embraces his sobbing daughter tightly, crying himself.
DAVID Martin! Martin!
Martin doesn’t answer, blood appears on his face and neck coming from his shoulder
David pulls back. He stares at the explosive device. There are thin wires criss- crossing her body. There's no way to disentangle her from the chair.. GABRIELLE Enlève-moi ça, papa, s'il te plaît! Please take this off me, Daddy.
DAVID Je sais pas comment.
I don’t know how.
He reaches to touch the wires, but pulls them back, he doesn't dare.
GABRIELLE Papa, papa, fais quelquechose, j’ai peur! Do something Daddy. I’m afraid! 181 CONTINUED: 181
DAVID Je sais pas quoi tabarnac!
I don’t know what to do!
He reaches again, but he's too scared to blow up his daughter.
GABRIELLE Essaye quelquechose! Papa! Détache moi. Try something, daddy get me out of this...
DAVID is struggling, not knowing what to do.
MARTIN (O.S.) Let me do this.
MARTIN is standing there, looking pale, bleeding from his shoulder, gasping for breath.
MARTIN (cont'd)I used to work in the bomb squad... before Jonathan was born.
DAVID Are you sure?
MARTIN sags down onto his knees, weak from the shock of being hit. He stares at the bomb carefully. While DAVID and Gabrielle stare at him, both of them helpless, scared. MARTIN looks at the timer and at how the explosives are connected. MARTIN OK. It’s fairly basic. Bomb 101. We’ll have to pull these two wires simultaneously. Got it?
DAVID nods. MARTIN (cont'd)You take this one and I’ll pull this one out. It has to be exactly at the same time. Ready?
DAVID Ready.
They’re both ready. MARTIN OK let’s go... Trois, Deux, Un, Pull!
The bomb stops at 33 seconds. They breathe a sigh of relief.
They just look at each other. It was that close.
Gabrielle jumps into DAVID’s arms, then reaches out for MARTIN. 181 EXT. PIER – CAR FERRY - DAY 181 A A The TATTOO KILLER brings BUTTMAN to his old VOLVO aiming his gun to his head. He opens the trunk showing BUTTMAN his intentions.
TATTOO KILLER Get inside! BUTTMAN Can’t we make a deal? I can pay you whatever amount...
TATTOO KILLER (shoving his gun to his face)INSIDE! NOW!
BUTTMAN gets into the trunk. The TATTOO KILLER slams the trunk shut and looks at the ferry with a sly smile. He gets in his car.
181 INT. CAR FERRY - MAIN DECK - DAY 181 B B MARTIN Go! You got to get him!
DAVID looks at him incredulously and then looks at his daughter.
DAVID Gabrielle... GABRIELLE C’est correct papa! Pogne-le! Pis crisses-y une volée! It’s okay daddy, go gte him and get him good….
DAVID hugs her like it’s the last time he’ll ever see her! He then looks at MARTIN.
DAVID Merci!
MARTIN (shaking his head)Go!
DAVID looks at his daughter and give her a wink which she gives back. He gets up, grabs his gun and runs out.
182-184 OMITTED 182-184 185 INT. TATTOO KILLER'S VOLVO - DAY 185
The Tattoo Killer seems pretty pleased with himself as he accelerates down the road. A MUFFLED VOICE comes out of the trunk...
BUT TMAN (O.S.)Oo eska voo ... voo ...
Buttman, trussed like a turkey in the trunk, is terrified but trying to bargain.
BUTT MAN ... where are you taking me? 185B INT. TATTOO KILLER’S VOLVO - DAY 185B
He fires at the trunk through the back seat, making a hole that lets a beam of light get in the trunk...
