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5 Dundas Street, Free Town

5 DUNDAS STREET, FREE TOWN E-Mail –[email protected] Motto - Welfare, Empowerment and Development

Our Ref:

Your Ref November 27 2007


PROJECT TITLE “KAP” Study on HTM: Profile and Number of Excisers in Sierra Leone.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION – The Project will address the following:  Identification of the number of Excisers in Sierra Leone.  Identification of reasons why they sustain the practice.  Profile the Excisers (age, educational level, family situation, etc.)

PROPONENT’S NAME AND ADDRESS - The Inter-African Committee/CESMYCO S.L. 5 Dundas Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone


PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCE: - takingitglobalPractices/IAC C/o ECA, www.takingitglobal.com Canada,USA


1. Materials and Supplies US$ 193.00 2. Interviewers Allowances and Transport 1,375.00 3. Coordination & Supervision 4,600.00 4. Training of Interviewers 100.00 5. Data Entry, Processing & Analysis 2,050.00 6. Report Writing 2,000.00 7. Printing & Dupliocating Materials 500.00 8. Price and Quantity contingencies 100.00 GRAND TOTAL US$ 10,918.00

Page 1 of 22 INTRODUCTION Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for cutting or other reasons that are not medical necessities. This practice reinforces the inequality suffered by girls and women.

FGM/C is also violation of universally recognized human rights – including the rights of bodily integrity and to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. While health consequences vary, they commonly include failure to heal, inflammatory disease and urinary infections. Gynecological complications that result from female genital mutilation/cutting can become particularly serious during and after birth, and include fistula. Increased susceptibility to HIV infection is a concern. The pain of the procedure is known to cause shock and long - lasting trauma, severe bleeding and infection can lead to death.

FGM/C is a harmful traditional practice, which is considered a very sensitive cultural issue falling within the spheres of women and the family. In Sierra Leone, followers of all religious beliefs as well as animists and non-believers practice FGM/C. Traditional practitioners or non-medical people usually performs it with crude instruments without anesthetic although some affluent families encourage health personnel to perform the operation. Traditionally, the actual procedure mostly takes place in a secret society bush, which is preserved for women/members only. As a result of the procedure done locally, the implements used pose very serious health risks to initiates, including very young girls from age 2 – 8 years.

The initiates perceive this practice to include the following:  It is their local educational institution where they are given the skills of home management which include the preparation of cultural food stuff, attire, ornament, fishing, how to be a good housewife or co-wife, how to use herbal medicines and “secret” of female society.  They feel that FGM/C is a custom or tradition synthesized over time from various values, especially religious and cultural values. The reasons for maintaining the practice include religion, custom, decreasing the sexual desire of women, hygiene, anesthetic, facility of sexual relations, fertility etc.  Among some Muslims in Sierra Leone, FGM/C is a precondition in order to be clean and proper, and fit for marriage.  Establishing, identity and belongingness is another reason advanced for the perpetuation of the practice  Enhances the bond of friendship and cultural unity thereby easing off the stress of discrimination from members in the various communities in which they live.  Prepare young girls and women to cope with their families in time of hard and difficult times within their society.

The survey will be limited to Bramaia, Tonko Limba and Magbema Chiefdoms in the Kambia District, north of Sierra Leone, which is inhabited mostly by Temnes, Limbas, Susus and Mandigoes.

The report will provide background information on FGM/C as practiced by Excisers It will explain the reasons and objectives of Excisers in conducting the act. The report will explain the reasons and objectives in conducting the qualitative and quantitative survey. For the qualitative survey, results will include statistics on the number of Excisers and other quantitative variable. For the qualitative survey, the results will include the synthesis of the respondents/Excisers opinions on FGM/C.

Page 2 of 22 BACKGROUND Female Genital Mutilation or Female Circumcision is the removal of variable amounts of tissue from the female external genitalia. It is practiced all over the world but mostly in Africa. It is usually performed on very young girls (2 – 8 years old) by non-medical people and often without anesthesia. There are many reasons cited for it performance, among them chastity, increasing chances of marriage, religious decree and tradition. Women Excisers who acquired their “skills” from their mothers or other female relatives carry out the operation; they are often also the community’s traditional birth attendants (TBAs). The type of operation to be performed is decided by the girls’ mother, grandmother and would be - husband before hand and payment is made to the Exciser before, during and after the operation to ensure the best service. This payment, partly in kind and partly in cash, is a vital source of livelihood for the Excisers.

