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FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES COURSES FALL 2006 (all courses are 4 units unless otherwise specified) 2018 年 4 月 4 日 CHANGES TO SCHEDULE ARE OUTLINED AND IN BOLD ------
Film/Media 46 INTRODUCTION TO CINEMA A. Brusutti Concurrent enrollment in Film Studies 46MS is highly recommended for Film Studies Majors. Film/Media 104 FILM TECHNOLOGY J. Apodaca #20503 An introduction to the study of film as an aesthetic and social phenomenon, and to various forms of Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. critical analysis. {Required for majors} An introduction to the technology, equipment, and materials of filmmaking from Edison to computer Lecture: MWF 12:00-1:50pm Buchn 1920 graphics. Special attention to the historical breakthroughs that have influenced cinematic trends and Plus one required discussion section: directions. {Satisfies the Production requirement}. 1) M 9:00-9:50am Ellison 1714 #20115 6) T 10:00-10:50a Ellison 1714 #20164 Lecture: WF 9:00-10:50am Kerr Studio A 2) M 10:00-10:50a Ellison 1714 #20123 7) W 11:00-11:50amEllison 1710 #20172 3) M 11:00-11:50a Ellison 1714 #20131 8) W 9:00-9:50am Ellison 1710 #20180 Film/Media 106A CREW PRODUCTION PART I D. Driskel / J. Apodaca 4) T 8:00-8:50am Ellison 1714 #20149 9) W 10:00-10:50a Ellison 1710 #20198 Prerequisite: Film Studies 104 or Film Studies 107 and consent of instructor. 5) T 9:00-9:50am Ellison 1714 #20156 10) M 4:00-4:50pm Honors Ellison 1710 #20206 Part 1 of a workshop involving instruction in the basic techniques of 16mm filmmaking via the production of crew projects over two consecutive quarters. Pre-production through principal Film/Media 46MS MAJOR SEMINAR (2.0 Units) A. Brusutti _#20214 photography. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Film Studies 46 with consent of instructor. Seminar: TBA #20529 Designed for Film Studies majors and students contemplating a major concentration in film. An Seminar: WF 11:00-12:50pm Ellison 1714 #20537 intensive introduction to the study of film and various methods of critical analysis. Seminar: R 12:00-1:50pm Ellison 1710 Film/Media 107 ANIMATION INTRO D. Driskel #48744 Prerequisites: Film Studies 46; open to film majors only. Film/Media 54 HOLLYWOOD: ANATOMY OF AN INDUSTRY 2.0 units S. Pillsbury #20222 A look at the techniques and history of animation with emphasis on the major styles and methods of Can be repeated for up to 6 units. production, including cel, direct, photo, three-dimensional, and computer. Close examination of An in-depth analysis of the changing cinema world developed in intimate dialogues with major significant films combined with production of a 16mm class project. (Satisfies the Production Hollywood players. Focus may be on areas such as directing, producing, screenwriting, acting, etc. Requirement) Lecture: F 5:00-6:50pm Girvetz 1004 Lecture: MW 8:00-9:50am Buchn 1930
Film/Media 109MP TOPICS IN FILM PRODUCTION N. Kawalek #66936 Upper-division Film Studies courses have a prerequisite of Film Studies 46 or upper-division Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. standing or consent of instructor unless stated otherwise. The creation of a multi-media theatre piece, in collaboration with a professional playwright and experts in science and technology. Focus on acting, directing, writing (structure, Film/Media 96 ADVANCED FILM ANALYSIS (5.0 units) C. Felando dialogue, new forms), using multi-media to enhance narrative, and the collaborative creative process. Seminar: TR 4:00-6:50pm Kerr Studio A Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 and open to Film Studies majors only. A study of some basic formal dimensions of cinema: narration, causality, space, time, and sound. Film/Media 112 LIGHTING FOR THE MOVING IMAGE C. Bieber #20545 {Required for majors} Prerequisite: Film Studies 104 or equivalent, and consent of instructor. Lecture: MW 4:00-5:50pm Buchn 1920 A workshop approach to the explorations in how lighting effects the moving image, from theater to Lab: M 7:00-8:50pm Buchn 1920 film to the computer. Plus one required discussion section: Seminar: TR 11:00-1:50pm Kerr Studio A 1) T 8:00-8:50am Ellison 1710 #20255 6) T 3:00-3:50pm Ellison 1710 #20305 2) T 11:00-11:50a Ellison 1714 #20263 7) T 4:00-4:50pm Ellison 1710 #20313 Film/Media 113AU AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SCREENWRITING A. Anders #55525 3) T 12:00-12:50p Ellison 1710 #20271 8) T 5:00-5:50pm Ellison 1710 #20321 Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. 