State Exam Vocabulary

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State Exam Vocabulary

State Exam Vocabulary


Acquired Immunity - immunity that the body develops after it overcomes a disease

Allergy - reaction due to extreme sensitivity to foods, chemicals

Antiseptics - chemical agents that may kill, retard, or prevent growth

Asymptomatic - showing no symptoms or signs of infection

Bacilli - short, rod shape bacteria; most common; disease such as tetanus(lockjaw) typhoid fever, tuberculosis DPT

Bacteria - on cell microorganism with plant and animal characteristics; microbes or germs

Bloodborne pathogens - disease-causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids.

Chronic disease disease of long duration

Cilia - slender, hair-like extension that permit movement in bacteria; whip like motion

Cocci - round-shape bacteria that appear single or in groups

Congenital disease - disease that exists at birth

Contaminants - substances that can cause contaminations

Decontamination - removal of pathogens from tools or surface

Diplococci - spherical bacteria that grows in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia

Disinfectants chemical agents used to destroy bacteria and some viruses and to disinfect implements and surfaces

Flagella - slender, hair-like extensions that permit movement

Fungicidal - capable of destroying fungi General infection - infection that results when the bloodstream carries bacteria or viruses to all parts of the body

Immunity - ability of the body to destroy any bacteria that has gained entrance to the body

Infection - the invasion of body tissue by disease causing bacteria; pus

Local infection - infection that is confined in one location; boil

Mitosis - cell dividing into two new cells

MSDS material safety data sheet; information about products associated with levels and storage requirements

Natural immunity - natural resistance to disease

Nonpathogenic - not harmful; not disease producing

Objective symptoms - that are visible, such as pimples, pustules

Parasites - organism that lives in or on another organism and draws it nourishment from that organism

Pathogenic - causing disease; harmful

Pediculosis captis - skin disease caused by infestation of head lice

Phenols - carbolic acid; caustic poison; in 5% dilute solution used to sanitize metal implements

Pseudomonacidal - capable of destroying pseudomonas bacteria

Pus fluid product of inflammation that contains white blood cells and debris of dead cells and bacteria

QUATS quaternary ammonium compounds; disinfectant that is non- toxic, odorless, and fast acting.

Sanitation 3rd level of decontamination; lowest level; reducing the number of pathogenic

Saprophytes - nonpathogenic bacteria that normally grows on dead matter

Scabies - contagious skin disease caused by itch mite Sodium hypochlorite - common household bleach; disinfect implements

Spirilla spiral shape bacteria; causes syphilis and Lyme disease

Staphylococci - pus forming bacteria; grows in clusters causes pustule and boils

Sterilization - highest level of decontamination; completely destroys organism on nonporous surfaces

Streptococci - pus-forming bacteria arranged in lines or chains; cause strep throat and blood poisoning

Virucidal - capable of destroying viruses

Muscular System

Myology - study of muscle

Striated muscle - voluntary muscle; controlled by will; movement

Non-striated muscle - involuntary muscle, smooth; function automatically without will; found in organs; breathing and digestive

Cardiac muscle - involuntary muscle that is in heart

Origin – part of muscle that does not move; attached to skeleton

Insertion - part of muscle at the more moveable part of skeleton

Belly - middle part of muscle

Epicranius - broad muscle that covers top of skull

Masseter and temporalis muscle coordinates in opening and closing of mouth (chewing muscle)

Skeleton System

Occipital bone - hindmost bone of the skull; protruding bone in back of skull

Parietal bone - forms side and crown Frontal bone – forms forehead

Nasal bone forms bridge of nose

Lacrimal bone small, thin bone located at the front inner wall of eye socket

Zygomatic or malar bone - cheeks; cheekbones

Maxillae - bones of upper jaws

Mandible - lower jawbone; largest and strongest bone of the face

Hyoid bone - U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue “Adam’s apple”

Thorax - chest bone; protects internal organs

Sternum - breastbone

Humerus - uppermost and largest bone in arm

Ulna - inner and larger bone of the forearm

Radius - smaller bone in the forearm

Carpus - wrist

Phalanges - bones in the fingers


Acid - solution that has a pH below 7.0, taste sour

Alcohol - readily evaporating, colorless liquid

Alkali - solution that has pH above 7.0; tastes bitter

Ammonia - colorless gas with a pungent odor

Atom - smallest particle of an element

Chemical change - change in a chemical composition of a substance, in which new substance is formed