In Sierra Leone, types I and II FGM/CV is being practiced. In type I, “sunna” circumcision is the excision of part of the clitoris or the whole organ (clitoridectomy) where as type II involves clitoridectomy and excision of parts of the labia menorah. FGM/C is practiced all over the world on very young girls and women. The practice is so widespread and deep rooted in Sierra Leone. It is not exactly known when this practice started in this country and is practiced by many irrespective of religion or ethnicity. FGM/C has become so much part of the society that it is taboo to oppose the practice publicly. The ceremony usually takes place in a secret society bush, which is preserved for women/members only. Many years back, the society bush was meant for training girls to take up womanhood. Girls were trained for up to six (6) months then take time to inculcate the virtues of womanhood. This is no longer so as girls especially from affluent parents can now spend just a week in the secret society bush. It would appear that the training aspect has been dropped altogether and the focus is now on genital mutilation making the initiates more vulnerable sometimes rendering them unreproductive and thus cannot bear their offspring’s. The immediate complications of FGM/C are hemorrhage and infection, which can be severe enough to threaten life. Long term sequence such as sexual dysfunction, menstrual and fertility problems, difficulties with childbirth and psychological impairment are also reported.

Most excisers do not use sterile procedures when carrying out the operation. It is from this background that researchers have seen the need to education. Excisers on proper medical/modern practice of FGM/C.

In this regard, the project will conduct a sample survey of Excisers in three (3) chiefdoms in the Kambia District.


FGM/C violates the fundamental rights of girls and women in achieving the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. The health complications associated with this practice cover a wide range including severe disability, chronic diseases and death.

In Sierra Leone, some families have adopted the practice as a tradition that has been widely promoted particularly among rural communities notwithstanding the varying religious beliefs. Even though the practice of FGM/C is viewed as a tradition, which poses health and social problems not only to the initiates but also the nation at large. Below are some significant disadvantages of the practice of FGM/C:  The effects of FGM/C have short term and long term implications, Hemorrhage, infection and acute pain are the immediate consequences.  Keloid formation, infertility as a result of infection due to lack of proper use of sterilized instruments for the operation. Page 3 of 22  complications resulting from deep cuts and infected instruments can cause the death of the child/initiate.  The removal of the clitoris can lead to accidental cutting of other organs, which can lead to heavy loss of blood. Acute infections are commonplace when operations are carried out in unhygienic surroundings and with unsterilized instruments thus resulting to tetanus and general septicemia.  The application of traditional medicine can also lead to infection.  Chronic infection can also lead to infertility and anaemia.  FGM/C can lead to Haematocolpos (the inability to pass menstrual blood because the remaining opening is often too small for the menstruation to pass freely.  The practice of FGM/C can lead to cross infection such as HIV due to the use of one cutting implement on more than one initiate at difficult times (one after the other).  In addition, the practice can lead to post mutilation stress that can have life long effect on the individual especially where the initiate was forcefully mutilated without prior knowledge about the procedure.  Severe forms of FGM/C can present challenges to midwives and obstetricians in providing antenatal and postnatal care. Therefore there has been the need to train professionals to know how to deliver infibulated women. From the above known effects of FGM/C, it is but no secret but to sensitize and educate Excisers on proper use of the instruments they use for FGM/C procedures and the handling of their initiates especially during and after their operation if they are to preserve their tradition.


1. To estimate the total number of Excisers in three (3) chiefdoms (Bramaia, Tonko Limba and Magbema) in the Kambia District which would be used to determine the number of Excisers in the District. The estimation process for the entire country would be conducted subsequently depending on the availability of funds. 2. To advice Excisers on all matters relating to the procedures adopted during and after FGM/C operations. 3. To profile the Excisers in terms of age, educational level, family situation etc. and identify the reasons for conducting the study. 4. The cross-sectional study will examine the fortunate and stimulus variables on the practice of FGM/C in three (3) out of the seven (7) chiefdoms (Magbema, Tonko Limba and Bramaia) in the Kambia District with a view of establishing the interventions to improve the health status of girls and women.


 To identify the number of Excisers in Sierra Leone, with reasons why they sustain the practice, and profile the Excisers (age, educational Page 4 of 22 level, family situation etc.).Obstructed labour and psychological complications are identified as later effects In rural areas where untrained traditional birth attendants perform the operations,



The survey will spread over a 10-day period. One field team of five (5) persons will be involved in data collection.

2. DATA PROECESSING Two Data Entry Operators will be employed. The main data entry software to be used to capture the data will be Epiinfo. The data capture will be run after all questionnaires have been received and edited for consistency and accuracy. The Epiinfo data will be exported into Excel and SPSS after which Analysis and the generation of statistical tables will be done using SPSS.

3. SURVEY METHODOLOGY The survey methodology proposes 500 Excisers in three (3) chiefdoms in the Kambia District. Workload of each Interviewer will be 100 questionnaires over a 10-day period.

In an effort to obtain all possible objectives of the survey with a limited budget and human resources, the sample size is fixed at 500 Excisers.

4. SAMPLE DESIGN Representative sample of Excisers was selected in order to achieve the survey objectives. 4.1 Sample Design For the purpose of this survey the Kambia District was randomly selected from the 12 districts in Sierra Leone; and three (3) chiefdoms were then randomly selected without considering the population in each chiefdom (i.e. without PPS of Chiefdom). These chiefdoms were Tonko Limba, Bramaia and Magbema). A list of all Excisers in three chiefdoms classified by village/section were created as the sample frame for the survey. The Sample Frame thus created is the best available in the systems.

