CHAPTER 9 the Pastor

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CHAPTER 9 the Pastor

CHAPTER 9 – The Pastor

C9.04.01. There shall be a pastor’s discretionary fund. Funds may be assigned to the Pastor’s Discretionary fund only by a designated contribution of a congregant, or by an act of the congregational council for a specified, nonrecurring amount not to exceed 2% of the annual contributions. Funds may be distributed at the Pastor’s discretion but never for his/her personal use nor for the use of his/her family. The distribution of funds need not be audited. Distribution of the funds may be, but are not required to be reported, however, confidentiality of the recipients may be maintained by the pastor.

CHAPTER 10 - Congregational Meetings

C10.01.01. The annual congregational meeting shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Congregational Council, on the fourth Sunday in January.

C10.01.02. Prior to the annual meeting, the pastor, the council president, the treasurer of the congregation and the chairman of each committee shall submit reports for inclusion on the annual report.

C10.01.03. At the congregational meetings only confirmed members in good standing shall be permitted to vote.

C10.01.04. At a regular annual congregational meeting the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Prayer 2. Determination of quorum 3. Minutes of the prior meeting read for information only 4. Unfinished business 5. Officers’ reports 6. Pastor’s annual report 7. Reports of special committees 8. Reports of standing committees 9. New Business 10. Election of council members 11. Reading of the current minutes and vote to permit council to approve the minutes 12. Closing prayer

C10.02.01. At any special meeting the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Prayer 2. Determination of quorum 3. Reading of minutes, if appropriate 4. Special business 5. Reading of current minutes and vote to permit council to approve the minutes. 6. Closing prayer

1 Chapter 11 – Officers

C11.01.01. The President is the chairperson of the Congregation Council, the congregation and the Executive Committee and shall attend, as a delegate, all meetings of the Conference, if possible or appoint a replacement from the Congregation Council. The President shall delegate responsibilities as needed and carry out the duties of the office as specified in Robert’s Rules of Order. The President will write a summary of the Council activities for the newsletter.

C11.01.02. The Vice-president shall assume and perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and carry out all duties assigned by the President.

C11.01.03. The Recording Secretary shall: 1) Take complete minutes of all meetings of this congregation and the Congregation Council which shall be turned into the church office within one week of said meeting, typed, if able, or given to the church secretary to type. 2) make available to the Council the draft minutes the Sunday before the next Council meeting 3) take and record roll call 5) Read correspondences

C11.01.04. The financial secretary shall: 1) count and balance incoming funds, including Pastor’s discretionary fund, Helping Hand and Memorial Funds, and post to the proper ledgers. 2) make bank deposits 3) maintain financial records of individual member contributions and send statements of same to members 4) submit regular income reports to the Treasurer and congregation Council 5) order envelopes and prepare them for distribution to the members.

C11.01.05. The Treasurer shall: 1) be a member of the Financial Committee 2) pay all bills for budgeted items on a timely basis and clear all unbudgeted bills with the Council for approval before payment 3) post all expenses to proper ledgers and maintain all records for audit purposes 4) submit monthly income and expense reports to the Treasurer 5) submit an income and expense report for the annual congregation meeting 6) Manage checking, savings, certificate of deposit and endowment bank accounts and report any action to the Congregation Council on a monthly basis and to this congregation on an annual basis.

2 Chapter 12 – The Congregational Council

C12.01.01. All lay members of the Congregational Council properly elected or re-elected shall be installed by the pastor at the next public service following their election or as soon as possible thereafter.

C12.01.02. All elections of lay members of the Council shall be duly recorded by the secretary.

C12.01.03. When a member resigns or is removed during their term, a replacement will be elected by the congregation council to serve until the next annual meeting. (see C12.03)

C12.01.04. Nominations for Congregational Council membership shall be made by the Congregational Council to the number of vacancies to be filled. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for the election.

C12.11.01. The Council shall hold regular monthly meetings except in those months as designated by the Council president and approved by council. Special meetings may be called by the pastor on his/her own initiative and shall be called if requested by four members of the council.

C12.12.01. The order of business shall be as follows: a. Devotions b. Reading and adoption of minutes c. Correspondence d. Report of the pastor e. Report of the treasurer f. Reports of standing committees g. Reports of special committees h. Other reports i. Unfinished business j. New business k. Adjournment with prayer

C12.12.02 As a courtesy, members should limit their comments to three minutes.

