IEEE P802.11 Wireless Lans s51

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IEEE P802.11 Wireless Lans s51

December 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1554r0

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs


Date: 2004-12-16

Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Dorothy 2000 North Naperville Rd Agere Systems 630-979-1572 [email protected] Stanley Naperville, IL 60566

Abstract A conference call of the IEEE 802.11 ISO JTC1-SC6 SG1 Ad-Hoc Committee was held on Thursday, December 16th, 2004. This AHC was formed at the November 2004 IEEE 802.11 San Antonio meeting, to develop responses to ISO JTC-SC6 related work items on behalf of the IEEE 802.11 working group. Responses will be presented to and discussed within the WG at the January 17-21, 2005 Monterey meeting.

Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

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Submission page 1 Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems December 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1554r0

1. Meeting Called to Order by the Chair, Jesse Walker 2. Volunteer for Secretary – Dorothy Stanley 3. Roll Call - Attendees: JesseWalker Alex Cheng Frank Ciotti Henry Ptasinski Clint Chaplin Phil Wennblom Sandy Turmer Norbert Micula Roger Marks Dorothy Stanley Dave Halasz Paul Nguyen

4. Discussion on Document 04/1547

CH: Goal today is to organize, review situation, have people go back and come with position papers. Document 04/1547 is on the server. We will use this for discussion today. I tried to summarize where things are, put together strawman positions. These are a starting point for discussion.

Slide 3 – Have input from both ISO and the ISO Chinese delegation, need to develop responses. Get materials for position in Monterey •Develop response to input from JTC1/SC6 •Develop separate response to China –To their submission –To their 802.11i comments •Develop position for Frankfurt meeting •Authorize responses and position at January 2005 IEEE 802.11 Meeting

Slide 4 – Summary of activities to date. Bruce Kramer, Al Petrick, and Jesse Walker attended the Orlando meeting. Based on discussions with IEEE 802 and 802.11 leadership, formulated the stated position.

•China has submitted WAPI to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for consideration as an international standard –China’s right as a National Body –Under its rules, JTC1/SC6 must vote on whether to accept such work item from National Bodies. •At October JTC1/SC6 meeting IEEE 802 welcomed China’s contribution as an optional standard complementing 802.11i –WAPI implementation still optional under China’s policy –IEEE 802 feels the market can decide when to use which security standard –Compatibility with the rest of 802.11 most important issue •JTC1/SC6 has not removed 802.11i from fast track adoption •JTC1/SC6 has forwarded China’s text to IEEE 802 for processing •Through administrative error, the JTC1/SC6 Secretariat (Ms. Jooran Lee, Korea) removed China’s submission •JTC1/SC6/WG1 Project Editor (Mr. Robin Tasker, U.K.) has invited China to resubmit its proposal

In the Orlando meeting, ISO approved the IEEE 802.11 re-affirmation document. China withdrew their objection to the re-affirmation document. Also ISO voted to forward the WAPI contribution to 802.11 for information. Hoped that IEEE 802.11 would generate an amendment incorporating WAPI changes. Actions taken on WAPI are shown on Slide 6:

•JTC1/SC6 resolution on WAPI: –SC6 instructs its Secretariat to forward the Chinese NB contribution (National Standard of China, GB15629.11) found in 6N12687 to the IEEE 802 (and specifically IEEE 802.11) for information. •Documents forwarded: –6N12687 Þ doc 11/04 1535 r0 (WAPI) –ChinaCommentB Þ doc 11/04 1537 r0 (Spectrum rules) –6N12732 Þ doc 11/04 1536 (China’s comments on 802.11i) •JTC1/SC6 authorized meeting of WG1 in Frankfurt Submission page 2 Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems December 2004 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1554r0

–February 21-25, 2005 –Purpose: Discuss China’s submission and China’s comments on 802.11i

JTC1/SC6 Chinese delegation technical experts will attend the Frankfurt meeting. We need to be prepared for technical discussions on the WAPI submission and IEEE 802.11i.

