Quatama Park Homeowners Association

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Quatama Park Homeowners Association

Quatama Park Homeowners Association

Architectural Review Committee Design and Landscape Guidelines Quatama Park Homeowners Association Change History

Date Author Change March 10, 2005 C. Smith & ARC Initial publication May 11, 2006 C. Smith, ARC and Board Added OUTDOOR STORAGE section November 15, 2012 J. Lynn, Board Updating of language for clarification

NOTE: All references in this document to ARC or Architectural Review Committee are interchangeable with the term ACC or Architectural Control Committee as defined in the CC&R’s.

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PROCEDURE FOR ARC APPLICATION: See the Quatama Park Home Owners Association Website for the process to submit an application and the application form.

ANTENNAS. Exterior antennas must be approved prior to installation. They must comply with applicable FCC regulations. Also see section regarding satellite dishes.

ATTIC VENTILATORS. Attic ventilators and turbines are permitted. Ventilators and turbines must be mounted on the least visible side of the roof ridgeline so as to minimize their visibility.

AWNINGS. The ARC shall only approve an exterior retractable awning in the rear of the house if the application demonstrates that the awning shall be clearly compatible with the architectural design and qualities of the home, or is screened from the view of adjoining neighbors due to the proposed location of the installation, and meets the following criteria:  They are of a plain design without decorative features;  The colors are compatible with the color scheme of the house;  The awning must be consistent with the visual scale of the house to which the awning is attached.  Pipe frames or structural supports for awnings must be painted to match the trim or dominant color of the house.

CLOTHES LINES. Exterior permanent clotheslines or similar apparatus for drying of clothes are permitted. They must be located in the rear yards and not extend above the fence line in height. They must be located where visually unobtrusive to the neighbors.

COMMON AREA. The landscaping committee governs landscape of the common area tracts.

DECKS. The ARC must approve all decks. The County may require permits as well. The ARC will use the following criteria in determining whether to approve an application to construct a deck: Location: Decks for houses must be located in rear yards, except that variances for side yards may be granted for houses designed for wrap-around decks. Decks, whether elevated or at ground level, will be located only to the rear of the main body of the house,

Page 3 of 13 Quatama Park Homeowners Association with the exception of homes whose rear yard fences extend beyond the width of the house, wherein such lower level decks can extend to the fence line. Scale and Style: Decks, particularly elevated decks, must be of a scale and style which are compatible with the home to which they are attached, adjacent homes and the environmental surroundings. (ARC guidelines may, in some cases, place specific limits on the scale or style of decks which will be approved ). Materials and Color: All decks (elevated and on-grade lower level structures), including rails, stairs, landings, supporting posts, fixed seating, planters and other similar accessories, must be constructed only of wood, or Trex (or other new man-made low maintenance materials that look like wood).

Under Deck Storage: Elevated decks have an under deck area which can have a negative visual impact on adjoining neighbors, particularly when used as an informal storage space. The use of decorative screening or landscaping to minimize adverse, visual impacts is encouraged and may be required by the ARC, particularly in the case of high decks. DOG HOUSES and DOG RUNS. Doghouses and Dog Runs must be approved by ARC prior to installation and must be compatible with the applicant’s house in terms of color and material. They must be located where visually unobtrusive to neighbors and the use of appropriate screening is encouraged and may be required in some cases in order to minimize any negative visual impacts. A dog run is defined as any fenced or walled structure (other than privacy fencing) constructed to allow dogs or other animals to exercise or otherwise move about portions of the homeowner’s property without escaping, or any other constraining device such as a post and leash which allows an animal to roam within the boundaries of the homeowner’s property. Fences used to contain dogs must be in good repair to prevent animals from lunging through the fence or gate in an attempt to escape. DOORS. Any replacements to the door that do not maintain the style of the original must be approved by the ARC. Screen and storm doors require prior approval by the ARC. DRIVEWAYS. Driveways must be composed of exposed aggregate concrete as originally built. EXTERIOR AIR CONDITIONERS. Individual air conditioning units extending from front or visible windows are prohibited. Exterior air conditioning units or heat pumps may be relocated or added only if there is no adverse visual impact to adjoining properties upon approval of ARC only. Approved temporary window air conditioners located in the rear facing windows should be only seasonal installations and not permanent. EXTERIOR COLORS. Applications are not required for any repainting or re-staining which does not change a unit’s original colors. However, homeowners must obtain

