Early Care and Education

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Early Care and Education

Action Agenda

Social-Emotional Health

Goal 1: Increase universal parenting supports for parents/caregivers of young children. Objective 1: Identify and implement replacement program for Healthy Families. Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Research universal Drivers: Deana Strudwick, MSW Intern 1: March 30, 2012 1: Presentation to GSC parenting support Amy Brauer, Lynelle Researcher 2: December 31, 2012 on possible programs programs in similar Thrasher, Debbie Bedard, Health Department 3: December 31, 2012 2: Raise $600,000 over 3 communities with Bob Wertkin, Kristen Community Mental Health years with commitments evidence to support its Williams, Jan Reed Intermediate School District from 40 supporters at effectiveness. Community Action/Head Start $5,000 each for each 2: Search for fund Supporters: Liz O’Dell, Department of Human Services year opportunities to Steve Todd, Barbara 3: Implementation of implement the chosen Marshall, Nancy the universal parenting universal parenting MacFarlane, Cindy support program support program and Underwood sustain the program. 3: Work with partner agencies to create the necessary infrastructure to support and sustain the program.

1 Early Care and Education

Goal 1: Increase access to high quality, affordable child care.

Objective 1: Increase the number of children enrolled in high quality child care.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Follow fund Drivers: Amy Brauer, Ella Great Start CONNECT materials 1: Ongoing from 2011- 1: Raise at least $5,000 development plan to Fabel-Ryder, Barb (brochures/pamphlets) 2014; See Appendix ___ each year; increase the number of children support preschool Newman, Parent Liaison, Great Start CONNECT online button 2: March 2012 enrolled in preschool each scholarship program. Deana Strudwick, Gilbert 3: June 2012 year by 5 children 2: Promote the Great Ortiz, Lynelle Thrasher, 2: Great Start Connect Start Connect through Chelly Thelen, Jan Reed, posted on the website, on use of media tools such Lloyd Kirby Facebook and Twitter 1x as Facebook, Twitter, per month; increase the and webpages. Supporters: GSC member number of 3: Distribute Great agency directors, friends/followers to 20 Start Connect materials pediatricians, ob/gyns 3: Each GSC member to agencies, agency receives 50 Great businesses, community Start Connect brochures and displays them in their sites, and other offices to be available for interested parties that parents; 50 brochures to assist parents in finding each pediatrician and high quality child care. ob/gyn office, 50 in any other interested parties Overall: Increase the number of children enrolled in high quality care 2 by 100. Early Care and Education

Goal 2: Increase the quality of care available in St. Joseph County.

Objective 1: Develop and implement a coordinated county-wide professional development system that would provide training and opportunities for all professionals working with young children.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Community agencies Ella Fabel-Ryder, Debbie Survey 1: March 2012 1: Calendar with all will collaborate to Bedard, Deana Strudwick, 2: December 2012 agencies professional identify current Barb Newman, Lynelle development educational/profession Thrasher, Diana Fair, opportunities in one al development Madonna Hilarides, place opportunities Carolyn McNary, Amy 2: Survey completed and 2: Survey early care Brauer, Lloyd Kirby information compiled to and education review the gaps and professionals and identify needs parents to determine their specific needs and identify gaps

3 Early Care and Education

Goal 2: Increase the quality of care available in St. Joseph County.

Objective 2: Develop support for child care providers in St. Joseph County. Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Develop a child care Ella Fabel-Ryder, Amy Funds supported from the 1: March 2012 1: Mentoring support providers mentoring Brauer, Jan Reed, Barb community and RRC for the 2: June 2012 program established with program to include a Newman, Chris Sheteron, mentoring program at least 5 participating support program for faith-based Creative Curriculum or other child care providers. centers and homes representatives, child research based curriculum (funds and 2: Ten early care using Creative care providers materials) programs evaluated with Curriculum. quality improvement 2: Quality plans in place. Improvement Specialists will evaluate 10 early care programs using High Scope Program Quality Assessment to help providers identify areas and strength and weakness and build upon those.

4 Early Care and Education

Goal 2: Increase the quality of care available in St. Joseph County.

Objective 2: Increase the number of providers trained through Child Care Resources in faith-based settings. Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Reach out to current Amy Brauer, Irene Members who have contacts with 1: March 2012 1: At least 5 care providers network of faith-based Gunnink, Krystal Brown, local faith-based leaders 2: September 2012 from a faith-based setting enrolled in a class provided community to enroll in Tiffaney Tullos, Ella Fabel- Early Childhood Professional by Child Care Resources (or classes provided by Ryder, faith-based Development calendar other professional Child Care Resources. representatives development on early 2: Develop new childhood) relationships with the 2: At least 5 new faith-based community relationships established and encourage them to with 5 more care providers enroll in classes from faith-based settings provided by Child Care enrolled in a class by Child Resources. Care Resources (or other professional development on early childhood) Overall: At least 10 care providers in faith-based settings trained through Child Care Resources or other professional development

5 Parenting Leadership

Goal 1: Increase parent participation aimed at increasing parent leadership roles in the GSC, GSPC, and its partners. Objective 1: Increase parent participation in GSC, GSPC, and its partners’ events.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Survey parents to Irene Gunnink, Tiffaney Survey (paper and paperless) 1: December 2011 1: Survey completed and determine factors that Tullos, Krystal Brown, Access to webpage, Facebook, and 2: June 2012 information compiled to lead to low Gilbert Ortiz, Chelley Twitter accounts 3: June 2012 identify factors that lead participation, to Thelen, Lisa Bowser, Erin to low participation include items such as Garbine, Amy Jones, 2: Action plan created day, location, time of Marci Kohlhoff based upon survey meetings/events. results 2: Address the factors from the survey to Overall: At least 10 new increase parent parents attend meetings participation. regularly and assist with 3: Use social media and GSC and GSPC projects. webpage regularly to post events.