C: How was the venue selected? CH: Venue was selected since German delegate offered to host, people preferred Germany over Korea, the other offered venue.

C: What is the status of 802.11i in ISO right now? CH: Still on fast track. All yes votes, except for china, comments in 04/1536. China WAPI document was administratively dropped from fast track; China will likely re-submit.

CH: Slide 7 discusses next steps. Slides 11-15 were presented in Orlando, and were well received.

CH: Slide 17 describes one possible response to JTC1/SC6, based on the material presented by IEEE representatives at the meeting. Slides 19-21 describe a possible response directly to the China delegation, also based on this direction.

CH: Are these the right responses? Has been some discussion on the reflector. C: Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves here? We owe JTC a response, but don’t want to get ahead of ourselves on a solution. C: Chatted with a Chinese delegate in San Antonio. Different groups in China have different ways going forward. Want to deal with in a diplomatc manner. Need side conversations before proceeding. Find out what they hope to get out of this.

C: Who were the Chinese delegates at the ISO meeting? C: One was from Hwawei. Don’t know the others. C: Some from CCSA, under MII – govt people. We have the list.

C: Meeting has been set up in February, to have a dialogue directly with the Chinese. Use the opportunity C: Whom would the response go to? CH: Need to decide that – private conversations, ordirectly.

C: Doesn’t hurt us to do this. Who should we address? Individuals? Higher level people? ISO delegation?

CH: Maybe the scope is incomplete? May need work in outside channels.

CH: Roger, you’re the liaison to China. View on work in outside channels? C: Need to define the vector. Have asked to meet with MII in January.

CH: Need to identify channels with which to have conversations. C: MII does not have full authority; there are other ministries with equal weight. CH: Add a work item on this.

CH: Rsponse to ISO. Response to China on their contribution, need to identify channels. C: Head of the Chinese ISO delegation is the logical contact.

CH: Go on to slide 23. Summary of Chinese delegation comments on IEEE 802.11i. Have 4 comments

In JTC1/SC6 doc 6N12732 China makes the following claims about IEEE Std 802.11i: •No mutual authentication is specified in the standard •Shared key must be set up for each AP and the authentication server manually •Authentication protocol is complex •There is a problem for the security of master key

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CH: Slides 23-29 include draft responses to each of the claims. Form a team to edit/update these responses.

CH: Need to discuss next steps, and get volunteers to lead the teams identified.

•Create ad hoc Task Group to draft response to JT1/SC6 –Chair: Dorothy Stanley •Create ad hoc Task Group to draft response to China’s submission & who response should go to –Chair: Defer until draft response to JTC1/SC6 is formulated •Create ad hoc Task Group to draft response to China’s 802.11i comments –Chair: Clint Chaplin •Create ad hoc Task Group to understand the Chinese delegation position and which ways forward would be acceptable; Identify channels of input to the Chinese delegation –Chair: Sheung Li

CH: Risk that Chinese will decide not to work with IEEE. C: Need to understand if Chinese ISO delegation is willing to work with IEEE 802.11. Answer is either Yes or No. If No, then go back to ISO. ISO delegates will either adopt or not adopt the new WAPI work item. If the Chinese ISO delegation is willing to work with IEEE 802.11, then what is the nature and process of the working relationship?

C: Many different voices within China on how best to move forward. C: China doesn’t view IEEE as a real standards organization. C: Could we form a joint TG within ISO and IEEE? CH: Check the rules to see if this is possible.

C: Be clear on the language; Say “Chinese ISO Delegation” if speaking about that group.

CH: Have follow-up conference call on January 13th. Agenda will be to hear reports from the tiger teams on their progress. CH: At time for the conference call. Thank you to everyone. Meeting Adjourned.

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11-04-1547-00-0000-ieee-802-jc1-sc6-engagement.ppt 11-04-1537-00-0000-jtc1-sc6-doc-chinacomment-b.doc 11-04-1536-00-0000-jtc1-sc6-doc-6n12732.doc 11-04-1535-00-0000-jtc1-sc6-doc-6n12687.doc

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