Gas Well De-Liquification Workshop s1

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Gas Well De-Liquification Workshop s1

Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Steering Committee Meeting Action Items September 30, 2004

Topic Person Action Status

Workshop Cleon Draft the evaluation sheet for the Done Evaluations continuing education courses and review it with the Steering Committee.

Cleon Draft the evaluation sheet for the Done workshop and review it with the Steering Committee.

Cleon Draft a workshop questionnaire and Done review it with the Steering Committee.

Cleon Place the evaluation sheets and the questionnaire on the web site.

Cleon Send the evaluation sheets and the questionnaire to all workshop attendees after the workshop.

Ronda Make copies of the evaluation sheets and the questionnaire to hand out at the workshop.

Door Prizes Ronda Acquire 15 door prizes to be given to those who turn in evaluation forms. Hand out 5 prizes on Tuesday morning, 5 on Wednesday morning, and 5 at the end of the day on Wednesday.

Ronda Consider restaurant gift certificates for the door prizes. Avoid anything that can’t be carried on an airplane.

Cleon & Communicate with all exhibitors and Ronda encourage them to donate door prizes. Gift certificates will only be given out if there aren’t enough donated door prizes.

Receptions, Ronda Work with the hotel to arrange the Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Page 2 Steering Committee Meeting – September 30, 2004

Topic Person Action Status

Dinners menus for the Monday and Tuesday evening receptions.

Continuing Richard See if can produce the notebooks at Education Christiansen Colorado School of Mines. Let us know by Oct. 15.

All All materials to go into the notebooks Instructors must be delivered to Ronda Brewer no later than Jan. 24, 2005.

Technical Rick Check with DynaCoil to see if they can Sessions Hornsby tell about use of coiled tubing in offshore wells with subsurface safety valves.

Panel Cleon Place guidelines on the web site. Done Sessions Cleon Send the guidelines to each of the Session chairs as each of them will help to lead the panel discussions.

Cleon Lead each of the panel discussions, with help from each Session Chair. We each need to hold portable microphones so each person who asks a question from the floor can be heard.

Breakout Cleon Re-arrange the schedule to have Done Sessions presentation of the breakout summaries on Wednesday morning.

Keynote Jeff Fisher Report back on whether or not Done. He cannot. Speaker McClinton can provide the keynote address.

Jim Lea If he cannot, contact the Burlington VP and ask him.

International Cleon Place a question in the 2005 Workshop Done Sub- questionnaire to gauge the interest in Committee doing this.

Workshop Cleon Place a question in the 2005 Workshop Done Location questionnaire to gauge people’s Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Page 3 Steering Committee Meeting – September 30, 2004

Topic Person Action Status

interest in keeping the workshop in Denver vs. moving it to other locations.

New Norm Hein Nominate a person from ConocoPhillips Committee to serve on the Steering Committee. Members Scott Nominate a person from an Campbell independent producer to serve on the Steering Committee.

Advertising Gordon Inform all who attended the BP Gas the Workshop Gates Well Deliquification Workshop about this workshop.

Ronda and Send a note to all people who attended Cleon the 2004 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop.

Mark Contact the Oil and Gas Journal about Edwards placing the workshop on their calendar of events.

Jim Lea Contact World Oil about placing the workshop on their calendar of events.

Cleon Contact Hart’s E&P about placing the workshop on their calendar of events.

Robert Lestz Contact PTTC about advertising the workshop on their various newsletters.

Cleon Make a PDF version of the workshop brochure so this can be used in advertising.

Norm Hein Present the workshop in the Permian Basis Oil Show, October 19 – 21, 2004, in the Odessa, Texas Civic Center.

Cleon Update the Workshop flier and have it Done ready for downloading by Oct. 15, 2004.

Next Meeting Scott Send an invitation and directions to all Campbell steering committee members.

Cleon Draft an agenda for this meeting. Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Page 4 Steering Committee Meeting – September 30, 2004

Topic Person Action Status

Other Items Jeff Fisher Encourage Chesapeake Energy staff to produce a paper for the 2005 workshop.

Rick Explore the possibility of giving a paper Done. He cannot. Hornsby on the economic potential of gas well optimization.

Robert Lestz Check on obtaining pertinent case histories from PTTC and World Oil.

Scott Encourage broader participation from Campbell gas well folks in the Denver area.

Ramez Pursue Schlumberger’s international Guindi contacts and encourage them to attend the workshop.

Cleon Add request to the exhibitor registration Done form and the exhibitor information sheet on to not begin tear down until after Wed. pm break.

Ronda and Visit with the Renaissance Hotel to Done. The Scott determine a practical limit on the practical limit is Campbell maximum number of registrants. They 310 people. are to report back on this by Oct. 15, 2004.

Cleon Place a statement on the limit on the Done registration form and in the web site.

Cleon Place a request for this permission on Done the paper nomination form and on the web site.

Ronda and Prepare the necessary continuing Lloyd education credit certificates. Heinze

Rickard Organize an optional visit to the Christiansen Colorado School of Mines test lab. This will be offered on Tuesday evening, after the workshop reception.

Cleon Dunham Oilfield Automation Consulting Agenda: September 9, 2004 Minutes: October 4, 2004 Action Items: October 13, 2004

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