In SESIS, access to application functions and data for individual students is granted based on membership in specific job roles. For most school staff, this role assignment happens automatically based on job title or assignment. However, principals can make changes to these automatic role assignments when necessary by using the “Assign SESIS Role” function in Galaxy. This function can also be used to assign staff to SESIS-specific roles that are not related to job titles, such as IEP Teacher and Principal’s Secretary, as well as to delegate the SESIS role assignment responsibility to another staff member in the school. If you have used Galaxy to assign roles for ARIS, you will find this interface very familiar.

This guide explains how principals can use the “Assign SESIS Role” function in Galaxy to grant and revoke access to SESIS based on staff job function. It also explains how you can assign SESIS roles to individuals who are not budgeted to your school, either because they are non-employees (consultants, volunteers, etc.) or because they serve multiple schools and are listed on another school’s budget.

Please follow the steps below to manage the SESIS roles for staff at your school. If you need any assistance, please contact the your CFN IT/Data Specialist who can assist with role assignment issues.

Note that changes made in Galaxy will be reflected in SESIS within 24 hours.

PART I: LOGGING INTO GALAXY 1. Go to the Galaxy website ( 2. Enter your Galaxy User ID and password. Please note that only the “Head of School” in Galaxy is able to modify SESIS user roles. 3. Click the Logon button.

Page 1 of 9 PART II: SELECTING A STAFF MEMBER 1. Once you are logged into Galaxy, you will see your school’s Table of Organization. Every person who works in your school appears on this list. Select a staff member whom you want to manage a SESIS role by right-clicking with your mouse on the item-level icon ( ) next to their name. If the staff member does not appear on your Table of Organization, you must first add them to the “People Not On My Budget” section of the TO, after which you will be able to assign them roles (see Part IV, below).

2. Click on Assign Role and select SESIS. You will see the “SESIS Access Assignment” screen.


1. Click on the boxes to check or uncheck the SESIS roles that your staff member needs. In this example, the staff member is being assigned the “IEP Teacher” role. Most staff will already have one or more roles checked. These roles were automatically granted to them based on either job title or assignment in Galaxy.

2. When you are finished selecting the appropriate role, click the Save button.

Page 3 of 9 Page 4 of 9 3. You will see a confirmation screen with the role changes you have entered. Click on the Confirm button to verify that you want to make these changes.

4. A final confirmation message will pop up. Click OK to get back to your Table of Organization. Repeat Parts II and III to assign SESIS roles to other staff members.


1. At some point you may find it necessary to assign SESIS access to an individual who does not appear on your TO, either because this person is budgeted at another school or because he or she is not an

Page 5 of 9 employee of the DOE. Before assigning this person SESIS access, you must first add him or her to People Not On My Budget section of your TO. To begin this process, log in to Galaxy as in Part I.

2. From the top of school TO main page, select New Item and from the drop-down list, select Create New Item.

3. This will bring up the Academy/Section Navigation screen. From the main school, go to the bottom of the list and click on People not on budget.

4. This brings up the People not on Budget info screen. Fill in each value on the screen as in the example, and click Save when finished. Note that you must use the individual’s real social security

Page 6 of 9 number when doing this. Putting in a fake value will result in system problems that can affect not only this user, but possibly users in other schools as well.


5. A final confirmation message will pop up. Click OK to get back to your Table of Organization. You will now be able to follow Parts II and III to assign SESIS roles to this individual.


1. As a school leader, you have the ability to delegate to another member of your staff the right to manage SESIS roles for the staff in your school. Keep in mind, however, that you are ultimately accountable for any role assignments that this individual performs, so think carefully before delegating this responsibility. To delegate SESIS role assignment, follow the steps listed in Step II to bring you to the Role Assignment screen.

Page 7 of 9 2. On this screen, check the checkbox next to SESIS Role Assigner and click Save to continue. 3. You will see a confirmation screen with the role changes you have entered. Click on the Confirm button to verify that you want to make these changes.

Page 8 of 9 6. Click confirm to complete the process. A final confirmation message will pop up. Click OK to get back to your Table of Organization.

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