4) T 1:00-1:50pm Ellison 1710 #20289 9) T 9:00-9:50am Ellison 1710 #20339 An approach to the basics of screenwriting; structure, story, characters, with an emphasis on 5) T 2:00-2:50pm Ellison 1710 #20297 developing a writing project derived from personal experience. Students will be required to complete writing exercises, a treatment, and master scenes of a full-length project. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) Film/Media 101A HISTORY OF CINEMA: SILENT FILM (5.0 units) J. Walker requirement.} Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 and open to Film Studies majors only. Lecture: TR 10:00-11:50am Ellsn 1710 International film history from the camera obscura to the close of the silent era in the late 1920’s. {Required for majors} Film/Media 113FP FILM PROGRAMING J. Walker #70904 Lecture: MWF 10:00-11:50am Buchn 1920 Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. TR 9:30-10:50am Buchn 1920 Students enrolled in this course will learn the ins and outs of organizing and executing a film Plus one required discussion section: series, using the IV Theater as their “lab.” They will gain hands on experience programming, 1) M 2:00-2:50pm Ellison 1714 #20362 6) W 7:00-7:50pm Ellison 1714 #20412 tracking down prints, contacting and working with distributors and filmmakers, fundraising, 2) M 3:00-3:50pm Ellison 1714 #20370 7) W 3:00-3:50pm Ellison 1714 #20420 advertising, engaging in audience outreach, theater managing, exhibiting, researching, and 3) M 4:00-4:50pm Ellison 1714 #20388 8) W 4:00-4:50pm Ellison 1714 #20438 reviewing. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement.} 4) W 2:00-2:50pm Ellison 1714 #20396 9) W 5:00-5:50pm Ellison 1714 #20446 Lecture: T 12:00-1:50am Ellsn 1714 5) W 6:00-6:50pm Ellison 1714 #20404 Lab: F 6:00-11:50pm IV Theatre 1 Film/Media 187FP FILM AND POLITICS J. Sbardelatti #63057 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing; and consent of instructor. Film/Media 114A CREATING & PERFORMING FOR STAGE & SCREEN CLASS CANCELLED May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 units provided letter designations are different, but only 8 units may be applied toward the major. Film/Media 122IT NATIONAL CINEMAS: ITALIAN CINEMA A. Brusutti #55509 This undergraduate reading seminar offers an introduction to recent scholarly literature on the Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. Maybe repeated provided the letter connection between film and politics in 20th century U.S. history. In this course students will confront designations are different, but only 12 units may be applied toward the major. the ways in which leading scholars have treated American film in its political and social context. Examines Italian Cinema in terms of major periods, themes, and formal parameters, in relation to Students will be evaluated based on writing and participation in discussion. {Satisfies Seminar (Area both national and international cultural histories. {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) A) Requirement} requirement} Seminar: MF 12:00-1:50pm Ellison 1710 Lecture: MW 5:00-7:50pm Buchn 1940 Film/Media 187GM GLOBAL MEDIA J. Holt #65268 Film/Media 126 CUBAN CINEMA C. Venegas #55517 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing; and consent of instructor. Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 units provided letter designations are different, but Examines the cinema of Cuba in terms of major periods, themes, and formal parameters in relation to only 8 units may be applied toward the major. both national and international cultural histories. {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) A seminar for advanced students focusing on the historical context, theories and key critical issues in requirement} global film and media culture. Topics include media ownership, marketing, national vs. local media, Lecture: TR 4:00-6:50pm Buchn 1920 convergence, audiences and identity in the age of globalization. {Satisfies Seminar (Area A) Requirement.} Film/Media 128A SILENT FILM COMEDY COURSE CANCELLED Lecture: TR 4:00-7:00pm Ellison 1714 Film/Media 150BP BIOPICS H. Osborne-Thompson #70839 Film/Media 187YC YOUTH CULTURE COURSE CANCELLED Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. This course focuses on the genres of biography and autobiography as they have been Film/Media 188A BASIC SCREENWRITING P. Portuges #20677 conceived in a range of production contexts, including Classical Hollywood cinema, feminist Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor. film and video, independent film, documentary, trash talk and reality television. {Satisfies A study of the creativity and the technique of screenwriting for the conventional narrative film and for Elective (Area D)Requirement.