4.2 Stratification In order to increase provision and reliability of the estimates the technique of stratification was employed in the sample design using geographical factor as the main control.

4.3 Sample Selection Samples of 500 Excisers will systematically selected from the 634 Excisers contained in the sample frame.

5. DATA COLLECTION 5.1 - Field Survey Operation 5.2 - Survey Period 5.3 - Field Work Page 5 of 22 Constitution of the field team will Five (5) Interviewers One (1) Field Supervisor Two (2) Data Entry Operator The field Supervisor will be responsible for overseeing monitoring and correcting the work of the international data entry Operators. The Data Entry Operators will enter all data collected from the field into a microcomputer

6. DATA PROCESSING 6.1 - Training Training of Data Entry Operators will be conducted one week after the commencement of the fieldwork.

6.2 - Data Entry Each of the two (2) Data Entry Operators will be assigned to 250 Questionnaires. The main data entry software to be used for data capture will be Epiinfo.

6.3 - Tabulation/Analysis The Epiinfo data will be read into SPSS, after which the analysis and generation of statistical tables will be done using SPSS.

7. DATA QUALITY Good quality data will be ensured using various measures during and after data collection, thus ensuring that data quality was not compromised.

To achieve these, Field Coordinator and Field Supervisors will be employed.

Consistency checks will be built in the data entry program to detect inconsistencies in the course of entering the data clearing of the data will be the responsibility of the Field and Survey Coordinators

Page 6 of 22 APPENDIX I


This method derives from market research strategies in which theories of social psychology and communication were applied and rarer incorporated into social research methods. A special manual for the use of focus group discussion in health is now available (See Dawson Manderson and Tallo, 1993).

In a focus group discussion, people from similar backgrounds or experience (e.g. mothers, young married men, birch attendants wives) are brought together to discuss a specific topic of interest to the investigator(s). Homogeneous samples are preferred because mixing age gender may inhabit some people especially women from expressing their views.

PURPOSE  To explore the range of opinions/views on a topic of interest  To collect a wide variety of local terms and expressions used to describe a disease (e.g. diarrhea) or an act (e.g. defection).  To explore meanings of survey findings that cannot be explained statistically.

MATERIALS A range of materials including tape recorders if appropriate, and pictures is introduce topics for discussion, can be used. Recording the discussion on tape has the advantage of being able to play it back and pick up salient points after the discussion is over. The disadvantage is that transcribing from tape takes a long time, it can take up to five hours to transcribe an hour’s tape recording of a focus group discussion plus another couple of hours to listen to the tape again and check the transcription for accuracy. Even then important points may be missed if the tape recording is not accompanied by detailed notes on who the participants were, the order in which they spoke, and the non-verbal language which accompanied what was said. If the discussion took place in a language not understood by the investigator(s), translation can mean added time and financial costs, See Box 23 for an example of notes transcribed from a focus group discussion held with committee members of a Harambe, a self-help, tainwater harvesting project in Kenya (P signifies participants whose names were coded by the letters of the alphabet and M stands for the discussion moderator. The discussion was conducted in Kiswahili).

Page 7 of 22 PROCEDURE  Identify suitable discussion participants and invite a small group to a meeting at an agreed place and time. The ideal number of participants is six to eight, but be flexible about numbers – do not turn away participants after they had arrived at the meeting and do not pressure people to come to the meeting. Study the Focus Group Manual for detailed guidance (see also Chapter 3).  Be mentally prepared for the session, you will need to remain alert to be able to observe, listen and keep the discussion on track for a period of one to two hours.  Make sure you arrive at the agreed place before the participants, and be ready to greet them.  Maintain a neutral attitude and appearance, and do not start talking about the topic of interest before the official opening of the group discussion.  Begin by introducing yourself and your team (even if the participants have already met them individually), and ask participants to introduce themselves.  Explain clearly that the purpose of the discussion is to find out what people think about the practices or activities depicted by the pictures. Tell them that you are not looking for any right or wrong answer but that you want to learn what each participant’s views are. It must be made clear to all participants that their views will be valued.  Bring the discussion to a close when you feel the topic has been exhausted, and do not let the group discussion degenerate into smaller discussions. Be sincere in expressing your thanks to the participants for their contributions. Refreshment may be served at the end of the meting as away to thanking the participants and maintaining good rapport with them.