Combustion - rapid oxidation of any substance; accompanied by heat of light Desincrustation - process used to soften and emulsify grease deposit and blackheads in the hair follicles

Element - the simplest form of matter; cannot broken down into a simpler substance without loss of identity

Emulsion - mixture of 2 or more immiscible substance united with the aid of a binder

Glycerin - sweet, colorless, oily substance formed by the decomposition of oils, fat

Immiscible - not capable of being mixed together; oil and water

Matter - any substance that occupy space

Miscible - capable of being mixed together;

Organic chemistry - study of substance that contains carbon

Oxidation - chemical reaction that combines an element with oxygen to produce oxide

Oxidizing agents - substances that releases oxygen pH - potential hydrogen; measures acid and alkaline physical change - change into new substance redox - chemical reaction in which oxidizing agent is reduced silicones - oils used in hair conditioner and as water-resistant lubricants for skin solute - dissolved substance in a solution solution - blended mixture of 2 or more solids, liquids, or gases surfactants - surface agents; that acts as a bridge to allow oil and water to mix volatile - easily evaporating Hair and Scalp

Alopecia abnormal hair loss

Alopecia areata sudden falling out of hair in round patches; baldness in spots

Anagen - growth phase in hair cycle; new hair

Androgenic alopecia male pattern baldness;

Arrector pili - involuntary muscle in the skin inserted at the follicle; goose bumps

Canities - gray hair

Catagen - brief transition period between the growth and resting phase of hair

COHNS 5 elements make up human hair; Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur

Cortex - middle layer of hair; containing melanin pigment

Cowlick - tuft of hair that stands straight up

Cuticle outermost layer of hair; scale like

Dermal papilla small, cone-shaped elevation located at the base of follicle

Disulfide bond - chemical side bond that joins sulfur atoms of two amino acids; stronger; accounts for 1/3 strength

Eumelanin melanin that gives brown and black color to hair

Follicle - tube-like depression or pocket in the skin that contains hair root

Fragilitas crinium technical term for brittle hair

Furuncle boil

Hair bulb lowest part of hair strand; forms hair root

Density number of individual hair strands on one square inch Elasticity ability for hair to stretch with out breaking

Porosity ability for hair to absorb moisture

Hair root part of hair below skin surface

Hair shaft portion of the that projects beyond the skin

Hair stream hair flowing in one direction

Hair texture thickness or diameter of individual hair strand

Hydrogen bond - physical side bond that is easily broken by water or heat

Hypertrichosis abnormal growth of hair; hirsuties

Medulla innermost layer of hair; pith; often absent in fine hair

Monilethrix beaded hair

Pheomelanin melanin that provide red, ginger or yellow tones to hair

Pityriasis - dandruff

Pityriasis capitis simplex scalp inflammation marked by dry dandruff, thin scales

Pityriasis steatoides marked by greasy type of dandruff

Postoartum alopecia temporary hair loss due to pregnancy

Ringed hair - variet of canities

Sebaceous gland oil gland of the skin

Sebum oil secretion of the sebaceous gland; lubricate hair and skin

Telogen - resting phase of hair growth; final phase in hair growth

Terminal hair long, soft hair found on scalp, legs and arms

Tinea - ringworm

Tinea capitis ringworm of scalp

Tinea favosa ringworm; dry, sulfur-yellow, cup like crust on scalp Trichology science dealing with hair

Trichoptilosis split ends

Hair Design

Balance - harmony or proportion in hairstyling

Concave curving inward; profile

Convex - curving outward

Diagonal lines lines positioned between horizontal and vertical lines

Fringe - bangs

Horizontal lines - parallel to floor

Profile - outline of face

Vertical lines lines that are straight up and down


Acid-balancing shampoo balanced to ph of 4.5 to 5.5

Clarifying shampoo containing acidic ingredient such as cider vinegar to cut through product build up that can flatten hair

Conditioner special chemical agents applied to hair to deposit proteins or moisturizer; to restore strength to hair

Dry or powder shampoo shampoo that cleanses hair without the use of soap water

Humectants substance that absorb moisture

Hydrophilic capable of combining with or attracting water

Lipophilic having an affinity for attracting fat or oil

Nonstripping shampoo shampoo made not to strip out color Haircutting

Angle hair is held away form held to create elevation

Apex highest point on head

Beveling tapering the ends of the hair

Blunt haircut one-length; 0 degree

Carving haircutting technique done by placing the still blade into hair and resting on scalp, then moving the shears through the hair

Clipper-over-comb haircutting technique where clippers move sideway across the comb

