Chemistry & Society Course Requirements
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Mrs. Lehner Period 1 Chemistry & Society Course Syllabus Chemistry & Society 2007-08 Syllabus Mrs. Lehner 8/31/07 2007-08
Overview: Chemistry & Society seeks to present the fundamental concepts of chemistry as they are related to social issues. I have listed each Unit that we will cover, as well as the corresponding scientific principles given in parenthesis. I hope this provides a “Big Picture” of what to expect this year. We will be covering: QUARTER 1 INTRODUCTORY SCIENTIFIC METHODS (metric measurement, math, dimensional analysis, proper lab techniques, evaluating scientific literature) WATER (solution chemistry, classification of matter, solubility and solvents, introduction to symbols, formulas, and equations, concentration) QUARTER 2 NATURAL RESOURCES (atomic structure, periodic table use, periodic properties and trends, balancing equations) QUARTER 3 NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY (history of atomic structure, types of radiation, half-lives, and ission and fusion reactions) PETROLEUM (bonding, combustion, molecular modeling, introduction to organic chemistry, polymers) QUARTER 4 FOODS and CONSUMER CHEMISTRY (energy in reactions, biochemistry, limiting reactions)
Fees: All science courses require a $15 fee to cover consumable supplies and the unintentional yet inevitable breakage of equipment. This is paid to the main office.
Supplies: You will need the following items: three ring binder with pockets, 5 tabbed dividers, spiral bound paper notebook, scientific calculator (if it has a log button, it’s scientific), writing utensil, paper.
Grading: Grades will be based upon cumulative points earned per quarter. Scale: 90-100% A Approximate Breakdown: Quarterly Exam 80-89% B Quizzes 50% 70-79% C Labs 15% 60-69% D Notebook 5% 0-59% F Quarter Project 15% Assignments 15%
Tests and Quizzes will occur on most Fridays that will cover the concepts gone over in Quizzes: class that week. They will be a mixture of multiple choice, short answer, problems, and at least one extended response essay. Labs, notes, homework problems, assigned reading, and classroom discussions are all fair game for Quizzes. There will be a cumulative Exam at the end of each quarter. Grades for both 1st and 2nd Quarter Exams will be averaged to provide the Semester Exam grade. The same will apply to 3rd and 4th quarters for the Final Exam grade.
Labs: Labs will generally be done on a weekly basis. You will work in assigned lab groups, and may usually turn in one Lab write-up per group. Duties will rotate among group members, and ALL members are required to understand the concepts covered. A lab folder will be provided for your group, and data and write-ups are to remain in this folder in our classroom so that everyone has access. In addition, at least one formal, typed lab report will be required each quarter.
Homework: Homework is assigned on a regular basis, and is designed to provide independent practice over the concepts and problems presented in class. Selected assignments will be collected at the beginning of class to check for completion, and randomly to be graded for correctness. All assignments will be gone over in class regardless of whether they are collected. Furthermore, even thought credit may not be given instantaneously, credit will be given for all assignments when notebooks are collected at the end of each quarter. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking the time to do your homework assignments. If you are not mature and/or responsible enough to do the homework and to correct your mistakes, you will not excel in this course.
Classwork: Classwork is often given to reinforce difficult and important concepts, and provides you with the opportunity to have help from the teacher while you work. It is expected to be completed during class, and will not be accepted late. Time to work on assignments in class will quickly disappear if not used effectively by all.
Group: Groups can earn bonus points for participation and working effectively, attendance, increasing group averages on tests, and having the highest averages on tests. These points will accumulate quarterly, and the top 3 groups will receive 3,2, and 1% point added to their quarterly grades!!
Notebooks: Must be kept up to date and in chronological order. They will be collected at random at least once each quarter for a grade. You will be given several “Resources” that will remain in the front of your notebook. Tabs should be labeled as follows: Resources, Notes, Labs, Tests, Homework.
Absences: The policy for excused absences is that you will be allowed the same number of days to make-up assignments as you were absent. I will not remind you to turn in or make-up work. Exchange numbers with at least two people in your class that you can depend upon for notes and information you missed while you were gone. When you come back do these things: 1. Check the Calendar posted for your course to see what you have missed 2. Turn in any assignments given while you were present, but collected in your absence into the ABSENT FOLDER BIN. 3. Get any documents passed out in the CHEMISTRY & SOCIETY FILE BIN 4. If you have missed a test or quiz, you must arrange a mutually convenient time to make it up – don’t lose a letter grade by forgetting to make up a test until it’s too late!!
Late Work: I do not accept late work. It is late if it is not turned in directly when called for.
Extra Credit: I do not provide extra credit on demand. Occasionally, I may give an extra credit assignment to all – it’s your choice to take advantage of these opportunities when provided.
Remember: Your actions, attitudes, and behavior greatly determine what we do and how we do it in this class!!