6Th Grade Vocab Word List Week 5: Health and Illness
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6th Grade Vocab Word List Week 5: Health and Illness
People live longer and better than they did in the past. However, illness is still a fact of life. We even use the vocabulary of disease a great deal when not talking about disease. (Do the phrases “I’m sick of …” and “What a pain!” sound familiar?)
The words in this lesson concern sickness, recovery from sickness, and health. Learn the words and the way in which they are used to describe states of health as well as nonmedical situations.
Word Part of Speech Definition acute adjective very sharp; severe; keen; quickly reaching a crisis point; sensitive; reacting
quickly to impressions; in mathematics, angles less than 90 degrees
Related words: acutely (adverb), acuteness (noun) allergic adjective very sensitive to something in the environment, such as pollen, dust, bee stings,
or certain foods; having a strong dislike for something
Related word: allergy (noun) alleviate verb to relieve by making more bearable; lessen
Related word: alleviation (noun) clinic noun a specialized medical institution; a formal training session, especially for medical
students; any institution that provides special advice or training
Related words: clinical (adjective), clinically (adverb) contagious adjective spread by indirect or direct contact; catching; infectious; carrying disease
Related words: contagiously (adverb), contagiousness (noun) convalescence noun the time needed to return to health after illness, injury or surgery
Related words: convalesce (verb), convalescent (adjective), convalescent (noun) endurance noun the ability to last or survive under strain, stress or use; long-lasting strength
Related word: endure (verb) paralysis noun the loss of feeling in, or ability to move, a part of the body; a lack of ability to act
normally (because of fear or uncertainty, for example)
Related words: paralytic (adjective), paralytic (noun), paralyze (verb)
Usage note: The plural of paralysis is paralyses soothe verb to relieve by calming or comforting Related words: soothing (adjective), soothingly (adverb) thrive verb to grow or do well; to be successful
6th Grade Vocab Assignment Week 5
Write a story that has a character who avoids going to the doctor. In your report, use five of this week’s words. Write at least 5 unique, complete sentences – one sentence per vocab word you choose – using the word correctly (part of speech and definition). Always use the words from the far left column – NEVER THE “RELATED” WORDS. Sentences should be more than just the word and the definition. Sentences should be unique (different from every other sentence on the page, written by you and you alone). Sentences should be written neatly. The paper should have a heading and should be neat (no folds, tears, etc.). Underline the vocab words (or circle, highlight, etc. – just call my attention to the word). Skip a line after every line you’ve written (think of it as double-spacing the whole page). This is in paragraph form.
FLASHCARDS DUE: Friday, Sept. 15
SENTENCES DUE: Monday, Sept. 18 6th Grade Vocab Word List Week 5: Health and Illness
People live longer and better than they did in the past. However, illness is still a fact of life. We even use the vocabulary of disease a great deal when not talking about disease. (Do the phrases “I’m sick of …” and “What a pain!” sound familiar?)
The words in this lesson concern sickness, recovery from sickness, and health. Learn the words and the way in which they are used to describe states of health as well as nonmedical situations.
Word Part of Speech Definition
1 adjective very sharp; severe; keen; quickly reaching a crisis point; sensitive; reacting
quickly to impressions; in mathematics, angles less than 90 degrees
Related words: acutely (adverb), acuteness (noun)
2 adjective very sensitive to something in the environment, such as pollen, dust, bee stings,
or certain foods; having a strong dislike for something
Related word: allergy (noun)
3 verb to relieve by making more bearable; lessen
Related word: alleviation (noun)
4 noun a specialized medical institution; a formal training session, especially for medical
students; any institution that provides special advice or training
Related words: clinical (adjective), clinically (adverb)
5 adjective spread by indirect or direct contact; catching; infectious; carrying disease
Related words: contagiously (adverb), contagiousness (noun)
6 noun the time needed to return to health after illness, injury or surgery
Related words: convalesce (verb), convalescent (adjective), convalescent (noun)
7 noun the ability to last or survive under strain, stress or use; long-lasting strength
Related word: endure (verb)
8 noun the loss of feeling in, or ability to move, a part of the body; a lack of ability to act
normally (because of fear or uncertainty, for example)
Related words: paralytic (adjective), paralytic (noun), paralyze (verb)
Usage note: The plural of paralysis is paralyses
9 verb to relieve by calming or comforting Related words: soothing (adjective), soothingly (adverb)
10 verb to grow or do well; to be successful
6th Grade Vocab Assignment Week 5
Write a story that has a character who avoids going to the doctor. In your report, use five of this week’s words. Write at least 5 unique, complete sentences – one sentence per vocab word you choose – using the word correctly (part of speech and definition). Always use the words from the far left column – NEVER THE “RELATED” WORDS. Sentences should be more than just the word and the definition. Sentences should be unique (different from every other sentence on the page, written by you and you alone). Sentences should be written neatly. The paper should have a heading and should be neat (no folds, tears, etc.). Underline the vocab words (or circle, highlight, etc. – just call my attention to the word). Skip a line after every line you’ve written (think of it as double-spacing the whole page). This is in paragraph form.
FLASHCARDS DUE: Friday, Sept. 15
SENTENCES DUE: Monday, Sept. 18