The Screen Shows the Title of the Play
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Scene 1
Cast: Narrator 1, The Jolly Postman 1 (TJP1), The 3 Little Pigs, 2 cookery students, The Gingerbread Man & Humpty Dumpty
The screen shows the title of the play.
As the narrator reads, the Jolly Postman appears from the back of the hall and rides down the aisle on a scooter.
Narrator 1 Once upon a bicycle, so they say, A Jolly Postman came one day, From over the hills and far away… With a letter for Mr Wolf
The scenery changes to Set 1 (Mr Wolf’s kitchen)
The people on stage unfreeze. The 2 students are stirring ingredients in a bowl, while Mr Wolf directs them.
Mr Wolf (Shouting angrily) You are not stirring that properly.
Student 1 Give it some wellie. (Hands a wellington boot to S2)
Student 2 (In a sarcastic voice) Thank you. Surely the food is almost done.
Student 1 It will be ready on the hour.
Student 2 How long’s that?
Student 1 Not sure….
S1 & S2 What’s the time Mr Wolf.
Mr Wolf (Angry) Quiet you idiots and keep stirring.
TGBM (high-pitched scared voice) You’re a monster and your food stinks.
LP 1 I don’t want to end up boiled in a pot with some smelly old wellie.
LP2 (Sarcastically) Perhaps if you add more salt…
LP3 And a bit less pig….
Mr Wolf Quiet you lot. If I wanted advice from my ingredients I’d have cooked up some ratatouille. (Turns back to his students) Now that’s better now. Next we need to… (Gets interrupted by a knock on the door). Mr Wolf crosses over the stage and opens the door.
TJP1 Hi Mr Wolf. I have a parcel here for you to sign for.
Mr Wolf Oh hi Mr Postman. (Mr Wolf takes the package and signs the board. The two students stop stirring and relax). I’m just giving a cookery lesson. (Shouts over his shoulder) Keep stirring you too (The students look frightened and start stirring again). I’m making lovely blood pudding as fresh as can be. You should come back later and try some. (Mr Wolf begins unwrapping the parcel and reads the letter).
TJP1 (Worried) Oh I’m sure it will be lovely, but I have a really busy morning and won’t be coming back this way.
Mr Wolf Wants me to be vegan… vegan. This is an utter disgrace. How dare he suggest this! Have you seen this?
TJP1 No sorry.
Mr Wolf is so mad, he doesn’t notice that Humpty Dumpty is escaping. Humpty Dumpty sneaks off stage with a big grin on his face.
Mr Wolf (Raging with anger) That idiot Chicken little has sent me a vegan cooking book! Me! Just look at my ingredients. Do they look like the ingredients of a wolf that wants to give up meat and dairy and….. eggs! Where is the egg? Has anyone seen the egg?
Everyone (Scared) No
TJP1 (Carefully) Okay, well I best get back on my rounds. Enjoy your blood pudding. Scene 2
Cast: Narrator 2, The Jolly Postman 1 (TJP1), The Jolly Postman 2 (TJP2), The Fairy Godmother (FGM), Donkey, Captain Hook & The White Rabbit (WR)
Narrator Not wanting to end up himself as dinner The postman left quickly and all of aquiver
TJP1 gets on his scooter and rides it back down the aisle to be replaced by TJP2. TJP2 rides his scooter to the front.
On the road and down the track, With a heavy load upon his back. Including a letter to The White Rabbit, who was taking his first flying lesson.
The Fairy Godmother is giving flying lessons. She is flapping her wings and Donkey is jumping around.
Donkey (Confused) Why is nothing working? You know I’ve always wanted to fly. (Crossly) Throw on more of that there magic fairy dust.
FGM (Stressed) I’m trying my hardest. You can just rely on the dust: it would be dangerous.
Hook (Loudly) Stop taking up all the lesson time Donkey. Some of us actually need to learn to fly in order to get annoying little boys who don’t ever grow up. (Looks mad)
FGM Keep your wig on Hook, I’ll get to you (Captain Hook feels his hair).