Page 8 of 22 APPENDIX II

ACTIVITIES AND ESTIMATED BUDGET (Actual US $) Quanti Uni Rate/U Code Budget Item ty No. t nit Total Cost 1 Materials and Supplies 1.1 Duplicating Paper 5 1 pkts 5.00 25.00 1.2 Tape Recorders for FGD 5 1 pcs 10.00 50.00 1.3 C-90 Audio Cassettes for FGD 10 1 pcs 2.00 20.00 pair 1.4 Batteries 20 1 s 1.00 20.00 1.5 Ball Point Pens 10 1 pcs 4.00 40.00 1.6 Pencils 10 1 pcs 0.10 1.00 1.7 Erasers 5 1 pcs 0.40 2.00 1.8 Note pads/Exercise Books 10 1 pcs 1.00 10.00 1.9 Clip boards 5 1 pcs 3.00 15.00 1.10 File Covers 10 1 pcs 0.10 10.00 Sub Total 193.00 Interviewers Allowances and 2 Transport 10 day 2.1 Per Diem Allowance (Interviewers) 5 1 s 20.00 1,000.00 per 2.2 Transport (Freetown - Kambia 5 1 s 25.00 125.00 per 2.3 Transport (Internal runs in Kambia 5 10 s 5.00 250.00 Sub Total 1,375.00 3 Coordination & Supervision per 3.1 Survey Coordinator 2 s 750.00 1,500.00 3.2 Field Coordinator 1 per 300.00 600.00 3.3 Field Supervisor 1 per 500.00 500.00 per 1,000.0 3.4 Consultancy Fees 2 s 0 2,000.00 Sub Total 4,600.00 4 Training per s/da 4.1 Training of Interviewers 8 2 y 10.00 100.00 Sub Total 100.00 Data Entry, Processing and 5 Analysis per 5.1 Data Entry Operators 2 1 s 150.00 300.00 Page 9 of 22 5.2 Data Processing 1 1 per 750.00 750.00 1,000.0 5.3 Data Analysis 1 1 per 0 1,000.00 Sub Total 2,050.00 1,000.0 6 Report Writing 2 1 Pers 0 2,000.00 Sub Total 2,000.00 7 Printing 7.1 Printing and duplicating materials 500 1.00 500.00 Sub Total 500.00 Price & Quantity 8 Contingencies 100.00 Sub-Total 100.00 Grand Total 10,918.00 APPENDIX III



