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Professional Development & Specialized Support Services

School Improvement Pearson2013 SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT SERVICES Professional Development & Specialized Support Services

Implement Sustainable School Improvement

Show more results  Help all students meet high standards for college and career readiness.  Establish a comprehensive progress-monitoring system and a data-driven culture.  Develop school-level capacity for continuous improvement.

Contents Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM)...... 4 Data-Driven Culture Institute...... 8

Show More Results with Pearson Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM) Pearson’s Schoolwide Improvement Model (SIM) is an innovative, standards-based system of comprehensive school improvement services designed to support you in helping all students become college and career ready. Forged in partnerships with more than a thousand schools, SIM represents the culmination of two decades of verifiable third-party research, experience, and results.

The Five Components of SIM SIM’s comprehensive, flexible approach to schoolwide improvement incorporates five components proven to be essential for creating sustainable student success.

Standards-Aligned Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Standards-based learning and the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment form the foundation of SIM. The model builds a collective commitment to systemic improvement by integrating content-area concentrations in math and English language arts with a Schoolwide Instructional Focus on practices that support students’ development of college- and career-readiness behaviors.

High-Performance Leadership, Management, and Organization: SIM trains leadership teams to empower staff through distributed leadership, balance support and pressure to help teachers transform their practices, and focus the organization on schoolwide activities that are proven to positively impact student success. Data-Driven Culture: SIM helps schools build and maintain an effective, data-driven, technology-supported culture. Schools use multiple measures to help teachers improve instructional practices and monitor individual student progress to inform a differentiated and personalized approach to learning.

High Achievement and Engagement: SIM engages staff, parents/guardians, and the community in supporting high achievement for all students. The model includes the Pearson Graduation Risk Insight system, which identifies at-risk students so intervention services can be provided.

Sustainability for Continuous Improvement: Building school-level capacity to continue the improvement work independently is a priority of SIM from the start. The model supports a gradual transfer of responsibility for improvement from Pearson staff to school staff through professional development, coaching, technical assistance, and collaborative practices, as well as through structures and processes for sustaining, monitoring, and adjusting the implementation over time.

Implementing SIM SIM includes a three-year implementation plan with milestones and realistic deliverables. Focused on results, the process moves educators from a stage where support and scaffolding help drive the implementation to a stage where the teams collaborate in self-managed ways, focusing on continuous schoolwide improvement.

Planning Conference (3–4 months prior to Year 1)  Gather data for implementation plan  Develop schedules and benchmarks  Identify leadership team and teacher facilitators

Launch Institute (Year 1 launch: 2–3 months)  Conduct Launch Institute  Establish schoolwide instructional practices  Launch data modules  Begin teacher workgroups  Begin progress monitoring

Implementation (Year 1 implementation: 7 months)  Continue leadership team development  Implement Schoolwide Instructional Focus  Conduct job-embedded professional development through teacher workgroups and technical assistance  Introduce Foundation Curriculum Units to model rigorous instruction  Continue progress monitoring and reporting  Collect data for planning for next year

Extended Implementation (Years 2 and 3)

877.637.1604 | 2  Carry out advanced implementation  Extend implementation of Schoolwide Instructional Focus  Use Foundation Curriculum Units to scaffold teacher curriculum-development skills  Continue leadership team development  Continue job-embedded professional development  Continue progress monitoring and evaluation  Build capacity for independent sustainability

Progress Monitoring SIM includes a progress monitoring system that provides a comprehensive process for monitoring, measuring, and improving implementation. The process provides actionable information—based on implementation data, measures of change in behavior and practice at the school, student outcomes data, and the Pearson Graduation Risk Insight system—to ensure that goals are met and all students are on track to becoming college and career ready.

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Success Story Students with Disabilities Achieve a 31% Gain in Literacy and a 30% Gain in Math in One Year

Vera Kilpatrick Elementary School Texarkana, Arkansas

CHALLENGE In October 2010, Vera Kilpatrick Elementary School in Texarkana, Arkansas, was in its fifth year of school improvement and struggling with low test scores and an ineffective school culture that did not support learning. In December, Kilpatrick faced a Scholastic Audit by the Arkansas Department of Education for schools in school improvement.

SOLUTION Pearson America’s Choice helped the school prepare for the audit and bring much- needed structure to teaching and learning in order to improve student performance. Over the course of the year, the company’s team met with educators at Kilpatrick approximately twenty times. The team led focus walks around the school, which resulted in immediate feedback to teachers, and participated in leadership meetings.

RESULTS After working with the company for just two months, the school received a much better evaluation in the Scholastic Audit than it had in the past, scoring mostly 2s on a scale of 1–4, with 4 being the highest. On the Arkansas Benchmark Exam in April 2011, students demonstrated significant improvement. While every subgroup performed much better than in the past, students with disabilities, in particular, made huge gains.

877.637.1604 | 3 “The [Pearson] America’s Choice process was an eye-opener for us. First it helped us see where we were, and then it helped us see what had to be done.” —David Walls Principal Vera Kilpatrick Elementary School

Data-Driven Culture

Data-Driven Culture Institute Number of Days: 3 The Data-Driven Culture Institute helps participants develop the habits of appropriate and effective use of data to guide decisions in order to build and sustain a data culture in their school or district. Participants learn how to use data to plot a course for instruction, course-correct as needed, and sustain continuous improvement in the long term. They explore such topics as data literacy, the analysis of student work, triangulation, and effective instructional strategies. The institute emphasizes the use of collaborative practices to optimize the effective and efficient use of data in schools. OUTCOMES: By the end of this institute, participants will be able to:  Understand the role of data and a data-driven culture in the context of current college and career readiness standards.  Understand how to unpack and evaluate data strategically.  Access tools and determine best strategies to address instructional issues.  Use quality assessment practices and progress monitoring data to determine and interpret change.  Share best practices. TARGET AUDIENCE: K–12 Educators, School Leaders, Coaches, District Administrators Number of Participants: 30 ISBN: 119208 Specialist support to help schools create a data-driven culture is available.

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