185C-191 OMITTED 185C-191 192-193 OMITTED 192-193
193 EXT. PIER - CAR FERRY - UPPER DECK - DAY 193 A A DAVID comes out on the deck and sees the VOLVO coming in his direction going toward the exit of the pier. 193 193 INT. TATTOO KILLER’S VOLVO - DAY B B The TATTOO KILLER is surprised to see DAVID on the deck. He sees DAVID aiming his gun at him. TATTOO KILLER Fuck! 193 193 EXT. PIER - CAR FERRY - UPPER DECK - DAY C C
DAVID empties his gun at the car hitting the hood and the windshield.
193 193 EXT. PIER - DAY D D The car gets hit by a stray of bullets. 193 193 INT. TATTOO KILLER’S VOLVO - DAY E E
Bullets shatters the windshield as smoke starts coming out from the hood.
DAVID throws his gun and starts running on the deck alongside the pier looking at the car. He takes a huge dive toward the oncoming car...
193G EXT. PIER - DAY 193G
...and lands on the roof of the car clinging to the edge to stay on top.
The TATTOO KILLER grabs his gun and starts shooting through the roof...
193I EXT. PIER - DAY 193I
...hitting DAVID in the right arm making him let go of his grip. DAVID rolls off the car. He ends up in a bunch of cables and fishing nets cushioning the impact. 193J INT. TATTOO KILLER’S VOLVO - DAY 193J
The TATTOO KILLER sees DAVID falling off the car. He looks up in front of him and is freaked out loosing the control of his car.
193K EXT. PIER - DAY 193K
The car skids out of control and hits the side of the ramp propelling the car in the air hitting a large number of crates as it comes crashing down.
Inside the Volvo, the TATTOO KILLER is bruised and a little bloody from the crash. He scrambles out of the car spiting some blood. 195 EXT. PIER - DAY 195
Bruised and battered, he staggers to the trunk, holding his gun.
DAVID comes to his senses. He’s badly hurt. He looks up, blood trickling from his wound into his eye and barely sees the TATTOO KILLER walking to the trunk. 195A 195A INT. PIER - CAR FERRY - PASSENGER ROOM - DAY A A MARTIN sits GABRIELLE down on a seat and gets on one knee. His shoulder hurts quite a lot.
MARTIN Nous allons revenir le plus rapidement possible... D’accord?Call your mother, tell her you’re alright znd stay here. We’ll be back as fast as we can, ok?
MARTIN (cont’d)C’est pour ta securité.You’ll be safe here.
She nods again. Martin looks at her, amazed at the courage she shows. He starts going...
GABRIELLE Martin? (he turns around)Thank you!
He smiles at her... and leaves.
195A EXT. PIER - DAY 195A
The TATTOO KILLER tries to open the trunk with the key. It won’t open.
TATTOO KILLER Goddamned keys!
He aims his gun right at the trunk-
BUTTMAN (O.S.)Get me out of here! I’m hurt!
TATTOO KILLER's gun FIRES into the trunk-- Another beam of light close from his head.
BUTTMAN (cont’d) AAAHHHH! DON’T HURT ME! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME! The TATTOO KILLER smiles and aims to shoot again when DAVID tackles him to the ground making him lose his gun. They both stand up with difficulty.
TATTOO KILLER Dave, Dave, Dave... look at the state you’re in. Go look after your daughter and let me take care of Buttman.
DAVID Va chier mon ostie!
Fuck you.
DAVID rushes him trying to punch him but misses completely. The TATTOO KILLER doesn’t miss his, he hits him right in the stomach.
DAVID reels from the blow.
The TATTOO KILLER tries to kick him in the face but DAVID grabs his foot and lifts the leg in the air shoving him onto the nets.
MARTIN comes out of the ferry’s lower deck deck, sees the fight and goes for his gun but his holdster is empty.
MARTIN Oh Jesus!
He moves forward.
195C EXT. PIER - DAY 195C
The TATTOO KILLER rushes DAVID tackling him to the crates. DAVID holds onto him as best he can until the TATTOO KILLER head-butts him exactly where he was wounded the last time-
In pain, DAVID rolls away, momentarily blinded by his bleeding forehead. 195C CONTINUED: 195C TATTOO KILLER finds his gun on the ground and aims at DAVID’s head.
