Unit 1 Amazing Words And Story Words

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Unit 1 Amazing Words And Story Words

Fourth Grade Reading Street (www.freidalewis.com ) Unit 4.4.1 The Houdini Box Genre: Historical Fiction Vocabulary Words: Spelling Words: 1. appeared – was seen; came in sight 1. don’t 2. bustling – being noisily busy and in a hurry 2. won’t 3. crumbled – fell to pieces; decayed 3. wouldn’t 4. escape -to get out and away; to get free 4. there’s 5. magician – person who entertains by art or skill of creating illusions; especially a sleight of hand 5. we’re 6. monument- something set up to honor a person or an event. A monument may 6. you’re be a building, pillar, arch, statue, tomb, or stone. 7. doesn’t 7. vanished – disappeared, especially suddenly 8. I’ve More Words to Know: 9. here’s 1. engraved - cut deeply in; carved in; carved in an artistic way 10. wasn’t 2. unexplainable – unaccountable; without apparent cause or reason 11. shouldn’t 3. invisible – not visible; not capable of being seen 12. couldn’t 4. pretending –making believe 13. where’s 5. judge – form an opinion or estimate about 14. hadn’t Spelling: Comprehension Skill: 15. aren’t Contractions Compare and Contrast 16. they’re 17. it’s Grammar: Comprehension Strategy: 18. we’ve Singular and Plural Pronouns Predict 19. when’s 20. haven’t Writing Trait of the Week: Science Concepts: 21. it’ll Sentences Breathing 22. who’ll Illusions 23. might’ve Vocabulary Strategy: Dai Vernon 24. mustn’t

1 Context Clues 25. we’d

Fourth Grade Reading Street (www.freidalewis.com ) Unit 4.4.2 Encantado Genre: Expository Nonfiction Vocabulary Words: Spelling Words: 1. aquarium – building used for showing collections of live fish, water animals, and 1. chicken water plants 2. eleven 2. dolphins – any of numerous sea mammals related to the whale, but smaller with 3. given beaklike snouts and remarkable intelligence 4. jungle 3. enchanted - delighted greatly; charmed 4. flexible – easily bent; not stiff; bending without breaking 5. national 5. glimpses – short, quick views or looks 6. several 6. pulses – regular, measured beats 7. natural 7. surface – the top of the ground or soil, or of a body of water or other liquid 8. needle More Words to Know: 9. single 1. destination – place to which someone or something is going or is being sent 10. citizen 2. submerged - put under water; covered with water 11. threaten 3. teem – to be full of; abound; swarm 12. diagonal 4. agility – the ability to move quickly and easily; nimbleness 5. endowed – born with; provided with some ability, quality, or talent 13. paddle 6. relationship – condition that exists between people or groups that deal with each 14. animal other