Cross-checking parting the haircut in the opposite way you cut it to check for precision

Crown area of head between apex and back

Cutting line angle in which the finger is held when cutting

Elevation angle or degree at which a subsection of hair is held

Graduated haircut stacked; low to medium elevation; wedge; 45 degree

Guideline section of hair use as a guide to cut hair

Long layer haircut layer that is over directed to keep length in a style; 180 degree

Line - thin continuous mark;

Layered haircut uniform haircut; same length throughout hair cut; 90 degrees

Nape back part of neck;

Notching version of point cutting

Overdirection combing a section away from its natural falling position to create length

Parietal ridge widest area of the head Perimeter the outer line of a hairstyle

Point cutting cutting with the tips of scissors

Slithering process of thinning the hair to graduated length w/ shears; effilating

Stationary guideline guideline that does not move

Tension amount of pressure applied when combing and holding a section

Texturizing removing excess bulk

Traveling guideline guidelines that moves as the haircutting progresses

Weight line a visual line in a hair cut.


Back-brushing to build a soft cushion of hair; ruffing

Back-combing combing small section of hair to mat at scalp; teasing, ratting, French lacing

Base stationary, or nonmoving part of pin curl. Panel of hair on which roller is placed

Cascade curl stand up curls; pin curls standing up on head

Circle part of pin curl that forms a complete circle

Concentrator nozzle attachment of blow dryer; directs air in one way

Finger waving process of shaping hair into parallel shape of “S”

Full-stem curl curl placed off base; greatest mobility

Hair pressing temporarily straightening extremely curly hair

Half stem curl curl placed ½ on its base; medium movement

No-stem curl placed on base; produces tight curl Off-base - position off it base to produce less volume

On base - placed directly on base to produce full volume

Shaping - molded in circular shape for formation of curls

Braids & Wigs

Cornrows narrow rows of visible braids that lie close to scalp

Invisible braid overlapping the strands of hair on top of each other

Single braids free hanging braid

Visible braid under hand techniques

Block head-shape form; used for wigs to cut, color or clean.

Hair extension hair additions that are secured to the base to add length

Toupee small wig used to cover top or crown of head

Wig artificial covering for the head

Chemical Texture Services

Ammonium thioglycolate main active ingredient in alkaline perm

Base cream oily cream used to protect the skin and scalp during relaxer treatment

Base control position of the tool in relation to its base section

Base direction angle at which tool is placed

Bookend wrap perm wrap in which one end paper is folded in half

Chemical hair relaxing chemical change that permanently alters the natural wave pattern

Endothermic waves perm activated by an outside heat source

End paper absorbent paper used to control the ends

Exothermic waves perm that create an exothermic chemical reaction that heats up the solution Lanthionization process by which hydroxide relaxers permanently straighten hair; lanthionization breaks the hair’s disulfide bonds during processing and converts them to lanthionine bonds when the relaxer is rinsed from the hair

Single flat wrap perm wrap that is similar to double flat wrap but uses only one end paper, placed over the top of the strand of hair being wrapped

Spiral perms perms in which the hair is wrapped at an angle other than perpendicular to the length of the tool; depending on the tool, the hair may be wound from the scalp towards the ends or from the ends towards the scalp

Thio relaxers relaxers that usually have a pH above 10 and a higher concentration of ammonium thioglycolate than is used in permanent waving

Weave technique wrapping technique that uses zigzag partings to divide base areas

Law of color system for understanding color relations

Level unit of measurement used to identify the lightness or darkness of a color; sometimes referred to as value or depth

Lighteners chemical compounds that lighten hair by dispersing, dissolving, and decolorizing the natural hair pigment

Patch test test for identifying a possible allergy in a client, required by federal food, drug, and cosmetic act; also called predisposition test

Prelightening the first step of double-process haircoloring, used to lift of lighten the natural pigment, preliminary to the application of toner

Primary colors pure or fundamental colors that cannot be achieved from a mixture

Slicing color technique that involves taking a narrow, 1/8 inch section of hair by making a straight part at the scalp, positioning the hair over the foil, and applying lightener or color Soap cap combination of equal parts of prepared tint and shampoo applied to the hair like a regular shampoo

Temporary hair color nonpermanent color whose large pigment molecules prevent penetration of the cuticle layers, allowing only a coating action that may be removed by shampooing

Toners semipermanent, demipermanent, and permanent haircolor products that are used primarily on prelightened hair to achieve pale and delicate colors

Volume the measure of the potential oxidation of varying strength of hydrogen peroxide; the higher the volume, the greater the lifting action