} TV. Students will be required to complete writing exercises, a treatment, and master scenes of a full- Lecture: TR 6:30-9:30pm Buchn 1940 length project. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) Requirement.} Seminar: TR 8:00-9:50pm Ellison 1714 Film/Media 155BK FOCUS: BUSTER KEATON C. Wolfe #65250 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. Film/Media 188C WRITING SHORT FILMS J. Cho #63040 Examines Buster Keaton's silent comedies in depth. Topics include: the history of comic Fundamental principles of screenwriting for the short film (thirty minutes or less): story structure, performance styles, narrative and nonnarrative comic film forms, the imagery and themes of principles of drama, character and emotion, dialogue and exposition, and other creative approaches modernity in American art and culture, and pragmatism as an aesthetic and philosophical for beginning screenwriters. Assignments include short writing exercises, journal, and two short stance. {Satisfies Elective (Area D)Requirement.} screenplays. {Satisfies Elective (Area D)Requirement.} Lecture: MW 2:00-3:50pm Buchn 1920 Seminar: TR 2:00-3:50pm Ellison 1714 T 5:00-7:00pm Buchn 1910 Film/Media 195I INDEPENDENT STUDIES (INTERNSHIPS) STAFF Film/Media 161 THIRD WORLD COURSE CANCELLED
Film/Media 184 FILM MUSIC (DON’T KNOCK THE ROCK) A. Anders #20636 Prerequisites: upper-division standing, a minimum 3.0 grade point average for the preceding three Prerequisites: Film Studies 46 or consent of instructor or upper-division standing. quarters, and consent of department. Open to Film Studies Majors only. Use instructor codes to Historic approach to rock and pop music in the movies. Beginning with the early days of rock n roll enroll. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INTERNSHIP CONTRACT IN THE FILM STUDIES OFFICE through mod and merseybeat to punk to grunge to Britpop and beyond. Course also includes a look BEFORE ENROLLING. at the rock star as “film star” and concert documentaries. {Satisfies Elective (Area D)Requirement.} An opportunity for training, career sampling, and contacts in the film or television industry. Required Lecture: TR 2:00-4:00pm Buchn 1920 are approximately 100 hours of work a quarter, a final five-page report, and a supervisor’s letter of Lab: T 7:00-8:50pm Buchn 1920 verification. Seminar: TBA #20685 Film/Media 187BP BIOPICS COURSE CANCELLED Seminar: TBA #20693
Film/Media 187DP DISPLACEMENT H. Osborne-Thompson #48769 Film/Media 196 SENIOR HONORS SEMINAR STAFF #20701 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing; and consent of instructor. Prerequisite: admission to senior honors program. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 units provided letter designations are different, but A one-quarter directed study, to be conducted as outlined in the description of the Senior Honors only 8 units may be applied toward the major. Program. (Found in the Film Studies Office) This course focuses on the concept of displacement—the sense of being “not at home” physically, socially and culturally—as it is represented by a range of cinematic, televisual and video texts. Film/Media 199 INDEPENDENT STUDIES STAFF {Satisfies Seminar (Area A) Requirement} Prerequisites: Instructor approval required prior to registration. Use instructor codes to enroll. Lecture: TR 12:00-1:50pm Ellison 1714 Upper-division standing; 3.0 GPA for preceding 3 quarters; have completed at least 2 upper-division R 10:00-11:50pm Ellison 1714 Film Studies courses. Variable units 1-4. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INDEPENDENT STUDIES film format. Attention to development of visual language, story, structure, plot, conflict, and other CONTRACT IN THE FILM STUDIES OFFICE BEFORE ENROLLING. alternative modes of storytelling deployed by various Asian-American filmmakers. Students complete scripts in various formats. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) Requirement by petition.} Seminar: TBA #20719 Lecture: MW 2:00–3:15pm Girvetz 1108
Film/Media 199RA INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT STAFF #20727 Prerequisites: Same as those for 199. Use instructor codes to enroll. Variable units 1-5. YOU MUST Black Studies 161 THIRD WORLD CINEMA J. Akudinobi FILL OUT AN INDEPENDENT STUDIES CONTRACT IN THE FILM STUDIES OFFICE BEFORE (Course cross-listed with Film Studies 161) ENROLLING. Course work shall consist of faculty-supervised research assistance. Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. This course studies representative films from Africa, Asia, and Latin America from the 1950’s to the present. {Satisfies the Social Issues (Area C) Requirement} GRADUATE FILM AND MEDIA COURSES: 1.) R 5:00-7:50pm Buchn 1910 #03855 2.) W 6:30-8:50pm Buchn 1910 #03863