4 Quatama Park Homeowners Association approval before changing the color of any externally visible portion of any unit, including siding, doors, shutters, trim, or roofing. The decision whether to approve each application will be based on a judgment as to whether the proposed change would be noticeably inconsistent or visually incompatible with the originally established color scheme of the applicant’s property and surrounding neighborhood.

EXTERIOR DECORATIVE OBJECTS AS VIEWED FROM THE STREET. All exterior decorative objectives, whether natural or man-made, which were not part of the original construction design as either a standard or optional feature, require ARC approval, except as noted. Examples of such objects requiring approval include (but are not limited to) bird baths, bird feeders, bird houses, garden decorations, free-standing flag poles, fountains and other water features, installed landscape features such as rock or driftwood, and lawn or garden sculpture. In addition, any decorative objects added or attached to approved structures, such as decorative ironwork, mirrors, plaques, signs, weathervanes also require approval. Temporary items, such as flags used for a particular holiday or event, do not need prior approval as long as they are not too large, in disrepair, or offensive.

Holiday decorations visible from the street are allowed up to 30 days in advance of the holiday. They must be removed within 15 days after the holiday.

The ARC will evaluate all proposed or installed exterior decorative objects solely in terms of design, execution and general appropriateness in order to prevent such objects from having a significant negative impact on adjoining homes, the neighborhood setting, and the Quatama Park community at large. The ARC will not judge the individual aesthetic or artistic merits of any object, but rather will make its evaluation solely on the object’s impact.

EXTERIOR LIGHTING. Exterior lighting which is a part of the original structure may not be altered or added to without prior approval of the ARC. Such alterations or additions must be for the purpose of improving footing, navigation, or security, rather than being solely or primarily for decorative purposes. Proposed replacements or additions must be compatible in style and scale with the applicant’s house, and applications must include their location, number, style, bulb color, and wattage. Recommended fixtures include low voltage ground-mounted styles that may be wholly or partially concealed by plantings. Decorative yard lights, such as mini-solar lights, will normally be permissible but ARC approval is recommended prior to installation.

Colored bulbs designed to repel insects may be installed only in lighting fixtures located at the rear of houses. Lighting which illuminates either common areas or private property other than that on which it is installed, including reflected "backwash” behind houses, is prohibited. Proposed lighting shall not be approved if it will otherwise result in adverse

Page 5 of 13 Quatama Park Homeowners Association visual impact to any other property, due to factors including but not limited to location, color or wattage. As the effects of proposed lighting may be difficult to assess prior to installation, the ARC reserves the right to require correction, including but not limited to removal or modification of lighting found to cause adverse impact after installation.

Exterior lighting should not cause glare onto adjacent properties. Completely shielded light sources are preferred.

Floodlights and spotlights mounted on the exterior face of the home must: 1. Not detract from the appearance of the home. 2. Be able to be aimed so the filament glare is not visible from any adjacent properties. 3. Floodlights and spotlights mounted on poles or in trees are prohibited.

All holiday lights must be removed from the exterior of the house no later than two weeks following the holiday. Winter holiday lighting should be installed no earlier than Thanksgiving and removed no later than January 15th.