2 Spelling: Comprehension Skill: 15. spiral Final le, al, en Compare and Contrast 16. marble Grammar: 17. oval Subject and Object Pronouns Comprehension Strategy: 18. mumble Visualize 19. tangle Writing Trait of the Week: 20. frighten Focus/Ideas Science Concepts: 21. strengthen Animal Characteristics 22. knuckle Vocabulary Strategy: Animal Survival, Food Web 23. individual Context Clues Habitat, Dolphin Facts 24. cubicle 25. three-dimensional Fourth Grade Reading Street (www.freidalewis.com ) Unit 4.4.3 The King in the Kitchen Genre: Play Vocabulary Words: Spelling Words: 1. duke – nobleman of the highest title; ranking just below a prince 1. brother 2. dungeon – a dark underground room or cell to hold prisoners 2. together 3. furiously – with unrestrained energy, speed, etc. 3. dinner 4. genius – person having very great natural power of mind 4. popular 5. majesty – title used in speaking to or of a king, queen, emperor, empress, etc. 6. noble – high or great by birth, rank, or title 5. center 7. peasant – farmer of the working class in Europe, Asia, and Latin America 6. calendar 8. porridge – food made of oatmeal or other grain boiled in water or milk until it thickens 7. similar More Words to Know: 8. regular 1. exiled – forced to leave your country or home, often by law as a punishment; 9. summer banished 10. clever 2. inferior – not very good; below most others; low in quality 11. supper 3. treasury – money owned; funds 12. pitcher 4. advertising – the act of bringing to public notice by radio or TV announcements, published notices, posters, or other means 13. filter 3 5. concentrate – pay close attention; focus the mind 14. hangar 6. secret – something kept from the knowledge of others 15. never 16. shelter 17. cellar 18. caterpillar 19. theater Spelling: Comprehension Skill: 20. deliver Final er, at Character and Setting 21. character Grammar: 22. singular Pronouns and Antecedents Comprehension Strategy: 23. receiver Monitor and Fix Up 24. spectacular Writing Trait of the Week: 25. binocular Voice Science Concepts: Getting a Patent, Inventing Super Glue Vocabulary Strategy: Kitchen Chemistry, Find a New Use Dictionary/Glossary Fourth Grade Reading Street (www.freidalewis.com ) Unit 4.4.4 The Seeker of Knowledge Genre: Biography Vocabulary Words: Spelling Words: 1. ancient – of times long past 1. village 2. link – anything that joins or connects, as a loop of a chain does 2. except 3. scholars – learned people; people having much knowledge 3. explain 4. seeker – one who tries to find; one who searches 4. quick 5. temple - building used for the service or worship of God or gods 6. translate – to change from one language into another 5. charge 7. triumph – victory; success 6. bridge 8. uncover – to make known; reveal; expose

4 More Words to Know: 7. knowledge 1. decipher – to change something in cipher or code to ordinary language; decode 8. question 2. hieroglyphs – pictures, characters, or symbols standing for words, ideas, or 9. equal sounds. The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphs instead of an alphabet like ours. 10. queen 3. spellbound - too interested to move; fascinated 11. excited 12. expect Spelling: Comprehension Skill: 13. Texas Consonants /j/, /ks/, and /kw/ Graphic Sources 14. fudge 15. excellent Grammar: Comprehension Strategy: 16. exercise Possessive Pronouns Ask Questions 17. quart 18. liquid Writing Trait of the Week: Social Studies Concepts: 19. quilt Conventions Napoleon Bonaparte, The Rosetta 20. expert Stone, Create a Code 21. expedition Vocabulary Strategy: 22. aquarium Word Structure 23. inquire 24. frequent 25. advantage Fourth Grade Reading Street (www.freidalewis.com ) Unit 4.4.5 The Great Kapok Tree Genre: Realistic Fiction Vocabulary Words: Spelling Words: 1. amphibians – cold-blooded animals with backbones and moist, scale-less skins. Their young 1. distrust usually have gills and live in water until they develop lungs for living on land. 2. crime – activity of criminals; violation of law 2. uncertain 3. exhibit – act of displaying; public showing 3. incomplete 4. lizards – reptiles with long bodies and tails, movable eyelids, and usually four legs. Some lizards 4. unlikely have no legs and look much like snakes. 5. reference – used for information or help 5. unfair 5 6. reptiles – cold-blooded animals with backbones and lungs, usually covered with horny plates or 6. discontinue scales 7. salamanders – animals shaped like lizards, but related to frogs and toads. Salamanders have 7. unaware moist, smooth skin and live in water or in damp places. 8. disorder 8. stumped - puzzled 9. discount 10. indirect More Words to Know: 11. unopened 1. confided – told as a secret 12. disrespect 2. frustration – a feeling of anger and helplessness 13. unimportant 3. specimen – one of a group taken to show what the others are like 14. unlisted 4. case – matter for a court of law to decide 15. disrepair 5. damage – harm or injury that lessens the value or usefulness 16. inability 6. court – an assembly of persons (judges) who are chosen to administer justice 17. disapprove Spelling: Comprehension Skill: 18. unsolved Prefixes un-, dis-, and in- Plot 19. disobey Grammar: 20. unsuspecting Contractions and Negatives Comprehension Strategy: 21. disintegrate Prior Knowledge 22. disillusioned Writing Trait of the Week: 23. unconscious Organization/Paragraphs Science Concepts: 24. unappetizing Salamanders 25. intolerant Vocabulary Strategy: Experiments Context Clues Reptiles and Amphibians


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