German 183 THE HORROR FILM L Rickels #49718 Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. Film/Media 210 MEDIA PRODUCTION D. Driskel #48777 Same course as Film Studies 144. Prerequisite: open to film and media studies graduate students only. Study of the horror film genre and the reasons for its popularity, including new interest in Graduate-level instruction in film or video pre-production, production, and post-production, psychoanalysis and reaction to modern mass society and consumerism. Covers issues of sacrifice, undertaken in conjunction with an existing core undergraduate course: Film Technology (FLMST simulated catastrophic loss, and other themes of catharsis. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) Requirement.} 104), Video Technology (FLMST 105), or Animation (FLMST 107). Lecture: TR 12:30 – 1:45 IV Thea 1 {Required for majors} Lecture: MW 8:00-9:50 Buchn 1930 Women Studies 143 WOMEN FILM NARRATIVES J. Bobo #44891 Letter grade required for majors and minors. Not open for credit to students who have completed Film/Media 232PC PRE-CINEMA P. Bloom #55491 Women's Studies 186JC. This course addresses the multiple origins of cinema through magic, physiology, psychology, Examination of the dynamics of family, race, sexuality, resistance, and cultural transformation through photography, and the communication sciences. We examine a variety of visual techniques and women's novels and film adaptations, and other films which have had significant impact on the devices that implicate movement and scrutinize various moments of transformation implied by the national consciousness. {Satisfies Social Issue Requirement.} “origin of cinema.” Finally, we explore the history and philosophy of audio-visual technology as a Lecture: TR 9:00-10:50am LSB 1101 means of understanding the multiple sources and futures of cinema. {Satisfies Elective (Area D)Requirement.} Lecture: W 2:00-4:50pm Ellison 1710 Writing 109F WRITING FOR FILM L. Coklin / Staff
Film/Media 241 TV/NEW MEDIA A. Everett #65276 (Prerequisite: Writing 2 of 2E of 2LK; upper-division standing.) Explores important theoretical writings concerning electronic and digital media. Course readings Analysis and practice of various forms of writing for film, including argumentative writing, film reviews, define the unique properties of these mediums, consider their ontological status, and discuss how and essays. Of special interest to majors in Film Studies, English and social sciences. {No Credit they differ from one another and other cultural forms. Toward Major} {Required for majors} 1.) TR 3:30-4:45pm Girvetz 1116 #46045 Lecture: R 3:00-5:50pm Ellison 1710 2.) TR 8:00-9:15pm Girvetz 1116 #47290
Film/Media 250 FILM HISTORY TOPICS COURSE CANCELLED Instructor Code Numbers: | Anders, A 11 | Bobo, J 17 | Branigan, E R 03 | Braun, K A 18 | Brusutti, A 04 | Driskel, D B 06 | | Everett, A 02 | Felando, C L 25 | Hebdige, R W 26 | Kawalek, N L 07 | Parks, L 12 | Penley, C 10 OTHER FILM AND MEDIA COURSES: | | Portuges, P 05 | Rickels, L A 24 | Sarkar, B 14 | Venegas, C 16 | Walker, J 08 | Wolfe, C 09 |
Asian American Studies 127 ASIAN AMERICAN TV & DIGITAL MEDIA C. Shimizu #48330 Required Courses: 46, 96, 101A Recommended preparation: a prior course in Asian American Studies. Production: 104, 107 Formal, historical, and cultural issued in the study of Asian American film, television, and digital media Seminar: 187DP, 187FP, 187GM practices in independent, Hollywood, and transnational contexts. The role of cinema and visual National Cinema: 122IT, 126 technology in the understanding of Asian Americans in modern and contemporary culture. {Satisfies Social Issues: BS 161, AS AM 127, WM ST 143, CH ST 185 the Social Issues (Area C) requirement by petition.} Electives: 113AU, 113FP, 150BP, 155BK, 184, 188A, GER 183 Lecture: TR 11:00-12:15am North Hall 1111 No Credit Towards Major: 46MS, 54, 106A, 109MP, 112, 114A,
Asian American Studies 149 SCREENWRITING Cho #48348 H - Indicate section for Honors students only, Instructor approval required Prerequisites: a prior course in Asian American studies; Asian American studies majors only. Not open for credit to students who have completed Asian American Studies 170RR. Writing intensive course focuses on the craft of screenwriting in the short film, television and feature