No. NAME OF EXCISER DISTRICT CHIEFDOM SECTION/VILLAGE/LOCALITY 1 Mabinty Sillah Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 2 Amie Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 3 Isata Kabba Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 4 Ayie Conteh Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 5 Banna N'tuma Bangura Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 6 Yanyie Gbay Sillah Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 7 M'ballu Bangura Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 8 N'ballu Conteh Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 9 Maseray Bangura Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 10 Mahawa Khaday Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Baindia) 11 Kallay Binty Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 12 Salamatu Kamara Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 13 N'madama Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 14 N'mah Turay Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 15 Salamatu Bangura Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 16 Alimamy N'mah Sesay Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 17 N'madama Kamara Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 18 N'mah Feghe Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Filikhumyie (Koboto) 19 mamdama Kamara Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 20 Fatmata Conteh Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 21 Maserray Turay Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 22 Mamaisa Turay Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 23 N'nadawa Kamara Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 24 Nanah Conteh Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 25 Aminata Conteh Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 26 N'mah Bangura Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 27 Fatmata Kamara Kambia Bramaia Formeh Bugamie 28 Amie Sumah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 29 Isata Kamara Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 30 N'tuma Kamara Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 31 N'mah Bangura Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 32 Fatmata Sumah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 33 Mameh Bangura Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie Page 10 of 22 34 Yarie Sumah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 35 Mafehren Sillah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 36 Mafehren Bangura Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 37 Isata Kamara II Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 38 Mah Fehreh Conteh Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 39 Mahawa Conteh Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 40 N'mah Kamara Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 41 Mabinty Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 42 Mafudia Turay I Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 43 Mafudia Turay II Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 44 Nanah Kamara Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 45 Amie Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 46 Mafudia Sumah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 47 N'mah Sumah Kambia Bramaia Fortonbunyie 48 Kankay Yakha Kamara Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 49 Madama Conteh Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 50 Alimamy N'mah Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 51 Mabinty kamara Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 52 N'tuma Conteh Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 53 Yarie Conteh Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 54 Mabinty Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 55 Kadiatu Turay Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 56 Fatu Conteh Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 57 Mabinty Sesay Kambia Bramaia Kabaya 58 Alimamy Binty Kamara Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 59 Isata Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 60 N'mah Kamara Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 61 N'matha Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 62 Kadiatu Kamara Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 63 Mabinty kamara Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 64 Yakka Kamara Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 65 N'mah Conteh Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 66 Zainab Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 67 Teti Fehren Sillah Kambia Bramaia Madineh Sobaneh, 68 Mabinty kamara Kambia Bramaia Seduya 69 Maseray Kamara Kambia Bramaia Seduya 70 Mameh Kamara Kambia Bramaia Seduya 71 Isata Turay Kambia Bramaia Seduya 72 Mabinty Turay Kambia Bramaia Seduya 73 Yakha Turay Kambia Bramaia Seduya 74 Fatmata Bangura Kambia Bramaia Seduya 75 Fatmata Kamara Kambia Bramaia Seduya 76 Aminata Turay Kambia Bramaia Seduya 77 Memuna Kamara Kambia Bramaia Seduya 78 N'madama Kamara Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 79 N'mah-sta Conteh Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 80 Kadiatu Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 81 Gbay Binty Kamara Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 82 Maseray Bangura Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 83 Mamaisata Conteh Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 84 Amie Bangura Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 85 Mabinty kamara Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 86 Fatmata Darameh Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 87 Marie Kamara Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 88 Mameh Kamara Kambia Bramaia Tebaya 89 Mabinty Sumah Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 90 N'mah Conteh Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 91 Kadiatu Kamara Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia Page 11 of 22 92 Fatmata Kamara Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 93 Mabinty Conteh Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 94 Mamasata Kamara Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 95 Mafulay Dumbuya Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 96 N'mah Sumah Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 97 Zainab Mansaray Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 98 Mabinty kamara Kambia Bramaia Teneba-Braimaia 99 Ya Baromie Turay Kambia Magbema Barmoi 100 Nandawa Hasede Kambia Magbema Barmoi 101 Baromie Sesay Kambia Magbema Barmoi 102 Sampa Sesay Kambia Magbema Barmoi 103 Nandawa Dumbuya Kambia Magbema Barmoi 104 Sampa Kadiatu Kamara Kambia Magbema Barmoi 105 Ya Koloneh Kambia Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 106 Baromie Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 107 Koloneh Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 108 Ya Koloneh Yama Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 109 Karayeamu Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 110 Sampa Soko Masalla Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 111 Koloneh Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 112 Wotho Kargbo Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 113 Nandawa Agbassa Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 114 Safarah Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 115 Ramata Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 116 Koloneh Kanku Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 117 Karayeamu Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 118 Karayeamu Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 119 Karayeamu Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 120 Kadiatu Bangura Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 121 Memuna Conteh Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 122 Fatu Bnabie Kamara Kambia Magbema Kalay Musaya Town 123 Koloneh Bangura Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 124 Nandawa Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 125 Baromie Kargbo Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 126 Koloneh Kamara Adiamond Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 127 Koloneh Kamara Abonor Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 128 Sampa Angba Akala Bangura Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 129 Baromie Bangura Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 130 Sampa Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 131 Kotha Sampa Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 132 Osusu Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 133 Koloneh Kalawah Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 134 Wotho Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 135 Wotho Sesay Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 136 Koloneh Apower Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 137 Koloneh Apoint Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 138 Koloneh Kapen Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 139 Koloneh Kamara I Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 140 Koloneh Kamara II Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 141 Sdampa Soko Sesay Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 142 Nandawa Kargbo Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 143 Isatu Senneh Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 144 Marie Conteh Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 145 Amie Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 146 N'mah Kamara Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 147 Koloneh Turay Kambia Magbema Kambia Town 148 Koloneh Apower Kambia Magbema Kassice 149 Sampa Kamara I Kambia Magbema Kassice Page 12 of 22 150 Sampa Kamara II Kambia Magbema Kassice 151 Koloneh Kawalai Kambia Magbema Kassice 152 Ya Alimamy Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 153 Koloneh Thosuand Kambia Magbema Matham 154 Baby Bangura Kambia Magbema Matham 155 Koloneh Chance Kambia Magbema Matham 156 Baromie Bangura Kambia Magbema Matham 157 Koloneh Bangura Kambia Magbema Matham 158 Ya Baromie Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 159 Koloneh Pa Adikalie Kambia Magbema Matham 