Departement Van Landbou s3
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Vrugtipe/ Kultivars/ Fruit Type Cultivars
1. Spanspekke/Melons Enige geskikte kultivar/Any suitable cultivar
2. Waatlemoene/Watermelons Enige geskikte kultivar/Any suitable cultivar
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 17 of 38
Gehaltefaktor/ Spanspekke/ Waatlemoene/ Quality Factor Melons Watermelons Oppervlakver- Lugvervoer/ Oppervlakver- Lugvervoer/ voer/Surface Air Transport voer/Surface Air Transport Transport Transport 1 2 3 4 5
1. Vreemde Feitlik vry/ Feitlik vry/ Feitlik vry/ Feitlik vry/ stowwe/ Practically free Practically free Practically free Practically free Foreign matter
2. Letsels/ Mag nie meer Mag nie meer as Mag nie meer Mag nie meer Blemishes as 10% van die 10% van die as 10% van die as 10% van die oppervlakte be- oppervlakte be- oppervlakte oppervlakte slaan nie/Shall slaan nie/Shall beslaan nie/ beslaan nie/ not exceed 10% not exceed 10% Shall not ex- Shall not ex- of the surface of the surface ceed 10% of ceed 10% of the area area the surface surface area area
3. Krake/ (a) Maksimum (a) Maksimum (a) Geringe (a)Geringe Cracks 12 mm in 12 mm in krake rond- krake gesament- gesamentlike om die rondom like lengte/ lengte/Ma- vrugsteel, die Maximum ximum of wat minder vrugsteel of 12 mm in 12 mm in as 20 mm , wat total length total length in gesa- minder as mentlike 20 mm in lengte is en gesa- wat nie die mentlike vlees bereik lengte is nie, word en wat nie as 'n nie die defek be- vlees skou nie/ bereik nie, word nie as 'n defek be- skou nie/
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 18 of 38
Slight Slight cracks cracks around the around the fruit pedi- fruit pedi- cel, which cel, which are less are less than than 20 mm in 20 mm in total length total length and which and which do not do not reach the reach the flesh, are flesh, are not not considered considered as a defect as a defect
(b) Maksimum 2 (b) Maksimum 2 (b) Krake moet (b) Krake moet mm in mm in droog en droog en diepte/Ma- diepte/Ma- vereelt vereelt ximum of ximum of wees/ wees/ 2 mm in 2 mm in Cracks Cracks depth depth shall be dry shall be dry and callu- and callu- sed sed
(c) Krake moet (c) Krake moet droog en droog en vereelt wees/ vereelt wees/ Cracks shall Cracks shall be dry and be dry and callused callused
4. Voorkoms/ (a) Gesond, (a) Gesond, Gesond, aan- Gesond, aan- Appearan- aantreklik en aantreklik en treklik en treklik en ce kultivar-eg/ kultivar-eg/ kultivar-eg/ kultivar-eg/ Sound, Sound, Sound, attrac- Sound, attrac- attractive attractive tive and true to tive and true to and true to and true to cultivar cultivar cultivar cultivar
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 19 of 38
(b) In die geval (b) In die geval van tipiese van tipiese genette kul- genette kul- tivars moet tivars moet 90% van 90% van die die vrug- vrugopper- oppervlakte vlakte genet genet wees/In the wees/In the case of ty- case of ty- pical netted pical netted cultivars, cultivars, 90% of the 90% of the fruit surface fruit surface area shall be area shall netted be netted
5. Tekstuur/ Ferm, sonder Ferm, sonder Ferm, sonder Ferm, sonder Texture enige tekens enige tekens van enige tekens enige tekens van sagwor- sagwording/Firm, van oorrypheid van oorrypheid ding/Firm, with- without any signs (sponsagtig- (sponsagtig- out any signs of of softening heid)/Firm, with- heid)/Firm, with- softening out any signs of out any signs of over-maturity over-maturity (sponginess) (sponginess)
6 Volwasse/ * * Maturity
(1) Vir die spanspek- kultivars Doral, Star 8801 en Star 8802/ For the me- lon cultivars Doral, Star 8801 and Star 8802:
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 20 of 38
Minimum Minstens 7% Minstens 8% TOVS (To- TOVS soos met TOVS soos met tale oplos- 'n refraktometer 'n refraktometer bare vaste- bepaal: Met bepaal: Met dien stowwe- dien verstande verstande dat die inhoud)/Mi- dat die vereis- vereistes voor- nimum TSS tes voorgeskryf geskryf in item (Total solu- in item 6(3) van 6(3) van hierdie ble solids hierdie tabel, tabel, ook nage- content) ook nagekom kom moet word/ moet word/At At least 8% TSS least 7% TSS as determined as determined with a refracto- with a refracto- meter: Provided meter: Provided that the require- that the require- ments prescribed ments prescri- in item 6(3) of bed in item 6(3) this table shall of this table also be complied shall also be with complied with
(2) Vir die spanspek- tipe Cha- rentais/For Charentais type melons
