1. It was a dark and stormy night when….

2. Everything was quiet. Then, there was a knock at the front door....

3. Meow! The cat was scared….

4. A yellow light was coming from the Fukuroi High School gym…

5. They said the house was haunted, but it looked okay to me, so….

6. I was eating candy with my friends, when all of a sudden…

7. It was a cold autumn night when I saw the…

8. Have you ever been to Kakegawa Castle on the night of a full moon? I have, and....

9. There is something strange in the Fukuroi High School science room…

10. I got a strange feeling when I heard…...

11. The strange object started floating in the air and…

12. The Halloween pumpkin turned into a….

13. Something in the closet was making a strange noise, so I opened the door and…

14. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw…

15. You won’t believe this story, but it is true…

16. As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and…

17. When I came home one dark and rainy night, there was no one there....

18. The scariest night ever started when….

19. My brother and I were walking through the woods one day, when we suddenly saw a new path. "Let's follow this path," my brother said ...

20. One night at our club training camp, my friend went to the toilet, but he was gone a long time......

21. They say that Fukuroi High School is a scary place at night..... 1. 1. Witch 8. 16. 27.


17. 9. Devil 18. 9. 5. Ghost 28. 13. 10. Skeleton 29.

3. 2. Wizard 4.

11. 6. Vampire 12. 19. 30. 14. Bat 20. 10. Angel 31. 21.

5. 3. Werewolf 6. 32. 15. Spider 13. 7. Jack-o- 33. lantern 14. 22. 23. 24. 11. Monster 25.

7. 4. Zombie 34. 21. 15. 8. Mummy Haunted house owner

26. 12. Scarecrow 35. 38. 17. Evil 41. 43. scientist 39.

36. 16. Frankenstei 44. 20. n's monster 42. 19. Black Magician 37. 45. 40. 18. cat Haunted tree
