Academic Council

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Academic Council

ACADEMIC COUNCIL Minutes March 31, 2005

Present: Devendra K. Agrawal, +Frank Ayers, Laura C. Barritt, Brenda Bergman-Evans, ++Lisa Black, Olaf E. Bohlke, Patrick J. Borchers, Barbara J. Braden, Laura L. Bruce, Murray J. Casey, ++ +Stephen Cavalieri, Delie Roselyn Cerutis, Lei-Da Chen, Keith Christensen, Thomas F. Coffey, Barbara J. Dilly, ++++Julia Fleming, Merry E. Foyt, Linda S. Gabriel Franc, Donald B. Gibbs, Laura A. Hansen, +++++Nancy Hanson, Eleanor V. Howell, ++++++Gail Jensen, Sally S. Komrofske, Helene L. Goldstein-Lohman, +++++++George W. McNary, Philip J. Meeks, Chandra K. Nair, Neil S. Norton, Thomas H. Quinn, Russell R. Reno, Eugene C. Rich, Fr. John P. Schlegel, S.J., Margaret A. Scofield, + +++++++Roberta Sonnino, Garrett A. Soukup, Mary Helen Stefaniak, +++++++++William Stephens, A. Joseph Threlkeld, Lorie A. Vanchena, Deborah L. Wells, Marlene K. Wilken, Christine M. Wiseman, John A. Yee, and Jimnei Yuan.

+Proxy for Wayne W. Barkmeier ++Proxy for Caroline Goulet +++Proxy for Richard J. Baltaro ++++Proxy for Jeanne A. Schuler +++++Proxy for Patrick C. Swanson ++++++Proxy for J. Christopher Bradberry +++++++Proxy for Martha W. Habash ++++++++Proxy for Cam E. Enarson +++++++++Proxy for Christina A. Clark

Excused: Richard J. Baltaro, Wayne W. Barkmeier, J. Christopher Bradberry, Christina A. Clark, Cam E. Enarson, Caroline Goulet, Martha W. Habash, Jeanne A. Schuler, and Patrick C. Swanson.

Absent: Timothy R. Austin, Julia Belian, Jean-Claude Desmangles, Ronald E. Flinn, Michael C. Makoid, Kenneth J. Mellili, Rita A. Meyer, Aryan V. Mooss, Debra L. Ponec, Patricio F. Reyes, Kathryn A. Thomas, and Jozef V.M. Welie.

Call to Order: Fr. John P. Schlegel, S.J., President, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 361 of the Hixson-Lied Science Building.

Reflection: Dr. Brenda Bergman-Evans offered a reflection and thoughts on “faith.”

Minutes: Fr. Schlegel, S.J., asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the February 24, 2005, Academic Council minutes. None forthcoming, the acceptance of the minutes was moved, seconded and approved.

Report of the Faculty Council: Dr. Thomas F. Coffey, Faculty President, noted that the proposed revisions to the Handbook for Faculty pertaining to “Definition” of Tenure and Promotion and “Criteria” for Tenure and Promotion were approved by the Faculty Council, pending review and

1 approval of the Committee on Faculty Handbook and University Statutes. The revisions to the Handbook for Faculty pertaining to the Timetable relating to candidates for Faculty Emeritus status were approved. The Faculty Council will no doubt have questions for Mr. Burkey during the Financial Report.

Report of the Academic Administrators’ Council: Dr. Deborah L. Wells, Acting Dean of the College of Business Administration, reported on the March 14, 2005 meeting of the Academic Administrators’ Council.

 Fr. Schlegel, S.J. announced that Dr. Steven Friedrichsen has been hired as the new Dean for the School of Dentistry; Fr. McGloin passed away on March 11th; and Sally Komrofske will be retiring at the end of the academic year. The Higher Learning Commission has notified us that the University’s on-site accreditation visit will be March 12-14, 2007. Fr. Schlegel also gave a brief update on construction projects.  Dr. Enarson announced that the tobacco settlement will be forthcoming.  Shannon Kelly (for Dean Patrick Borchers) announced that School of Law applications are up by 100; ninety-eight percent of graduates are placed in positions; and the Director of the Werner Institute in Alternate Dispute Resolution will begin in mid-May.  Dr. Howell stated that the School of Nursing is supporting a bill on background checks on students.  Dr. Bradberry noted that the centennial planning is progressing and that admission numbers are strong for the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions.  Dr. Barkmeier noted that the applicant pool for the School of Dentistry is much larger this year for the 84 slots. 2,400 applications have been received as compared to 2,000 last year. The School of Dentistry’s centennial celebration dinner will be held on April 23rd.  Dr. Wells stated that planning is already underway for next year’s Business Symposium.  Dr. Braden noted that April 12th is St. Albert’s poster day. She also commented that there is a need for bioterrorism training in the EMS program.  Dr. Austin commented on numerous faculty members and students who have received national recognition for their scholarly/research work.  Dr. Sonnino announced that the School of Medicine is revising its website. In addition, seven out of 16 awards at the Midwest Biomedical Research Forum were won by medical students.  Prof. Wiseman noted the March 11th enrollment figures which are equal to that in 2004.