FENCES Any changes to fencing other than repair or maintenance of established fencing must be reviewed by the ARC in advance of commencement of work. Fences can be used for the following purposes: to visually define property lines; to provide security; and as an architectural feature intended to enhance the physical appearance of the house or property. Fences are not to extend past the front of the house and must be maintained as a good neighbor fence. GARAGE DOORS. Any replacements to the garage door that do not maintain the style of the original must be approved by the ARC. New or repainted garage doors should match the existing garage door unless approved by the ARC. GARBAGE AND YARD WASTE: No lot, open space, common property, street, or alley shall be used as a dumping ground for trash or rubbish of any kind. All garbage or other waste shall be kept in appropriate sanitary containers for proper disposal. Yard rakings, debris and dirt resulting from landscaping work shall not be dumped onto streets, open space, common property, alleys, any lot or adjacent property. Newspapers, phone books and other paper deliveries are not to be left in the yard or driveways/alcoves. They must be removed from site from the street. Garbage and yard debris containers must be stored at the side of the house, in the backyard or in the garage. Some models have an alcove next to the garage that is also an allowed location to store Garbage and yard debris containers.

Red recycling containers must be stored out of site from the street. Recycling bins are only permitted outside on the day before and the day after garbage and recycling pickup.

Red bins not in active use, visible outside the allowed days (listed above) will be subject to a $5.00 fine for each occurrence when noted during a monthly walk through by the landscape committee. This fine will not accrue interest and is not considered a daily fine

6 Quatama Park Homeowners Association until compliance is reached as are other ARC and Landscape violations. A notice of fine will be sent to the homeowner. No follow up notices will be mailed. If not paid from the first notice it will be added to the semi-annual assessment billing notice. GARDEN ARCHITECTURE. The ARC must approve gardening structures such as arbors, trellis, pergolas and similar structures that exceed the fence height. GRILLS (Permanent). Permanent grills must be placed in the rear yard of the house and as far as practical from the adjacent property lines and must have prior approval of the ARC. HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS. ARC approval is required prior to installation. All heating and cooling systems must be located behind the fence line. HOT TUBS/SPAS. Exterior hot tubs or spas must be located in the rear yard adjacent to the dwelling unit. The exterior finish of an elevated hot tub should blend with the exterior finish of the home, deck, or patio to which it is attached or most closely related. They must have prior approval by the ARC before purchase and installation. INSPECTIONS AND FINES : Quatama Park Homeowners Association inspects all properties within Quatama Park on a periodic basis. If a homeowner has not kept their home up to neighborhood standards as set forth by CC& R’s and ARC guidelines, Quatama Park Homeowner Association will cite them for non-compliance under this paragraph of the ARC Guidelines. Violations of these maintenance standards are violations of Quatama Park’s Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and may result in a Violation Notice during our periodic inspections. Fine and Restoration Assessment actions may occur if the homeowner doesn’t take corrective action in a timely manner. LANDSCAPING. Ongoing improvements to, and maintenance of, existing landscaping for individual residences in Quatama Park is greatly encouraged. Clear view of the street address from the street shall be maintained at all times for safety purposes. In general, an architectural review application is not required for minor landscape improvements such as foundation plantings and single specimen plantings. Any alteration, including re-grading, which changes the surface water runoff or detrimentally affects neighboring properties, requires ARC approval. The homeowner is responsible for maintenance and replacement of all landscaping on their lot. Colored rocks, or other rocks that do not blend in with the environment, are not permitted. Front and side lawns: 1. Landscaping in the front and side of the house may contain grass, evergreen groundcover, bark, small shrubs, specimen trees, annuals and hardscape when used as an accent element. Low maintenance/drought tolerant yards are acceptable if they contain evergreen shrubs. Plant materials should be appropriate in character, habit, species, size (both installed and mature size), number and arrangement for their purpose and environment. Native plants are highly recommended. 2. Slope finished grades away from the foundations and sides of any buildings. Transition new grades with existing grade on adjoining properties.