160 Koloneh Apower Kambia Magbema Matham 161 Koloneh Apower II Kambia Magbema Matham 162 Sampa Soko Kambia Magbema Matham 163 Sampa Kuthie I Kambia Magbema Matham 164 Sampa Wuteh Kambia Magbema Matham 165 Koloneh Ya Baro Kambia Magbema Matham 166 Sampa Kasath Kambia Magbema Matham 167 Isatu Senneh Kambia Magbema Matham 168 Fatu Abdulai Kambia Magbema Matham 169 Kadiatu Dauda Kambia Magbema Matham 170 N'mah Tejan Kambia Magbema Matham 171 Adam Amara Kambia Magbema Matham 172 Sampa Kuthe II Kambia Magbema Matham 173 Regba Turay Kambia Magbema Matham 174 Adama Bangura Kambia Magbema Matham 175 Sampa Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 176 Posseh Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 177 Mariatu Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 178 Zainab Jalloh Kambia Magbema Matham 179 Memuna Amara Kargbo Kambia Magbema Matham 180 Marie Conteh Kambia Magbema Matham 181 Iye Turay Kambia Magbema Matham 182 Iye Kargbo I Kambia Magbema Matham 183 Koloneh Sesay Kambia Magbema Matham 184 Nandawa Kamara Kambia Magbema Matham 185 Sampa Gebke Kambia Magbema Matham 186 Sampa Koya Kambia Magbema Matham 187 Sampa Sesay Kambia Magbema Matham 188 Ya Kadiatu Bangura Kambia Magbema Matham 189 Katrayeamu Kamara Kambia Magbema Palipe 190 Nandawa Kamara Kambia Magbema Palipe 191 Sampa Kamara Kambia Magbema Palipe 192 Sampa Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 193 Yabai Conteh Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 194 Nandawa Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 195 Karayeamu Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 196 Dorah Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 197 Fatumata Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 198 Marie Kamara Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 199 Salamatu Conteh Kambia Magbema Sengbeh 200 Isata Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Bailor 201 Fatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Bailor 202 Fatu Bangutra Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 203 Kahota Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 204 Saio Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 205 Adama kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 206 Yombo Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 207 Kadiatu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh Page 13 of 22 208 Amie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Banekeh 209 Nandewa Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Bayande 210 Fatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Bayande 211 Mamy Yealie Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Bayande 212 Wainday Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Bayande 213 Masaio Lamina Kambia Tonko Limba Bubuya 214 Salamatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Bubuya 215 Marie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Bubuya 216 Salamatu Bangura I Kambia Tonko Limba Bubuya 217 Salamatu Bangura II Kambia Tonko Limba Bubuya 218 Sampa Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Fifteen Mile 219 Marie Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Foracaria 220 Nadie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Foracaria 221 Nafat Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Foracaria 222 Koloneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Foracaria 223 Koloneh Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Foracaria 224 Simah Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Fotorie 225 Yaliban Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Fotorie 226 Rugur Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Harimakonor 227 Dora Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kabananaya 228 Fatmata Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kabananaya 229 Binty Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kabananaya 230 Mamah Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 231 Yeanorba Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 232 Yabundu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 233 Feren Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 234 Fatima Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 235 Nkarday Nyillah Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa 236 Kanu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa I 237 Wainday Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa I 238 Sallay Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa I 239 Sathan Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kabasa I 240 Marie Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kabat 241 Muyun Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kabat 242 Marie Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kabaya 243 Fatu Dubba Kambia Tonko Limba Kadalo 244 Fatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kadalo 245 Fatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 246 Sappa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 247 Gbaku Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 248 Yainkain Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 249 Yealie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 250 N'balu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 251 Mbalu Mah Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 252 Yealie Metzger Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 253 Fatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 254 Mbalu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kafanta 255 Isatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kafororie 256 Konie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kafororie 257 Adama Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kafotorie 258 Rogor Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kafotorie 259 Baromie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 260 Fatima Foday Sorie Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 261 Fatu Kulun Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 262 Adama Tharun Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 263 Fudia Nabie Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 264 Ramatu Musa Kambia Tonko Limba Kafula Sella 265 Nkayema Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kahodoba Page 14 of 22 266 Yeneba Adikalie Kambia Tonko Limba Kakola 267 Dora Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kakola 268 Adama Manso Saio Kambia Tonko Limba Kakola 269 Sainpay Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kakola 270 Sainpay Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kakola 271 Adama Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kakonteh 272 Adama Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kakonteh 273 Boi Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kakorla 274 Boi Sesay II Kambia Tonko Limba Kakorla 275 Yeabu Kambia Tonko Limba Kakorla 276 Moriba Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kakorla 277 Kadiatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kakundaya 278 Sento Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kakuserie 279 Naminah Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kakuserie 280 Sento Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kakutala 281 Daba Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kakutala 282 Ndorgbor Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kakutaya 283 Marie Sieh Duba Kambia Tonko Limba Kalinthin 284 Musu Morroi Kambia Tonko Limba Kalinthin 285 Yealie Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kalinthin 286 Mmah Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kalinthin 287 Boinkey Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kalinthin 288 Yealie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kalintin 289 Maseray Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kalintin 290 Kadie Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 291 Kaday Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 292 Satta Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 293 Dora Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 294 Bonnie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 295 Moriba Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 296 Maria Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 297 Kadiatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 298 Posseh samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 299 Marie kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabala 300 Nandaywaa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabortor 301 Koloneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabortor 302 Gbaku Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamabortor 303 Marie Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbanta 304 Konsor Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbeu 305 Fatu Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbeu 306 Konson Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbeu 307 Fudia Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbeu 308 Isata Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbeu 309 Margaret Fullah Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbewie 310 Yeanor Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbewie 311 Isata Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamagbewie 312 Saio Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 313 Yainkain Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 314 M'balu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 315 Yabundu Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 316 Yealie Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 317 Marie Sieh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 318 Adama Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 319 Memuna Alie Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakindota 320 Neneh Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamakukuna 321 Kai Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamalakita 322 Yamboi Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamalakita 323 Gbaku Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasagalie Page 15 of 22 324 Yalihan Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 325 Namina Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 326 