Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held On s1

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held On s1

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

9th NOVEMBER 2009 7pm, Dickleburgh Village Centre

PRESENT: Terry Clarkson (Chair), Mick Logan, Chris Davy, John Adlam, Stuart Dean, Richard Hill and Brian Baker

IN ATTENDANCE: Claire Sparkes (Clerk), Martin Wilby

173. To consider accepting apologies for absence

 Apologies received from Carl Roe and Trevor Leeder who are both on holiday.

 Apologies accepted

174. To approve the minutes of the last council meeting held on 12th October 2009  Approved

175. To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed  None received

19.25pm Cllr Dean left the meeting due to illness. He reported on his matters arising (see below) before he left.

176. To receive the reports of the District and County Councillors  District Councillor Wilby o The Remembrance Sunday parade was fantastic. o Has recently met with the new Superintendant Malcolm Cooke, in charge of South Norfolk and discussed speeding with him. o The “Slow Down in Scole” stickers did come from SNC. Martin is working on getting some more done through SNC. We could get the stickers distributed through the village magazine. Contact is Wendy Adcock. o The wind turbines meeting in Dickleburgh didn’t have a big turnout. The applicants are looking to put a planning application into SNC in early 2010. o Scole have a public meeting on 10th November 2009 about the wind turbines planned for Eye Airfield. o Shared services – new buzz word in local authorities. SNC are working a lot with Breckland Council. o The new car park at the village centre is really good.

177. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only – incl.  “Slow Down In...” bin stickers (Clerk) – Scole PC told me they got these from SNC. However, SNC can’t tell me who to contact to get them.  Catchpole Walk Footpath (Cllr Clarkson) – We are still waiting for a positive response from them. We are currently looking at waiting for a year to 18 months. They will keep us updated on progress.  Langmere Common ditch (Cllr Adlam) – This has been done and it looks really good.  SNAP meeting and speeding (Cllr Dean) – Dickleburgh’s speeding problem has been elevated to a higher status as a result of attending this meeting. Martin Wilby agreed that SNC Neighbourhood funding could be used to fund a speed activated warning sign if it was clearly a community project.  Rushall notice board update on progress (Cllr Dean) – This is in hand and will be completed soon.  Football Club and rubbish (Cllr Dean) – Stuart told the football club that it’s not acceptable to leave litter around the playing field and changing rooms and the white line marker cannot stay in the Village Centre. We need to take a much tougher line with them. Action – Cllr Dean – to visit the football team again, before the next meeting. Action – Cllr Logan – to contact Football club Chairman inviting them to the next PC meeting to discuss this problem.  Your Parish, Your Decision (all Cllrs) – St Clements Common Restoration Project. Action – Clerk – To put outline project together for approval at the next meeting.

178. To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate.  Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework – Consultation on further issues and options – 12 October 2009  South Norfolk Consultation with town and parish clerks.  BT – Adopt your local red telephone kiosk – Action – Clerk - agenda for next month  Email from SNC regarding red telephone kiosks – 2 Nov 2009  SNC Directorate Structure Charts  SNC Parish Council Precept Requirements 2010/11 – handed to RFO, Cllr Chris Davy  Greater Norwich Development Partnership – Publication of the Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk  Parish Crime Statistics  Communities Survey – The State of Rural Services in England – Action – Clerk – Send round a scanned version for all Cllrs to complete, return to the Clerk who will complete on behalf of DRPC .  Management of County Wildlife Sites – Action – Clerk – to arrange a meeting with Norfolk Wildlife Trust for Richard and John to go to regarding the management of Langmere Green.  The Parish Council meeting on 14th June 2010 will take place in Rushall Church.  Dates for the Diary – Training opportunities and meeting for Clerk and Councillors  Round Robin Contents o Greater Norwich Development Partnership – Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk (including pdf on CD) o Norfolk Matters – The newsletter for Norfolk County Council’s stakeholders o Living Longer, Living Well – The Norfolk Older People’s Strategy, Next Steps 2009-2011 o 6 Vill Youth CIC – 6 Month Review o Norfolk Link Issue 173 o News digest from Rural Services Community

179. To receive the Monthly Financial report from the RFO including notification of payments made over the last month.  Received.  Allotment rents are all in bar one.  The external audit has finally been signed off. Their comments included overpayment to Barbara de Winter, the high level of our reserves and the correction we had to make for an accounting error.  Three pages of the annual return needs to be posted on the village notice board. Action – Clerk – to email the charge we would make for providing copies of the annual return. Action – Cllr Davy – to put the notice up in Dickleburgh and Rushall notice board.  We are coming up to the last year of the Norse grass cutting contract and the price has risen slightly.

180. Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council, incl;  Planning Application 2009/1586 – Redbrick Cottage, Langmere Road, Dickleburgh. Proposed erection of garden room/storage shed to rear. Approved.  Planning Application2009/1608 – Lodge Farm, Harleston Road, Rushall. Notification of an alteration to roof on existing agricultural building. No Comments to make.

181. To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC  Planning Application 2009/1161 – LB – Dickleburgh Manor, Norwich Road, Dickleburgh. Proposed erection of enclosed porch. Approved with conditions.  Planning Application 2009/1221 – Lodge Cottage, Common Road, Dickleburgh. Single storey attached garage and drainage works. Approved with conditions.

182. To make comment on the revised proposals for the Tivetshall St Mary wind farm  Cllr Clarkson proposed that we restate our opposition to the scheme in its entirety. Rather than comment that 3 is better than 6. In fact this scheme strengthens our objection to the scheme.  Agreed.  Action – Clerk – to respond to Ennertrag letter.

183. To approve the Clerks attendance on the CiLCA Skills Course  Approved

184. To agree donations to charitable organisations for the financial year ending March 2010  The PC agreed to make donations to the following organisations at the following amounts; i. Diss CAB, £150 – approved ii. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, £50 – approved (Cllr Hill and Logan declared a personal interest).  DRPC has the power to make a donation to Diss CAB under the Local Government Act 1972, s142.  DRPC has the power to make the additional donations under the Local Government Act 1972, s137.  With 1129 electors and s137 expenditure rate of £6.15 per elector, DRPC has a maximum of £6943.55 to spend under this power during the current financial year. After these payments have been made DRPC will have a remaining £6893.55 to spend under LGA1972, s137.  Action – Finance Committee – to suggest a charitable donations budget for the 2010/11 budget.  Action – Cllr Davy – to arrange payments to Diss CAB and Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, as above.

185. To agree funding to local organisations for services delivered in the parish for the financial year ending March 2010  Village Centre Management Committee - £1000 – approved. DRPC has the power to support the Village Centre Management Committee under the Local Government Act 1972, s133. The power to provide buildings for offices and for public meetings and assemblies.  Dickleburgh Parish News - £330 – approved. DRPC has the power to support production of the village newsletter under the Local Government Act 1972, s142. The power to provide information relating to matters affecting local government.  Drs Leftley and Rowan, Medical Delivery Service - £330 – approved. DRPC has the power to make the additional donations under the Local Government Act 1972, s137. After this payment has been made DRPC will have a remaining £6563.55 to spend under LGA 1972, s137.  Dickleburgh Parochial Church Council, churchyard maintenance - £550 – approved. DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215.  Rushall Parochial Church Council, churchyard maintenance - £330 – approved. DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215.  Action – Cllr Davy, RFO – to arrange payments to the groups according to the amounts agreed above.

186. To assess and approve grant payments for the financial year ending March 2011  Dickleburgh PCC – Request for a grant to repair the Church roof – not approved. o The Clerk has received advice from Norfolk ALC stating, under the Local Government Act 1894, s6;

“Upon the Parish Council of a rural parish coming into office, there shall be transferred to that council the powers duties and liabilities of the vestry of the parish except so far as it relates to the affairs of the church...”

This law makes spending on the fabric of the church difficult. Additionally, DRPC cannot use LGA 1972, s137 to circumnavigate restrictions in other acts.

Action – Clerk – to inform Dickleburgh PCC of the DRPC decision in writing

 Action - Finance Committee – will consider the following grants at the next finance committee and make recommendations accordingly at the next PC meeting. o Rushall PCC – Request for a grant to maintain the churchyard - £500. DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215. o Drs Leftley and Rowan – Request for a donation to support the medicines delivery service. DRPC has the power to make this donation under the Local Government Act 1972, s137. o 6 Vill Youth – Request for a grant to provide services and activities to young people in Dickleburgh and Rushall - £5000. DRPC has the power to make this grant under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19, the power to provide a wide range of recreational facilities. o Other grant payments normally paid . The Village Hall Management Committee - £1000 – approved. DRPC has the power to support the Village Centre Management Committee under the Local Government Act 1972, s133, the Power to provide buildings for offices and for public meetings and assemblies. . Dickleburgh Parish News - £330 – approved. DRPC has the power to support production of the village newsletter under the Local Government Act 1972, s142. . Dickleburgh PCC, churchyard maintenance - £550 – approved. DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215.

187. To approve recommendations for rent charged to the bowls club, football club and allotments for the financial year ending March 2011 by the Property Committee

 Action – Finance Committee – to prepare and recommend rent changes for the next PC meeting.  Action – Clerk – to agenda rat control for the next meeting.

188. To form DRPC views on PFI street lighting contract on the old A140  Action – Clerk – to try and get a deferment for our comments until after the next meeting.

189. To approve the Terms of Reference for the Parish Development Group  Item deferred until after Christmas

190. To suggest areas of work and spend for the financial year ending March 2011 to the finance committee for consideration in setting next year’s budget  Work needed to maintain the Bowls Club.

191. To receive a progress report from 6 Vill Youth  Deferred to the next meeting.

192. To receive matters of information from Councillors  Cllr Logan thanked Cllr Clarkson for representing the parish at the Remembrance Day service.

193. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting.  Approval of line marking disabled parking spaces

There being no further business the meeting closed at 22.00

Chairman...... Date......

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