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Right-of-way parking strips: 1. Parking strips may contain grass, low growing evergreen ground cover, annuals perennials, small shrubs or bark. Using all gravel or rock is not acceptable. Any deviation from this guideline must be approved in advance from the ARC. 2. Landscaping should harmonize with adjacent parking strips. 3. Synthetic or man-made artificial materials are not allowed in the parking strips. Street Trees: 1. Street trees shall be pruned to the HOA standard of eight feet high over the sidewalks and pathways. They must also meet the County requirements of at least 12 feet high over the street. a. Exceptions will be allowed for smaller trees that have been planted as replacements for trees that have died. The exceptions will only be allowed until the tree is old enough to withstand pruning to the appropriate height restrictions. Common areas: 1. Landscaping the common areas should be coordinated with the Landscaping Committee. a. Vegetable gardens, while allowed, must be located behind the front plane of the house totally within the property boundaries. They must be located so as to minimize their visibility from neighboring properties and streets. Railroad ties, artificial turf and asphalt will not be allowed as landscaping materials. MAILBOXES AND NEWSPAPER CONTAINERS These are prohibited at all times. MAINTENANCE OF HOME AND STRUCTURES. Quatama Park is a medium density planned community. The appearance of each and every home in Quatama Park affects not only the overall look of the community but the individual property values within it. Property ownership in Quatama Park includes the responsibility for continued maintenance of all structures and grounds, which are part of each homeowner’s lot. This includes, but is not limited to, keeping buildings and structures in good condition and repair.

All homeowners are responsible for inspecting their own property periodically to ensure that there is no faded or peeling paint, rotting wood, loose mortar or spalled masonry.

All decks, fences and other exterior structures such as sheds and children’s recreation/play equipment must be kept in good repair. MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS: Homeowners are also responsible for the continued maintenance of all grounds and landscaping within their lot. The homeowner must keep grass, shrubs and trees neatly trimmed, properly cultivated and free of weeds, pet excrement, and other debris. Moss and clover are not allowed in front lawns.

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Homeowners may not allow garden hoses, drip hoses, trees, shrubs or plantings of any kind to overhang or otherwise encroach upon any sidewalk, street, pedestrian walkway, Quatama Park Homeowner’s Association common area or another homeowner’s property. The Landscape Committee will review this.

Sidewalks and pathaways that are accessed by HOA members should be kept up to the HOA maintenance standards and be maintained in a safe manner. a. Leaves, garbage, vegetative debris and other debris shall be kept at a minimum in all area’s utilized by HOA members. b. Tree roots that lift sidewalks and pathways must be managed to meet the American Disabilities Act requirements. c. Overhead clearance for all sidewalks and pathways must be maintained at eight feet or above. Violations of these maintenance standards may be subject to action by the HOA. MAINTENANCE SUMMARY: It is impossible to list and describe each and every component of a homeowner’s lot that must be maintained and how it should be maintained. Suffice it to say that all exterior finishes, whether brick, metal, wood or any other material, should be maintained in a state of good repair. Siding must be clean and free of significant warping or bubbling. Peeling paint and rotting wood evidenced by cracks and black mold or soft areas must be sanded, caulked and repainted. Homeowners must replace or, if possible, repair any rotted wood components. These guidelines are designed to insure not only that all units look their best but also that costly repairs are not necessary because routine maintenance is performed in a timely fashion. OUTDOOR STORAGE .  No hazardous substances or materials should be stored in the side yard (that area located between and/or to the side of houses).  Storage units should not exceed 6 feet high. They must be located in either the rear yard of the property or toward the back fence of the side yards within the property boundary.  No items should be stored that would attract rodents such as a wood pile.  Trash should be contained to the trash bin or hauled away within two weeks.  All items should be located as far back from the front of the house as possible to lessen the visual impact.  Side yards are not to be used for long term storage.  Temporary Storage PODS may not be placed in the driveways or front yards for more than 15 days.  See Storage Sheds Section for more information.

PATIOS. Patios that are not builder options require the prior approval of the ARC. Patios for homes should generally be to the rear of the home, unless the site plan, topography and/or elevation would appear to favor a side or wrap-around placement as more useful and aesthetically suitable, and the house and landscaping is designed with that potential in

