Outing Name: Freeze out Campout at West Tyson
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BSA Troop 750 Permission Slip
Outing Name: Freeze Out Campout at West Tyson
Date: Fri., January 27, 2017 to Sun., January 29, 2017
Description: Winter Freeze Out Campout at West Tyson
Destination: West Tyson Park, Eureka, MO
Cost: $20.00
Deadline for Fee/Permission Slip: January 26, 2017 Troop Meeting
Time/Place of Departure: Fri., January 27, 2017 6pm @ Wren Hollow
Time/Place of Return: Noon (estimated) - January 29, 2017 @ Wren Hollow (Phone number listed on permission slip will be called as we get close to Wren)
Troop Contact: Mrs. Korte 314-610-4908 (Call Contact for More Information)
*** RETURN FORM ASAP TO MRS. KORTE *** (Keep upper portion for your records) Winter Freeze Out Campout - West Tyson SCOUT:______January 27-29, 2017 PHONE #:______EMAIL:______Payment Method: Cash_____ Scout Account_____ Check #______
Parents Can Provide Transportation Outbound Trip - Number of Seat Belts (Including Driver) ______ Return Trip - Number of Seat Belts (Including Driver) ______ Parent(s) can stay for campout - Name ______ Parents CANNOT Provide Transportation Scout will arrive at camp at a different time? If so, provide details: ______ Scout will leave camp at a different time? If so, provide details: ______ Please provide any additional details about the weekend that leaders may need to know on the back of this form.
As the parent or legal guardian of ______I hereby give my permission for him to participate in the outing listed above with Troop 750. I give permission to the leaders of the above unit to render First Aid, should the need arise. In the event of and emergency, I also give permission to the physician, selected by the adult leader in charge, to hospitalize, secure proper anesthesia, order injection, or secure other medical treatment, as needed. I further agree to hold the above named unit and its leaders blameless for any accidents that might occur during this outing except for clear acts of negligence or non- adherence to BSA policies and guidelines. In case of emergency, I can be reached by phone at ______or ______
If I cannot be reached, please contact ______at ______
Signed: ______Date: ______(Parent or Guardian) BSA Troop 750 Permission Slip