Minimum Minstens 9% Minstens 10% TOVS (To- soos met 'n re- soos met 'n re- tale oplos- fraktometer fraktometer bare vaste- bepaal: Met bepaal: Met dien stowwe- dien verstande verstande dat die inhoud)/Mi- dat die vereis- vereistes voorge- nimum TSS tes voorgeskryf skryf in item 6(3) (Total solu- in item 6(3) van van hierdie tabel, ble solids hierdie tabel, ook nagekom content) ook nagekom moet word/At moet word/At least 10% as least 9% as determined with determined a refractometer:
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 21 of 38
with a refracto- Provided that the meter: Provided requirements that the require- prescribed in ments pre- item 6(3) of this scribed in item table shall also 6(3) of this table be complied with shall also be complied with
(3) Alle ander (a) Pitte (a) Pitte (a) Die vlees (a) Die vlees kultivars/All moet --/ moet --/Pips moet 'n moet 'n soet other culti- Pips shall -- shall -- soet smaak smaak vars hê/The hê/The (i) begin ver- (i) ten volle ont- flesh shall flesh shall kleur vanaf wikkel wees/ have a have a wit na be fully deve- sweet taste sweet taste roomkleu- loped rig/start colouring from white to creamy coloured
(ii) begin skei (ii) begin bruin van die verkleur/start vesel/start to brown to separate from the fibre
(iii) begin jellie (iii) skei van die vorm/start vesel/sepa- to develop rate from the jelly fibre
(iv) jellie toon/ display jelly
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 22 of 38
(b) Die vlees (b) Die vlees moet 'n effe moet 'n soet soet smaak smaak hê/ hê/The The flesh flesh shall shall have a have a sweet taste slightly sweet taste
(c) Geen ken- (c) Kenmerken- merkende de span- spanspek- spekreuk reuk mag moet teen- teenwoor- woordig dig wees wees (af- nie/No typi- hangende cal melon van die be- odour shall trokke kulti- be present var)/Typical melon odour shall be pre- sent (de- pending on the cultivar concerned)
7. Vrugstele/ Moet minstens (a) Moet min- * * Fruit pedi- 12 mm in lengte stens 12 mm cels wees/Shall be in lengte at least 12 mm wees/Shall in length be at least 12 mm in length
(b) Vrugstele mag in die geval van die kultivars Ogen, Galia, Hales Best, Saticoy en soortgelyke
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 23 of 38
Rock-tipe kultivars, af- wesig wees: Met dien ver- stande dat die vrugstele nie uitge- skeur mag wees nie/ Fruit pedicels May be ab- sent in the case of the cultivars Ogen, Galia, Hales Best, Saticoy and similar Rock- type culti- vars: Provi- ded that the fruit pedicels shall not be torn out
(c) Vrugte sonder vrug- stele moet toepaslike na-oesbe- handeling teen bederf ontvang/Fruit without fruit pedicels shall receive appropriate post-harvest treatment against decay
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 24 of 38
8. Minimum 500 g vir alle 500 g vir alle * * massa/Mi- kultivars/500 g kultivars/ 500 g nimum for all cultivars for all cultivars mass
9. Kleur/Colour:
(1) Galia Die aanvang Liggeel tot geel/ Tipies vir die Tipies vir die van 'n liggeel Light yellow to betrokke kulti- betrokke kulti- kleurbreek moet yellow var/Typical of var/Typical of reeds waar- the cultivar the cultivar neembaar concerned concerned wees/The beginning of a light yellow colour break shall be obser- vable
(2) Honeydew (a) Eenvormig (a) Eenvormig geel/Uni- geel/Uni- formly formly yellow yellow
(b) Liggroen (b) Liggroen vrugte is vrugte is toelaatbaar/ toelaatbaar/ Light-green Light-green fruit are fruit are permissible permissible
(3) Alle ander Goed en tipies Goed en tipies vir kultivars/All vir die betrokke die betrokke other culti- kultivar/Good kultivar/Good vars and typical for and typical for the cultivar the cultivar concerned concerned
10. Sonbrand/ (a) In die geval (a) In die geval * * Sunburn van genette van genette kultivars kultivars mag mag die ge- die genette nette deel deel nie plat
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 25 of 38
nie plat wees of mis- wees of vorming toon misvorming nie en geen toon nie en uitdroging geen uitdro- onder die skil ging onder of vlees mag die skil of voorkom nie/ vlees mag In the case voorkom of netted cul- nie/In the tivars the case of netted part netted culti- shall not be vars the flattened or netted part show any shall not be malformation flattened or and no de- show any siccation malforma- under the tion and no skin or flesh desiccation shall occur under the skin or flesh shall occur
