Title: Malaysia: Escape to Hardship

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Title: Malaysia: Escape to Hardship

UNHCR Title: Malaysia: Escape to Hardship File: 2014-12-10-malaysia-escape-to-hardship-int.mp4 Shoot date: August 25, 2014 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Shoot: Khairun Lamb/Dos Fellas/Vivian Tan/Alexandre St. Denis Sound: Nat/Rohingya Air Date: December 10, 2014 Format: 16:9

SCRIPT: Desperate measures….to escape live without hope….

Abdullah undertook such a sea journey to flee his homeland, Myanmar……his destination was South East Asia

CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “I didn’t know anything about the sea. I didn’t know the way here, or that I would face many hardships along the way.”

And there were many hardships.

The first was the boat …there were almost 600 people on it.

CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “Because the place was very small, we sat on top of each other. It was very hot. There was no food. In that situation, four people died. They held one man by his hands and legs and threw him into the sea.”

After 12 days at sea, Abdullah landed in Thailand. He was taken to a smuggler’s camp in the forest.

For weeks, he was not allowed to lie down, move, or open his eyes in case he tried to escape.

The smugglers demanded money for his release.

CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “Every morning the boss came to the agent to ask if we called home, when we’re going to pay.”

“If we couldn’t give the money, they would beat us.”

Eventually his family in Myanmar borrowed money and paid for his release to Malaysia.

But prolonged confinement and malnutrition had taken its toll. 1 Abdullah was almost paralyzed.

CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “It’s very hard to look back on my experiences. But I will remember them until I go to my grave. When I think about it I feel like crying.”

But some losses can never be recovered.

CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “My youngest daughter kept asking my wife where I was. She said I had gone somewhere to buy earrings for everyone.”

“The girl said, my father will never return again. She died from worry and a broken heart.”

At 22 years of age, Abdullah is now learning to walk again.

He longs to be reunited with his family….well aware that the risks he took…only to face abuse and exploitation along the way may...may have been too much.


10:00:00:00 iPhone footage from Batoor of Afghan refugees on boat at sea 10:00:09:13 Abdullah walking with another man helping him walk

10:00:19:24 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “I didn’t know anything about the sea. I didn’t know the way here, or that I would face many hardships along the way.” 10:00:28:20Abdullah folding clothes on bed

10:00:36:17 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “Because the place was very small, we sat on top of each other. It was very hot. There was no food. In that situation, four people died. They held one man by his hands and legs and threw him into the sea.”

10:01:01:18 Various of Abdullah eating in the kitchen

10:01:04:22 Various of Abdullah eating in the kitchen

10:01:09:21 Various of Abdullah eating in the kitchen

10:01:16:21 Various of Abdullah eating in the kitchen

10:01:19:11 Various of Abdullah eating in the kitchen

10:01:23:15 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee

2 “Every morning the boss came to the agent to ask if we called home, when we’re going to pay.”

10:01:28:17 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “If we couldn’t give the money, they would beat us.”

10:01:34:11 Various of Abdullah playing board game with colleagues

10:01:35:11 Various of Abdullah playing board game with colleagues

10:01:39:10 Various of Abdullah playing board game with colleagues

10:01:43:05 Abdullah in the kitchen

10:01:50:23 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “It’s very hard to look back on my experiences. But I will remember them until I go to my grave. When I think about it I feel like crying.”

10:02:04:11 CU of Abdullah’s face

10:02:09:06 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “My youngest daughter kept asking my wife where I was. She said I had gone somewhere to buy earrings for everyone.”

10:02:21:17 CLIP: Abdullah, Rohingya refugee “My child said, my father will never return. He went to Malaysia. And because she was worried, she died.”

10:02:32:12 CU of Abdullah’s face, crying

10:02:48:19 END


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