Page 9 of 13 Quatama Park Homeowners Association mind. Any slope of the walking surface of the patio must be downwards and away from the rear of the house. PETS. For the safety of all, pets must be kept leashed at all times when outside. Pet owners must also clean up after their pets whenever they are off their owner’s lot as there are many children who play outside in our neighborhood. Allowing your animal to leave excrement anywhere in our association may subject the pet owner to action by the HOA. PRIVACY SCREENING. Privacy screens are considered to be architectural extensions of the house, both in design and in its materials. All must have prior approval before installation by the ARC. RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT. Semi-permanent play equipment, which either constitutes a structure or is appurtenant to an existing structure, requires approval. Examples include sandboxes, playhouses, swing sets, etc. The following factors will govern approval of such equipment. Location: All equipment must be placed in rear yards. All elements of the equipment must be within the homeowner’s lot boundaries. Scale and Design: The design and any individual screening are additional considerations in evaluating whether or not there will be an adverse visual impact. The equipment must not be readily visible from adjacent roadways and common elements. Natural colors are encouraged. Basketball Backboards & Poles: No basketball backboards or poles may be permanently installed in the front of the house. Temporary basketball poles may not be stored on the sidewalk or yard. All basketball backboards/poles must be properly maintained or replaced if worn.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. No boat, trailer, RV or camper shall be stored on a lot, street or driveway except within an enclosed garage. No recreational vehicles shall be parked on the street longer than 3 days, unless ARC gives written permission. Approval will depend on the location where the vehicle is parked and whether it disturbs traffic or neighbors. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. Storm or screen replacement windows must be white or the color of the immediately surrounding trim. The mullion design must be compatible with the existing or neighboring windows. ROOFS. Any replacements to the roof that do not maintain the style of the original must be approved by the ARC. SATELLITE DISHES. An application must be submitted to the ARC for approval of proposed satellite dishes. Satellite dishes must be attached to the house and not installed in the front of the house unless placing the dish in the back impairs reception. Documentation of the impairment will be required with the application. Satellite dishes must be approved by the ARC before purchase and installation. SCREENED PORCHES AND SUN ROOMS. Must be approved prior to installation by the ARC and must comply with applicable Washington County building code requirements. Permits shall be obtained and displayed during construction. The term

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“Screened Porch” is defined as a fully enclosed exterior addition to the rear of a home, constructed of wood (or high quality, durable, man-made framing such as coated metal or composite material) and screening. SECURITY BARS. The use of security bars or grates on windows and doors is prohibited. Homeowners concerned about the security of their homes are advised to consider alternatives, including alarms and sophisticated lock systems. SIDEWALKS AND PATHWAYS. Must be approved by the ARC prior to installation. Stone, brick, concrete, or similar durable construction material should be used. Permeable pathways between houses are preferred to avoid drainage issues. The scale, locations and design should be compatible with the lot, home and surroundings. SIDING AND/OR STONEWORK. ARC must approve any design change to the exterior of the home. SIGNS: Signs may be posted as follows:  A sign mounted to the exterior of the residence identifying the occupant and the address – maximum size of 12” by 12”.

 Signs may not be posted in exterior windows or outside without ARC approval. Exceptions allowed are campaign signs during election, holiday displays, alarm system notification, and real estate signs (see bullet below)

 “Open House” signs are not to be permanently displayed and must be removed when the home is not being shown.

 Since this neighborhood is not zoned for businesses, no advertising signs will be allowed.

 Real Estate Signs: Only signs advertising a property for sale or rent may be displayed. Such signs must meet applicable County regulations with respect to size, content and removal.

SKYLIGHTS: Must be approved prior to installation and must have proper building permit paperwork with respect to the county.

SOLAR PANELS. Solar panels will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the ARC prior to installation.

STORAGE SHEDS. Storage sheds are defined as exterior enclosures capable of hiding or storing equipment, materials or supplies for protection from theft, visibility or weather. All permanent or removable sheds require ARC approval prior to installation. All sheds must be maintained in good condition.

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SWIMMING POOLS. No swimming pools are allowed, excluding portable pools, which are play equipment for children. The portable pool must be located in the rear of the property. Portable pools should be stored away on the off season.

UTILITY TRAILERS. Are not allowed to be parked on the street for more than five days. WIRES AND CABLES. Wires and cables, including those installed to convey radio or television signals, shall be hidden, buried or painted and secured flush with the side of each house so as to minimize their visibility.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above guidelines or other exterior modifications, contact the ARC.

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