Weaving coloring technique in which selected strands are picked up from a narrow section of hair with a zigzag motion of the comb, and lightener or color is applied only to these strands

Acne skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions

Bromhidrosis foul smelling perspiration, usually noticeable in the armpits of on the feet

Collagen fibrous protein that gives the skin form and strength

Comedone blackhead; worm like mass of hardened sebum in a hair follicle

Cyst closed, abnormally developed sac, containing fluid, semifluid, or morbid matter, above or below the skin

Dermatitis inflammatory condition of the skin

Dermis underlying or inner layer of the skin; also called the derma, corium, cutis, or true skin

Eczema inflammatory, painful itching disease of the skin, acute or chronic in nature, structure, functions, diseases, and treatment

Epidermis outermost layer of the skin; also called cuticle or scarf skin

Keratin fiber protein that is the principal component of hair and nails Depilatory substance, usually a caustic alkali preparation, used for the temporary removal of superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin level

Electrolysis removal of hair by pulling it out of the follicle

Hirsuties or hypertrichosis growth of unusual amount of hair on parts of the body normally bearing only downy hair, such as the faces of women or the backs of men

Laser hair removal permanent hair removal treatment in which a laser beam is pulsed on the skin, impairing the hair follicles

Threading temporary hair removal method that involves twisting and rolling cotton thread along the surfaces of the skin, entwining the hair in the thread and lifting if from the follicle

Ampules sealed glass vials containing highly concentrated extract in a water or oil base

Clay masks clay preparations used to stimulate circulation and temporarily contract the pores of the skin

Cleansing cream light-textured, oil-based emulsion used primarily to dissolve makeup and soil quickly

Cleansing lotion lotion formulated to remove makeup and soil quickly

Effleurage light, continuous stroking movement applied with the fingers or the palms in a slow, rhythmic manner

Face wash detergent-type foaming cleanser with a neutral or slightly acidic pH

Fulling form of petrissage in which the tissue is grasped, gently lifted, and spread out; used mainly for massaging the arms

Light therapy the application of light rays to the skin for the treatment of disorders

Mask special cosmetic preparation applied to the face to benefit and beautify the skin; usually a setting product Packs special cosmetic preparations applied to the face to benefit and beautify the skin; condition sensitive skin and have excellent hydrating properties

Petrissage kneading movement performed by lifting, squeezing, and pressing the tissue with a light, firm pressure

Tapotement most stimulating massage movement, consisting of short, quick tapping, slapping, and hacking movement

Band lashes eyelash hairs on a strip that are applied with adhesive to the natural lash line

Concealers cosmetics used to cover blemishes and discolorations; may be applied before or after foundation

Cool colors colors that suggest coolness and are dominated by blues, greens, violets, and blue-reds

Eyebrow pencils pencils used to add color and shape to the eyebrows

Eyeliner cosmetic used to outline and emphasize the eyes

Eye shadows cosmetics applied on the eyelids, eyebrows, or lash line to accentuate or contour

Eye tabbing procedure in which individual synthetic eyelashes are attracted directly to a client’s own lashes at their base

Face powder fine cosmetic powder, sometimes tinted and scented, that is used to add a matte or dull finish to the face

Foundation cosmetic, usually tinted, that is used as a base or as a protective film applied before makeup and/or powder

Greasepaint heavy makeup used for theatrical purposes

Lip liner colored pencil or brush used to outline the lips and to help keep lip color from feathering

Mascara cosmetic preparation used to darken, define, and thicken the eyelashes

Warm colors the range of colors from yellow and gold through oranges, red-oranges, most reds, and even some yellow-greens Alum aluminum salt used as a styptic in powder form or solution

Acrylic nails sculptured nails; artificial nails created by combining a liquid acrylic product with a powdered product to form a soft ball that can easily be molded into a nail shape

Acrylic overlays artificial nails that use the same acrylic material as sculptured nails but are applied directly to the natural nail surface instead of being extended

Curing hardening process that occurs when powdered and liquid acrylic are combined to form nails

Gels strong, durable artificial nails that are brushed onto the nail plate

Monomer substance made up of many small molecules that are not attracted to each other

Nail tips preformed artificial nails applied to the tips of the natural fingernails

Overlay any wrap, acrylic, or gel applied over the entire natural nail plate

Position stop point where the nail plate meets the tip before it is glued to the nail

Primer substance that improves adhesion, or attachment, and prepares the nail surface for bonding with the acrylic material

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