(b) Donkergeel verkleuring (sonder bruin ver- kleuring) mag nie 10% van die vrugop- pervlakte oorskry nie: Met dien verstande dat geen tweede sonbrand waarge- neem mag word nie/
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Dark-yellow discolora- tion (with- out brown discolora- tion) shall not exceed 10% of the fruit surface area: Pro- vided that no secon- dary sun- burn shall be obser- ved
(c) Donker- groen ver- kleuring mag nie 10% van die vrugop- pervlakte oorskry nie/ Dark-green discolora- tion shall not exceed 10% of the fruit surface area
11. Vorm/ Shape
(1) Galia (a) Rond en (a) Rond en Goed gevorm Goed gevorm simmetries/ simmetries/ en en Round and Round and karakteristiek karakteristiek symmetrical symmetrical van die kultivar/ van die kultivar/ Well formed Well formed and cha- and racteristic of the characteristic of cultivar the cultivar
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 27 of 38
(2) Honeydew (a) Rond tot (a) Rond tot ovaalvorm- ovaalvorm- ig/Round to ig/Round to oval oval shaped shaped
12. Eenvorm- igheid in dieselfde houer/Uni- formity in the same container:
(1) Grootte/ Die ekwatoriale Die ekwatoriale Redelik een- Redelik een- Size diameter van diameter van vormig in grootte/ vormig in die grootste die grootste Reasonably uni- grootte/Reason- vrug mag nie vrug mag nie form in size ably uniform in die ekwatoriale die ekwatoriale size deursnee van deursnee van die kleinste die kleinste vrug met meer vrug met meer as 20% oorskry as 20% oorskry nie/The nie/The equatorial equatorial diameter of the diameter of the largest fruit largest fruit shall not shall not exceed the exceed the equatorial equatorial diameter of the diameter of the smallest fruit by smallest fruit by more than 20% more than 20%
(2) Massa/ Die massa van Die massa van * * Mass die grootste die grootste vrug mag nie vrug mag nie die massa van die massa van die kleinste die kleinste vrug met meer vrug met meer as 25% oorskry as 25% oorskry nie/The mass of nie/The mass of the largest fruit the largest fruit
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 28 of 38
shall not ex- shall not ex- ceed the mass ceed the mass of the smallest of the smallest fruit by more fruit by more than 25% than 25%
(3) Rypheid en Redelik een- Redelik een- * * kleur/Ripe- vormig/Reason- vormig/Reason- ness and ably uniform ably uniform colour
13. Waks/Wax Mag met 'n Mag met 'n Mag met 'n Mag met 'n geregistreerde geregistreerde geregistreerde geregistreerde waks wat 'n waks wat 'n waks wat 'n waks wat 'n swamdoder swamdoder swamdoder swamdoder bevat, behandel bevat, behandel bevat, behandel bevat, behandel wees/May be wees/May be wees/May be wees/May be treated with a treated with a treated with a treated with a registered wax registered wax registered wax registered wax containing a containing a containing a containing a fungicide fungicide fungicide fungicide
14. Lêmerke Hoogstens 20% Hoogstens 20% Hoogstens 20% Hoogstens 20% (plekke van die vrugop- van die vrugop- van die vrugop- van die vrugop- waar die pervlakte mag pervlakte mag pervlakte mag lig pervlakte mag vrugte lig verkleurd lig verkleurd verkleurd wees: lig verkleurd tydens wees: Met dien wees: Met dien Met dien ver- wees: Met dien groei die verstande dat verstande dat stande dat geen verstande dat grond ge- geen pers, geen pers, pers, swart of geen pers, raak het)/ swart of muwwe swart of muwwe muwwe kolle, swart of muwwe Lying kolle, insekbe- kolle, insekbe- insekbeska- kolle, insekbe- marks skadiging, skadiging, diging, krake of skadiging, krake (points krake of sagte krake of sagte sagte plekke of sagte plekke where the plekke aanwe- plekke aanwe- aanwesig is nie/ aanwe- sig is fruit sig is nie/Pale sig is nie/Pale Pale discolora- nie/Pale touched the discoloration of discoloration of tion of the fruit discoloration of ground the fruit surface the fruit surface surface area the fruit surface while area shall not area shall not shall not exceed area shall not growing) exceed 20%: exceed 20%: 20%: Provided exceed 20%: Provided that Provided that that purple, black Provided that purple, black or purple, black or or mouldy spots, purple, black or
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 29 of 38
mouldy spots, mouldy spots, insect damage, mouldy spots, insect damage, insect damage, cracks or soft insect damage, cracks or soft cracks or soft spots are not cracks or soft spots are not spots are not present spots are not present present present
* Geen spesifikasie nie/No specification.