Financial Report: Mr. Daniel E. Burkey, Vice President for Administration and Finance, gave a PowerPoint presentation which noted the estimated results for the 2004/2005 operating budget and an overview of the 2005/2006 operating budget.

For 2004/2005, Mr. Burkey noted that at this time the year-end result is slightly favorable. Net tuition income is favorable, but utilities are unfavorable (natural gas increase). At present, the benefit plans are on budget. Any surplus will be used to fund non-recurring and capital expenses and the budget incentive plan.

For the 2005/2006 operating budget overview, Mr. Burkey noted that the undergraduate enrollment is very healthy; Creighton’s tuition and fee rate is 22nd of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities; and the operating budget will total about $285 million.

Revenue comes mainly from tuition, endowments and gifts. The undergraduate tuition rate will

2 be increased 6% (5% for graduate/professional students) for 2005/2006. Endowment distribution (including endowed scholarships) is up 5.6% over the prior year and gifts are up 16% over the prior year. Operating budget expenses and the challenges in the years ahead were noted. The strength of the enrollment and Creighton’s national reputation for a quality education are highlights. The increased cost of health benefits is a challenge for Creighton and across the nation. Questions were asked.

Regarding the status of real estate acquisitions, Mr. Burkey stated that most of the available properties between Cuming and Cass Streets and 17th and 32nd Streets have been purchased.

Regarding the status of the West Omaha campus, Mr. Burkey stated that the current lease extends through August of 2007. The new Language Academy will be housed at that facility this year.

Regarding faculty salaries, it was asked if Creighton has lost ground in comparison with a study done a few years ago. Mr. Burkey stated that schools/colleges need to monitor how Creighton compares to similarly sized schools/colleges and bring such issues forward as might be needed.

Regarding the proposed new Living Learning Center, it was noted that the funding came from a donor.

Regarding the announcement pertaining to a change in the University’s Disability Insurance Plan, Mr. Burkey stated that there would be no program change at this time. When a change is made, there will be an open enrollment period and those not currently enrolled will have an opportunity to join the plan.

It was asked if the University plans to increase its number of students in the future. Mr. Burkey stated that the University could possibly increase up to a total of 7,000 (including professional students), but we do not want to become too big. When the student population increases, student services, housing, faculty, classroom space, etc. would need to increase also. This would need thorough review before proceeding.

Discussion of the Proposed wording for the Handbook for Faculty from the Ad Hoc Committee to replace III. The University Faculty, Section G. Introduction and Section G.6. Review Process, a. Review for Promotion in Rank or Conferral of Tenure, viii. Point Guide: These two items were discussed and approved at the Faculty Council meeting, with only one minor grammatical correction: “at the contract” was changed to “in the contract.” With no further discussion forthcoming, it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the proposed wording, contingent upon the review and approval of the Committee on Faculty Handbook and University Statutes.

Under III. The University Faculty, Section G. Promotion and Tenure, delete the first three paragraphs and replace with the following wording:

G. Promotion and Tenure

1. Definition of Tenure

3 Tenure is the right, subject to the conditions and provisions of Section H., of a faculty member to automatic renewal of the appointment at the end of its term under conditions at least equal to those which prevailed during the expiring term provided the material conditions of service are the same. Tenure protects the faculty from harassment or reprisal within the University community for expression or espousal of unpopular views or principles, and encourages freedom of inquiry and expression. Its object ultimately, then, is to secure a forum in which academic freedom can be a liberating reality.

Since tenure constitutes an enduring contract between the faculty member and the University, the decision to grant it must be made on the basis of the most informed judgment possible, in the best interests of the University, and in harmony with the University’s Mission as a Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher learning. The President grants tenure based upon the recognition of academic achievement at Creighton University, subject to the terms of the job description established at the initial hiring or subsequently revised by mutual agreement; recognition, as appropriate, for achievements at previous institutions; the judgment that this achievement will continue in the future; and the determination that the granting of tenure fits into the Mission, needs, plans and goals of the Department, the College or School, and the University. Faculty members can be hired with tenure upon consultation with the President of the University.

2. Definition of Promotion

Promotion is the advancement in rank from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and to Professor. The President promotes faculty members for distinguished achievement while at Creighton University and the expectation that this achievement will be maintained or enhanced in the future, as well as the expectation that they will continue to foster the Mission of the University as a Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher learning. Achievement at previous institutions will also be considered when faculty members apply for promotion at Creighton University. Faculty members can be hired at advanced ranks upon consultation with the President of the University.