There’s a knock on the door. WR hops across the stage and opens it to find TJP2 standing there with a letter.
WR (Crouching happily down) Good morning Mr Postman.
TJP2 Oh… White Rabbit. I’ve got a letter here for you.
WR (Confused/surprised) Oh my… A letter…. for me … oh my!
Letter displays on the screen. The White Rabbit shakes his head and mutters aloud as he reads.
WR Oh my oh my. I say. I’m late. I think I’m late. (Feels for his clock) What is the time? (Takes out his big clock. A clicking is heard) Hook Arhhh I hear ticking. TICKING! It’s followed me here …. But how could he. Arghhhh! (Hook begins running around frantically. He knocks into FGM who spills all the fairy dust on Donkey. He begins flying!
Donkey I can fly…. I can fly…..I believe I can fly!
Music plays, Donkey falls off the chair and stands next to everyone. Scene 3
Cast: The Jolly Postman 3 (TJP3), Princess, Elsa, Ugly Sister 1 (US1) and Ugly Sister 2 (US2)
Elsa is having a slumber party at her house. The 2 princesses have decided to give the ugly sisters makeovers.
Narrator Surprised to see a donkey fly, The Jolly Postman left that delivery with a tear in his eye.
TJP2 gets on his scooter and rides it back down the aisle to be replaced by TJP2. TJP3 rides his scooter to the front.
Off to deliver yet another parcel, His next stop: Princess Elsa’s castle
Elsa + (Same time. Singing) Girls. I think it’s time for your makeover. Princess
US 1 + US2 (Having a pillow fight) Fine. We will accept a makeover from you.
Princess Come sit down then. (Moves hand, getting annoyed)
Elsa turns around and accidentally drops her mirror
Elsa (Shouting) No!!!!!!
US1 (Stamp feet) It’s only a mirror.
Elsa That was my favourite mirror.
Princess (Smugly) Come on let it go.
US2 (Smugly) Yeah let it go.
Elsa (Angry) Why does everyone keep saying that to me!!!
Princess Oh is that the door.
US1 +2 (Pushing each other out of the way excitedly) I’ll get it. US2 Oh hi Mr Postman. How are you? Any invitations for us?
TJP3 No sorry, just for Elsa I’m afraid.
Elsa (Clap and jump excitedly) An invitation for me.
US1 (Bossy) I think The Postman is the one who needs the makeover.
US2 His cheeks would look more Jolly if we added a little blush.
Princess Yes, and perhaps some concealer.
US1 Come on. It’s not that bad.
(All chase TJP3)
TJP3 No, please, no. I best go.
Narrator They wanted him to ugly like the ugly sisters.
(Trying to put makeup on the narrator) You’re not escaping a makeover that easily.
Narrator I’m just the narrator.
All the cast except TJP3 look at each other, smile and then chase the narrator off the stage and down the aisle. Scene 4
Cast: Narrator, The Jolly Postman 4 (TJP4), Jack, Jill, Humpty Dumpty and Pinocchio
Narrator Gladly out of this Ugly Sister’s reach He relaxed the peddling of his feet
TJP3 says phew, gets on his scooter and rides it back down the aisle to be replaced by TJP2. TJP4 rides his scooter to the front.
Off he went along the road, Now carrying a slightly smaller load. Including a parcel for Jack and Jill who are recovering in hospital after a nasty incident involving a hill and some water.
Jack, Jill, Humpty Dumpty and Pinocchio are patients in Doctor Foster Memorial Hospital. They are all sat up in their beds talking.
Jack (In a questioning voice) So how did you get into hospital Humpty-Dumpty?
Humpty I was about to be dinner at Mr Wolf’s house when he got a letter. I don’t know Dumpty what was in the letter, but it sure made him angry. I knew he was distracted so I ran out. I fell down when I was escaping.
Jill (Points at TJP4) Oh look there’s the Jolly Postman. I wonder who he’s here to see.