MARTIN tackles him, slams him up against the side of the VOLVO, SHOUTING in pain from his wound, making the TATTOO KILLER drop the gun.
TATTOO KILLER grabs MARTIN's arm, twists. It's the wounded shoulder. MARTIN YELLS in agony. TATTOO KILLER punches him a couple of times in the kidneys. MARTIN drops to his knees.
DAVID clears the blood from his eyes. He scrambles around on the ground. His gun has skidded right under him. TATTOO KILLER looks around. He doesn’t see his gun. He sees DAVID getting up with HIS gun. He takes off down the pier.
MARTIN gets up, watches the TATTOO KILLER running into the distance. He looks at his watch.
DAVID picks up his gun. And aims but he can't see clearly.
MARTIN No! Don't!
DAVID Y s’pousse! He's getting away!
MARTIN Don't do it!
DAVID raises his gun. Takes aim-
--MARTIN gets in the way.
MARTIN (cont’d)It’s not necessary.
DAVID Pas nécessaire? Y’a essayer de nous tuer avec nos enfants! Y va revenir. Not NECESSARY! That piece of shit tried to kill our children. He’ll come back...
MARTIN “All good things come to those who wait.”
DAVID What the fuck are you talking about?
MARTIN looks at his watch. David understands. DAVID (cont’d)Non. T’as pas fait ca? You’re not serious.
Martin smiles. David lights a cigarette.
DAVID (cont’d)Qu’est ce que t’as fait, un reset? What did you do, a reset?
MARTIN I prefer to think of it as recycling.
DAVID Es-tu sur que ca va marché? You sure it’s going to work?
MARTIN We’ll know soon enough.
The Tattoo Killer keeps getting smaller...
MARTIN (cont’d)Man! That guy can run! 196 EXT. DOWN THE PIER - DAY 196
The TATTOO KILLER jumps at the end of the pier and hears the Nah nah nah song coming from his coat.
TAT TOO KILLER You’re not serious...
As he goes into the air the bomb explodes KA
197 EXT. PIER - IN THE DISTANCE - DAY 197 -BOOM! The Tattoo Killer explodes. 198 EXT. PIER - DAY 198 The two cops eye each other. At that moment, BANGING comes from inside the Volvo’ s trunk. D AVID Oh, shit, le pinguoin! Commen t tu dit pengouin en anglais? Oh shit, the Penguin. How do you say penguin in English?
MA RTI N Penguin.
SUZIE, MARTIN, DAVID, IRIS, JONATHAN AND GABRIELLE are all in the living room. The TV is on. . 199 CONTINUED: 199
GABRIELLE Y dit que les aiguilles sont pas si graves qu’ça! He says the needles aren’t that big!
David looks at Suzie. DAVID (CONT’D) (shrugs)Ben, vas-y donc! Fine, get a tattoo then!
Delighted, Gabrielle jumps on him.
GABRIELLE Merci papa!
(celebrating)Je vais percer mon nombril! Je vais percer mon nombril! I’m gonna pierce my belly button! I’m gonna pierce my belly button!
Suzie looks at Martin. Martin shrugs. What can you do?
MARTIN Oh, tout le monde, je crois qu’on aura un enoncé... I think there’s going to be a little announcement. Oh, everyone, I think there’s going to be a little announcement...
And indeed, Buttman is reaching the end of his speech:
BUTTMAN And, in conclusion, I just want to put an end to rumors that one Canadian team or another is going to move to the US. I know how important hockey is to you people, and I am spearheading a rules change to ensure that no Canadian team ever has to move out of its home city...
Everybody -- Martin, Suzie, Jonathan, Gabrielle, David and Iris laugh and applaud. David gives a kiss to Iris. Suzie kisses Martin. Gabrielle looks at Jonathan.
JONATHAN Don’t even think about it!
GABRIELLE Sorry. Je parle pas English!