Inspire Us Retreat
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2009 InSpire Us Retreat Raw Data
Final Statements ~ Afternoon Session Final Statements ~ Afternoon Session
“BE” “DO”
1. Be an advocate for social justice. (2 votes) 1. Expand upon Sunday morning welcoming and fellowship 2. Be a refuge for youth. (1 vote) opportunities. (2 votes) 3. Be an intergenerational and inclusive faith community. (7 votes) 2. Improve upon outreach activities and givings. (3 votes) 4. Be an active community partner. (7 votes) 3. Strive for optimum utilization of our physical resources. (1 vote) 5. Be focused in our outreach efforts. (3 votes) 4. Expand opportunities for deeper spiritual growth. (2 votes) 6. Be a strong, visible community presence. (4 votes) 5. Balance requirements of the Privacy Policy with the needs of Pastoral care. (2 votes) 6. Create a fiscally responsible long range plan for the church. (9 votes) 7. Harmonize and optimize our musical resources. (0 votes) 8. Increase and optimize community use of our facilities. (2 votes) 9. Increase youth opportunities and spiritual experiences. (3 votes) 10. Identify and attend to special needs of individuals and groups. (2 votes) 11. Communicate and celebrate Grace ministries. (2 votes) 12. Develop a talent bank which matches individuals with opportunities. (2 votes) 13. Design and implement a member recruitment and retention strategy. (3 votes) 14. Develop a strategy to expand upon audio/video/web technologies. (3 votes) 15. Offer intergenerational events and nurture intergenerational relationships. (4 votes) 16. Focus on doing a few things well, with measurable objectives. (4 votes) 17. Encourage risk taking and allow for the possibility of failure. (2 votes) 18. Attract, retain and support young men in their life mission. (2 votes)
2009 InSpire Us Retreat Data 1 *open to members that are more bible based What else can we “BE” as a church? *Be able to staff all our focuses that we undertake (Results from group discussions ~ morning session) *Focused *more intergenerational *supportive of members (transportation provided) *more open to change *further outreach in the community *OPEN to others inside and outside Grace and their views (regardless *concentrate outreach on particular area of how they differ) *available as a facility for the community *more welcoming and inclusive *open to needs of all ages *be sensitive to changes in the community (changes, demographics, *youth centre for all etc.) *politically active *be a provider of spiritual growth
*known as a child-caring congregation here and globally *to be an important integral part of the community *a refuge for disaffected youth *to be a balanced church between inreach and outreach *a congregation willing to take bold steps in experimenting with new *be a welcoming church for all ages and abilities (lead/follow/friend) ways of being the church *with more lay people participating in the service
*a church that is visible to the community *continue to be the best church in Lambton Presbytery *faith oriented *a Christian home for more families in this area * a congregation that understands young men’s life mission *more welcoming to new members *more attentive to groups with special needs (ie. People in Nursing Homes with difficulty getting to church)
*be metaphorical rather than literal leaders in serving the “invisible”
*community partner(for non faith based and faith based) *need to be risk takers (encourage change, allow for the possibility of failure) * “inclusionary” (trying to include all people) *follow golden rule~do unto others *Open Door Facility (all members and community) *Be diverse and accept diversity
*welcoming to the old as well as the young *Local and Global advocate for justice *welcoming venue for cultural/musical events 2009 InSpire Us Retreat Data 2 What else can we “DO” as a church? *grow/renew/deepen our faith, live our faith (Results from group discussions ~ morning session) *recapture former adherents and emebers *find ways to support young men’s mission *improve M&S givings *do something before (after) service time, make time more effective *return to the session/stewards governance model *improving facilities for the handicapped *attract and retain new members *understand/awareness of being an adherent member *consider establishing a nursery on vacant lot for assisting needy *improve relationships between the various “music groups” in the families church *help children internationally *consider radio spots by the ministers *offer more opportunities for adults and youth to connect for variety of choices *assess congregational need for various types of accessibility (ie, *attract the “unchurched” and “formerly churched” hearing and transportation) *explore the possibilities of broadcasting services (also podcast) *identify special fund raising opportunities (van,piano,roof) *more opportunities for new comers *possible bus/van for youth/ children *video system more complete *formal integration of new comers (something they have to join) *look at the times that members have available and fit events to these assign mentors to new members times *expand on Christian “adult” development-adult Sunday school, bible *expand community partnerships study, book club *address the issue of the vacant lots *capitalize on internal resources (ex. Music) *provide positive experiences for youth to develop spiritually *opportunity for feedback and input blogs after service *develop priorities *how can we improve our confidentiality? Privacy vs. need for knowing *intergenerational/personal contact *focus on making do with what we have vs. constant upgrades *youth group 18-25 *to advertise more in local paper what is going on at Grace *young adult group 25-50 *better job on stewardship education *group concerned with watching individuals to volunteer opportunities *disabilities committee *getting everyone to use their name tags(leave them at church) *all youth given opportunities *focus on fewer priorities with measurable objectives *more communications about members needs (ex. Hospital) *have the caregivers given a higher profile in the church *convert Chapel to a more flexible space *greater attention to be given to “depreciating” funding *ability to do online streaming video *sermons on the website (pod cast) *offering program for new and young mothers *select one or two focus areas for Grace’s reputation *participate in United for Peace *proactively facilitate participation for both outreach and inreach *identify champions for activities (meals on wheels) *celebrate efforts and outcomes *computer/IT person for worship *go green *get finances stable *develop a talent bank *market Grace to wider community *specific welcome to visitors (new people get Tim Horton’s cup) 2009 InSpire Us Retreat Data 3