6 Parenting Leadership

Goal 1: Increase parent participation aimed at increasing parent leadership roles in the GSC, GSPC, and its partners. Objective 2: Increase the number of parents in leadership roles in the GSC, GSPC, and it partners.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Encourage and Amy Brauer, Irene Coaches to support parent members 1: December 2013 1: At least 5 parent coach parents to Gunnink, Jan Reed, Information on local meetings (dates, 2: December 2013 members on GSC become active Tiffaney Tullos, Krystal times, etc.) 3: December 2014 committees committee members Brown, Gilbert Ortiz, 2: At least 3 different on GSC. Chelley Thelen, Lisa parents presenting 2: Encourage and Bowser, Erin Garbine, information to local coach parents to Amy Jones, Marci government present information to Kohlhoff, Hillary Harris 3: At least 1 parent on a local government local governing body about early childhood, such as at a county commissioners meeting. 3: Encourage and coach parents to become a board member on local governing bodies.

7 Family Support

Goal 1: Increase the ease of access to job opportunities.

Objective 1: Build in supports for families looking for work.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Work with local Amy Brauer, Jan Reed, Information on job fairs in the county 1: December 2014 1: Child Care, Alternative chambers of commerce Christy Trammell, Cathi Survey on transportation 2: December 2014 and Adult Education, and to include Child Care Abbs, Ella Fabel-Ryder, Documentation sheet on 3: December 2014 Transportation are Resources, Adult and Pete VandenBrink, Steve transportation represented at all job Alternative Education, Yorks, Centreville Adult Materials on selecting high quality fairs in St. Joseph County and Transportation at Education, Constantine child care 2: Survey completed and job fairs. Tech High School, Sturgis results compiled and 2: Document and/or Community Education, create an action plan survey how local Three Rivers Community based on those results agencies are using or Education 3: 5 key major business not using local leaders provide transportation to lower information for their the current rates working parents and/or offer later hours. 3: Develop and gather materials for businesses on how to support families, such as information on selecting high quality child care.

8 Pediatric and Family Health

Goal 1: Increase positive health outcomes for children and pregnant women.

Objective: Increase access to affordable medical, dental, and mental health care. Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: Invite local Michigan Amy Brauer, Madonna Upcoming events calendar; e-mail of 1: Ongoing 1: Low/no cost insurance Primary Care Association Representative and/or Hilarides, Debbie Bedard, MPCA representative/Health 2: December 2013 sign up are available at Health Department to all Pete VandenBrink, Jan Department contact 3: September 2012 all local events such as local partners’ events to Reed, Krystal Brown, Brochures and training on no/low Project Connect and sign children and families Pediatricians, OB/GYNs cost health insurance Health Fairs up for MI Child and/or Current Resource Book-electronic 2: Each GSC member other low cost/no cost and paper agency receives 50 low/no health care. cost health insurance 2: Provide materials and brochures and displays train partners’ staff about them in their offices to be resources available for available for parents; 50 families, pregnant women, and young children on brochures to each low/no cost health care pediatrician and ob/gyn insurance. office, 50 in any other 3: Partner with interested parties Community Action to 3: Completed Resource update their annual book distributed to all Resource Book and partners distribute in the community and among partners. Provide electronic copy to partners to post on websites and send by e-mail.

9 Pediatric and Family Health

Goal 1: Increase positive health outcomes for children and pregnant women.

Objective 2: Reduce Infant Mortality Rate.

Strategies: Responsibilities: Resources: Timeline: Performance Measures What will be done? Who will do it? (Funding/Time/People/Materials) By when? How will we know when we accomplished it? 1: List of attendance at 1: GSC members Amy Brauer, Jan Reed, Times of Substance Abuse Taskforce 1: Ongoing Substance Abuse Taskforce actively participate in Tiffaney Tullos, Madonna meetings 2: December 2013 meetings shows involvement the Substance Abuse Hilarides, Pete Anti-smoking materials 3: June 2014 of GSC members Taskforce. VandenBrink, Chelly Someone to write for the media 4: June 2012 2: Five media stories earned 2: Launch anti- Thelen, Steve Todd, Liz Available smoking cessation 5: August 2012 3: Smoking Cessation smoking campaign for O’Dell, Rob LaBarge, Bill programs program implemented. pregnant women to Russell, pediatricians, Current legislation on Review smoking data from Center for Disease Control include materials ob/gyn, Child Death pseudoephedrine and ephedrine and/or Kids Count to see distributed in the Review team reduction in smoking community and 4: Completed letter partners and media supporting legislation to stories and editorials. make pseudoephedrine and 3: Increase Smoking ephedrine a prescription Cessation Programs in drug 5: Baby bags include partnership with the information on parenting Health Department. support programs and 4: Support legislation parenting skills to make pseudoephedrine and ephedrine a Overall: Infant Mortality rate prescription drug. is reduced to reach the state level 5: Develop and gather information on to add 10 in Welcome Baby bags.

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