Midlands Regional Young Umpiring Action Group
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Regional Young HELD AT The Hockey Pavilion, MEETING Loughborough University NAME Umpiring Action Group
LEAD John Litchfield (JL) NOTE Elaina Leithead (EL) TAKER DATE 29th March 2010 START 19.30 TIME 21.30 END TIME PRESENT Margaret McLoughlin (MM), Marc Abraham (MA), Kevin Freeman (KF), Kate Gutteridge (KG), Saul Shohet (SS) CIRCULATION Emma Hewitt (EH), Nisar Chaudhry (NC), Jane Nockolds (JN), Pat Colledge (PC), Alex Davies (AD), Sally Davies (SD), Steve Tabb (ST)
MINUTES TOPIC ACTION 1 Apologies Pat Colledge, Nisar Chaudhry, Sally Davies, Alex Davies, Steve Tabb 2 Minutes of the meeting 18th January 2010 The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed as a true record. Action Points not covered on the agenda; Log book – MM and EL to look at the pages on the website and to update them MM/EL accordingly. KF bought up the fact that he felt that not all young umpires were using the books as they should – KF to send a reminder email to all that they should keep them updated KF and take them with them to any games they are appointed to. KF also to communicate the message via FaceBook in an attempt to reach all young umpires. KF 3 Finance Update (a) Review of current financial position - £222.00 in expenses yet to be paid out on umpire travel. £2701.22 currently in the account. £367.50 to be invoiced to SS Margaret Gotheridge at MRHA for JAC umpires. (b) Updates on grant applications – ST not managed to do much due to other ST commitments he has. It was agreed by all that ST should contact the management committee to discuss moving this forward as and when he felt he had the time and to also discuss any outstanding issues. (c) Payment for providing umpires and coaches for JACs Covered in the above 4 CRB Checks (a) Review our list of checks done 4 outstanding checks to be completed – Tom Cheevers (completed prior to meeting), JL Alex Davies, Harley Wickstead – form completed, Tom Swain. Phil Gooderham and Nisar Chaudhry’s checks are due within the next 2 months – both forms have been completed through EHB MIDLANDS REGIONAL YOUNG UMPIRING ACTION GROUP
SS reported that there were some issues with the invoicing of the CRBs – we have in the past been invoiced for people who are not through us – JL/SS keeping an eye on JL/SS this (b) Latest England Hockey recommendations – CRBs and Welfare Officer It was discussed whether as we now have a welfare officer (SD) whether the CRB role should be amalgamated into one. EL said that in a meeting with EHB it was discussed that in some cases it is better to keep the roles separate if there are people willing to carry out both roles and that the 2 people in those roles communicate effectively with each other. It was agreed that for the time being JL would continue to complete CRB checks as he sees more of the people more of the time than what SD may in her role. (c) Vetting and Barring Scheme – what is involved? EL explained that some information would be sent out soon and posted to the EHB website. EL would forward anything received as and when received. EL 5 Report on recent MRYUAG umpiring opportunities (a) Report on JACs so far – Umpire availability KF to send email out regarding this by the end of the week – some availability is already KF on the website which is a start MM to ring Fran Perry/Lucy Mitchell MM (b) U14s Girls Schools Cup National Finals Ended up with 9 young umpires – Kevin Freeman, Ed Westbrook, Harley Wickstead, Tom Swain, Alex Davies, Matt Lomax, James Barnes, Luke Burn and Tom Brown (North). JL coached on day 1 and MM coached on day 2, Dawn Bonner was UM. Feedback received for all was very good – at the end of all the hard work it was well worth the effort. JL expressed his thanks to MM on behalf of the group for all the hard work and effort she put into it. (c) Young umpires progression to L2 Adam Wheeler, Kate Gutteridge, Tom Cheevers all successfully completed. MM has Vicki Smith assessment in hand. Jonathon Oldham needs to offer availability to get him assessed – JL to look into. MM JL 6 Review opportunities for our young umpires for the rest of the season 2009/10 (a) Midlands Region Mini Finals U12 – Sunday 2nd May 20 Umpires needed as a minimum. MA MA agreed to be umpire manager and will contact Colin Jones to get some tips on schedule etc from previous years. KG and KF agreed to assist MA JL agreed to find another 3 coaches to assist on the day. JL (b) Schools U13 finals Midlands and North RYUAGs have been approached to supply umpires. MM in MM communication with EHB and Stephen Barlow to try and get more information. 20 teams participating in total (mini hockey) at Nottingham Highfields. North would like Midlands to take lead role on Umpire Manager and coach. 7 Report from National YUAG (a) Nominations from MRYUAG for NYUPL due 25 January 2010 Tom Cheevers, Tom Swain, Ed Westbrook all accepted as nominations (b) Nominations form HiPAC James Barnes and Luke Burn as potentials. Tom Swain (subject to whether he gets ALL onto NYUPL as above). All need to think of any girls that could be put forward. (c) Joint opportunities with other regions Nothing to report (other than under item 6) 8 Development of County YUAGs (a) Update on progress with forming County YUAG’s 2 MIDLANDS REGIONAL YOUNG UMPIRING ACTION GROUP
Very disappointing response, however there is some activity in some Counties – West Midlands through Inge Kettner-Ward, Staffordshire through Dave Willenbruch Steve Tabb emailed regarding a couple of suggestions in his absence – JL to phone him to discuss these. JL 9 Review of our Membership List and MYUPL Panels (a) To consider any alteration to MYUPL No changes (b) Any new members and application forms Jamie Hooper to be added to the members panel. MM to forward consent form to him. MM 10 Any Other Business – previously put forward (a) Review shirt stocks. Committee shirts & MRYUAG members shirts Blue Shirts – (committee shirts) Cost £15.00 each through supplier – any new committee members to receive one FOC – anybody wishing to replace theirs then £7.50 cost. (b) Womens Champions Trophy at Nottingham 10 – 18 July 2010 – Flyer proposed MM and updates Small group met prior to full meeting – MM will forward brief notes to all with updates. Any Other Business MM/EL Young umpire nominations for EHB Volunteer Awards Was agreed by all that Vicki Smith and Kevin Freeman would be nominated. SS Coaching reports added to website Total cost is £290.00 which would be split 4 ways (EMHUA/BCHUA/MRHUA/MRYUAG) so we would pay £72.50 – all agreed that we would pay our split but no more. 11 Date and Venue of Next Meeting 24th May 2010 – 7pm at The Hockey Pavilion, Loughborough University – 7.00pm EL