3 Chapter 13 – Congregational Committees

C13.06.01. At its first meeting in each congregational year, the Congregational Council shall appoint, from its own or from the voting membership of the congregation, as many standing committees as the local and general interest of the Church may require. They shall serve for one year. The pastor of the church shall have a voice in all committees of the congregation. A member of the Congregational Council shall be the chairperson or liaison to each such committee.

C13.07.01. The duties of all standing committees not otherwise defined shall be fixed by the Congregational Council, from whom they shall receive needed instructions and by who their acts shall be subject to review. The chair of each committee shall submit an annual written report of the committee’s activities to the congregational council for distribution at the annual congregational meeting.

C13.01.01. There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the four officers of the Council. The President shall be chairman of this committee. This committee is for the purpose of facilitating matters which require prompt action and executive authority on behalf of the Council.

C13.04.01. There shall be a Personnel (Mutual Ministries) Committee consisting of three voting members of this congregation to be appointed jointly by the President and the pastor as needed. The committee shall create an arena where each staff member can share and discuss professional and personal matters and shall report to the Congregation Council as it deems necessary.

C13.06.02. There shall be a Committee on Worship and Music. It shall be the duty of this committee to see that the services of God’s house are conducted properly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Church, that competent ushers are provided and that hymnbooks and devotional worship helps are provided and properly cared for. It shall supervise the organization and promotion of choirs, the employment of the choir director/organist and any paid singers, be responsible for the care of all musical instruments and robes, and in consultation with the pastor and choirmaster provide music proper for the services or worship and the edification of the congregation. Oversees: Altar Guild Ushers Deacons Acolytes Greeters

C13.06.03. There shall be a Committee on Christian Education. This committee, in consultation with the pastor, shall have responsibility for the organization, promotion and supervision of the Church schools and the young people’s organizations of the congregation. It shall recommend the use of approved educational resources, and seek to introduce proper church papers and books of family devotion into the homes of the congregation.

4 C13.06.04. There shall be a Committee on Stewardship. The duty of this committee shall be to disseminate information among the members of the congregation concerning the benevolent work of the Church and to promote a vital sense of stewardship in the congregation year round. The committee shall encourage the congregation to donate their time, talent and treasure in support of the Church’s ministries.

C13.06.05. There shall be Social Ministries Committee. This committee, in consultation with the pastor, shall have the responsibility for identifying and meeting the needs of the less fortunate. Oversees: Parish nurse

C13.06.06. There shall be a Committee on Church property. This committee shall provide for the proper care and protection of all property of the congregation and shall see that the same is kept in good repair and adequately insured. Oversees: Housekeeping Gardening Building Usage and Maintenance

C13.06.07. There shall be a Finance Committee of which the treasurer shall be a member and may be the chairman. Its duty shall be to prepare the annual budget of the congregation for the succeeding year in conjunction with the Council. It shall provide ways and means for the gathering of the needed funds in a faithful and systematic way. It shall see that the financial affairs of the congregation are conducted efficiently, the bills promptly paid, and the funds of the congregation properly invested, subject to the approval of the Congregational Council. It shall meet with the investment fund representative/financial planner. It shall also provide for the bi-annual auditing of the accounts of the treasurer and of the financial secretary.

C13.06.08. Budget preparation: The Finance Committee shall prepare a budget in consultation with the relevant committees, and based on a reasonable forecast of income. This draft budget shall be presented to the congregational council at their November meeting for their review and comment. The draft budget may be revised and shall be voted on at a meeting of the congregational council for presentation to the congregation as a proposed budget not less than two weeks prior to the congregational meeting where it will be subject to a yes or no vote by the congregation.

C13.06.09. There shall be a Long-range Planning Committee, which could include the Council, finance committee and congregation at large. They shall be responsible to identify and recommend strategies to support the mission of the congregation.

C13.06.10. There shall be a Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Its members should be identified and meet when there is a request for interpretation of the constitution or bylaws, or a request for a change to be considered.

5 C13.06.11. Ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees may be established by the Council to oversee specific projects when necessary. A fund may be established, if necessary, to accomplish the project. Upon completion of the project, the committee shall submit a comprehensive report to the Council and then be dissolved.


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