Nanah Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 327 Kaday Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 328 Kaday Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 329 Namina Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 330 Yalihan Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 331 Nanah Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 332 Binty Lai Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 333 Yainkain Salie Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 334 Sailor Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 335 Maseray Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 336 Mbalu Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 337 Fatu Sieh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 338 Sento Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 339 Namina Unisa Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 340 Fatmata Mallay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 341 Fatima Momoh Maria Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 342 Mabinty Foday Kambia Tonko Limba Kamasasa 343 Mamusu Dama Kambia Tonko Limba Kamaselleh 344 Binty Gbay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamaselleh 345 Sattan Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamatana 346 Adama Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathana 347 Isatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathana 348 Adama Mamu Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathorthor 349 Fatu Yeanoh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathothor 350 Kadie Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathothor 351 Yainkain Kandy Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathothor 352 Sallay Saio Kambia Tonko Limba Kamathothor 353 Warithoo Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kamatombayday 354 Binti Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala 355 Muyun Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala 356 Ndorgbor Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala 357 Binti Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala I 358 Seray Saidu Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala I 359 Mbalu Konson Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala I 360 Sento Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala I 361 Konson Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala II 362 Ballay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala II 363 Bonroh Brima Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawala II 364 Adama Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kamawalo II 365 Poseh Muya Kambia Tonko Limba Kamayahen 366 Nanah Momodu Sayo Kambia Tonko Limba Kargbonkoh 367 Baromie Momodu Kambia Tonko Limba Kargboto 368 Karayamu Thamu Kambia Tonko Limba Kargboto 369 Karayamu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kargboto 370 Fatmata Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasa 371 Mabinty Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasa 372 Binty Mariama Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasa 373 Mbalu Yaliba Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasa 374 Sallaymatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasa 375 Posseh Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasie 376 Hawa Mordia Kambia Tonko Limba Kasasie 377 Fatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kaselen 378 Wannie Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kaselen 379 Isatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 380 Iye Kossay Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 381 Posseh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi Page 16 of 22 382 Emmah Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 383 Kossay Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 384 Kadiatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 385 Ethuma Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 386 Makai Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 387 Sampa Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 388 Koloneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 389 Fatu Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kaserie Matatoi 390 Sapa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasigine 391 Fullah Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kasigine 392 Alice Bola Kambia Tonko Limba Kasigirie 393 Isata Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kasigirie 394 Adama Ronko Kambia Tonko Limba Kasigirie 395 Matu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasobo 396 Gbokodie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasobo 397 Fatmata Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kasobo 398 Koloneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasogor 399 Namina Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasongar 400 Sappa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasongar 401 Sattu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kasongar 402 Wanthoo Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasongar 403 Satta bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kasoria 404 Kadiatu Issa Kambia Tonko Limba Kasoriya 405 Bommie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kasoriya 406 Adama Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kasoriya 407 Fatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kasoriya 408 Yealie Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kasumuleh 409 Yakurumaneh Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kasumuleh 410 Baromie Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kasumuleh 411 Nandaywa Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Katambie 412 Koloneh Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Katambie 413 Binti Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Katambie 414 Egaimah Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Katanehneh 415 Nandewa Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Katanehneh 416 Mami Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Katanehneh 417 Saio Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Katei 418 Daba Sieh Kambia Tonko Limba Kathaneneh 419 Isata Karimokor Kambia Tonko Limba Kathaneneh 420 Sathan Kaisa Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 421 Sallay Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 422 Mariama Sieh Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 423 Sathan Sie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 424 Amie Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 425 Kamiza Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kathanthineh 426 Yealie Kargbo I Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 427 Yealie Kargbo II Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 428 Yealie Kargbo III Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 429 Mariya Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 430 Kai Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 431 Satta Yeanorbah Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 432 Satta Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kathantineh 433 Mamusu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kathirie 434 Sampa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kathirie 435 Nandaewa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kathirie 436 N'nalia Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kathoryan 437 Rugie Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 438 Koloneh Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 439 Kadiatu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor Page 17 of 22 440 M'mah Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 441 Sallay Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 442 Isata Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 443 Rugie Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 444 Adama Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kawonsor 445 Dora Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kayagbanta 446 Sampa Koloneh Kambia Tonko Limba Kayainkaysa 447 Sampa Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kayainkaysa 448 Nanah Kargb Kambia Tonko Limba Kayakka 449 Amie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kayakka 450 Sento Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kayakka 451 Nadea Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kayako 452 Baromie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kayako 453 Sampa Saidu Mampa Kambia Tonko Limba Kayako 454 Adama Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 455 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 456 Queeneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 457 Mabinty kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 458 Isata bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 459 Mayalie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kayanka 460 Saio Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 461 nandewa Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 462 Isata Suma Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 463 Mamadie Suma Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 464 M'Mah Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 465 Mariama Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 466 M'mah Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 467 Salaymatu Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 468 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kolonkuray 469 Kolo Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Konta 470 Mariama Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Konta 471 Fatu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Konta 472 Yealie Konko Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 473 Isata Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 474 Binty Karimokor Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 475 Amie Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 476 Isata Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 477 Sappa santigie Kambia Tonko Limba Koselen 478 Isata Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Kukuna Dee 479 Koloneh Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kukuna Dee 480 Naminah Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kuladarah 481 