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 30 of 38
Spanspekke/ Waatlemoene/ Gehaltefaktor/ Melons Watermelons Quality factor Oppervlakver- Lugvervoer/Air Oppervlakver- Lugvervoer/Air voer/Surface Transport (%) voer/Surface Transport (%) Transport (%) Transport (%)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Bederf/ 1 2 1 2 Decay
2. Beserings, 2 4 2 4 kneusings of insekbe- skadiging, individueel/ Injuries, bruises or insect da- mage, in- dividually
3. Insek- of mytbesmet- ting/Insect or mite in- festation:
(a) Plantska- Soos bepaal Soos bepaal Soos bepaal Soos bepaal delike orga- deur die Direk- deur die Direk- deur die Direk- deur die Direk- nismes van teur van die teur van die teur van die teur van die fitosanitêre Direktoraat Direktoraat Direktoraat Direktoraat belang/ Plantgesond- Plantgesond- Plantgesond- Plantgesond-
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 31 of 38
Plant inju- heid en Gehal- heid en Gehal- heid en Gehal- heid en Gehal- rious orga- te/As specified te/As specified te/As specified te/As specified nisms of by the Director by the Director of by the Director by the Director phytosani- of the Directo- the Directorate of the Directo- of the Directo- tary impor- rate Plant Plant Health and rate Plant rate Plant tance Health and Quality Health and Health and Quality Quality Quality
(b) Arthropo- Op 3% van die Op 3% van die Op 3% van die Op 3% van die dabesmet- spanspekke of spanspekke of spanspekke of spanspekke of ting van waatlemoene of waatlemoene of waatlemoene of waatlemoene of vrugte met 3 loslopende 3 loslopende 3 loslopende 3 loslopende inbegrip Arthropoda per Arthropoda per Arthropoda per Arthropoda per van die or- paletvrag of paletvrag of paletvrag of paletvrag of ganismes gedeelte daar- gedeelte daarvan gedeelte daar- gedeelte daar- volgens van in die be- in die besending: van in die be- van in die be- paragraaf sending: Met Met dien ver- sending: Met sending: Met (a) wat nie dien verstande stande dat dit nie dien verstande dien verstande as plant- dat dit nie gemiddeld een dat dit nie dat dit nie ge- skadelike gemiddeld een Arthropoda per gemiddeld een middeld een organismes Arthropoda per houer oorskry Arthropoda per Arthropoda per beskou houer oorskry nie/On 3% of the houer oorskry houer oorskry word nie, nie/On 3% of melons or water- nie/On 3% of nie/On 3% of uitgeson- the melons or melons or 3 free- the melons or the melons or derd orga- watermelons or running Arthro- watermelons or watermelons or nismes wat 3 free-running poda per pallet 3 free-running 3 free-running 'n gevaar Arthropoda per load or part Arthropoda per Arthropoda per vir die pallet load or thereof in the pallet load or pallet load or mens mag part thereof in consignment: part thereof in part thereof in inhou/ the consign- Provided that it the consign- the consign- Arthropoda ment: Provided does not exceed ment: Provided ment: Provided infestation that it does not on average one that it does not that it does not of fruit, in- exceed on ave- Arthropoda per exceed on one exceed on one cluding the rage one container Arthropoda per one Arthropoda organisms Arthropoda per container per container which ac- container cording to paragraph (a) do not form part of plant
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 32 of 38
injurious organisms, excluding organisms which may be a source of danger to the human being
(c) Organis- Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een mes wat 'n per inspeksie- per inspeksie- per inspeksie- per inspeksie- gevaar vir monster/One on monster/One on monster/One on monster/One on die mens average per average per average per average per mag inhou/ inspection sam- inspection sam- inspection sam- inspection sam- Organisms ple ple ple ple which may be a source of danger to the human being
