PAP Chemistry Course Information

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PAP Chemistry Course Information

PAP Chemistry Course Information

Katie Mitchell [email protected] (preferred method of contact) Manvel High School - 281.245.2232 x4364

Parent/teacher conferences may be scheduled by appointment only during 6th period or by appointment before or after school daily.

I would like to welcome you and your child to Chemistry! Please find below some general information to help us start out the year. Parents, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. You can reach me at the above e-mail address or telephone number.

This year we will also begin using the Engage Learning Model (ELM). This new model will help students to become better thinkers and learners. Students will be challenged to develop 21st century skills that are in high demand by employers and beneficial to post-secondary goals. We will work on developing scientific skills that are essential to success in all aspects of this course as well as future courses.

The following includes important information about our classroom policies and procedures. Please keep this sheet as a resource so that you can refer back to it when you have questions.

Materials/Supplies needed:

 Blue or black pens ONLY (no red please)  Pencils with ERASERS  2 - Black and white composition notebook (one per semester)  2" - 3" binder  15 dividers  100 - 3x5 index cards  1 - box of Kleenex for classroom use  1 hand sanitizer or hand soap  1 pkg colored construction paper OR 1 ream copier paper (white or color)  Earbuds for ELM activities  Scientific calculator - optional, but highly recommended  Device with internet capability - optional, but highly recommended

Class Expectations:

1. Be on time in dress code.

2. Bring all materials to class.

3. Follow directions.

4. Be respectful. BYOD: Students are allowed to have devices in class with permission only. These devices are only to be used in an academic manner. Students must follow guidelines at all times or the device will be taken up in accordance to district policy.

AISD Science Grading System:

Tests: (40%) – There will be two to three major tests per nine weeks. Calculators provided by the teacher may be used for the tests when mathematical computations are necessary. Students may not use their personal calculators for major assessments or quizzes.

Labs: (40%) – Lab grades are based on completion of pre-lab assessments, participation during lab, adherence to safety regulations, housekeeping, and the written assignment. Pre-labs should be done prior to coming to class. This will help ensure the safety of all who will be working in the lab. Any students with long hair should ALWAYS keep a tie in their backpacks for lab days/activities.

Lab Reports: Lab reports are to be professional quality, typed or hand written, and in the format provided by the instructor. They are due the beginning of class usually within one week after the lab is completed. Approximately 2 labs will be formally written, one each semester. Other labs and investigations may only have data, conclusions, and analyses. Guidelines for the formal lab reports, including a grading rubric, will be given prior to the first formal lab report.

Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from the lab activities and a low lab grade. A safety contract will be sent home and filled out by the student as well as the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before a student can participate in any lab.

Daily, Quizzes and Homework: (20%) – There will be quizzes. Prepare yourself by doing your homework and paying attention in class as well as during lab exercises. Homework will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. Some homework will be graded for accuracy, some for completion, and some will be non- graded practice assignments to be reviewed in class the next day.

Late work: Late work will be accepted for Pre-AP Chemistry students only during the 1st 9 weeks with a penalty.

One day: 80% maximum grade

Two days: 60% maximum grade

Three days or later: no credit

Cheating: Sharing answers during assessments (tests, quizzes, lab reports, etc.) is strictly forbidden. There is to be no talking during these exercises. Unless otherwise stated in class, all devices must be stored in backpacks at the front of the classroom during assessments of any type. Talking during quizzes and tests will result in an irreplaceable zero for the assignment as a consequence for cheating.

Tardy Policy: You will be counted tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. No exceptions!!!! Being 10 minutes late to class is an automatic absence in accordance with district policy. Note: Please take care of phone calls, restroom trips, water, supply borrowing. etc., before class begins.

Absences: In the event of absences due to school business, trips, religious holidays, etc., arrangements for assignments should be made prior to the function. In the case of an unplanned absence students should check with me upon return to class. It is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed assignments due to an absence by the newly established due date given by the teacher. The number of days allowed for makeup work will equal the number of days absent. LABS, TESTS, AND QUIZZES MUST BE MADE UP DURING TUTORIALS, not another class period.

Tutoring: A tutoring poster for the science department will be posted in each science room. I encourage all students to take advantage of tutoring, especially if they are having difficulty in class. I will offer tutorials Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 6:50-7:20. In the case of an unplanned absence students should check with me upon return to class. It is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed assignments due to an absence by the newly established due date by the

I am very excited to have you in my class and look forward to an exciting and challenging year. Please contact me at any time.

Coach Mitchell  A Note Concerning Pre AP Chemistry: Many students find Pre AP chemistry to be a challenging class. We move quickly and cover a large number of topics. Chemistry Pre-AP is a math based science class. The math needed is an extension of Algebra I; however, some of the math concepts are from Algebra II. Students who did not master algebra should be prepared to come to tutorials weekly and spend extra time outside of class improving their math skills.

Please acknowledge that you and your parent or guardians have received the Manvel High School PAP Chemistry Course Information sheet and syllabus. I understand the class expectations by signing and returning this page to me by Friday, August 30, 2013.

Student name printed ______

Class period______

______Student signature/date

______Parent signature/date

______Parent contact email address

______Parent contact phone number

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