Yeanorbah Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kuladarah 482 Yealiyah Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kuladarah 483 Yealie Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Kuladarah 484 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaia 485 Feren Santigie Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaia 486 Gbatuwa Kamara I Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaya 487 Yabundu Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaya 488 Gbatuwa Kamara II Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaya 489 Kadiatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaya 490 Yealie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Kundaya 491 Musu Daffae Kambia Tonko Limba Kuredara Junction 492 Isata Koleya Kambia Tonko Limba Kuredara Village 493 Fudia Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Kuteya 494 Adama Kemehuray Kambia Tonko Limba Kuteya 495 Simah Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Kutuya 496 Barkie Saidu Kambia Tonko Limba Laya Dee 497 Fatu Bangutra Kambia Tonko Limba Layiagboray Page 18 of 22 498 Adama Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Layiagboray 499 Marie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Mabanda 500 Adama Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Mabanda 501 Isatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Mabanda 502 N'daemoh Momoh Kambia Tonko Limba Mabanda 503 Nadie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Mabanda 504 Gbatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Mabaydayfay 505 Kai Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Mabaydayfay 506 Adama Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Mabaydayfay 507 Yeanorbah Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Mabaydayfay 508 Muyun Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Mabaydayfay 509 Masaio Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madaemu 510 Kikky Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madaemu 511 Fatu Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madaemu 512 Dora Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 513 Fanta Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 514 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 515 Baromie Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 516 Baromie Bangura II Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 517 Fanta Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 518 Fudia Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 519 Yealie Gbaga Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 520 Yalimamy Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 521 Nanah Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 522 Makalay Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 523 Forla Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 524 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 525 Maferen Kaki Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 526 Nafat Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 527 Makai Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 528 Fudia Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 529 Mabinty Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 530 Makai Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 531 Fatu Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 532 Yeanor Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 533 Isata Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 534 Hawa Suma Kambia Tonko Limba Madina 535 Yalihan Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Masabeh 536 Wainday Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Masako 537 Binti Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Masamapindi 538 Binti Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Masamapindi 539 Yalihan Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Masarnar 540 Isatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Masunta 541 Simah Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Matakita 542 Yealie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Matambayday 543 Isatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Matatoi 544 Isata Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Matatoi 545 Nanday Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 546 Sampa Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 547 Neday Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 548 Marie Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 549 Salamatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 550 Mabinty Dora Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 551 Isatu Koroma Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 552 Isatu Sanyoh Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 553 Kadiatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 554 Konie Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh 555 Nadie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Mayefeh Page 19 of 22 556 Baromie Nunuh Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 557 Baromie Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 558 Ethuma Mayalie Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 559 Mabinty Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 560 Koloneh Turay I Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 561 Koloneh Turay II Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 562 Yeali Kabba Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 563 Bankara Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 564 Banharo Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Milikie 565 Koloneh Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 566 Isatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 567 Sadiatu Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 568 Maphola Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 569 Mamusu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 570 Aminata Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 571 Mafolah Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Numea 572 Dora Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Old Kabasa 573 Kai Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Old Kabasa 574 Mamy Adikalie Kambia Tonko Limba Roconta 575 Koloneh Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Rokayainkaysa 576 Isata Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Rokomp 577 Sampa Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Rokomp 578 Nkama Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Rokomp 579 Sampa Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Rokukuna 580 Sampa Alhajie Marie Kambia Tonko Limba Rothathine 581 Koloneh Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Rothathine 582 Yamboi Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Samaia 583 Wannie Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Samaia 584 Sampa Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Samitown 585 Dora Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Sdamaia 586 Kuye Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Sdamaia 587 Fudia Kargbo bo Kambia Tonko Limba Sdamaia 588 Adama Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Sdamaia 589 Ballay Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Segtha 590 Feren Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Segtha 591 Ndorgbor Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Small Bubuya 592 Nandewa Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Small Bubuya 593 Fatu Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Small Kamathothor 594 Kadiatu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Small Kasorie 595 Duba Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Small Kasorie 596 Nkaimah Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Small Kasorie 597 Wantoo Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Small Kasorie 598 Ndorgbor Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Tanehneh 599 Fudia Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Thambin 600 Namina Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Thambin 601 Bonroh Sul;aiman Kambia Tonko Limba Thambin 602 Nadie Conteh Kambia Tonko Limba Thambin 603 Ballu Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Thaneneh 604 Isatu Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Thaneneh 605 Koloneh Kargbo I Kambia Tonko Limba Thirteen Mile 606 Koloneh Kargbo II Kambia Tonko Limba Thirteen Mile 607 Fatu Makai Kambia Tonko Limba Thirteen Mile 608 Fatu Dumbuya Kambia Tonko Limba Thirteen Mile 609 Fatu Momodu Kambia Tonko Limba Thirteen Mile 610 Mabinty Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Thornyan 611 Demao Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 612 Sallie Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 613 Dabba Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore Page 20 of 22 614 Fatima Turay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 615 Mbalu Seray Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 616 Adama Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 617 Nanah Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 618 Fatmata Gibrilla Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 619 Marie Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore 620 Rugie Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore Junction 621 Namina Samura Kambia Tonko Limba Wonkifore Junction 622 Mammy Binty Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Yankambor 623 Yalimamy Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Yankambor 624 Kai Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Yankambor 625 Adama Sesay Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 626 Tera Thithie Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 627 Mabinty Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 628 Mariatu Daffae Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 629 Salie Karimokor Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 630 Yainkain Kabba Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 631 Dora Kamara Kambia Tonko Limba Yebaya 632 Yainkain Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Yekaya 633 Kahota Bangura Kambia Tonko Limba Yekaya 634 Ndaemor Kargbo Kambia Tonko Limba Yekaya


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