Maillard Middle School PAC Meeting Minutes

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Maillard Middle School PAC Meeting Minutes

Maillard Middle School – PAC Meeting Minutes April 14, 2014 @ 7:00pm

Library, Maillard Middle School

Attendees: Michelle Foulkes (PAC Co-Chair), Arlyss Turner (Co-Chair), Jason Turner (Treasurer), Kristina Marrington (Secretary), April Bussey (Fruit & Veggie), Michelle Mozel, John Cooke, Nabeel Mahdi, Horae Mahde, Mark Clay (Principal), Kathryn Jung (Vice-Principal), Teresa Roberts (Teacher)

Guest: Shauna Turner, Inquiry Hub

Minutes recorded by Kristina Marrington

Meeting called to order at 7:09pm by Arlyss Turner (Co-Chair)

1. Welcome & introductions All were welcomed to the meeting. Introductions by all present were made.

2. Acceptance of previous minutes Minutes of January 27, 2014 Meeting Motion to approve: Jason Second: April Carried: None opposed. - Meeting Minutes from January 27, 2014 PAC meeting were accepted as drafted.

3. Green Community Initiative: (Teresa Roberts, Maillard)  Jason reviewed Spirit of Coquitlam grant process & approval for new meeting attendees. PAC applied under volunteerism/community and will use the money to put in a community garden and to beautify the grounds around the school. All students, staff & some community volunteers will participate on Friday, April 25th. $15,000 City grant + $2000 PAC = $17,000  Arlyss reviewed diagrams laying out gardening plans – front of school pallet planter boxes, soil refreshing around some current trees, planting of perennials/bulbs, installation of picnic tables (via SD), (SD will put down wood fiber at a later date); rear of school installation of planter box for blueberry bushes, 15 pallet planter boxes (seeds/per division), mason bees (in already), apple trees along fence, lilac, herbs; alcove in back for Aboriginal Education garden; rear corner pumpkins.  Pallet planter boxes are not permanent, will be able to be moved in future if required.  Benches – repair/replacement has been removed from budget at this time.  Teresa – have arranged 8 stations (will have 8 students per, plus leaders, parents & Inquiry volunteers); M&M Meats will be providing lunch (budgeted); volunteers from Inquiry Hub. SD perspective is for students to also have a learning experience. Students looking forward to eating the fruits & vegetables! Coquitlam City Council and other dignitaries have been invited. Place Maillardville staff invited, keen on helping us maintain gardens (ie. Summer watering schedule) with summer camps etc. AbEd garden – circle, medicinal purpose of some plants. Chain link fence aka “Apple Orchard”.  Arlyss – 5 Inquiry Hub volunteers confirmed so far. Hoping for 2 parent volunteers per station. Intent to have a task list per station to help the parent/Inquiry/students to know what needs to be completed at each station, along with a drawing for guidance. Asking parents to loan tools that can be used that day (wheelbarrows); some tools are being purchased for maintenance use.  Mark – students will be doing bulk of the work, parents are to be supervisory first.  Planter boxes ordered, delivery on 23/24th. Arlyss to confirm & advise Teresa/Mark. Dirt/gravel delivery on 24th. Home Depot – may need to get parents with trucks to get supplies. Art Knapps will confirm by Apr 16th for final count, delivery 24th; may have to go to another nursery for those items not available. Seeds to be picked up by Arlyss early next week & will deliver to school. Concrete pavers can be picked up anytime – clarification on color?  Arlyss - pallet planters are more expensive and therefore the grant budget was amended by the PAC Executive to account for this. Submitted new allocation to the City and was accepted. PAC says additional monies may be needed to account for variances in pricing or shipping, etc., estimate of $1,000.  MOTION PUT FORTH TO APPROVE ADDITION OF $1000 TO PREVIOUS EXPENDITURE – Jason, Michelle. None opposed, carried. {Total of $3000 from PAC monies towards initiative.}  Mark – from school’s behalf, Thank you to the PAC. School applied for similar grant in the past but was not successful. Community endeavor, sustainable, community building. Everyone is very excited!  Volunteer call out – break down into specifics so we get better turn out. Confirmed that anyone can volunteer, CRC paperwork isn’t required as not alone with students etc. Arlyss will break down specifics and forward to Mark for emailing to all parents.

4. Treasurer’s Report  To March 31st. Gaming $2000 arts & culture, $1000 spent on emergency prep food replacement.  Awaiting bill for winter activity day.  Regular account – dance, book fair ($ raised get in books, not cash). $15000 already deposited for the green initiative.  New sports jerseys received.

5. Principals Report:  Budget – reality of SD is facing $13.4 million deficit. External cost pressures. Plan submitted to pay back $2M per year for 6 years, yet to be approved. Coquitlam School District has one of the lowest per student funding. 94% budget is salaries, benefits. Staff facing job losses, not just layoffs & recalls. Will affect class sizes, have been 2-3 lower in past luckily, but that won’t be the case going forward…29-30 max. PowerPoint presentation is available online SD website for interested parents to view. Twitter (#bced, #bcpoli) to voice concerns or follow.  Kathryn – 2 grants written with a parent. Technology, counseling. Health & Safety – working with Michelle. Updating supplies – food & classroom bags. Karen Exley, Youth Worker, holds Level 2 First Aid Certification. Code Red lockdown held recently and the RCMP reported that it went very well/“perfect”.  Through the Adopt-a-School earlier this school year…Morningstar Homes donated 6 new stoves for the cooking program.

6. New Business  Dance – previously scheduled for May 1st. Grade 6 Parent dinner on Apr 20th. DJ already booked. Arlyss to check to see if he can reschedule to 22nd or 29th. {AFTER MEETING CONFIRMATION FROM ARLYSS THAT DANCE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO THURSDAY MAY 29TH.}  Michelle – Staff Appreciation Luncheon Wed. June 11th. To be added to school newsletter to get assistance from parents.  Grade 8 year end celebration – parents asking what the plans are. No discussion from school (recognition assembly focused). Need some students or parents to take lead to see what possibilities are. Team leads to reach out.  BCCPAC – resolutions etc to go through. Parent may attend – contact Jason Turner. $250 registration by May 16th ($325 after that) – PAC will pay. – Kristina will review.  Kathryn – breakfast program – opportunity offered for parents to take FoodSafe Level 1 course. Paid by Breakfast Club of Canada. Contact Kathryn. Current ones expire 2013 (never expired). Going forward certificates will be for a 3-year term and will require renewal.  Michelle – looking for volunteers to do fundraising. Kristina to look at possibilities.

Next Meeting – Monday June 9th, 2014 @ 6:30pm. Please note that the Annual General Meeting to follow the General PAC meeting. Official notice to be sent out prior to meeting.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

PAC 2013/14: Arlyss Turner Co-Chair Michelle Foulkes Co-Chair Jason Turner Treasurer Kristina Marrington Secretary April Bussey Fruit & Veggie Yolanda Leggiadro Class Liaison

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