Mission Impossible #2
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1 Samuel 26 “Mission Impossible #2”
Scripture: 1 Samuel 26:1-25
Memory Verse: “…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24
Lesson Focus: God wants us to live a righteous and faith filled life.
Activities and Crafts: Coloring picture; Cross Word Puzzle Craft: David does the right thing “story wheel.”
Introduction: Ask the kids if they know of the movies “Mission Impossible?” Ask them how the movies started. Jim Phelps would get a recorded voice saying, “Your mission Jim, if you choose to accept it is….” And then he would be told of some impossible mission to save the world. In the Bible we see many impossible missions. Can you name some impossible missions in the Bible? Battle of Jericho Crossing the Jordan Crossing the Red Sea David and Goliath Daniel in the Lions’ Den The Fiery furnace We could go on and on – but our God is in charge of “impossible missions.” By living the way He wants us to live and by following God’s plan for our lives He will accomplish many impossible missions in our lives. We just need to believe. Today, David will have another impossible mission and David will choose to follow God’s ways.
Bible Study:
1 Samuel 26:1-3 – Saul does not give up!
√ Is Saul still hunting to kill David? Why? Why does he not give up? √ How many men does Saul take with him to hunt David now? √ Did Saul mean what he said in 1 Samuel 24:17-19?
1 Saul had not learned anything. He may have said “words” to acknowledge that David was God’s next chosen King – but he did not give up on his intense desire to hurt David.
1 Samuel 26:4-8 The Spy Game √ What does David do in 1 Samuel 26:4? (He sends out spies) David has to know for himself that Saul was back to kill him. He needed to know where Saul was located. Even though there were times when Saul was not after David – he always came back to hunting David down. √ Do you think that this got old for David? Do you think he got tired of running from Saul? Do you think it hurt David that Saul words were not true?
√ What action does David take? He goes to see for himself. √ What does David see? He sees that they are all asleep. Saul is in the middle and his army is sleeping around him to protect him. √ What question does David ask his men? (Who will go with down into the camp?) √ Who volunteered to go with David into the camp of Saul? (Abishai) √ What did David and Abishai see when they got into Saul’s camp? (Saul sleeping in the middle of the army and his spear struck in the ground by his head.) √ Do you think that Saul went to sleep feeling safe that night? √ Was he safe?
√ What did Abishai say to David? 1. Now is your chance 2. God has delivered Saul into your hands 3. Let me strike him with his own spear This is the second time that this has happened – just in a different location.
√ Do you think that this was a temptation to David?
I think that David was tempted. It “looks” like God had given David the chance to get back at Saul. David had the chance to end this running for his life. And one of his top officers was encouraging him to do this. These are men he trusted with his life and this is the second time that David has been given this opportunity. David must have been thinking that when he spared Saul’s life in the Cave of Engedi – that showing Saul mercy did
2 nothing to change Saul’s heart. But David had also just learned another lesson with Abigail; that taking revenge into your own hands is never God’s way. Vengeance is God’s business not his!
√ What did David do and say to Abishai?
1 Samuel 26:9-12 The Secret Impossible Mission Once again David refused to take revenge on Saul by killing him or “God’s Anointed.” √ What does it mean to be “God’s anointed?” (God anointed Saul as King. David is saying that if God put Saul in place then God will take him out. It is not up to David.)
David said; who can go against God’s anointed and not be “guiltless”. David knows that when we take things in our own hands that we are guilty of that sin.
David’s restraint was showing his trust in God. His faith in God! God was in charge and David was going to let God deal with Saul. David knew that God would deal with Saul in His time and in His way. This is hard for us to understand many times in our lives. If God does not act right now – then we think that God is not listening. But faith believes in God’s timing.
√ What plan does David come up with? (to take his spear and water jug that are by Saul’s head.) √ Why do you think that David did this? (to win a strange victory over Saul)
√ What does 1 Samuel 26:12 tell us? (God was in on the plan…God had caused a deep sleep to fall on Saul and his men. Nobody knew that David and Abishai where even there.) And David did not know that God had done this. He acted on his own faith that God was working and he was right to trust in God. Even when we do not know God is working in our lives He is!
1 Samuel 26:13-25; The Bold Announcement √ What does David do first? 1. He puts a great distance between him and Saul’s camp 2. He yells out to Saul’s commander, Abner.
3 √ What does David say to Abner? 1. Abner – you are a warrior and who is like you in Israel 2. Why have you not guarded your King? √ What does David show to Abner? (the spear and water jug) √ Does Abner answer back to David? √ Who recognizes David’s voice? (Saul)
David and Saul have their second conversation about David sparing Saul’s life. David tells Saul that he could have taken Saul’s life and Saul tells David that he has sinned and that David can go in peace. This is similar to the discussion that they had at the Engedi cave
The last thing that David will ever say to Saul comes in verses 22 -25.
In verse 23 – David states what is important to the heart of God; Righteousness and Faithfulness. At this time in David’s life he is following the character of God and living in righteousness and faithfulness.
Conclusion: Righteousness and Faithfulness
What is righteousness: “right living” What is faithfulness: believing and trusting in God no matter what!
Righteousness and faithfulness are fundamental character qualities of God. Psalm 143:1
God looks for these qualities in His people. In Romans 1:16-17 God says,: For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written; ‘the just shall live by faith.”
When we believe in Jesus – that He is the only way to God then we join in His righteousness (right-living) and live a life of faith in God.
4 1 Peter 2:24 says; “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness by whose stripes we are healed.”
Jesus died that we might live for righteousness. We are saved for eternity but we are also saved to live a “right life.” Jesus shows us the way, by living his life when He was here on earth without sin. We are to follow in his footsteps. We will sin – but He has given us the gift of forgiveness when we do.
As we look at David’s life and as David’s life gives us a picture of Jesus – we see David and Jesus living righteously.
Our challenge is to “live right” and to have the faith of David that God is in control!