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Wichita State University s5

455J 1

Wichita State University College of Education

CI 455J Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary Social Studies (1 hour) Spring 2009

Faculty Member: Candace B. Wells, Ed.D. Office Address: Corbin 111 Campus Box 28 Wichita KS 67260-0028

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Office Hours: M 8:30 – 11:30 am T 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Telephone: (316) 978 6860 Home Phone: (316) 682-5038 9 AM to 9 PM, please

Note: Weather Cancellations – Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations. Unless the University is officially closed or the printed class schedule indicates, class will be held.

Catalog Description: This seminar engages students in reflective experiences emerging from the student teaching experience. Topics follow the full range of the WSU Teacher Education Program; human development and diversity, instructional planning, implementation, and assessment, use of technology, knowledge of subject matter and pedagogical content standards, and collaboration with all constituencies involved in the educational enterprise.

Prerequisite(s): CI 454J ISAM: Middle Level/Secondary History Government, CI 412J Pre- student Teaching Middle Level History OR CI 413J Pre-student Teaching Secondary History Government; concurrent enrollment in CI 461J Student Teaching Middle Level History Comprehensive OR CI 471J Student Teaching Secondary History Government.

Textbook(s) and Related material: Continuing Student membership in the National Council for the Social Studies

Major Topics: All programs in the College of Education are designed to be consistent with a set of guiding principles. Guiding principles associated with major topics being addressed in this course are indicated in the table below:

Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework* 455J 2

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o t i t n c e e t n n n o o C C Reflective Practice X Professionalism X Collaboration X Diversity and Exceptionalities X Instructional Planning, Implementation and X Assessment Classroom Management X X X Resource Acquisition X X X X Technology X * http://webs.wichita.edu/depttools/DeptToolsMemberFiles/coedean/revisedCF_2_24_03.pdf

Technology Expectations: Students are expected to word process formal written materials. Internet research is required for formal written assignments. E-mails will be answered in a timely manner. For immediate response, students are encouraged to use the home telephone number provided.

CORE 3 students will be able to: * Use appropriate technologies for evaluation and assessment. (Examples: grade book software, spreadsheets, online forms, databases) * Trouble-shoot a variety of hardware and software problems encountered with instructional technologies. * Create media-rich instructional materials. * Find and evaluate appropriate technologies to meet curricular goals. * Assess effectiveness of instructional technologies

Course Assignments: 1. Class Attendance/Participation (100 points): 455J 3

2. Resource File (200 points) 3. Submission of a Teacher Work Sample 455J 4

Student Learning Outcomes, Related Assessment, Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework, and Accreditation Standards:

Guiding Principle WSU Program Goals Course Outcomes Related Assessment from and KSDE Unit Conceptual Professional Framework Education Standards The educator is a reflective Resource File PR Standard # 1 – 13 professional. Teacher Work Sample The educator knows human Resource File development and promotes the HDD Standard # 1 – 13 Teacher Work Sample ideals of human diversity The educator connects Resource File teaching experiences with CTA Standard # 1 – 13 Teacher Work Sample assessment The educator t is technologically skilled by knowing different kinds of technology tools and techniques and the roles these Resource File T Standard # 1 – 13 play in enriching learning Teacher Work Sample opportunities, enhancing professional development, and facilitating professional productivity. The educator is knowledgeable about both content and Resource File CKS Standard # 1 – 13 pedagogy and how to align Teacher Work Sample both with standards The educator works collaboratively to understand how schools are organized and function within the larger Resource File C Standard # 1 – 13 community context and the Teacher Work Sample importance of collaboration among all stakeholders to promote maximum learning

Grading: The grade for this course will be awarded from a total point system; the total points earned will be translated to a percentage. Distinguished Achievement or A= 100 - 94% Superior Achievement or B = 93 - 86% Average Achievement or C = 85 - 78% 455J 5

Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty, constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Handbook)

Activities and assignments that are cooperatively undertaken do not violate this policy.

Special Needs: In you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the office of Disability Services (DS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice phone number 978-3309; tdd/tty phone number 978-3067). DS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary for you. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your written permission.

Tentative Course Schedule: See attached

Educational Materials Resource: Book fine policies are in effect for any materials checked out for this class from the Library Resource Center (LRC) at the Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center (USD 259), 412 S. Main,Wichita. All materials for this class must be returned and fines paid at the LRC by this semester's Study Day before grades for this class will be recorded. NOTE: At the time of check out at the LRC, you will be asked to give your name, social security number, and identify the appropriate WSU class and instructor's name.

Performance Assessment: Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation organizations require that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that program candidates meet criteria established for each of at least four Transition Points. Transition Point requirements may include passing various specific courses and obtaining certain GPAs as well as receiving satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments some of which are embedded within program coursework.

One such assessment required for all professional education courses is The Teacher Education Professional/Dispositions Rubric. At a minimum, this rubric is to be completed by the instructor at the conclusion of a semester for each student. The proficiency required of candidates is a 3 or higher in each area of the rubric. A copy of that rubric is attached to this syllabus.

One additional required assessment occurs in this course. A title/description of any assessments and associated rubrics and passing criteria follows: Teacher Work Sample with 80% or better with no one section below 60%. 455J 6

In addition, each candidate is to submit a copy of the complete score sheet (4 pages) of the Praxis II exam showing successful completion of the PLT with a score of 161 and the content test with a score of History Government = 158 OR History Comprehensive = 155. An “I” will be issued for this course until this requirement is complete.

Information on program Transition Point requirements can be found in the program handbook. Candidates unable to successfully meet Transition Point criteria will ordinarily be assigned remediation, which may affect progress in the program (e.g., not proceeding to next semester’s coursework). Meeting Transition Point criteria ultimately is necessary to secure licensure recommendation or graduation even though general GPA requirements may be met.

Format of Written Work: The faculty of the College of Education has chosen the style guide of the American Psychological Association as the manual to be followed when submitting written work. It is the responsibility of the student to follow the guidelines set forth in this manual. If questions arise, please refer to the manual FIRST, and then to the COE WEB site; the instructor should be consulted ONLY after all references. Specific assignments may offer some suggestions for APA format.

Course Focus: This course will focus on three primary issues in the teaching of secondary social studies in today's schools: the relationship among the various social sciences (interdisciplinary approach) the need to reach every learner in the school population (diversity) the need to acknowledge the global perspective of today's world (technology) These issues should be examined, addressed, and assessed in every course assignment.

Course Requirements: Class Attendance/Participation (100 points): Regular, prompt attendance is the first requirement of a professional educator and is an expectation of class participation. Class participation can also be defined as approaching class activities with an open mind and willingness to learn.

Resource File (200 points) Continue the development of the resource file of materials that you began last semester. The resource file may have as many sections as you want, but at a minimum must contain the following eight: People, Places, Holiday and Celebrations, Current Events, Fieldtrip Plans and Ideas, Guest Speakers, Free/Inexpensive Materials, and Citizenship. During this semester, a goal for each section should be 5 additional items. As you select items for the resource file, remember the course focus of interdisciplinary approach, diversity, and technology. Each item that you add to the file should address these issues in some way. A rubric has been provided for the cover of your resource file to aid in the development. The resource file is due no later than Noon on Monday, May 11, 2009.

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