3. The Relationship between Tenure and Promotion

Tenure and promotion are distinct entities. In reviewing dossiers, the Committee on Rank and Tenure applies separate though complementary sets of substantive criteria. Candidates for tenure and promotion may be awarded tenure without promotion or promotion without tenure.

Subsequent numbering will need to be adjusted.

Under III. The University Faculty, G. Promotion and Tenure, 6. Review Process, viii. Point Guide, delete the entire text and replace with the following text:

viii. Criteria for Granting Tenure and Awarding Promotion A) Tenure is awarded on the basis of: 1) successful performance of the terms of the faculty member’s job description as stated in the initial contract or subsequently amended by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the University; 2) a record of achievement at Creighton University; 3) a record of achievement at previous institutions, provided the record of achievement has continued while at Creighton University;

4 4) an expectation that the record of achievement will be maintained or expanded in the future; and 5) the determination that the granting of tenure fits into the Mission, needs, plans and goals of the Department, the College or School, and the University.

B) Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor is awarded on the basis of: 1) demonstrated effectiveness in teaching; 2) an emerging record of scholarly achievement; 3) evidence of active service consistent with the mission of Creighton University; and 4) an emerging record of clinical distinction, if appropriate to the candidate’s position.

C) Promotion to the rank of Professor is awarded on the basis of: 1) evidence of distinguished fulfillment of the teaching requirements; 2) an established record of scholarly achievement; 3) evidence of leadership service consistent with the mission of Creighton University; and 4) a demonstrated record of advancing one’s clinical profession, if appropriate to the candidate’s position.

ix. Standards for Granting Tenure and Awarding Promotion

The school or college, either in the aggregate or by department, establishes the standards for tenure and standards for promotion in fulfillment of the University criteria listed above. The University Committee on Rank and Tenure shall review these standards and upon approval shall forward its recommendation to the President. Changes to these standards, if any, shall be submitted to the Committee by March 1 to become effective after the end of the following academic year. The Committee shall report on this review in its annual report to the Academic Council in the Council’s first meeting of the following academic year.

In addition, delete two references to the Point Guide found under III.G.6.a.i.H) in the 2004 Handbook for Faculty which reads: “Point ranges, selected by the candidate, to be assigned to Teaching, Scholarship and Clinical Activity as outlined in section G.6.a.viii.below” and under III.G.7.b.iii. which reads: “Point ranges, selected by the candidate, to be assigned to Teaching, Scholarship and Clinical Activity as outlined in Section G.6.a.vii.above.”

Proposed revision to the Handbook for Faculty , III. The University Faculty, G. Promotion and Tenure, 8. Review Timetable, a. Normal Timetable: The proposed revisions are requested due to the fact that the University Committee on Rank and Tenure will no longer review any paperwork pertaining to candidates for Faculty Emeritus status. The timetable information needs to be updated to coincide with the various changes. No discussion forthcoming, the following wording was moved, seconded and approved: (bolded text added, strikethrough text deleted)

8. Review Timetable a. Normal Timetable

5 The Rank and Tenure Committee Process…………. November 1 Deadline for submission by the Deans to the appropriate Vice President Chair of the University Committee on Rank and Tenure of a list of names of those to be considered for conferral of Emeritus citation.

December 1 Deadline for submission by the Dean of the material on Emeritus candidates to the appropriate Vice President University Committee on Rank and Tenure.

December 20 Deadline for submission of recommendations on Emeritus candidates by the appropriate Vice President University Committee on Rank and Tenure to the University President.

January 15 Deadline for letters to be sent to Emeritus candidates stating the President’s decision and, if positive, the date and time at which the award will be presented, which in general shall be the subsequent President’s Convocation.

Announcements: 1. Employment Renewal Agreements will be dated for April 15, 2005. 2. Promotion and Tenure letters were dated for March 23, 2005, and sent out at that time. The official announcement will be made in “Creighton Today” on April 1, 2005. 3. There is a new “Meeting Room Locations/Who to Contact” document on the website. 4. May Commencement is scheduled on May 14th. There will be two ceremonies – one at 9:30 a.m. and one at 2:00 p.m.

Old Business: A question was asked as to the status of a motion made at Academic Council a couple of years ago that the Faculty President serve on the University Budget Committee (Financial Advisory Committee). Fr. Schlegel noted that he had denied that request. Fr. Schlegel noted that the Faculty President will address faculty issues with the University Board of Directors at the June 6th meeting.

A question was asked as to how much longer the current point guide would continue. Fr. Schlegel noted that it would probably continue one year after approval. Junior faculty will be notified of the changes.

New Business: None.

Adjournment: 5:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally S. Komrofske


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