Course Syllabus Social Studies 12 -- American Government Teacher: Mr. Cullen Schultz

Contact Information: [email protected] 320-543-4600 Course Information: Description: This course is intended to prepare each student to become engaged and mindful citizens. Through our investigation of the underlying principals of our American democracy, this course provides a unique opportunity for students to ask fundamental questions about our government and our world. As we define the values and institutions of American Government, we will further understand the political processes that affect our daily lives.

Content: Unit One: Origins and Principals of Government Unit Two: Constitution and Federalism Unit Three: Participating in Government Unit Four: Branches of Government

Course Goals and Big Ideas State Standards and State Goals STATE GOAL 1: Civic Values and Principles of Democracy A. identify the sources of government authority and B. identify and analyze the foundational ideas of American governmental documents.

STATE GOAL 2: Governmental Institutions & Political Processes A. analyze the role government plays in individual citizens’ lives. B. explain the organization and functions of each of the 3 branches of the U.S. government.

STATE GOAL 3: Rights and Responsibilities A. demonstrate the skills necessary to participate in the election process B. define the meaning, process, requirements, and duties of citizenship in the U.S.

COURSE GOAL 4: Critical Thinking Skills A. practice, develop, and build analytical reading skills B. practice, develop, and build comprehensive writing skills C. construct effective discussion and discourse, including the basic structure of argument, types of evidence, and persuasive speaking techniques Directions for Extra Help: Please feel free to email questions anytime. This is the most efficient way to reach me regarding class assignments and grades. I am also available before and after school. Because of various meetings and appointments, it would be best to schedule a meeting time in advance.

Course Materials: Textbook We will be using the following textbook:  McClenaghan, William A. Magruder’s American Government. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2013.

Students will be provided with ONLINE access to the textbook with a username and password. Textbooks used during class will NOT be removed from the classroom.

Class Materials In addition to your textbook, please bring the following items to class every day: pen/pencil, assignments, class notebook and folder/3 ring binder.

Behavioral Expectations and Classroom Policies: Consequences: Respect It is my utmost priority that our classroom is a place that respects everyone. This means the following: 1. Use appropriate, respectful language (no cursing or offensive language). 2. Refrain from speaking during instruction. If you would like to speak, raise your hand. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Honesty 1. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for that particular assignment.

Absences Students will be accountable for material covered during each class. If you are absent, please submit an excused absence slip from the office. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in any assignment that was due the day of their absence. Unexcused absences will result in not being able to make up a missed assignment.

Tardies (Policy from the Student Handbook)  2 Unexcused Tardies = 1 unexcused absence = counts towards excessive absence policy . Unexcused Tardy = no pass from HLWWHS Staff member . Excused Tardy = Pass from HLWWHS staff member = does not count towards excessive absence policy  Students that are over ten minutes late must report to the Office for an admit slip. Once a student has been tardy five (5) times, a Detention will be assigned by either the classroom teacher or by the office. Students will also be marked absent for the entire class period.

Grading System: Students will be graded on daily work, projects, quizzes, tests, and participation/cooperation.

Your grade in this class will be based on the following: Grading Scale: 1. Homework= 20% 100 - 90 = A 2. Projects/Quizzes= 30% 89 - 80 = B 3. Test= 50% 79 - 70 = C 69 - 60 = D 59 - 0 = F Homework Policy Make-up work Make-up work is the student's responsibility. Students with unanticipated excused absences must arrange to make-up the work. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed or what you have to make up.  For daily work: you will have the number of days you were absent plus one extra day.  For quizzes/tests: will be made up at a mutually agreed upon time. If you miss the agreed upon time, you will receive a zero. The best time to make up quizzes and tests is before/after school.  Make-up work/tests will not be allowed for unexcused absences. Late work Assignments are due on the scheduled due date and will be due at the beginning of the hour unless stated otherwise. With regard to daily assignments and homework, late work will not be accepted. With regard to major/unit projects or papers, the policy will be a deduction of 10% for each school day it is late.

Self-Monitoring Checklist Check grades by student number posted on the board in the back of the classroom or through on- line. Guidelines for Success: Be responsible for your own learning. Set high expectations for yourself and monitor your learning/grade. Attend class. Be on time. Bring materials every day. Organize your binder. Be actively engaged. Ask questions and seek help as needed. Do your own work. Complete all assignments. Respect the others in the learning community. American Government 2016-2017 Agreement of Syllabus Criteria

------Please return this Student-Parent-Teacher contract with appropriate signatures We have read and reviewed this course syllabus, and recognize that this is how the course will be conducted throughout the semester.


______Print Student Name Student Signature

______Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

______Daytime Phone Number E-mail address (list all that apply)