(d) Afwykings Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een Gemiddeld een in paragra- per houer/One per houer/One per houer/One per houer/One we (b) en on average per on average per on average per on average per (c) van hier- container container container container die item ge- samentlik: Met dien verstande dat soda- nige afwy- kings indivi- dueel binne die gespe- sifiseerde perke moet wees/De- viations in paragraphs (b) and (c)
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 33 of 38
of this item collectively: Provided that such deviations shall indivi- dually be within the specified limits
4. Volwassen- 5 5 5 5 heid: Onryp of oorryp/ Maturity: Immature or over- mature
5. Interne ver- 2 4 2 4 val/Internal collapse
6. Sonbrand/ 3 5 * * Sunburn
7. Totale op- 5 5 * * losbare vastestow- we-inhoud/ Total solu- ble solids content
8. Tekstuur 5 10 5 10 (sag tot in- terne ver- val), gebrek aan kleur, onryp of oorryp, indi- vidueel/ Texture
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 34 of 38
(soft to in- 5 10 5 10 ternal col- lapse), lack of colour, unripe or over-ma- ture, indivi- dually
9. Letsels/ 5 10 5 10 Blemishes
10. Vreemde 5 10 5 10 stowwe, krake, voor- koms, ver- lep, gebrek aan netag- tigheid, ver- krimp, lê- merke en misvorm- ing, indivi- dueel/Fo- reign mat- ter, cracks, appearan- ce, wilted, lack of net- ting, shri- velled, lying marks and malforma- tion, indivi- dually
11. Ontbreken- 10 10 * * de of te kort vrugstele/ Missing or too short fruit pedi- cels
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 35 of 38
12. Minimum 10 10 * * massa/Mi- nimum mass
13. Eenvorm- igheid in dieselfde houer/Uni- formity in the same container:
(1) Grootte/ 10 10 10 10 Size
(2) Massa/ 10 10 * * Mass
(3) Rypheid en 10 10 * * kleur/Ripe- ness and colour
14. Vorm/ 5 5 * * Shape
15. Afwykings 5 0 5 10 in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 en 7 van hierdie tabel gesa- mentlik: Met dien verstande dat soda- nige afwy- kings indivi- dueel binne die gespe- sifiseerde perke is/
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 36 of 38
Deviations: in items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this table collectively Provided- that such deviations are indivi- dually with- in the spe- cified limits
16. Afwykings 5 10 5 10 in items 1 tot 10 en 14 van hierdie tabel, inslui- tende onge- spesifiseer- de gebreke gesament- lik: Met dien ver- stande dat sodanige afwykings individueel binne die gespesifi- seerde per- ke is/Devia- tions in items 1 to 10 and 14 of this table, inclu- ding unspe- cified de- fects col- lectively: Provided
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 37 of 38
that such deviations are indivi- dually with- in the spe- cified limits
17. Afwykings 10 10 10 10 in items 12 en 13 van hierdie tabel gesa- mentlik: Met dien verstande dat soda- nige afwy- kings indivi- dueel binne die gespe- sifiseerde perke is/ Deviations in items 12 and 13 of this table collectively: Provided that such deviations are indivi- dually with- in the spe- cified limits
18. Afwykings Een houer per Een houer per Een houer per Een houer per in verpak- besending/One besending/One besending/One besending/One kingsvereis- container per container per container per container per tes in items consignment consignment consignment consignment 6 tot 8 voor- geskryf/De- viations from
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: ______EXPORT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS: MELONS Page 38 of 38
packing re- quirements prescribed in items 6 to 8
19. Afwykings Een houer per Een houer per Een houer per Een houer per in merkver- besending/One besending/One besending/One besending/One eistes in container per container per container per container per items 9 en consignment consignment consignment consignment 10 voorge- skryf/Devia- tions from marking re- quirements prescribed in items 9 and 10
* Geen spesifikasie nie/No specification.
______DIRECTORATE PLANT HEALTH AND QUALITY Private Bag X258, Pretoria, 0001, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 12 319-6018 Fax: +27 12 319 6055 Visit our website: