World War II and Cold War Wax Museum

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World War II and Cold War Wax Museum

World War II and Cold War Wax Museum

Students will create a fully functioning wax museum using information from WWII and the Cold War era. The project will be divided up into four different theatres of WWII and the Cold War; Asian Theatre, Europe/Africa Theatre, Nazi Germany, and the United States vs. United Soviet Socialist Republic. Students will research each section of the museum and have creative freedoms to set-up and perform major characters, propaganda, models, costumes, etc… Students will have several responsibilities for the project and is outlined under each phase of the project. This project will be worth 100 points with the design cycle embedded in your overall score Asia Theatre Major Leaders

Directions: Students will use their skills learned from the historical figure monologue and play the role of specific leaders or military officers that played a key role in the Asian theatre during WWII. Students that are selected for this part of the project will have to dress-up the part of the character assigned, research their figure thoroughly, create a one paged typed final copy of a speech created and of course this has to be memorized and ready to perform several times throughout the museum opening. All students must be in proper costume and as life-like as possible.

Asian Major Leaders

-Chiang Kai-Shek -Gen. MacArthur

-Emperor Hirohito -Adm. Nimitz

-Hideki Tojo -Adm. Leahy

-Isoroku Yamamoto Decorative Team

Directions: Students will research and create beautiful decorative items that will cover this section of the museum. Students will need to research the Asian Theatre of WWII and begin to create posters, statues, art-work, flags, medical supplies, new technologies used during the war.

Medical/New Technology

-Students will research how the soldiers were treated in the Asian theatre and create small replicas that would best represent new medical devices or services that were used to treat soldier on the battlefield. Students will also create small displays throughout the museum that show these new medical and technological feats. Each of the displays will have a detailed placard that states what each new invention or technique was used so all guests are fully informed on the concept

Women’s Role in World War I through the Cold War

Students will research the women of the era and the role that they played in War. Students will create posters, models, or interactive displays that portray the role of women during this time period.


-Students will create posters that would represent that time period and the major government and military leaders that will de on display in the museum. The posters will also show major war maps that will show detailed information about some of the major battles that took place in this part of WWII. The posters will also include hand created propaganda pieces that were used in both Asia and the United States. These posters will show key information for the war effort and how nationalism played a key role in convincing the world that the war was necessary.

Interactive Timeline

-Students will create an interactive timeline of events that shows the key battles between the Allied forces and Japan leading to the dropping of the atomic bomb. This timeline will have accurate dates and images that show the war in Asia. This will be displayed throughout the museum so the research and creativity has to be at the highest level Egnot – 1936-1942/1945-1970 Thornburg – 1942-1945/1970-1990


-Students will re-create small replica’s of statues, art or architecture of key buildings, devices, figures, etc… that best represents the museum. These items will also need a thorough placard that summarizes each piece and how it related to WWII. In addition, this section of the room will have proper military and country flags that were used in the time period. This piece of the project will need to be more creative than just simply drawing the flags on a poster board. For example, creating the war flags and country flags using fabric, construction paper, or any concept outside of just drawing on paper

3-Dimensional Models

-Students will re-create specific models for the museum. They will use any materials necessary to create each model. They will use their strategies from the scale model math project to create the best possible model to display in the museum. The 3-D model must be creative, colorful and would best represent what we would see in this time period (No models of 21st century). Students cannot buy any models and use this for their project grade. This will not be accepted and the student(s) will have to re-create the model for partial credit. Here are the Models for the Asian Theatre (students that have another idea for the model needs to get teacher approval before they start creating)

-Aircraft Carriers (United States/Japan)

-Submarines (U.S./Japan)

-Bunkers with barbed wire

-Kamikaze Planes

-Battleships (U.S./Japan)

Europe/Africa Theatre Major Leaders (Egnot Group) (Thornburg) -Neville Chamberlain -Gen. Rommel

-Winston Churchill -Hans-Jurgen Von Arnim

-Charles de Gaulle -Heinz Guderian

-George Marshall -Gen. Eisenhower

-Benito Mussolini -Gen. Patton -President Franklin D. Roosevelt

*Decorative team please refer to Asian Theatre project sheet, all directions and expectations apply

3-D Models

*Please refer to the Asian Theatre directions and expectations. Here are the Models for the European/African Theatre (All other ideas must be approved by teacher)

-Tanks (Just U.S./Europe,)

-Bunkers used during D-Day (without guns!!!!)

-Planes (U.S./Europe)

-Jeeps/Trucks (U.S./Europe)

-Parachutes for troopers

Nazi Germany Major Leaders (Egnot Team) (Thornburg Team) -Hitler -Herman Goring

- Joseph Goebbels -Heinrich Himmler

- ReinhardHeydrich -Adolf Eichmann

-Rudolf Hess

*Decorative team please refer to Asian Theatre project sheet, all directions and expectations apply. This section will also include the following

-Nazi Flag -Nazi Propaganda

-Third Reich building -S.A/S.S. Uniforms

-Hitler Youth -Eagles Nest

-History of the Gestapo -German Ghettos with uniforms/stars

3-D Models

*Please refer to the Asian Theatre directions and expectations. Here are the Models for the European/African Theatre (All other ideas must be approved by teacher)



-Panzer Tanks -Mercedes cars/trucks

United States vs. U.S.S.R Major Leaders

U.S.S.R. (Egnot Team) (Thornburg Team) -Vladimir Lenin -Leon Trotsky

-Josef Stalin -Nikita Khrushev

-Sergei Korolev -Leonid Brezhnev

-Yuri Gagarin -Mikhail Gorbachev

United States (Egnot) (Thornburg) -President John F. Kennedy -Neil Armstrong

-Sen. Robert Kennedy - President Ronald Reagan

-Henry Kissinger -President Richard Nixon

-U.S.A. Hockey Team -Robert McNamara

*Decorative team please refer to Asian Theatre project sheet, all directions and expectations apply. This section will also include the following

-Flag of the United States/Soviet Union with nation anthem lyric for each

-Propaganda poster of U.S. vs. U.S.S.R.

-Map of Soviet Union and Satellite countries

-Picture of Kremlin/White House

-Cuban Missile Crisis timeline of the 17 days and all world leaders involved

-Space Race programs of U.S. and Soviet Union

3-D Models

*Please refer to the Asian Theatre directions and expectations. Here are the Models for the European/African Theatre (All other ideas must be approved by teacher)

-Berlin Wall

-Space shuttles for Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Vostok and Voskhod

-Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

-Sputnik Satellite

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