Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc s1

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Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc s1

Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Minutes Tuesday, February 24, 2015 9:00 A.M. Vince Whibbs Conference Room 1st Floor, City Hall

Members Present: Charlie Switzer, Mike Swinehart, John Clark, John Ochs, Joe Glover, Butch Hansen, Paul Entrekin, Peter McKanna, Roberto Rivera, David Glassman, Ed Holt (Legal Advisor) and Jack Brown (Ex-officio, Immediate Past President) .

Members Absent: Jill Hubbs, Roger Rowe, Nancy Clark and Bill Weeks (City Representative).

President Butch Hansen called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 9:00 A.M. and led those present in a moment of silence for those we honor at the Park and their families, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed visitors.

Visitor/s: Reggie Bruster, Signal 88 Security Warren Palmer: Volunteer Coordinator Bill Clark, Pensacola Special Forces Dottie Dubison, Citizen

Minutes: Approved as submitted.

Financial Report: John Ochs has met with Ed Rouse, accountant, and Mr. Rouse reported that he has prepared and submitted tax return for the Park. Upon his advice, John Ochs purchased and is now using Quick Books for financial reports. Net income for month is $495.73 and the Park has a balance of $103,186.57. Report was approved as submitted and is attached to minutes.

Question was asked about sending donation receipts to donors; this task has been accomplished. Jack Brown reported that the Park will be the recipient of the Hospitality Round Table financial proceeds which are derived from Round Table meetings during the year.

President’s Report:  President Hansen reported that he had a request from a group of sailors looking for a project on March 28 and the group wondered if we had any projects. He will suggest they perform some cleaning projects around the Park; such as the Memorial Tower and Korean Memorial.  Rose Society came out and pruned rose bushes. We will secure names of volunteers and post pictures on our website.  Revolutionary War Memorial paver project is complete and we will also post a picture on Park website.

1  Security Proposal: President Hansen noted that everyone has received a copy of Signal 88 proposal. He also discussed the security needs of the Park with another company, American Protection Services, which also does similar security patrols, but with condominiums. Prices were well in line with Signal 88. Since most of American Protection business relates to condominiums, it is not known if they would come downtown to the Park. President Hansen also discussed Signal 88 proposal with the Mayor and the city did not have a problem with this proposal. He also tried to contact Aragon property but has been unable to make contact with appropriate parties.  Signal 88 Proposal: President Hansen said the Board needed to make a decision on the proposal submitted by the company. Proposal was for three patrols on both Friday and Saturday night at a total cost of $252.91/month. The following questions had been raised on the contact proposal submitted:  Section 8: Allows Signal 88 to cancel for any reason. Can that be mutual? Yes, contract will be modified to reflect the Board can also cancel the contract for any reason.  Section 9: On their liability policy the Park needs to be listed as an additional insured and the Board should receive a copy of policy. Company has agreed to this request.  Section 11: Company wants Park to indemnify the Company; that should be mutual. Company agreed to change that language so that it is mutual.  Employees: Are Signal 88 employees independent contractors or employees of Signal 88 and do they have workers compensation? Yes, they are employees of Signal 88 and have been background screened, including finger printing; they are covered by Workers Compensation policy. Some board members had questions about what would be entailed in the patrols. Mr. Bruster responded:  The result of each patrol would be reported (e-mailed) to President and each report would be time stamped; about 15 minutes for each patrol.  Do we have latitude on changing patrols? Yes, both days and times. Can also change number of patrols.  Is this for a full year, can we change or cancel for a few months? Yes, that can be done.  What would they do if they find a homeless individual in the Park? They would encourage them to move from the area. If it continues they would involve law enforcement.

Question was raised if Gulf Power, which does have some security patrols, would expand their efforts to the Park area. Ed Holt noted that Gulf Power might be concerned about liability issues if they expanded their patrols to non company property. President Hansen will check with the director of security at Gulf Power about this possibility.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contact with the recommended changes to the contract. Motion was unanimously approved.

Committee Reports:  Maintenance: Roger Rowe, in absentia, reported that he is working on securing a couple of proposals for electrical contracting work for the Korean Memorial. He hopes to have some numbers for next meeting. He is also working on costs for a security camera at the Kiosk.

Pete McKanna is continuing to work on securing a final list of names from D.C. that need to be added to the Wall. Cost for maintenance and repair should not be that expensive. Main decision we will need to make is where to place additional names.

Charlie Switzer reported that we still need to finalize the wording for the sign. Members were again requested to send in suggested wording. By the next meeting Vital Signs should have a mock up, which would included wording, for the Board to review.

 Technology: David Glassman reported that he continues to work to insure that Park’s website is first to come up in a search. Good news is that a search of “Veterans’ Memorial Park or Pensacola Veterans Park” will result in our site coming up first. This happens on lap tops and desk top screens; but not happening on mobile screens. We are in second month of site’s blog which features the history of the Civil War. Next month’s blog will be World War I. These blogs are a continuation of military history surrounding the various Memorials at the Park and which attempt to tie the events into local history as much as possible. He continues to work on content of social media as part of the Park’s marketing efforts.

Discussion ensued about mailing address of Park. Ed Holt noted that we needed to have a physical address for corporate records; currently this is Mr. Holt’s office. We can have a Post Office box for all other correspondence. Motion was made and passed to secure a P. O. Box at the downtown Post Office for all correspondence.

 Public Affairs and Outreach: No report.

 Events: Paul Entrekin has only received one recommendation for invocation and benediction at the Memorial Day event; retired Air Force Chaplain Larry Mosley. The Memorial Day event will be Sunday, May 24 at 1:00. President Hansen asked for any ideas on speakers to be submitted so that we could decide by next meeting. One suggestion by Paul Entrekin was General Charles Krulak, former Commandant of Marine Corps and currently President of Birmingham Southern University. Paul Entrekin will attempt to make contact with General Krulak and determine his willingness and availability to be a speaker for the Memorial Day event. President Hansen wanted to insure that we have a comprehensive invitation list and encouraged people to RSVP. Forward all and any recommendations and contact information to Paul Entrekin. New e- mail is [email protected].

New Business: Roberto Rivera wanted to know if the Heroes Among Us series needed to re- apply for permission to continue their presentation. Was agreed they do not.

3 Paul Entrekin mentioned that he knew of a prospective board member who might be a possible replacement for board members rotating off in October. Board member application is on the Park website.

There was discussion on insuring that Florida corporate documents are filed as appropriate and on time. John Ochs said he would follow up on the requirement.

Being no further business the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30. Next meeting will be March 10, 9:00 in the Vince Whibbs Conference Room.

Submitted by:

John B. Clark

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