TJP4 Here’s a parcel for you Jack and Jill. (Hands over a parcel)
Jack Thank you! (Smiles at TJP4)
Jill Oh how nice. (Jill begins unwrapping the parcel)
Jack What is it Jill?
Jill It’s some plasters from Jack. He found them in the giant’s castle and thought we could probably use them.
Pinocchio How nice.
TJP4 (Touches Pinocchio on the shoulder) Wow, are you okay Pinocchio. It looks like you’ve been crying. Have you been crying?
Pinocchio Nooooo! (Pinocchio’s nose grows suddenly and hits Humpty Dumpty)
Humpty Ahhhhh! (While screaming, Humpty Dumpty falls out of bed) Dumpty Everyone rushes over – as best they can with their injuries – and try to help Humpty Dumpty.
Jack Oh well. Looks like these plasters are going to come in handy.
Pinocchio Sorry.
TJP4 I best get going now, bye!
Everyone Bye! Scene 5
Cast: All 5 Jolly Postmen.
TJP5 Our Jolly Play has run its course and is almost at an end I only have one more letter left. That’s all I have to send.
Talk whilst all Jolly Postmen begin handing out letters to those in the front row.
But what is this, look here, who knew? For the note here says this one’s for you. So look now underneath your chair And open up the letter you find there.
Wait for a few seconds to give the audience time to open their letters. Change projector to display the message “Thank you for watching.”
Thank you everyone for watching WHO’S DOING WHAT
Scenery & Props:
Scene 2 (Mr Wolf’s Cookery Class):
Background (Kitchen) – Anwen & Grace
Envelope + Address + Letter from Chicken Little asking Mr Wolf to become vegan. – Harry & Daniel
Cookery Book (Book with fake front cover) – Charlie & Anthony
Scene 3 (Flying Lessons with The Fairy Godmother):
Background (White Rabbit’s house) - Sophie
Envelope + Address, - Jess
Letter to White Rabbit (something he has forgotten was happening and is late for), - Tommy
Giant pocket watch, - Ashton
Scene 4 (The slumber party at Elsa’s Castle):
Background (Elsa’s castle - Bedroom), Lilly
Envelope + Address, + Invitation to a ball from Prince Charming - Billy & Oliver
Scene 5 (Doctor Foster Memorial Hospital):
Background (Hospital ward), - Ella & Jessica D
Letter from Jack (found these plasters while in the giant’s castle – thought of you) + Envelope + Address Giant plasters, - Amelie, Lexi & Jessica C Script Writing:
Scene 1: Louis, Harrison and Dylan F
Scene 2: Freddie & Hector
Scene 3: Jake, Freya & Trey
Scene 4: James & Dylan B
Extra Tasks:
Background for opening scene – traveling
Christmas cards for the audience. Draw a nice front cover then write a message inside wishing them Merry Christmas and thanking them for coming. (Challenge yourself to include a Christmas Poem). Cast List
Character Actor Character Actor 1 Narrator 1 Anthony 17 Narrator 3 Billy 2 TJP 1 Harrison 18 TJP 3 Oliver 3 Gingerbread man Harry 19 Ugly Sister 1 Jake 4 Little pigs 1 Charlie 20 Ugly Sister 2 Trey 5 Little pig 2 Daniel 21 Princess 1 Lilly 6 Little pig 3 Dylan F 22 Princess 2 Freya 7 Humpty Dumpty James 23 Narrator 4 Lexi 8 Big Bad Wolf Louis 24 TJP 4 Ella 9 Cooking student Anwen 25 Jack Dylan B 10 Cooking student Grace 26 Jill Jessica D 11 Narrator 2 Freddie 27 Pinocchio Amelie 12 TJP 2 Ashton 7 Humpty Dumpty James 13 The Fairy Jess 28 TJP 5 Jessica C Godmother 14 Captain Tommy Hook 15 The White Sophie Rabbit 16 Donkey Hector
James will appear as Humpty Dumpty in Scene 1, but will not say very much until he appears again in Scene 4.