Quiz Chapter 5: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the alternative that best completes the statement of answers the question.

1. Which of the following is part of the cortex? a. frontal lobe b. occipital lobe c. parietal lobe d. temporal lobe e. all of the above

2. Afferent neurons carry information ______while efferent neurons carry information ______. a. to the spinal cord and brain; away from the spinal cord and brain b. to the spinal cord, to the brain c. away from the spinal cord and brain; to the spinal cord and brain d. via myelinated tracts; via unmyelinated nerves e. to the myelin sheath; away from the myelin sheath

3. The limbic system is a complex part of the forebrain that is involved in a. sleep and wakefulness. b. emotions and memory. c. coordination and balance. d. sex and aggression e. thinking and problem solving

4. Memories are stored in the connections between the neurons in the brain. These connections are known as a. junctions. b. synapses. c. nodes. d. myelin. 5. Angie’s four-month-old, Josh, recently began suffering from mild seizures and is scheduled to undergo a procedure that measures blood flow associated with brain activity. This type of procedure is called a. magnetic resonance imaging. b. positive emission tomography. c. an electroencephalogram. d. computed axial tomography.

6. Although formula is higher in protein than breast milk, it cannot a. confer protection against disease. b. provide adequate nutrition. c. satisfy the infant’s need for bonding. d. promote regular sleep patterns.

7. A(n)______is an automatic response to a certain stimuli. a. reflex b. instinct c. reaction d. impulse

8. The term apnea refers to a. heart arrhythmias. b. sleep cycle disturbances. c. brief periods of suspended breathing. d. digestive problems.

9. The term neonate refers to a. the fetus during the last month of pregnancy. b. the infant during the first 3 months after birth. c. the infant during the first month after birth. d. the infant during the first 6 months after birth.

10. What does a score of zero on the Apgar scale indicate? a. an absence of noticeable difficulties. b. mild problems c. severe problems d. perfect health 11. Neurological testing is used to evaluate the infant’s a. heart rate and respiration. b. skin color and muscle tone. c. state of consciousness. d. reflexes.

12. Infant development that proceeds in a cephalocaudal fashion is going in a ______direction. a. head to foot b. foot to head c. body to the extremities d. trunk to head

13. An infant exhibiting typical physical maturation should be able to crawl by the age of a. 4 months. b. 7 months. c. 9 months. d. 12 months.

14. Infants who are in the bottom three percent of height and weight measures are suffering from what is known as a. respiratory distress syndrome. b. trisomy 13. c. failure to thrive. d. institutional dwarfism.

15. Which of the following statements concerning sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is NOT correct? a. Boys are more vulnerable than girls by an almost 3:2 margin. b. Most cases of SIDS are preceded by severe respiratory distress that lasts for several days. c. Most cases of SIDS occur in the late winter or early spring. d. Infants before the age of 1 month and after the age of 1 year rarely succumb to SIDS. 16. Munchausen by proxy is the term used to describe parental behavior that involves a. intentionally harming a child to gain attention. b. severe disciplinary measures to gain compliance. c. neglect and rejection of a child. d. unwarranted and severe paranoia over the health of a child.

17. ______is the term for an infant’s becoming increasingly inattentive to a familiar stimuli. a. Aversion b. Activation synthesis c. Habituation d. Assimilation

18. The experiments with the visual cliff suggest that infants begin to discriminate depth a. between 2 and 4 months of age. b. between 3 and 5 months of age. c. as soon as they begin crawling. d. as soon as they can sit up and balance.

19. According to Piaget, the sensorimotor period of infant development is characterized by the child’s a. egocentrism. b. empathy c. accommodation. d. actualization.

20. An infant who does not attempt to retrieve or seek out a stuffed animal she and her father have been playing with after he hides it behind his back has likely not yet developed a sense of a. habituation. b. seriation. c. causality. d. object permanence. 21. Which of the following is not one of the developmental outcomes of Piaget’s sensorimotor period? a. conservation b. object permanence c. a sense of time sequences d. a sense of spatial relationships

22. Piaget believed development occurred in ______, whereas current researchers are looking at development as being ______. a. stages; continuous b. continuums, stage-like c. critical periods; truncated d. interchangeable levels; age-related

23. What is the correct sequence of language development during the child’s first year? a. crying, cooing, babbling, single words b. babbling, crying, cooing, single words c. cooing, crying, babbling, single words d. crying, babbling, cooing, single words

24. When children learn how to pronounce the word “no,” they are learning ______, whereas when they learn that the word “no” means to stop or not start an activity, they are learning ______. a. phonology; semantics b. phonology; syntax c. semantics; phonics d. pragmatics; semantics

25. The two- to three-word utterances used by the child during language development are called a. telegraphic speech. b. holophrastic speech. c. inner speech. d. overgeneralizations.